pwt-4, Class 6, Sci

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Class:6. SCIENCE. PWT-4. Time:90min. Marks:40

General Instructions

 Section A has 4 Competency Based Questions, each carrying 5m

 Section B has 6 SHORT answer questions, each carrying 2m
 Section C has 2 long answer questions, each carrying 4m.

Section A(5×4=20m)

1. 1Observe the following picture and answer the questions asked.

1.1The stone hit by the shepherd is

a)Lime stone b)Load stone c) both. D) none
1.2The edge of the stick in the above picture _____ the stone
1.3What is the stone named as______
1.4The edge of the stick is made up of ___
1.5Can the stone behave with the wooden stick in the same way it was shown in the figure?

2.1The above magnets exist with single pile

a) true. B)false
2.2Name two other shapes of magnets

2.3.If magnet A attracts the magnet B,show the position & names of the poles in the above diagram

3.1 Write the percentage of major gases in air

3.2Which gas is called “Supporter of combustion?

3.3Name the gas that is inert & used to fill in chips packets

3.4Name the gas ,that is filled in filament bulb

3.5Which gas is used by plants to prepare glucose


4.1Name the device in the figure

4.2State it’s use

4.3Name the material used to make the needle inside it

4.4Where is it used?

4.5The letters inside it are not correct. Please show the correct labelling.
Section B (2×6=12m)

5.1State the two properties of magnet

5.2Name the gas used to extinguish fire.What special quality does it have,due to which it can
extinguish fire?

5.3What is an artificial magnet?Where is it used in day to day life?

5.4Why can’t we hear sound on moon?

5.5Otherthan in atmosphere, where else is air present ?

5.6What can be the use of weather cock or anemometer ?

SECTION C (4×2=8m)

6.1Explain through a labelled diagram, how will you prepare a magnet from an iron bar

6.2Draw a diagram of wind mill along with 3 uses of it.

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