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Concept of Variable Unit-Linked

In this module, you will discover why Variable Unit-Linked (VUL) has become the most popular
insurance plan in the past decade. In simple terms, VUL is a financial product that offers the best of both
worlds - guaranteed insurance benefit and fund accumulation. Since the policy is linked to different asset
classes such as stocks and bonds, VUL presents earning potential that may not be offered in a traditional
Lesson 1 of 11

Learning Objective

By the end of this module, you will be able to:

Describe the concept of Variable Unit-Linked (VUL)

Lesson 2 of 11

Definition of Terms

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Variable Unit-Linked

A life insurance policy that offers both insurance protection with benefits (or fund value) directly related to the
performance of the investment funds chosen by the client

Offer price or Selling Price

The price which the insurer uses to allocate units to a policy when premiums are paid

Bid price or Buying Price

The price which the insurer will give for the units if the policyholder wishes to cash in or claim under the policy

These are single premium injections which can be used to buy additional units

Premium Holiday

This refers to the cessation of premium payments on a variable life insurance contract for a period, with a view to
continue it later on

Forward Pricing

This is a pricing structure wherein the buying and selling prices of units are determined at the next valuation date

Allocation of premiums

This is the periodic distribution of premiums to insurance and units

15 day cooling-off period

This means that the contract may be returned within 15 days of receipt by the policyholder
Grace Period

31 days grace period

Policy Fee

This covers administrative expenses

Mortality Charges

This covers mortality cost (dependent on age)

Unallocated Premiums

This is a part of the premium being deposited for marketing & setting-up expenses of the policy

Full Withdrawal Charges

This is deducted when the policy is fully withdrawn
Bid-Offer Spread

This is the difference between bid and offer prices

Fund Management Fee

It is imposed on each investment fund (0.5% - 2% per annum) and is used to cover investment expenses


- Facility for transferring from one fund to another
- Limited number of switches are usually not charged
- Useful in retirement and education fees planning

Fund Allocation Charge

Charges that are imposed when there are changes in the fund allocation in the policy

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Lesson 3 of 11

Key Concepts: Traditional vs. Non-Traditional Policies

To understand what VULs are, here is a high-level overview of the difference

between Traditional and Non-traditional Policies.

Click each card to learn more.

1. Premiums, cash values and

death benefits are pre-
2. Policyholders do not have
investment options
3. Implicit charges

Examples: Whole Life,

1. Cash Values/Fund Values

are not pre-determined
2. Additional premiums may
be allowed (on top of regular
3. Policyholders may have

Complete the content above before moving on.

Next: Key Concepts: Universal Life (UL) vs. Variable Life (VL)
Learn the difference between these two concepts.

Lesson 4 of 11

Key Concepts: Universal Life (UL) vs. Variable Life


You will now explore the difference between Universal Life (UL) vs. Variable
Life (VL).

Click each card to learn more.

1. Unbundled
2. Flexible Premiums, Death
3. Seen as savings account
plus term insurance
4. Interest credited to account
value, usually subject to
minimum interest rate

1. Fixed premium, minimum

death benefit
2. Cash value depends on
investment performance
3. Policy owner has a choice
of investment funds

Complete the content above before moving on.

Next: VUL Defined

What is VUL?

Lesson 5 of 11

VUL Defined

Variable Unit-Linked or VUL is a life insurance policy that offers both insurance protection with benefits (or fund
value) directly related to the performance of the investment funds chosen by the client.
VUL combines the:

Premium & death flexibility of Universal Life (UL)

Investment Control of Variable Life (VL)

Watch this short video to learn more about VUL.

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Complete the content above before moving on.

Next: VUL Advantages
Discover VUL advantages.

Lesson 6 of 11

VUL Advantages

Click each tab to learn more about VUL advantages.


- Reduces the risk
- Invested in a wide array of issues/securities
- Wide range of investments with a small sum of money

Professional Management

- Experts/full-time professional managers
- Analyze various investments products available and select those that would give possible returns


- Simple product designs: investment driven or insurance based

- Low capital requirement
- The ability to readily convert investments into cash


- Can be purchased directly from the fund/broker/financial planner
- Tracking through-financial statements & financial pages of newspaper
Changes are Transparent

- Premium charges, insurance charges, investment charges & administration fees

Investment Risk (Risk/Reward Trade-off)

- The less the risk in a given investment, the less the opportunity for gain. The more risk assumed, the greater the
potential return
- Death and disability benefits are dependent on sum assured and/or value of units
- Suitable for those who can tolerate short-term fluctuations in cash value
- Not for those who want high protection and guaranteed cash and maturity values

Gets the client involved

With certain charges, the client can:

- Make full and partial withdrawal

- Add subsequent investments anytime
- Vary investment mix at anytime
- Be involved in maximizing fund returns through peso-cost averaging
Complete the content above before moving on.

Next: Peso Cost-Averaging

Learn how people are able to take advantage of peso cost averaging through VUL

Lesson 7 of 11

Peso Cost-Averaging

With VUL, people are able to take advantage of peso cost


Peso cost averaging is an investing technique intended

to reduce exposure to risk associated with making a
single large purchase. The idea is simple: spend a
fixed peso amount at regular intervals (e.g., monthly)
on a particular investment or portfolio, regardless of
the unit price.
It leverages the basic principle of supply and demand by, purchasing more
units when prices are low and fewer units when prices are high.

This means, less time and effort is invested to monitor market movements and
to strategically time one’s investment.

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How can we maximize the returns of the fund?

Encourage regular monthly top-ups.

Instill the discipline and habit of saving.
Buy low, sell high!

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Next: Knowledge Check

Review what you've learned.

Lesson 8 of 11

Knowledge Check


This combines the premium and death flexibility of Universal Life (UL) and the Investment Control
of Variable Life (VL).

Variable-Unit Linked

Traditional Insurance

Financial Planning

Financial Portfolio


This is an investing technique intended to reduce exposure to risk associated with making a single
large purchase.

Risk Appetite

Variable-Unit Linked

Traditional Insurance

Peso-Cost Averaging


This VUL advantage reduces risks as investments are done in a wide array of issues/securities.



Professional Management

Lesson 9 of 11


Variable-Unit Linked Life Insurance is an insurance contract with benefits related directly to the performance of units.

The performance of the units is directly linked to the performance of assets.

The units are backed by specific assets like shares, bonds, property, and unit trusts.

It has a Guaranteed Face Amount.

Cash surrender & maturity values are not guaranteed.

Insurers collect charges from unit fund to cover related operating expenses.

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Next: Achievement Badge

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Lesson 10 of 11


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Next: Resources
You may download the module handout.

Lesson 11 of 11

Downloadable Handout

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Concept of Variable Unit-Linked.pdf

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