Phạm Nguyệt Nhi - 19071455 - INS3039 02

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Phạm Nguyệt Nhi 19071455 1

Executive Summary

The year has come along with the increasingly widespread influence of MNCs in the marketing
trends, especially in the digital platforms. Confectionery companies have not escaped this step
either – some of them have even succeed, others are trying their best. When it comes to business
strategies and market approach, how typical brand companies in confectionery industry have
conducted in terms of local approach and customization factors. In this context, the digital
application strategy at the end of the year will be demonstrated by an example of one of the most
popular confectionery companies in Vietnam which is Orion Vina. This paper will be organized
into three parts which are company background, year-end holiday marketing campaign, content
marketing. The campaign will be involved jobs during Tet holiday and promoting on social medias
with the main sale online platform is Tiki.

Phạm Nguyệt Nhi 19071455 2

Table of Contents
Part A - Company Background ................................................................... 4

I. Company Introduction ..................................................................... 4

1.1. Company History ............................................................................. 4
1.2. Target Audience .............................................................................. 5

II. Micro-environment analysis ............................................................. 5

2.1. Strengths ......................................................................................... 5
2.2. Weaknesses ..................................................................................... 6
2.3. Opportunities .................................................................................. 6
2.4. Threats ............................................................................................. 6

Part B - Year-end Holiday Marketing Campaign ......................................... 7

I. Goal setting ...................................................................................... 7

II. Segmentation and targeting ............................................................. 7

III. Offer and key messages................................................................. 8

IV. Selecting the digital media mix ...................................................... 9

Part C - Content Marketing Planning ....................................................... 11

I. Content Marketing Matrix .............................................................. 11

II. Selected content marketing ........................................................... 11

Conclusion ............................................................................................... 12

References............................................................................................... 13

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Part A - Company Background

I. Company Introduction

1.1. Company History

Orion Corporation is a South Korea confectionery company which is one of the three largest food
corporations in South Korean (Wikipedia). This company established in 1956 then coming to
Vietnam since 1997 with the first representative office located in Ho Chi Minh city. In 2005, the
company has officially laid the foundations of Orion Vina Food Company Ltd. They have owned
two factories that located in two main regions of Vietnam which are Binh Duong province and
Bac Ninh province (Orion Vina, 2022). Through over the course of 20 years, Orion has been
trying their best to localize their products in order to connect closely with Vietnamese culture.


Orion set the aim to become the No.1 confectionery company in Vietnam. Coming along is the
goal of transforming successfully itself to be a sustainable business through transparency in
production and business reporting. Their long-term goal calls for a series of actions from operation
to manufacturing or sale in order to grow the business while maintaining environmental
preservation. Additionally, they look for the most practical way to deliver the greatest products
that are beneficial to clients' health and engage in social responsibility activities.


Orion’s always reminded themselves of the importance of placing the highest priority on product
quality. They are aware that their products are the food going into human body which affect
directly their customers’ health and experience. Their mission is to produce food that is safe as
much as hygienic with the best quality for their customers.

Value Proposition

The value that Orion promises to deliver to their current and potential customers is they are
working with business ethic. The company will not compromise on quality to achieve high profits.
Their business philosophy dignify the differentiate spirit as the main competitiveness.

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1.2. Target Audience
The main target customers of Orion tends to children who have the high preference for sweets and
cakes. Besides, after researching on Vietnamese customer purchasing behavior, Orion
acknowledge the nation’s gifting culture plays a key role in their daily basis, especially during
holiday season. Therefore, the company designs their goods to be gifts for all families in Vietnam.
The income range is from medium to high because Orion position their products as premium

II. Micro-environment analysis

With an annual production of over 150 thousand tons and revenue of about 42 thousand billion
dong in 2019, it is evident that Vietnam's confectionery business continues to grow at a high and
steady rate (Cesti, 2019). Although Vietnamese consumers are quite complaisant, they have a strict
preference for affordable and foreign products. That means they tend to choose products with clear
origins, charismatic manufacturers with reasonable prices. Orion is one of companies has adapted
quickly with the strong development of digital marketing . The following section will be a thorough
SWOT analysis for Orion during the digital age.

2.1. Strengths
- Being one of the first confectionery corporations owning production factories in Vietnam,
Orion Vina has accounted for 60% shares with the main goods is Chocopie Orion that means
the company has a strong brand reputation in Vietnam (Y Nhi, 2017).

- With a huge initial investment from the parent company, all of Orion Vina’s factories are built
and opated according to the food safety and hygiene standards of American Institute of
Banking which a strict standard (Nhu Thuy, 2021).

- Their communication strategy has a high effectiveness as they joined passionately in

sponsoring for TV shows and social activities. Also, they invest a lot of money on public
advertisemnet such as bus advertising, airport,…

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2.2. Weaknesses
- There is a shortage of skilled human resource in Vietnam while the demand to adapt
changeable market is growing faster and becoming more strict like nowadays.

- As children and young people are their main target customers who easily change their eating
preference and prefer to try out different new baked goods, the company’s churn rate is high.

- Except for Chocopie, the brand perception of other product lines is quite low because their
packaging has a similar design to Chocopie.

2.3. Opportunities
- Most domestic rivals are weak and small as well as not so good at advertising products.

- Vietnamese income tends to increase in recent years which makes a perfect opportunity to
approach new markets.

- Orion products are often preferred to be a gift collection during Tet holiday so that they could
perform cross-sell to encourage customer buy more than 1,2 product types.

2.4. Threats
- An increasing number of new confectionery companiess coming to Vietnam would make the
market competition more intensive.

- Customers choice are affected a lot by attractive packaging of new competitive products in the

- The competition of advertising on official channels like TV tends to be fierce during year-end

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Part B - Year-end Holiday Marketing Campaign
“Người Trong Nghề - Nghề Trong Tết”

I. Goal setting
- Increasing the brand image of willing to communicate to acquire a deeper understanding of
customers' insight. This goal could be achieved by short interviewing video uploading on

- Promoting customers’ awareness about brand’s e-commerce platforms as well as other product
lines to get their feedback and research on their behaviour by directly advertising the campaign
on social media platforms. The campaign would need to reach 100,000 visitors on the Internet
and 5,000 direct customers after 2-month launch.

- The main content of campaign would help the brand to understand various types of customers
and their job during Tet holiday by conducting an interview. Spearding the positive perspective
about different jobs running through the holiday by asking optimistic questions in the

II. Segmentation and targeting

This campaign tends to bring different perspectives from many jobs running during Tet holiday
which is supposed to have days off and stay by family or friends. Besides, the main products of
company are sweets and cakes which are the type of foods carrying out a positive attitude to
everyone takes it. So that the target audiences are not only children and teenagers, they could be
adults who are shouldering a huge responsibiliy of works and family looking for a tender treatment.

The main stage for this campaign would perform mostly on social platforms in order to increasing
the brand perception in e-commerce platforms so that the target audiences are those who are active
on digital and social medias. Therefore, they could be teenagers and adults aged from 19 – 45 that
are into sweets. The income range is from low to medium because this products type should not
sell with a high price. This measure is based on Vietnamese perception in confectionery expense
to set an appropriate plan for price strategy. Moreover, if they are too occupied with their work to
prepare Tet’s gifts to their loved ones, the special gift collection in this campaign would the cherish
mission on behalf of them.

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III. Offer and key messages
A research on different jobs running during Tet will be conducted to get the information of typical
person of each job. Then looking for who are willing to be interviewees and they will share their
stories and their feelings with the job during Tet. The campaign seeks a way to spread positive
energy to the community through optimistice point of views and amazing stories. Not because they
are working during Tet holiday or having fewer days off means that they feel sorrowful or being
abandoned. The key message of the campaign is that people may have a hopeful vision in any
situation or in everything they do and be strong enough to focus on what they believe to be more
important. However, Tet holiday is meant to give Vietnamese time spending with their family so
that the interview could encourage children and young people to appreciate their parents’ hard-
work and sacrifices. Therefore, they could give brand products as their wishes to their parents.

Speaking of confectioneries, the chances of the pictures catching customers eyes faster than the
product descriptions are very high (Sasha B., 2022). Therefore, the special gift collection launching
in this campaign will be designed with an eye-catching appearance related to Tet holiday which
includes Vietnamese cultural spirits such as phrases related to tranquility and luck and the animal
designation. The collection would be used as a gift to customers’ relatives and friends which
include 2 boxes of cakes (Chocopie, Custas, C’est Bon, Gouté, Rice), 4 differnt packes of candies,
and a bottle of Jeju water. In addition, for people participated in the interview, each of them will
receive a gift collection and 500,000 VND.

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IV. Selecting the digital media mix
The digital media mix used for this campaign would include social media, television, and podcast.
The rapid development of social media will make the campaign engage with numerous clients
demographics at various stage of purchasing easier, especially on the e-commerce. As the target
audiences in this campaign are young people and who are active on the Internet, this method may
be useful in grabbing the users’ attention. The brief interview video could be edited with the key
message and hashtag #OrionVina #NgheTrongTet before being released on Tiktok – one of the
most popular platforms in attention-getting capability. This approach would be the most heartfelt
way to engage customers because it’ll be designed as short stories with emotional factors. Also, it
will allow the company learn more about customers’ experience by gathering their responses
through comments, shares. A research shows that 57% of viewers are more likely to search for
brand information online when they connect with businesses on TikTok (Tiktok, 2022). Besides,
those stories and messages will also post on the company’s Facebook and Instagram page to gain
the prestige from customers and inform them more about the products. The time required to place
ads on these platforms is not too long enough to still be able to assure the quality of ads. Podcasts
are one of the last unexplored formats, at scale, in Vietnam. So brands can be amongst the first to
establish leadership with a growing audience by seriously investing in podcasts.

Source: Q&Me

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Source: Decision Lab, 2022.

Television remains a communications channel that fosters viewer trust while achieving quick,
efficient communication speed. People tend to spend more time with their family over the holiday
and New Year's season. Also, advertisers on TV will be replay multiple times that deeproot into
viewers mind the campaign’s slogan. The habit of watching television in Vietnam captures 47%
of viewers searching for products on the Internet and 35% making a purchase decision after seeing
an ad (Binh An, 2022). Therefore, the effectiveness for digital marketing will be optimized when
there is mass media as a premise.

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Part C - Content Marketing Planning

I. Content Marketing Matrix


The stories from interview video would be edited into inspirational content which could provoke
a positive reaction in a way that makes people feel emotionally connected to the company.
Although these people are working hard even in the holidays, they still spread an optimistic energy
to the community. Their jobs are made to ensure the majority to have a great experience when
celebrating holidays. Young people who are potential viewers would fill with gratitude of their
parents’ hard work.


Since the target audiences are people who take sweets as a tender treatment after a long day of
works, this content would demonstrate how positive the ingredients inside sweets will affect
people’s mind and feelings. This content can help people feel calm when using Orion’s products
and ultimately help turn them into loyal consumers. Remaining a good mood is important to
everyone because it could affect various aspects of life.


The main character of the campaign is the gift box which will be sold at a reasonable price with a
stunning holiday packaging. This box could be sent as present to relatives and friends which is a
traditional culture of Vietnamese in Tet. It includes many types of sweet products that would save
time for customers when choosing products. And 50% of profit from campaign will donate for
poverty-stricken people to bring a better Tet holiday.

II. Selected content marketing

The most suitable content for this campaign is inspirational content. Other contents seem to suit
for making business which is not the tendency of the campaign. Moreover, the selected content
could be used for creating ideas for postings on social media so that the firm could understand
clients’ pain points and learn how to get fixed through responses. Providing different perspectives
about jobs during Tet would motivate the target audiences towards being grateful of these
sacrifices and making a purchase decision as a silent thanks. The business also focuses on boosting
the user experience for social networking sites and webpages by making it easier for users to access

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and find content, offers interactive advertisements in a variety of formats including movies, music,
gifs, and competitions with prizes in order to encourage customer engagement, involvement, and
sharing for the campaign. Automate the process of answering questions and supplying details when
users click on ads.

For those people who aren’t yet aware of the company, interview video on Tiktok could be the
ideal stage to make a solid introduction because Tiktok users are who approach new info every
day. When clients come to consideration stage, this content is appropriate to appear on TV and
pages could gain trust from them and push the purchase decision process. Cause the content of ads
on TV is usually strict and meaningful. The content-type idea would also include exciting branded
video, podcasts that make clients feel good about belonging to the brand.

Finally, every post will have a link sent directly to payment page on Tiki to ensure the content
address the clients’ demand. That means the post will convert to other platform for making
decision. To reach a large audience of buyers, the company will run search advertising and
emphasize photos of product gift box that symbolize the campaign on e-commerce sites.


- Unique visitors (to website): achieve 1000 unique visitors per week.
- Followers & Viewers (on social media):
+ Increased to 1 million followers on Facebook, Instagram, Tiktok platforms.
+ Reached 1 million impressions and 50,000 clicks on Facebook and Instagram.
- Pages per visit: 5 pages
- Lead conversion rate: 12%
- Number of leads: 2000 clients per week
- Time on page: 7-10 minutes each client on average.


The campaign not only brings out the value of the company but also indicates the importance of
digital marketing in the future marketing communication to the effectiveness of a campaign. After
a thorough research and selecting the best choices for campaign, this study would recommend in
terms of the need for an integration marketing communications into a firm’s overall marketing
planning process. The customer relationship engagement also is an essential tool in digital
marketing context. Finally, with the help of clarifying questions, the key issues in planning process
has been identified and described.

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1. Agnes Alpuerto, Vietcetera. April 2022. Vietnamese Consumers Turn To Social

Media For Faster, More Flexible Shopping Experience. [online]. Available from:

2. Bình An. November 2022. Đâu là Điểm Chạm Quảng Cáo Mùa Lễ Tết Hiệu Quả?
[online]. Available from:

3. CESTI. January 2016. Hấp Dẫn Thị Trường Bánh Kẹo Việt Nam. . [online].
Available from:

4. Kiet Pham. December 2021. Multivariate Analysis for Chocopie of Orion. [online].
Available from:

5. Orion Vina. 2022. Giới thiệu công ty. [online]. Available from:

6. Sasha Blackwell, Marketiu. October 2020. Confectionery Marketing – How to Get

More Customers and Orders. [online]. Available from:

7. Thu Nguyen, We Create Content. December 2021. Vietnam’s top 10 market trends in
2022. [online]. Available from:

8. Tiktok. April 2022. Interactive Add-Ons: Entertian and Engage in the For You Page.
[online]. Available from:

9. Wikipedia. 2022. Orion Confectionery. [online]. Available from:

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10. Ý Nhi, BrandsVietnam. July 2017. “Sóng Ngầm” Đầu Tư Ngành Bánh Kẹo. [online].
Available from:

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