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Chapter 92

Strong Ion Difference (SID)


• The Na+ minus the Cl– concentration of plasma is commonly referred to as the strong
ion difference (SID).
• An increase in the SID is alkalinizing, while a decrease is acidifying.
• Hyperproteinemia and hyperphosphatemia are acidifying, while hypoproteinemia
is alkalinizing.
• Abnormal plasma Na+ concentrations may indicate the presence of excess free water
(i.e., hyponatremia; dilutional acidosis), or a free water deficit (i.e., hypernatremia;
concentration alkalosis).
• Base excess (BE) and base deficit (-BE) are indicators of the overall nonrespiratory
acid-base state, and are determined from a Siggaard-Andersen nomogram using the
plasma pH and Pco2.
• Changes in the BE can be due to free water abnormalities (i.e., Na+ abnormalties),
Cl– abnormalities, plasma protein abnormalities, or to the presence of
unidentified anions.
• Changes in the BE due to any or all of the abnormalities above can be quantitated.

Evaluation of acid-base disturbances acid-base balance. A brief summary of his

based upon consideration of the "Strong Ion approach follows.
Difference" is a method that has gained accept- Biological fluids contain water, weak and
ance because it: strong electrolytes. While strong electrolytes
• Quantitates the effects of concentration are, for the most part, fully dissociated in
alkalosis or dilutional acidosis. biological fluids, weak electrolytes are only
• Reveals [Cl–] abnormalities that otherwise partially dissociated (according to their equi-
would be obscured by free water librium constants; see Chapter 83). Examples of
abnormalities. weak electrolytes are H2CO3, H2O, and protein
(HProt), while strong electrolytes include NaCl,
• Quantitates the effects of protein NaOH, and H3PO4. Water is a very weak elec-
abnormalities. trolyte (Kw' = 4.4 x 10-14, 37°C in plasma), and
• Quantitates the total concentration of for all practical purposes dissociates little into
unidentified anions. H+ and OH–.
This method was originally developed by When equal amounts of two strong elec-
Peter A. Stewart, and is therefore sometimes trolytes (e.g., NaOH + HCl) are added to pure
referred to as the Peter Stewart approach to water, they dissociate completely as follows:
Copyright © 2015 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
74 Chapter 92 597

NaOH + HCl ——> Na+ + Cl– + H+ + OH– ([HProt]) forms ([Prottot] = [HProt] + [Prot–]; see
Chapter 84). Thus:
Note that electroneutrality is maintained.
In this system, H+ and OH– are the dependent Hyperproteinemia
variables, whose concentrations cannot
h [Prottot] = h [HProt] + h [Prot–]
change unless the difference between the Na+
h [HProt] <——> h [H+] + h [Prot–]
and Cl– concentrations (i.e., the independent
variables) changes. This difference, known as Hypoproteinemia
the strong ion difference (SID), is fundamental
to understanding Peter Stewart's approach to i [Prottot] = i [HProt] + i [Prot–]
acid/base balance: i [HProt] <——> i [H+] + i [Prot–]
Note from the above relationships that an
SID = [Na+] - [Cl–]
increase in [Prottot] will increase both [HProt]
The SID is related to the H+ and OH– concen- and [Prot–], thus also increasing the H+ concen-
trations in the following way: tration. Therefore, hyperproteinemia is acid-
ifying, while hypoproteinemia is alkalinizing
SID + [H+] - [OH–] = 0 (assuming nothing else changes; see McAuliffe
JJ, et al, 1986, and Chapter 89). The basic SID
Note from this relationship, that:
equation can now be expanded to include the
A. When the SID increases, the H+ concen- ionized protein concentration [Prot–] as follows:
tration must decrease in order to maintain
electroneutrality: SID + [H+] - [OH–] - [Prot–] = 0

h [Na+] and/or i [Cl–] = h SID Organic and inorganic phosphates (H2PO4–/

HPO4=) normally constitute about 5% of all
Since the Na+ concentration is normally weak acids in plasma, while protein (Prot–) is
greater than the Cl– concentration, this rela- the major weak acid present (see Fig. 85-3).
tionship holds true: Although hypophosphatemia usually does not
cause a large enough reduction in total weak
h SID + i [H+] - [OH–] = 0
acid to cause perceptible alkalemia, hyper-
Therefore, an increase in the SID is alkalin- phosphatemia (like hyperproteinemia) is acid-
izing. ifying. Therefore the basic SID equation can
B. When the SID decreases, the H+ concen- be expanded again to include the inorganic
tration must increase in order to maintain phosphate concentration ([H2PO4–/HPO4=], or,
electroneutrality: for convenience, [PO4=_]) as follows:

i [Na+] and/or h [Cl–] = i SID SID + [H+] - [OH–] - [Prot–] - [PO4=_] = 0

i SID + h [H+] - [OH–] = 0
Therefore, a decrease in the SID is acidifying.
Free Water Abnormalities
Free water abnormalities (i.e., over- or
under-hydration of the extracellular fluid (ECF)
Plasma Proteins and Phosphates compartment), can also be assessed in terms
Plasma proteins act like weak acids, with of SID and the acid-base state. Consider what
the total protein concentration ([Prottot]) being happens to SID during a 10% free water deficit:
the sum of the ionized ([Prot–]) and buffered
598 The Strong Ion Difference (SID)

Normal i/h in Plasma (or blood) pH = Acidemia /

SID = [Na ] – [Cl ]
+ – Alkalemia. (A change in pH alone will not
define the acid-base subtype.)
140 mM – 102 mM = 38 mM
h/i in Pco2 = Respiratory Acidosis / Alkalosis.
10% Free Water Deficit
(A change in the Pco2 may be a reflection
SID = [Na+] – [Cl–] of respiratory compensation to a metabolic
154 mM – 112 mM = 42 mM disturbance, or it may result from a primary
As SID increases during a free water deficit respiratory disturbance. As it increases it
(e.g., hypertonic dehydration, all else remaining is acidifying, and as it decreases it is alka-
unchanged), the [H+] must decrease in order to linizing.)
maintain electroneutrality: i /h in BE = Non-Respiratory (Metabolic)
Acidosis / Alkalosis. (This value can be
h SID + i [H+] - [OH–] = 0 obtained from Pco2 and pH using a standard
The same reasoning can be applied to free Siggaard-Andersen nomogram.)
water dissociation: i /h in [Na+] = Indicator of Free Water Excess
/ Deficit. (A free water excess represents a
i H2O <——> i H+ + i OH– dilutional acidosis, while a free water deficit
represents a concentration alkalosis.)
The result is a concentration alkalosis. Free
water excess decreases SID, and causes a h /i in [Cl–] = Hyperchloremic Acidosis /
dilutional acidosis. The magnitude of a free Hypochloremic Alkalosis. (When a [Na+]
water abnormality can be indirectly assessed abnormality exists, the [Cl–] concentra-
through the Na+ concentration (i.e., an increase tion must be corrected before determining
denotes a concentration alkalosis, while a whether a Cl– abnormality exists (see below).
decrease denotes a dilutional acidosis). h /i in [Prottot] or Albumin [Alb] = Hyper-
proteinemic Acidosis / Hypoproteinemic
Alkalosis. (Since albumin normally repre-
Base Excess (BE) and
sents about 60% of plasma protein, it is
Base Deficit (-BE) sometimes used in place of total protein
Base excess and base deficit are indicators
to determine whether a hyper- or hypopro-
of the overall non-respiratory acid-base state.
teinemic state exists.)
These values, which are usually (+) in alkalosis
and (–) in acidosis, are typically defined as h in Unidentified Anions (UA–) = Lactic
the amount of acid or base that would restore Acidosis, Ketoacidosis, etc. (The presence
one liter of blood to normal acid-base compo- of unidentified anions is generally synony-
mous with an acidification process).
sition at a Pco2 of 40 mmHg. Although this
value cannot be measured directly, it can Example Problem
be determined from Pco2 and pH using a Variable Lab Value Normal
standard Siggaard-Andersen Nomogram (Fig.
pH 7.31 7.4
92-1). Base excess (or base deficit) is usually
reported with other acid-base data by the Pco2 30 mmHg 40 mmHg (torr)
clinical laboratory. BE -10 mEq/L 0 mEq/L (mM)
In summary to this point, the following defi- [Na ] 120 mEq/L 140 mEq/L

nitions apply in the Peter Stewart approach to [Cl ] 91 mEq/L 102 mEq/L
acid-base balance: [Alb] 4.5 gm% 4.5 gm% (%)
74 Chapter 92 599

Figure 92-1
600 The Strong Ion Difference (SID)

Note the following from this problem: BE (H2O) = -6

A. There is an acidemia present: the plasma 3) Enter the observed [Cl–] and the observed
pH is 7.31, which is less than the normal [Na+] in the table, then calculate and enter
7.4. the change in BE due to the chloride abnor-
B. There is respiratory alkalosis in this patient: mality:
the Pco2 is 30 mmHg, which is 10 mmHg less
than the normal value of 40. BE (Cl–) = -4
C. There is a non-respiratory acidosis in this Note that the following value (part of the
patient: the BE is -10 mEq/L, which is 10 equation) denotes the [Cl–] corrected for the
mEq/L less than the normal value of zero. free water abnormality:
D. This may be a mixed disturbance; since there
is acidemia present, the non-respiratory [Cl–]corr = 140 [Cl–] / [Na+] = 140 x 91/120 = 106
(metabolic) acidosis is most likely the primary
process, with the respiratory alkalosis being 4) Enter the observed [Alb] in the table, then
the compensatory response. The non-respi- calculate and enter the expected change in
ratory contributions to this acid-base distur- BE due to the albumin abnormality:
bance deserve further evaluation.
BE (Alb) = 0
There is hyponatremia in this patient, which
should be treated as an indicator of a free 5) Sum the expected contributions of 2, 3 and 4
water excess; therefore a "dilutional acidosis" above, and subtract them from the observed
is present. The Cl– concentration must be BE; be careful of sign. Enter the result as the
corrected for the free water abnormality before predicted contribution to the change in BE
deciding if there is also a Cl– abnormality due to the presence of unidentified anions:
present. The plasma albumin concentration
BE (UA–) = 0
is normal, and thus it is assumed that the total
plasma protein concentration is also normal. Note that the above approach uses neither
Even though there is a free water abnormality the HCO3– nor the K+ concentrations (two ingre-
present, unlike the Cl– concentration, there dients of the plasma "anion gap" calculation,
is no need to correct the observed plasma Chapter 86). Since changes in the base excess
protein concentration. Without performing a due to protein abnormalities can be quantitated
quantitative analysis, it cannot be accurately using this method, the total concentration of
determined if an acidifying process due to unidentified anions (if present) can be more
unidentified strong anions is present. closely approximated. As stated previously,
the "anion gap" is a weak tool in the presence
Quantitative Analysis of This Problem of hypoproteinemia.
1) Enter the observed (reported) base excess
The constants used in the above equations
(BE) in Table 92-1 below:
were derived using 140 mEq/L as the normal
BE (Obs) = -10 [Na+], 102 mEq/L as the normal [Cl–], 6.5 gm/
dl as the normal total plasma protein concen-
2) Enter the observed [Na+] (120 mEq/L) in the tration, and 4.5 gm/dl as the normal albumin
table, then calculate and enter the expected concentration. Ideally, normal values from the
change in BE due to the free water abnor- laboratory analyzing the sample should be
mality: used. The constants 3.0 for total plasma protein,
74 Chapter 92 601

Table 92-1
Change in the Observed Base Excess (BE) Due To:
Free Water BE (H2O) = 0.3 ([Na+] - 140) = 0.3 (120 - 140) = -6
Chloride BE (Cl–) = 102 - (140 [Cl–] / [Na+]) = 102 - 106 = -4
Albumin BE (Alb) = 3.7 (4.5 - [Alb]) = 3.7 x 0 = 0
Unidentified Anions BE (UA–) = (-10) - ((-6) + (-4) + 0) = 0
Make up the balance ____
Total is the observed (reported) BE BE (Obs) = -10

and 3.7 for albumin are based on primate in Primary respiratory disturbances are fairly
vivo studies, which indicate that a decrease straight-forward since they affect mainly the
in plasma protein of 1 gm/dl produces an plasma Pco2 and [HCO3–] (see Chapters 90 and
increase in BE of approximately 3.0 mEq/L, and 91). Nonrespiratory disturbances, also called
a 1 gm/dL decrease in the albumin concen- "metabolic" disturbances, are usually far more
tration produces an increase in BE of about complex, and therefore their full categorization
3.7 mEq/L. The constant (0.3) used in the free requires more than merely assessing changes
water equation, which is equal to the SID/ in the plasma Pco2 and [HCO3–]. Plasma is
normal [Na+], was also derived from studies a complex solution with many interacting
in primates. This constant is 0.25 and 0.22 for constituents, and Peter Stewart successfully
dogs and cats, respectively, while the value of employed basic physicochemical principles of
0.3 is used for other animal species. aqueous solutions to write equations describing
As a matter of interpretation for this interactions among those constituents. The
example problem, it can be seen that there are primary independent variables controlling the
combined dilutional (negative BE (H2O)) and [H+] of body fluids, and hence the plasma
hyperchloremic acidoses (negative BE (Cl–)), pH, were found to be the Pco2, SID ([Na+] -
that account for the observed base deficit. [Cl–]), and the plasma protein concentration
There is no abnormality in the protein concen- ([Prot–]). When the SID increases (i.e., the [Na+]
tration, and there is no need to postulate increases or the corrected [Cl–] decreases),
the presence of unidentified anions since the the [H+] will decrease; and when the [Prot–]
entire observed base deficit is accounted for concentration increases, the [H+] will increase
by the free water and chloride abnormalities in order to retain electroneutrality:
((-6) + (-4) = -10). It can also be seen from this SID + [H+] - [OH–] - [Prot–] = 0
example that the reduction in Pco2 (10 mmHg)
has the expected relation to the observed BE Note that neither the HCO3– nor the K+ concen-
(-10) for this mixed acid/base disturbance (i.e., trations of plasma (two ingredients of the anion
a primary non-respiratory acidosis with a gap) are used in this approach to acid-base
compensatory respiratory alkalosis). balance.
In summary, primary disturbances in Traditional methods of evaluating the
acid-base balance may be classified as being acid-base status of an animal have not previ-
either respiratory or nonrespiratory in origin. ously considered SID or the plasma [Prot–].
602 The Strong Ion Difference (SID)

Equations developed by Fencl and Leith allow state due to the presence of unidentified anions
Stewart's work to be easily applied clinically are quantitated.
for evaluating the metabolic (nonrespira- • Understand how the constants in the free water
tory) contribution to acid-base balance. This equation and in the protein equations were
approach separates the net metabolic abnor-
mality into various components, and allows • Explain how (and why) hyponatremia becomes
one to easily detect and evaluate the nature of acidifying, while hypochloremia is alkalinizing.
mixed metabolic acid-base disturbances which • Understand how and why the Peter Stewart
might otherwise remain as hidden abnormal- approach to acid-base balance does not neces-
sarily replace the more traditional approach, but
ities. This approach also provides insight into merely adds to our understanding of acid-base
the severity of those disturbances. disorders.

QUESTIONS with Explanations:
• Explain how the Peter Stewart approach to
acid-base balance differs from the more tradi- 1. Given the following information on a
tional Henderson-Hasselbalch approach. patient:
• Discuss what is meant by the SID (also called
the fixed ion difference (FID) or in some cases Variable Lab Value Normal
the dietary cation-anion difference (DCAD)), and pH 7.33 7.4
how it influences pH. Pco2 49 mmHg 40 mmHg
BE 0 mEq/L 0 mEq/L
• Recognize the pathophysiologic implications of
[Na+] 140 mEq/L 140 mEq/L
the following equation: SID + [H+] - [OH–] - [Prot–
] - [PO4=] = 0 [Cl–] 102 mEq/L 102 mEq/L
[Alb] 4.5 gm% 4.5 gm%
• Explain why a free water deficit is alkalinizing,
and why the plasma [Na+] is used to assess a a. Unidentified anions are present.
free water abnormality. b. Pure uncompensated metabolic acidosis
accounts for this acid-base disturbance.
• Show how the plasma Pco2 and pH can be used
c. There is a net non-respiratory abnor-
to determine an observed base excess/deficit.
mality present.
• Understand how the constants used in deter- d. Acute respiratory acidosis accounts for
mining changes in the observed BE due to free this acid-base disturbance.
water and protein abnormalities were deter- e. The observed chloride concentration
mined. needs to be corrected since there is a free
water abnormality present.
• Recognize why hyperphosphatemia affects
plasma pH more than hypophosphatemia (see BE (H2O) = 0
Chapter 85). BE (Cl–) = 0
• Understand why the plasma [Cl–] does not need BE (Alb) = 0
to be corrected unless there is a free water BE (UA–) = 0
abnormality present. ———————
BE (Obs) = 0
• Know why there is no reason to postulate the
presence of unidentified ions when the sum of the
contributions to the BE due to the free water, Cl– Both acidemia (pH = 7.33) and respiratory
and protein abnormalities equal the observed BE. acidosis (Pco2 = 49) are present, yet there is
• Explain why the plasma [HCO3–], [K+] and AG are no net non-respiratory abnormality (BE = 0).
not formerly considered in the Peter Stewart There is no abnormality of free water, so there
approach to acid-base balance. is neither concentration alkalosis nor dilutional
• Understand how contributions to the acid-base acidosis present. For the same reason, the
74 Chapter 92 603

observed [Cl–] needs no correction, and is seen This acid/base disturbance would be clas-
to be normal. The [Alb] is normal, and there is sified as a primary non-respiratory acidosis
no need to infer the presence of unidentified due to the presence of unidentified anions. It
anions. This acid-base disturbance is primarily has apparently been present long enough (6-24
respiratory acidosis, which could be an acute hrs) for a compensatory respiratory alkalosis to
condition such as hypoventilation without time become established (Fig. 87-2 and Table 87-2).
for renal compensation, where hyperbicarbo- What might these unidentified anions be?
natemia and hypochloremia would be expected If there is reason to suspect that the cardiac
(see Chapter 90). output is low, lactic acidosis (from anaerobic
2. Given the following information on a metabolism) would be likely. However, there
patient: are other possible unidentified anions as well;
ketone bodies (acetoacetate or b-hydroxybu-
Variable Lab Value Normal tyrate that accumulate during starvation or in
pH 7.31 7.4 diabetic ketoacidosis), other organic anions
Pco2 30 mmHg 40 mmHg generated from ingestion of toxic substances
BE -10 mEq/L 0 mEq/L like aspirin, antifreeze or methanol, or sulfates
[Na+] 140 mEq/L 140 mEq/L
that accumulate in chronic renal failure (see
[Cl–] 102 mEq/L 102 mEq/L
[Alb] 4.5 gm% 4.5 gm% Chapters 82, 87, and 88).

a. There is no need to postulate the presence

of unidentified anions in this patient. 3. Given the following information on a
b. There is a dilutional acidosis present.
c. This patient has a primary respiratory
acidosis. Variable Lab Value Normal
d. The Cl– concentration needs to be pH 7.40 7.40
corrected due to the presence of a free Pco2 40 mmHg 40 mmHg
water abnormality. BE 0 mEq/L 0 mEq/L
e. There is a primary non-respiratory [Na+] 160 mEq/L 140 mEq/L
acidosis in this patient with unidentified [Cl–] 124 mEq/L 102 mEq/L
anions present. [Alb] 4.5 gm% 4.5 gm%
BE (H2O) = 0
BE (Cl–) = 0 a. There is a free water deficit with concen-
BE (Alb) = 0 tration acidosis present.
BE (UA–) = -10 b. There is a hyperchloremic acidosis
———————— present.
BE (Obs) = -10 c. There are unidentified anions present.
d. The observed pH is normal, so there are
no acid-base abnormalities in this patient.
There is acidemia, respiratory alkalosis and e. None of the above.
a net non-respiratory acidosis present. There
is no abnormality of free water, so there is BE (H2O) = +6
neither a concentration alkalosis nor a dilu- BE (Cl–) = -6
tional acidosis present. For the same reason, BE (Alb) = 0
BE (UA–) = 0
the observed [Cl–] needs no correction, and ————————
is observed to be normal. The [Alb] is also BE (Obs) = 0
normal, so these three cannot totally account The pH and Pco2 are normal, and there is no
for the observed base excess (-10). We must net base excess. However, a free water deficit
therefore postulate the presence of unidenti- is present denoting a concentration alkalosis.
fied anions totaling 10 mEq/L. The corrected [Cl–] is abnormal (i.e., 108 mEq/L,
604 The Strong Ion Difference (SID)

which has increased 6 mEq/L (hyperchloremic unidentified anions in the amount of -8 mEq/L.
acidosis)), while the [Alb] is normal. These There is a significant acidosis present from
three (+6 -6 +0) account for the observed base unidentified anions that is hidden (observed BE
excess (0), so there is no need to postulate the = 0) by the presence of an equally offsetting
presence of unidentified anions. This appears to hypoproteinemic alkalosis. Since these two
be a case of two offsetting metabolic conditions; metabolic acid-base disturbances are equally
a concentration alkalosis (free water deficit), offsetting, there is no need for respiratory
offset equally by a hyperchloremic acidosis. compensation.

4. Given the following information on a 5. Given the following information on a

patient: patient:
Variable Lab Value Normal Variable Lab Value Normal
pH 7.40 7.40 pH 7.40 7.40
Pco2 40 mmHg 40 mmHg Pco2 40 mmHg 40 mmHg
BE 0 mEq/L 0 mEq/L BE 0 mEq/L 0 mEq/L
[Na+] 140 mEq/L 140 mEq/L [Na+] 140 mEq/L 140 mEq/L
[Cl–] 102 mEq/L 102 mEq/L [Cl–] 114 mEq/L 102 mEq/L
[Alb] 2.3 gm% 4.5 gm% [Alb] 1.3 gm% 4.5 gm%
a. Since the pH, Pco2 and BE are normal,
a. Unidentified anions are present as a
there is no acid-base disturbance here.
hidden abnormality
b. This is a case of pure hypoproteinemic
b. The observed [Cl–] needs to be corrected
c. This is a marked hyperchloremic acidosis
c. There is a significant acidosis from
masked by a hypoproteinemic alkalosis
unidentified anions that is hidden.
d. This is a marked hyperchloremic alkalosis
d. This is a case of pure hypoproteinemic
masked by a hypoproteinemic acidosis
e. None of the above
e. None of the above.

BE (H2O) = 0 BE (H2O) = 0
BE (Cl–) = 0 BE (Cl–) = -12
BE (Alb) = +8 BE (Alb) = +12
BE (UA–) = -8 BE (UA–) = 0
——————— ———————
BE (Obs) = 0 BE (Obs) = 0

The pH and Pco2 are normal, and there is no A normal pH and Pco2 are present, and there
net base excess present (BE (Obs) = 0). There is no net base excess. There is no abnormality
is no free water abnormality, so there is neither of free water, so there is neither a concentra-
concentration alkalosis nor dilutional acidosis tion alkalosis nor a dilutional acidosis present.
present. For the same reason, the observed For the same reason, the observed [Cl–] needs
[Cl–] needs no correction, and is observed to no correction, yet is seen to be 12 mEq/L above
be normal. The [Alb] is down by 2.2 g/dl, so normal (a hyperchloremic acidosis). The [Alb]
there is a hypoproteinemic alkalosis present is down by 3.2 g/dl, which through quantitative
that would make the base excess = +8 mEq/L. analysis reveals an equally offsetting hypo-
To account for the observed base excess of proteinemic alkalosis. These two marked, yet
0 mEq/L, one must postulate the presence of offsetting metabolic abnormalities account for
the entire observed base excess (0), so there is
74 Chapter 92 605

no need to postulate the presence of unidenti- 7. Given the following information on a

fied anions. patient:

BE (H2O) = +0.3
6. Given the following information on a BE (Cl–) = -2
patient: BE (Alb) = ?
BE (UA–) = -0.1
Variable Lab Value Normal ————————
pH 7.40 7.40 BE (Obs) = +4.2
Pco2 40 mmHg 40 mmHg pH = 7.37 (Normal 7.40)
BE 0 mEq/L 0 mEq/L Pco2 = 53 mmHg (Normal = 40)
[Na+] 160 mEq/L 140 mEq/L
[Cl–] 123 mEq/L 102 mEq/L AG = 8.8 mEq/L
[Alb] 2.3 gm% 4.5 gm%
a. The observed base excess is due solely to
a. There is a concentration alkalosis present. a free water abnormality.
b. Unidentified anions are present in the b. There is a concentration alkalosis, hyper-
amount of -8 mEq/L. chloremic acidosis and hyperproteinemic
c. There are four hidden non-respiratory acidosis present.
acid-base abnormalities present that c. There is a hypoproteinemic alkalosis
offset one another. present which causes the plasma anion
d. All of the above are true. gap (AG) to be subnormal.
e. There is no acid-base abnormality here d. This patient has respiratory acidosis
since the pH and Pco2 are normal, and (which can account for the entire change
there is no net base excess. in pH as well as the observed base
BE (H2O) = +6 e. None of the above
BE (Cl–) = -6
BE (Alb) = +8 Although the contribution to the base excess
BE (UA–) = -8 due to the protein abnormality (BE (Alb)) was
———————— not given in this problem, it can be calculated
BE (Obs) = 0
from the data given:
The plasma pH and Pco2 in this patient are
normal, and there is no net base excess. BE (Alb) = 4.2 - 0.3 + 2 + 0.1 = +6
However, there is a concentration alkalosis
Thus, there is a marked hypoproteinemic
present, as well as a hyperchloremic acidosis
alkalosis present (BE (Alb) = +6), which causes
and a hypoproteinemic alkalosis. These sum
the plasma anion gap to be low (AG = 8.8
to BE = +8, but the observed base excess is
mEq/L). This patient also has a hyperchloremic
zero. One must, therefore, infer the presence
acidosis (BE (Cl–) = -2), and a mild concen-
of unidentified anions in the amount of -8
tration alkalosis (BE (H2O) = +0.3). There is a
7. c
mEq/L. Thus, there are four hidden non-res-
significant ongoing respiratory acidosis (Pco2 6. d
piratory acid-base abnormalities in this patient
= 53 mmHg), and unidentified strong anions are 5. c
that tend to offset one another (i.e., the pH and
present which contributes to the overall net
Pco2 are normal), with the net (observed) base
4. c
acidemia (pH = 7.37).
excess being zero. 3. b
2. e
1. d


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