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(First Saturday)

Age 3-6 years old

THEME: JA1 Mission
BIBLE VERSE: Luke 4:14-21
LESSON TITLE: Jesus Teaches the Synagogue
BOTTOM LINE: Jesus came to help me.

Age 7-9 years old

THEME: JA1 Mission

BIBLE VERSE: Luke 4:14-21
LESSON TITLE: A doctor’s prescription.
BOTTOM LINE: Jesus came to heal and forgive

Second Saturday (7-9) (3-6)

Age 3-6 years old.

THEME: JA1 Vision
BIBLE VERSE: Genesis 12:1-9
LESSON TITLE: Abram Follows God
BOTTOM LINE: Children will learn that God called Abram to follow Him and that Abram faithfully
followed God.

Age 7- 9 years old.

THEME: JA1 Vision
BIBLE VERSE: Genesis 12:1-9,13
LESSON TITLE: God's Promise to Abram
BOTTOM LINE: God uses people He calls to fulfill His promises.

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