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"Empowering Coaches through Online Refresher Courses: An Action Research Study on Enhancing

Sports Programs in the Division of Bohol"

The Online Refresher Course for Coaches in the Division of Bohol presents a great
opportunity for the improvement and enhancement of sports programs in public schools. With
the ongoing pandemic and the shift to online learning, coaches are faced with new challenges in
providing quality sports programs to learners. This refresher course aims to empower
coaches with the necessary skills and knowledge to continue delivering effective and efficient
sports programs amidst the current situation.

Through the online refresher course, coaches will have the opportunity to enhance their
knowledge and skills in coaching techniques, strategies, and methods. They will also learn how
to incorporate technology in sports coaching, which is becoming increasingly important in the
current digital age. Moreover, the refresher course will help coaches understand the new policies
and guidelines issued by the DepEd related to sports programs, such as DepEd Order No. 66, s.
2017, which sets the standards and guidelines for conducting sports-related off-campus activities.

By participating in the online refresher course, coaches will be able to provide better and
more effective sports programs to learners. This, in turn, will contribute to the holistic
development of learners, as sports programs are proven to have numerous benefits for students,
including physical fitness, social skills development, and improved academic performance.

Furthermore, the Online Refresher Course for Coaches in the Division of Bohol can also
lead to the development of a more competent and professional coaching workforce in the region.
Coaches who participate in the course will be equipped with the latest knowledge and skills in
sports coaching, which can lead to higher levels of job satisfaction and motivation. This, in turn,
can result in a more dedicated and effective coaching workforce, which can ultimately benefit
the sports programs in the Division of Bohol.

In conclusion, the Online Refresher Course for Coaches in the Division of Bohol is a great
opportunity to enhance the sports programs in public schools in the region. It offers coaches the
chance to upgrade their knowledge and skills, stay up-to-date with new policies and guidelines,
and incorporate technology in sports coaching. By doing so, coaches will be able to deliver better
sports programs to learners, contribute to their holistic development, and develop a more
competent and professional coaching workforce in the region.
"Empowering Coaches through Online Refresher Courses: An Action Research Study on Enhancing
Sports Programs in the Division of Bohol"

II. Action Research Questions

This action research study aims to investigate the effectiveness of these online refresher
courses in empowering coaches and enhancing sports programs in the Division of Bohol.
Specifically, the study will explore the following research questions:

1. What are the effects of online refresher courses on the coaching skills and competencies
of coaches in the Division of Bohol?
2. How do coaches perceive the usefulness and relevance of online refresher courses in
enhancing sports programs in the Division of Bohol?
3. What are the challenges and opportunities in implementing online refresher courses for
coaches in the Division of Bohol?

By conducting this study, the Division of Bohol can gain insights into the effectiveness of
online refresher courses as a means of empowering coaches and enhancing sports programs. The
results of this study can inform future policies and programs aimed at improving sports education
in the Division of Bohol and beyond.

III. Proposed Innovation, Intervention and Strategy

This Innovation, the SDO BOHOL Online Coach Refresher Course System is designed to
benefit the coaches in the Division of Bohol who are facing new challenges in providing quality
sports programs to learners. With the shift to online learning due to the pandemic, coaches in the
Division of Bohol are struggling to adapt to new technologies and modes of teaching. This
innovation seeks to empower coaches by providing them with an online platform that offers
refresher courses to enhance their skills and competencies in coaching.

The online coach refresher course system will also benefit learners in the Division of
Bohol by improving the quality of sports programs and activities. Coaches who have enhanced
their skills and competencies through the refresher courses will be better equipped to implement
comprehensive sports programs and activities that cater to the needs and interests of learners. By
providing learners with quality sports programs, they will have the opportunity to develop their
physical, mental, and emotional well-being, promoting their holistic development.
"Empowering Coaches through Online Refresher Courses: An Action Research Study on Enhancing
Sports Programs in the Division of Bohol"

Moreover, this innovation will also benefit school administrators who will be able to
improve the quality of sports programs in their respective schools. By investing in the
professional development of coaches, school administrators can ensure that their schools have
high-quality sports programs that meet the standards set by the Department of Education. This
will not only improve the overall quality of education in their schools but also enhance the
reputation of their schools in the Division of Bohol.


1. Identify the research problem: The first step would be to clearly identify the research
problem, which in this case is the challenge faced by coaches in the Division of Bohol in
providing quality sports programs to learners in the online learning environment. The
research problem should be specific, clear, and well-defined.
2. Conduct a needs assessment: A needs assessment should be conducted to determine the
specific needs of coaches in the Division of Bohol with regard to online coaching. This
could involve surveys, focus group discussions, and interviews with coaches and other
stakeholders, such as school administrators and learners.
3. Develop a research design: A research design should be developed that outlines the
methodology, data collection methods, and analysis techniques to be used in the study.
The research design should be aligned with the research problem and the needs
4. Identify participants: Participants for the study should be identified, which in this case
would be coaches in the Division of Bohol. The selection of participants should be based
on specific criteria, such as their level of experience, their interest in online coaching, and
their availability to participate in the study.
5. Obtain ethical clearance: Ethical clearance should be obtained from relevant authorities,
such as the Institutional Review Board (IRB) or the Ethics Committee. The study should
be conducted in an ethical and responsible manner, ensuring the protection of the rights
and welfare of the participants.
6. Develop the online platform: An online platform should be developed that would serve as
the main portal for coaches to access the refresher courses. The platform should be user-
friendly, accessible, and secure.
"Empowering Coaches through Online Refresher Courses: An Action Research Study on Enhancing
Sports Programs in the Division of Bohol"

7. Develop the refresher courses: Refresher courses should be developed that focus on
different aspects of sports coaching, including technical skills, strategic planning, and
effective communication. The courses should be developed by experts in sports coaching
and should include modules on digital skills.
8. Conduct a pilot study: A pilot study should be conducted to test the feasibility and
effectiveness of the online platform and the refresher courses. The pilot study could
involve a small group of coaches who would provide feedback on the platform and the
9. Revise the research design: Based on the findings from the needs assessment and the pilot
study, the research design should be revised to ensure that it is effective in achieving the
objectives of the study.


1. Developing the Online Platform During the implementation stage, the Division of Bohol
will develop an online platform that will serve as the main portal for coaches to access
the refresher courses. The platform will be user-friendly, accessible, and secure. It will be
designed to accommodate the various needs and preferences of coaches.
2. Designing the Refresher Courses The Division of Bohol will design refresher courses that
focus on different aspects of sports coaching. The courses will be developed by experts in
sports coaching and will include modules on technical skills, strategic planning, effective
communication, and digital skills. The content will be designed to be engaging,
interactive, and relevant to the coaches' needs.
3. Conducting Training Sessions The Division of Bohol will conduct training sessions for
coaches to familiarize them with the online platform and the refresher courses. The
training sessions will be conducted by experts in online learning and will include sessions
on how to use the platform, how to access the refresher courses, and how to complete the
courses. The training sessions will also provide an opportunity for coaches to ask
questions and get clarifications on any issues that may arise.
4. Launching the Online Platform Once the online platform is developed and the refresher
courses are designed, the Division of Bohol will launch the online platform and make it
accessible to all coaches in the Division. Coaches will be given login credentials to
"Empowering Coaches through Online Refresher Courses: An Action Research Study on Enhancing
Sports Programs in the Division of Bohol"

access the platform and the refresher courses. The platform will be promoted through
various channels, including social media, email, and other communication channels.
5. Monitoring and Evaluation The Division of Bohol will monitor and evaluate the system
regularly to ensure that it is effective in enhancing the skills and competencies of coaches
in coaching. Feedback from coaches will be collected through surveys and focus group
discussions. The data collected will be analyzed and used to make necessary
improvements to the system. The Division of Bohol will also track the progress of
coaches who complete the refresher courses to assess the impact of the program on their
coaching skills.
6. Support and Maintenance The Division of Bohol will provide ongoing support to coaches
who encounter technical difficulties or have questions about the refresher courses.
Regular maintenance of the online platform will also be conducted to ensure that it
remains functional and up-to-date with the latest technology and course content.
7. Scaling up Once the system is proven to be effective, the Division of Bohol may consider
scaling up the program to include coaches from other Divisions or even other regions.
The program may also be expanded to include other sports or areas of coaching beyond
the initial focus of the program.

Post – Implementation:

Post-implementation is the stage in the action research process that comes after the
implementation stage. This stage is focused on evaluating the effectiveness of the implemented
solution and reflecting on the results of the action research study. The following are the steps
involved in the post-implementation stage:

1. Data Collection: The first step in the post-implementation stage is to collect data to
evaluate the effectiveness of the implemented solution. This can be done through surveys,
interviews, focus groups, or observation. The data collected should be analyzed to
identify any patterns or trends that may indicate the success or failure of the implemented
2. Analysis: The data collected is analyzed to determine the effectiveness of the
implemented solution. The analysis should be conducted with the objective of identifying
"Empowering Coaches through Online Refresher Courses: An Action Research Study on Enhancing
Sports Programs in the Division of Bohol"

any factors that may have contributed to the success or failure of the implemented
3. Reflection: Reflection is a critical step in the action research process. This stage involves
reflecting on the entire action research process, including the objectives, the
implementation, and the results. The reflection process should focus on what was learned
during the study and how it can be applied to future initiatives.
4. Adjustment: Based on the results of the data analysis and reflection, adjustments can be
made to the implemented solution. These adjustments may be minor or significant,
depending on the level of success achieved in the implementation stage.
5. Documentation: The final step in the post-implementation stage is to document the results
of the action research study. This documentation should include the data collected, the
analysis conducted, the reflection process, and any adjustments made. The documentation
should be used to inform future initiatives and to share the results with relevant

Overall, the post-implementation stage is critical in determining the success of the action
research study. Through data collection, analysis, reflection, adjustment, and documentation, the
study can provide valuable insights and contribute to the improvement of sports programs in the
Division of Bohol.


Department of Education. (2015). Policy Guidelines on the Implementation of the Basic

Education Sports Development Program. DepEd Order No. 22, s. 2015.

Department of Education. (2017). Implementing Guidelines on the Conduct of Off-Campus

Activities. DepEd Order No. 66, s. 2017.
"Empowering Coaches through Online Refresher Courses: An Action Research Study on Enhancing
Sports Programs in the Division of Bohol"


Title: Online Coaching Sports Program Feedback Survey

Introduction: Thank you for participating in our Online Coaching Sports Program. We value
your feedback and would like to hear your thoughts on how we can improve our program. Your
responses will remain confidential.


1. How would you rate the overall design of the program's User Interface?

 Very poor
 Somewhat poor
 Neutral
 Somewhat good
 Very good

2. Were you able to navigate the program easily?

 Yes, very easy

 Yes, somewhat easy
 No, it was difficult

3. Were the menus and icons clear and easy to understand?

 Yes, very clear

 Yes, somewhat clear
 No, they were confusing

4. Was it easy to find the information you needed?

 Yes, very easy

 Yes, somewhat easy
 No, it was difficult

5. Did you experience any technical difficulties while using the program?

 Yes
 No

6. If you answered "Yes" to Question 5, please describe the technical difficulties you
7. What features of the User Interface did you find most useful?
"Empowering Coaches through Online Refresher Courses: An Action Research Study on Enhancing
Sports Programs in the Division of Bohol"

8. What features of the User Interface did you find least useful?
9. What improvements would you suggest for the User Interface of the program?
10. Is there anything else you would like to share about your experience with the Online
Coaching Sports Program?
11. What do you like best about the program?
12. What improvements would you suggest for the program?
13. How likely are you to recommend the Online Coaching Sports Program to a friend or
family member?

 Not at all likely

 Slightly likely
 Moderately likely
 Very likely
 Extremely likely

14. Is there anything else you would like to share about your experience with the Online
Coaching Sports Program?


1. How satisfied were you with the IT support provided during the program?

 Very unsatisfied
 Somewhat unsatisfied
 Neutral
 Somewhat satisfied
 Very satisfied

2. Were your technical issues resolved in a timely manner?

 Yes, very timely

 Yes, somewhat timely
 No, it took too long to resolve my issue

3. Were you satisfied with the level of communication from the IT support team?

 Very unsatisfied
 Somewhat unsatisfied
 Neutral
 Somewhat satisfied
 Very satisfied

4. Did the IT support team provide clear and concise instructions for resolving your
technical issue?

 Yes, very clear and concise

"Empowering Coaches through Online Refresher Courses: An Action Research Study on Enhancing
Sports Programs in the Division of Bohol"

 Yes, somewhat clear and concise

 No, the instructions were confusing

5. Did the IT support team follow up with you after your technical issue was resolved?

 Yes
 No

6. If you answered "Yes" to Question 5, were you satisfied with the follow-up from the IT
support team?

 Yes, very satisfied

 Yes, somewhat satisfied
 No, I was not satisfied

7. If you answered "No" to Question 5, would you have appreciated a follow-up from the IT
support team?

 Yes
 No

8. What improvements would you suggest for the IT support provided during the program?
9. Is there anything else you would like to share about your experience with the Online
Coaching Sports Program IT support?


1. How would you rate the quality of the Modules provided by the Facilitator?

 Very poor
 Somewhat poor
 Neutral
 Somewhat good
 Very good

2. Did the Modules cover all aspects of the sport adequately?

 Yes, all aspects were covered adequately

 No, some aspects were not covered adequately

3. Were the Modules easy to understand and follow?

 Yes, very easy to understand and follow

 Yes, somewhat easy to understand and follow
 No, they were difficult to understand and follow
"Empowering Coaches through Online Refresher Courses: An Action Research Study on Enhancing
Sports Programs in the Division of Bohol"

4. Were the Modules presented in a way that kept you engaged?

 Yes, very engaging

 Yes, somewhat engaging
 No, they were not engaging

5. Did you find the Modules helpful in improving your skills and knowledge of the sport?

 Yes, very helpful

 Yes, somewhat helpful
 No, they were not helpful

6. Were there any Modules that you found particularly helpful or unhelpful? Please
7. What improvements would you suggest for the Modules provided by the Facilitator?
8. Is there anything else you would like to share about your experience with the Modules
provided by the Facilitator?


1. How would you rate the Management Team's communication throughout the program?

 Very poor
 Somewhat poor
 Neutral
 Somewhat good
 Very good

2. Were your questions and concerns addressed in a timely and satisfactory manner by the
Management Team?

 Yes, always
 Yes, sometimes
 No, rarely or never

3. How would you rate the Management Team's ability to organize and administer the

 Very poor
 Somewhat poor
 Neutral
 Somewhat good
 Very good

4. Were there any issues with program logistics or scheduling that could have been
improved by the Management Team?
"Empowering Coaches through Online Refresher Courses: An Action Research Study on Enhancing
Sports Programs in the Division of Bohol"

 Yes, there were issues that could have been improved

 No, logistics and scheduling were handled well

5. Did you feel supported by the Management Team throughout the program?

 Yes, very supported

 Yes, somewhat supported
 No, I did not feel supported

6. If you answered "No" to Question 5, what improvements would you suggest for the
Management Team to provide better support?
7. Were there any particular areas where you felt the Management Team excelled or could
have improved upon? Please describe:
8. What improvements would you suggest for the Management Team in future programs?
9. Is there anything else you would like to share about your experience with the
Management Team?

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