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A graduate project submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements

For the Degree of Master of Science

In Electrical Engineering

Juhi Joshi

December 2016
The thesis of Juhi Joshi is approved by:

Dr. Xiaojun(Ashley) Geng Date

Dr. Benjamin Mallard Date

Dr. Matthew M. Radmanesh, Chair Date

California State University, Northridge


I would like to thank all my family members for the support. They were my backbone in the entire
journey so far. Without them I would have done nothing.

I appreciate Dr. Matthew Radmanesh for guiding me throughout my M.S. program. He helped me
in understanding RF courses and boosted my confidence, which helped me in achieving my goal.
I took courses under him from the first semester and he encouraged me for asking questions and
appreciated my work which was really motivating. From the first semester to the final project,
under his guidance I have learned a lot of things and gained knowledge in RF/microwaves. His
book helped me in clearing my doubts regarding the design of amplifier, oscillator, and so on and
helped me in gaining knowledge. I am grateful of his support throughout my coursework.

I am deeply grateful of Dr. Xiaojun(Ashley) Geng and Professor Benjamin Mallard for being in
the committee and providing me with such confidence and wisdom.

Table of contents

Signature Page ......................................................................................................................... ii

Acknowledgement ................................................................................................................. iii
List of Figures ....................................................................................................................... vi
List of Table ......................................................................................................................... viii
Abstract .................................................................................................................................. ix

Chapter 1: Introduction………………………………………………………….……………1

Chapter 2: Design Theory………………………………………………………….…………3

2.1 Classification of Amplifier…………………………………….……………...….4

2.1.1 Class A Amplifier……………...…………………………………..…...….4

2.1.2 Class B Amplifier………………………………………………...……..….5

2.1.3 Class AB Amplifier……………………………………………...………....5

2.2 General Theory……………………………………………...................………….6

2.2.1 Scattering parameters………………………………………….………….6

2.2.2 Stability……………………………………………………………….…..7

2.2.3 Gain………………..……….……………………,……………….………8

2.3 Design Theory…..…………………………………….…………………………11

2.3.1 Supply Voltage….………………………………………....…………...11

2.3.2 Selection of device…………………….…………………...…………..11

2.3.3 New S21 due to power saturation………………………………………..11

2.3.4 DC Biasing…………………………………………………...….……..12

2.3.5 Design amplifier’s RF circuit…………………………………………..15

2.3.6 Smith charts…………………………………………………...…..……16

2.3.7 Design matching network…………………………………...……….....16

Chapter 3: Design problems and considerations……………………………………………..21

3.1 Design overview…………………………………………………………..…21

3.2 Selection of transistor……………………………………………………..…21

3.3 DC Biasing…………………………………………………….………….…22

3.4 Graphical and analytical comparisons of DC biasing.………………….…..24

3.5 Simulation of the S-parameters……………………………….………….…27

3.6 Stability check for transistor………………………………………….….…28

3.7 Unilateral figure of merit……………………………………………….…..28

3.8 Calculation of input and output matching network……………………..….29

3.9 Single-stage amplifier simulation in ADS…………………………….……32

Chapter 4: Designing Branch-line coupler using microstrip line…………………………..37

4.1 Transmission line……………………………………………………….…….37

4.2 Microstrip line………………………………………….………………….….37

4.3 Empirical formula………………………………………………………….…39

4.3.1 Effective dielectric constant……………………………………………...39

4.3.2 Zo Formula…………………………………………………………….….40

4.3.3 W/h formula………………………………………………………………40

4.3.4 Wavelength formula………………………………………………...……41

4.4 Calculating microstrip line parameters…………………………………….…..42

4.5 Designing 90o branch-line coupler using ADS….……………………………..45

4.6 Microstrip gap………………………………………………………………….46

Chapter 5: Final circuit design………………………………………………………………48

Chapter 6: Conclusions……………………………………………………………………...53


Appendix A: MATLAB Programming……………………………………………………...57

Appendix B: E-book Software for testing K, ∆,U……………………………………...……61

Appendix C: Datasheet of transistor…………………………………………………..…….63

Appendix D: Roger’s corporation datasheet…………………………………………….….68

Appendix E: Product specification by spectrum microwave…………………………….…72

Appendix F: Microstrip Gap……………………………………………………………..…74

List of figures

Figure 1.1 Amplifier’s general block diagram……………………………………..…..1

Figure 2.1 Output waveform of class A amplifier…………………………………….. 4

Figure 2.2 Output waveform of class B amplifier ..................................................... …5

Figure 2.3 Class AB amplifier’s output waveform.................................................... …5

Figure 2.4 General block diagram of Amplifier………………………………………10

Figure 2.5 Typical characteristics from manufacturer’s datasheet(Pin vs Pout)………..12

Figure 2.6 General characteristics of FET…………………………………………….14

Figure 2.7 DC Biasing network connection…………………………………………..14

Figure 2.8 Overall view of design steps……………………………………………….17

Figure 2.10 N-way in single stage used in a power amplifier…………………………19

Figure 2.11 90o Branch-line coupler…………………………………………………..20

Figure 3.1 Transistor DC biasing topology……………………………………….……23

Figure 3.2 Transistor characteristics provided by manufacturer………………….……22

Figure 3.3 The gate to source voltage graph………………………………...…………24

Figure 3.4 The drain to source voltage graph…………………………………………..24

Figure 3.5 DC biasing schematic…………………………………………………….…26

Figure 3.4 Schematic of transistor’s S-parameters in ADS………………………...…..27

Figure 3.5 The S-parameters values in ADS……………………………………………27

Figure 3.6 The schematic of input matching network…………………………………..30

Figure 3.7 The schematic of output matching network ...................................................32

Figure 3.8 The schematic of single-stage power amplifier……………………….…32

Figure 3.9 The input matching network’s smith chart.………………………………33

Figure 3.10 The output matching network’s smith chart…………..…………….… 34

Figure 3.12 The single-stage power amplifier’s schematic in ADS…………………35

Figure 3.13 The maximum gain’s output for single-stage PA in ADS ...................... 36

Figure 3.14 The power gain’s output for single-stage PA in ADS ............................. 36

Figure 4.1 Geometry of microstrip line ....................................................................... 38

Figure 4.2 E and H field plots ...................................................................................... 39

Figure 4.3 Zo vs W/h plots with Ɛr as a parameters…………………………….……..42

Figure 4.4 90o branch-line coupler…………………………………………….………42

Figure 4.5 Schematic of coupler in ADS ..................................................................... 45

Figure 4.6 Microstrip gap layout………………………………………………….…..47

Figure 5.1 The two-stage power amplifier’s circuit .................................................... 49

Figure 5.2 The two-stage power amplifier’s schematic……..……………………...…51

Figure 5.3 The two-stage power amplifier’s schematic in ADS…………………..…..52

Figure 5.4 The microstrip line layout of two-stage power amplifier………………..…53

List of tables

Table 1 Two stage power amplifier’s specification………………………………………2

Table 2 Scattering parameters description…………………………………….…………..7

Table 3 The scattering parameters provided by MITSUBISHI ………………………….22

Table 4 Comparing Mathematical vs. Matlab results……………………………………44

Table 5 Comparison between the amplifier parameters………………………………….50



Juhi Joshi
Master of Science in Electrical Engineering

The aim of this project is the design of an RF microwave power amplifier at 12GHz frequency. It
is designed by using matching network technique and amplifier’s design methodologies. In this
project, we discussed the design of “12GHz two-stage power amplifier”. The specifications of this
amplifier are:

a.) A gain of 13.20dB and

b.) An output power of 28dBm

at 12GHz operating frequency.

The transistor, MGF4841AL from MITSUBISHI ELECTRIC was selected such that it could
satisfy the design goals. Proper biasing was done in order to obtain the needed S-parameters. For
this purpose, the amplifier uses a DC power source of 8.0V.

Here, we have designed class A amplifier. The first step of this project was to check the stability.
Then, we determined the matching networks. Smith charts were used in order to design the
accurate matching network. The circuit schematic, layout were done using agilient Advanced
Design System(ADS).

ADS software is used for circuit simulation. It is the powerful software for agilient technologies
which is usually used by RF microwave industries. This report also includes the stability and
gain calculations. The RF microwave design interactive tool from the book “RF and Microwave
Electronic illustrated” by Dr. Matthew M. Radmanesh was very helpful for this calculation. The
simulation results showed that the designed amplifier met our performance requirements.

Chapter 1


A Power Amplifier is said to be one of the most important part of any RF microwave circuit
components. They are also known as Large Signal Amplifiers. In microwave application, they are
believed to be the critical components. Each application has different requirements depending upon
the frequency, input signal, and so on. This can be concluded by saying that different power
amplifiers have to be designed for specific purposes. Let us see an example, in mobile
communication high efficiency and linearity system is the key factor, whereas for military radars,
high output power is the first concern. Some of its other applications are Global positioning
system(GPS), wireless security system, Electronic warfare, Satellite communication, etc.

Fig 1.1 General block diagram of the amplifier [1]

The key component in the amplifiers design is the output power and gain. In this project, the
amplifiers gain must not be necessarily equal to the highest gain available from the amplifier
instead, it should be equal to the required target gain. In the amplifier design, the first and the
foremost step is to select an appropriate active device. Several datasheets from manufacturers were
studied and the characteristics were evaluated before finalizing the device. Then, at the operating
frequency, the stability of the selected transistor was checked(See section 3.4). Once the stability
is checked, the next step is DC biasing. After DC biasing, the output and input matching network
was designed. Hence, a “single-stage power amplifier” is designed. Then the measurement of the
single-stage power amplifier’s output was taken. Seeing the results, we concluded of designing the
two-stage power amplifier as it was the most appropriate design for our requirements. The design
of second stage power amplifier is similar in the process as single-stage power amplifier. Now the

next step is to connect the two individual amplifiers. In our project, we have connected both the
amplifiers by the Quadrature(90o) Hybrid coupler also known as Branch-line coupler. The couplers
are 3-dB having phase-shift of 90o between the output of the through and coupled port. After
designing two-stage power amplifier using quadrature hybrid coupler, all the steps of matching,
the design was supposed to be tuned.

We have divided all the report work into different chapters which help in better understanding. The
second Chapter includes the theory related to the design of the amplifier such as the Class of
amplifier, S-parameters, DC biasing, matching network and so on.

The third chapter explains the design problems and procedures. It includes the smith charts,
mathematical calculations of both input and output matching network and also of DC biasing. The
chapter sums up by showing the simulated and specified output values.

The fourth chapter includes the design of the quadrature hybrid coupler using microstrip line. This
chapter gives us the knowledge of the empirical formulas and hence helps us to find the values of
microstrip line parameters. The coupler was also designed using ADS.

In the fifth chapter, we have designed the final circuit of “12GHz two-stage power amplifier”. The
two-stage power amplifier’s schematic is shown in ADS. The maximum gain and power gain
outputs are also shown using ADS. This chapter also includes the mathematical solution in order
to verify our results. And finally, the last chapter gives the conclusion, i.e. overall report and
comparisons in the result.

1.1 The aim of the project

The aim is to design the two-stage power amplifier using quadrature hybrid coupler.
Following are the required parameters:

Frequency (GHz) 12GHz

Gain (dB) 13dB
Output Power, Pout(dBm) 28dBm
Table 1. Two-Stage power amplifier’s specification

Chapter 2
Design theory

The main purpose of the amplifier is to increase the signal’s amplitude and the power. This process
amplifies the input signal by taking energy from the power supply and produces the output signal
with an increased amplitude. Thus, the amplification process is considered to amplify output power
supply according to the input.

Linearity, efficiency, output power and gain of the signal are some of the characteristics of the
amplifier. The application of an amplifier judges the class of an amplifier. Let us see this by an
example, on receiver side of the transceiver, high linear amplifiers are used, but on the other hand,
high output amplifiers are used on the transmitter side. Linearity of the transmitter can also be
shown by below equation[1],


Where, is the input signal

is the output signal

G is a constant which represents amplifier gain.

The ratio of the power of signal delivered to the load and the power supplied(DC) to the output
circuit is defined as amplifier efficiency. It is given by the below equation[2]:

𝑆𝑖𝑔𝑛𝑎𝑙 𝑃𝑜𝑤𝑒𝑟 𝑑𝑒𝑙𝑖𝑣𝑒𝑟𝑒𝑑 𝑡𝑜 𝑙𝑜𝑎𝑑

ɳ= (2.2)
𝐷𝐶 𝑃𝑜𝑤𝑒𝑟 𝑠𝑢𝑝𝑝𝑙𝑖𝑒𝑑 𝑡𝑜 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑜𝑢𝑡𝑝𝑢𝑡 𝑐𝑖𝑟𝑐𝑢𝑖𝑡

In the case of an ideal amplifier, the efficiency is said to be “1” which means the power from DC
supply is same as the power delivered to the load. But this cannot be achieved in actual practice.
The ratio of the magnitude of output signal power(So) to the magnitude of the input signal
power(Si) is known as gain of amplifier. It is give by the below equation[2]:


Depending upon the application, The gain(G) can be a voltage gain, current gain or power gain.

As we know, the electronic system produces unwanted signal which is known as Noise. In
amplifiers, the noise produced due to the amplification should be minimized because the main
concern in RF/microwave amplifier is its stability. The stability factor determines the degree of
amplifier’s stability.

2.1. Classification of Amplifier

There are various classes of amplifiers such as class A, class B, class C, class AB, class D, and etc.
In our project work class A amplifiers are used.

2.1.1. Class A Amplifier:

The class A amplifier’s linearity is the highest as compared to any other class of amplifier. It
operates in a linear region on a V-I characteristics curve. The current waveform is shown in the
below figure.

Fig 2.1. Output waveform of Class A amplifier[3]

In order to achieve high gain and linearity, a transistor should operate in the linear region. As we
know, the device is conducting(ON) at all times, that means, the current flowing shows that the
power loss in the device is continuous. The linear output and the lowest distortion of class A
amplifier is it’s main advantage. The efficiency of class A amplifier is considered as lower
efficiency(50%) as compared to the other amplifiers.

2.1.2 Class B Amplifier:

Class B amplifier’s efficiency is more as compared to class A amplifier, since, amplifier’s of class
B conducts half of the input signal cycle. 78.5% is considered to be an ideal efficiency of class B

Fig 2.2 Output waveform of class B amplifier.[3]

2.1.3. Class AB Amplifier:

This Class has bias point in between the other classes. Therefore, class AB amplifier has qualities
of both the amplifiers in terms of efficiency and linearity. The efficiency of class AB is considered
to be between 50-78.5 %.

Fig 2.3 Output waveform of class AB amplifier.[3]

2.2. General Theory

2.2.1. S-parameters:

The theories of RF amplifier is usually based on the S-parameters i.e. Scattering parameters.
Practically it is seen that at ultra high frequency, the characterization through open and short circuit
voltage and current is not possible. Because of this reason, Y-parameters and H-parameters are not
used to characterize a network at high frequencies. Therefore, at high RF/microwave frequencies
distributed circuit theory must be considered. After years of research, at ultra high frequencies, the
best way found was the port analysis and obtaining its s-parameters over conventional Z-
parameters and Y-parameters.

Let us discuss some of the advantages of scattering parameters over other matrix parameters. They

i.) Impedance and admittance are easy to work with. However, these parameters cannot
be measured easily at microwave frequency. It is hard to achieve the “pure” short or
open circuit over a broadband of microwave frequencies, stray capacitance(associated
with open), parasitic inductance(associated by short). An active device such as the
transistor, are not very short or open circuit stable.
ii.) Scattering parameters deals directly with an incident, reflected and transmitted voltage
iii.) Scattering parameters can be measured directly with a vector network analyzer. iv.)
Conversion from scattering to any other matrix is easily done.

The scattering matrix of a N-port network with the same characteristics impedance at all port
is defined as[2]:

(2.4) Where Vn+ and Vn- are the amplifiers incident and reflected waves at the nth port

Let us consider a two-port network. The description of scattering parameters would be.

Table 2. Scattering Parameters description[2]

2.2.2 Stability:

Stability is defined as, the amplifier’s ability to maintain its effectiveness in nominal operating
characteristics despite environmental changes like temperature, source condition. Load
condition and so on. Here, we will discuss the stability of two port network with their known

The “stability condition” can be defined considering the source and load condition. There are
two types of stability condition. They are:

i.) Unconditionally Stable: A network is said to be “Unconditionally stable” if, |ГIN| <1 and
|ГOUT|<1 for all |Гs|<1 and |ГL|<1. ii.) Conditionally Stable: A network is said to be
“Conditionally Stable” or “Potentially Unstable”, in a certain frequency range, if |ГIN| <1 and
|ГOUT|<1 for some values of source and load impedances.
In our project work, the amplifier is Unconditionally Stable. K-∆ test is used to check the

stability of the amplifier. Below are the mathematical formula’s used for the same[1].

∆= S11 S22 - S12 S21 ( 2.5)


When K>1 and S11 <1 and S22<1, then the two-port network is said to be unconditionally stable.

In a condition, if this is not achieved, then a third parameter is checked for stability, i.e. B1

which should always be greater than 0. The formula used for the same is:[1]

B1 = 1+ |S11|2 - |S22|2 - |∆|2 (2.7)

In this report just K-∆ test is used to check the stability. Where, K>1 and |∆|<1.

2.2.3 Gain:

This device includes the matching networks and the active device as shown in figure(2.2). The
network optimizes gain and the power transfer from the source to load by transforming the
source and ГL(load reflection coefficient). It also helps to reduce the energy loss from the
source to load. The gain of the transducer(GT) is defined as the ratio of power delivered to the
load(PL) to the power available from the source(PAVS). The equation for transducer gain is
shown below:[2]


Where, GT is the transducer power gain[2]





From equation 2.3,

GT = GS.GO.GL (2.12)

Where, “Г” is reflection coefficient of the amplifier.


Where, “GS” is the effective gain of the input matching circuit[1].

GO = | S21|2 (2.14)

Where, “GO” can be attributed to the gain of transistor[1].


Where, “GL” is the effective gain of output matching network[1].

If the above transistor is unilateral i.e. S12= 0, the equation would look like this[1]:

GTU = GSU. GOU. GLU (2.16)

Where, ГIN = S11*

ГOUT = S22*

GSU = (2.17)

GLU = (2.18)

Fig.2.4 General Block diagram of the amplifier[3]

Fig.2.4 General Block diagram of the amplifier [3]

Mostly, transistors are not unilateral so, in this situation, the error introduced in the analysis is
to be calculated. The error by unilateral assumption is given by:[3]




Here U is the “Unilateral Figure of Merit”[2]. Since U is dependent on Scattering

parameters(Sparameters) it varies with frequency. So, it is calculated for all frequencies as it
limits the range of error involved due to unilateral assumption(S12=0).

2.3 Design Theory

2.3.1. Supply Voltage:

For an electronic system, the voltage supply is an important factor. It is easy for the user to
change the voltage according to the desired system voltage. Nowadays, in many datasheets
voltage supply is mentioned. In our project, Supply voltage of 2.5V is used for the design of
an amplifier.

2.3.2. Selection of device:

The aim of the project is to design “Two-stage power amplifier” at an operating frequency of
12GHz. The first step in the design is to select a transistor from the array of components having
the required frequency. Datasheet from the manufacturer helps in the selection of the transistor.
The design depends on the S-parameters provided in the datasheet. Later, stability and gain are
checked mathematically and by the interactive tool given in the reference book by Dr. Matthew
M. Radmanesh.

S-parameters provided by the manufacturer in the datasheet are:

S11 = 0.499 -177.8o

S12= 0.087 -22.4o

S21= 4.028 3.4o

S22= 0.399 -120.8o

2.3.3. New S21 due to Power Saturation:

The design method used in this project is class A amplifier. So, for class A operation and under
large signals, all the scattering parameters remain unchanged except S21. The value of S21 is
reduced as the frequency and power level are increased. The reason for this reduction in the
value of S21 is the power-gain role-off as frequency is increased and saturation of power at the
amplifier’s output. This leads to the design technique in which all the s-parameters remain
same except S21, under large signal condition.

Fig 2.5 Typical characteristics from manufacturer’s datasheet[Appendix C]

For a single-stage power amplifier, the amplifier’s input power is 6dBm and the power of is
16.5dBm. Linear gain of the amplifier is 11.5dB. Therefore, 1dB gain compression is 10.5dB.

Calculating new S21,

10 log |S21|2 =11.5dB

S21 =101.15/2 = 3.75 (Linear)

10 log |S21|1.05/2 = 3.34 at 1dB gain compression.

Therefore, the new S-parameter which is used for the design of the PA(power amplifier) are:

S11 = 0.499 -177.8o

S12= 0.087 -22.4o

S21= 3.34 3.4o

S22= 0.399 -120.8o

2.3.4. DC Biasing:

As we know, an RF signal travels where there is a low impedance path to travel. Therefore, it
is important to prevent the RF signal from entering the DC voltage source. For this purpose, it
is required to design RF blocking components after the DC design is completed. At high
frequencies, a capacitor to ground value is calculated which act as a short circuit with respect
to the frequency of operation. Because of this capacitor, the DC source will see a short circuit
at high frequencies and follow the ground path. An inductor is connected in the circuit as an
RF choke and is treated as a high impedance element. This helps to isolate the RF signal from
the DC signal as this inductor act as an open circuit at higher frequency and doesn’t allow the
flow to DC components. This component is named as RF choke. Tolerance is seen from the
datasheet. It is considered as an important factor, as it gives space for changes in system
without affecting the overall performance of the system.

This project is based on Class A operation. DC biasing is done using load line and Q-point.
For a transistor, dc load line represents all possible combinations of ID and VDS. The figure
below shows the general characteristics of the field emitter transistor. It is important to select
a proper Q-point, as it helps the amplifier to operate smoothly. The Q-point is selected on the
ID-VDS curve in Field emitter transistor(FET). The “Q” in Q-point is a latin word which stands
for “quiescent” which means rest. It also determines:

a) Input and output resistance, voltage gain(G).

b) The transistor’s small signal parameters.
c) The amplifier’s overall power consumption and the maximum input and output signal

The load line theory needs to be kept in mind while biasing the transistor. There are chances
that the input signal may cause saturation of transistor if Q-point is selected above center of
load line. In this case, the output signal gets clipped off. When the Q-point is selected below

the load line’s center, the input signal may cause transistor to cut off. In this case the output
signal gets clipped. The biasing point is chosen at the peak voltage.

Fig 2.6 General characteristics of FET [4]

As we know, there is a leakage while connecting the amplifier’s biasing circuit and the RF
microwave circuit. So, the next step is to connect them properly so that the leakage between
the two is minimum. Some of the steps kept in mind before implementing this step are:

i.) An inductor, named as RF choke is inserted between the DC source and microwave circuit
which prevents the flow of RF signal to the DC source. ii.) The DC source and RF microwave
circuit is connected by a λ/4 transformer which helps in building high impedance line for any
microwave signal.
iii.) A higher value capacitor is connected as a load to the λ/4 transformer which creates an
OC(Open circuit) on the input side where it is connected to the RF circuit.

These three steps will help us build isolation between RF circuit and the DC source and in the
smooth operation of the amplifier. The below figure shows the DC biasing network connection.

Fig 2.7 DC Biasing network connection. [1]

2.3.5. Design amplifier’s RF circuit:

The following steps need to be followed while designing the RF/Microwave circuit:

i) As per the amplifiers specifications, we have to select an appropriate device.

For example, choose a transistor by simply checking |S21/S12| >G in the desired
frequency range if gain is given. Or, if Noise figure is given, just check if Fo >
ii) Transistor biasing in the mid-range of ID-VDS curve in FET is done.
iii) At the selected Q-point, measure the S-parameters of the transistor.
iv) At a particular frequency, check the stability condition i.e. K>1 and |∆|<1. If the
stability condition is not met then we have to determine the stable region by drawing
the input and output stability circles.
v) We have to check for two cases:
a. If S12=0, Then consider Unilateral case.
b. If S12≠0, We have to find “U”(Unilateral figure of merit) and find the range of error.
If the range of error is small then we have to consider it as unilateral case otherwise
use bilateral design formulas.

vi) The matching networks of the amplifier should be designed now.

2.3.6. Smith Charts:

The smith chart is a graphical representation that provides information about transmission line
circuits. It is useful for designing microwave circuits and also in transmission line matching. The I
impedance of the line can be easily found out in a lossless transmission line by moving in a circular
path on the chart. The smith chart can also be used with admittance. There is a scale at the bottom of
the smith chart which provides the information about reflection coefficient, VSWR etc. By using the
smith charts the matching network for and the matching network for output are designed. Figure 2.6
shows the overall view of the design steps.

2.3.7.Designing Matching network:

It is important to choose the right matching network while designing a linear power amplifier. In
this project, impedance matching is done. It gives maximum power transfer from source to load.
In this two circuits are connected together via coupling device in order to transfer maximum power
from source to load. It also minimizes the reflection from load as unnecessary loss cannot be
tolerated. Therefore, it is important to choose the right matching network. Few of the criteria’s
must be kept in mind while designing power amplifier like cost, simplicity, ease of tenability,
feasibility from manufacturer.

Fig 2.8 Overall view of the design steps.[3]

The above figure explains us the overall steps to design an amplifier. As per this, our report
followed the same process. First, we chose a proper transistor which met all the requirements

of our power amplifier design. After that, we did DC biasing which is shown in chapter
3(section 3.3). Then with the S-parameters provided in the manufacturer datasheet, we
calculated the stability, gain of the amplifier. After the stability check, we designed the input
and output matching network using smith charts.

There are a few steps which are to be followed in this project while designing power amplifier.
They are as follows:

i) We use Z-Y smith chart for designing matching networks.

ii) In smith chart, we have to choose the best path to be traveled.
iii) While deciding the path, it should always be traveled either in constant conductance
circle or constant resistance circle.
iv) The respective reactive elements values can be calculated while moving on
conductance or resistive circle.
a.) If we’re moving up on constant resistance circle, that means we’re adding a series
inductor(L). The value of series inductor would be given by: jXS =jωL/Zo
b.) If we’re moving down on constant resistance circle, that means we’re adding a
series capacitor(C ) The value of series capacitor would be given by:
jXS = -j/ωCZo
c.) If we’re moving up on constant conductance circle, that means we’re adding a shunt
Inductor(L). The value of shunt inductor would be given by:
jBp = -j/ωLYo
d.) If we’re moving down on constant conductance circle, that means we’re adding a
shunt capacitor(C ). The value of series inductor would be given by:
jBp = -jωC/Yo
v) We’ll follow the same rule for both matching networks. The best path is chosen in order
to reduce the losses.

Fig 2.10 N-way in a single-stage used in a power amplifier [3]

Quadrature hybrids are 3dB directional couplers having phase difference of 90o in the output of
the coupled and through arms. These are also known as branch-line coupler. Because of these
characteristics, balanced configuration is said to have the best VSWR as compared to other
broadband amplifiers. Some of the advantages of the balanced configuration are as follows:

i.) Even if the transistor has high value of VSWR, the balanced configuration is highly
stable with the best input and output VSWR.
ii.) The power output of the configuration gets doubled as compared to the power of each
transistor(But the gain of the configuration is the average of the two transistor which
comes out to be nearly the same as each transistor).
iii.) The balanced configuration is easy to cascade because of the isolation provided by the
coupler. iv.) The balanced amplifier will work even if one of the amplifiers fail but the
gain loss would be 6dB.

The microstrip line or stripline makes this type of hybrid. In this project we have designed the
coupler using microstrip line and its calculation is shown in the later part of the report (chapter-
4). The other types of the coupler like Lange coupler, Wilkinson coupler can also be used as
quadrature hybrid. In this project, we have used 90o branch-line coupler for power dividing and
combining technique.

Fig 2.11 90o branch-line coupler [2]

The basic operation of this coupler is to match all the ports. With all the matched ports, the input
power at port 1 is evenly divided between port 2 and port 3 but with a phase shift of 90o between
the outputs and the port 4 remains isolated(ISO) as no power is coupled through it. The S-
parameters is as follows[2]:

The branch-line coupler is highly sensitive as it is known that any port can be used at input port.
The output port will always remain opposite to the input port. The symmetry can also be seen in
the s-parameters.

Chapter 3
Design problems and considerations

3.1 Design Overview:

The project is based on “two-stage power amplifier” with an output power of 28 dBm and a
gain of 13dB. Designing the two-stage power amplifier requires the use of 90o branch-line
coupler in both the sides of the amplifier. The overview of the design process is discussed

i) The transistor with the required frequency i.e. 12GHz was selected and its S-parameters
were noted.
ii) The K-∆ test was performed to check the transistor’s stability.
iii) The U(unilateral figure of merit) and the range of error is to be calculated. Depending
upon the results, the decision is made whether to use unilateral method or bilateral
iv) The input and output matching network are designed using smith charts
v) The single-stage power amplifier was designed, and its results were verified in ADS.
vi) The 90o branch line coupler was designed and the results were verified in ADS.
vii) In the final stage, all of them were connected together which resulted in the design of
the required power amplifier.
viii) The final step helps us to compare all the results i.e. Mathematical, Matlab, and ADS

3.2 Selection of transistor:

The transistor used in our project for the design of power amplifier is the MGF4841AL from
MITSUBISHI ELECTRIC. It is InGaAs HEMT( High Electron Mobility Transistor) usually
used in the design of S to K band amplifiers with upper and lower frequency as GHz and
26GHz respectively. The biasing parameters are IDS = 25mA, VDS=2.5V.

Table 3: S-parameters provided by MITSUBISHI manufacturers. [Appendix C]

Although we are designing power amplifier at 12GHz operating frequency, we should

understand that the balanced amplifier provides broadband amplification which needs to have
a transistor that is unconditionally stable at the entire bandwidth(BW) rather than just at
12GHz. The mathematical calculation for the same is shown in later part of the chapter.

3.3 DC Biasing:

According to Dr. Radmanesh’s book, there are five different approaches for biasing a FET.
Discussing all of them is beyond this report’s scope. The DC biasing network for this project
is discussed below:

Fig 3.1 DC biasing of the transistor [4]

The DC biasing parameters are considered to be IDS = 25mA, VDS=2.5V as mentioned in the
transistor datasheet.

Fig 3.2 Transistor characteristics provided by manufacturer. [Appendix C]

3.4 Graphical and Analytical comparisons of DC biasing:

Graphical approach:

Fig. 3.3 The gate to source voltage graph from manufacturer’s datasheet. [Appendix C]

Fig. 3.4 The drain voltage to source current graph from manufacturer’s datasheet.[Appendix C]

The above graphs show that the VGS = -0.2V.

Analytical method:

IDS = 25mA, VDS=2.5V, Vt=-0.70, IDSS=43mA.

By using the formula,

IDS = K [ VGS -Vt ]2 (3.1)

Where, K= IDSS / Vt2 (3.2)

So, K= 43x10-3 / (-0.7)2 = 0.1017

K= 0.1017

Now, IDS = 0.1017[VGS – (-0.7) ]2

25.10-3 = 0.1017[VGS + 0.7]2

VGS = -0.204V

To find VG we use the formula,


VG = -2.704V

VGG =3[ VG]

So, we get the value of VGG = -8V

Now, we have to calculate the value of R1 and R2. We know that,


Assuming, R1= 6MΩ, R2= 3MΩ

To calculate the value of Rs, we are using the formula;

Rs= V / I (3.4)

V= VDS – VG (3.5)

V= 5.5V

Rs = 5.5/(25x10-3) = 220Ω

In this RF circuit isolation, the value of inductance for inductive reactance is much higher than
50Ω whereas the value of capacitor for capacitive reactance is much less than 50Ω. For

Inductance, since we know XL>>50Ω

jXL = jωLRF (3.6)

LRF = 500 / (2π x12x109)

LRF = 6.634nH

For Capacitance, Since we know XC<<50Ω

-jXC =1/jωCRF (3.7)

CRF = 1/ (2π x12x109 x5)

CRF = 2.653pF

Fig 3.5 DC Biasing Schematic

3.5 Simulation of the S-parameters:

We are using MGF4841AL transistor. The datasheet is provided by its manufacturer. Here the
simulation is done at 12Ghz operating frequency. The main purpose of this simulation is to check
the S-parameters.

Fig 3.4 Schematic of transistor’s S-parameters in ADS

To perform simulation in ADS, two-port networks are used. The .s2p file is inserted in the twoport
network. The below figure shows the simulation of S-parameters in ADS.

Fig 3.5 The S-parameters value from ADS

Thus, the above figure shows that the S-parameters provided by manufacturer in the transistor
datasheet is similar to the one obtained from Advanced Design Simulation.

3.6 Stability Check for transistor:

It is very important to check the stability of the transistor. In our work, we have used K-∆ method
to check the stability of the transistor. To consider the transistor to be stable, we should meet the
following criteria i.e. K>1 and |∆| <1.

The S-parameters from the datasheet are:

S11 = 0.499 -177.8o

S12= 0.087 -22.4o

S21= 3.34 3.4o

S22= 0.399 -120.8o

By using the formula[2],

|∆| = |S11S22 – S12S21| (3.8)

∆ = 0.323 123.66

|∆| = 0.323


K= 1.19

Thus, from the above calculation we see that K>1 and |∆| <1. Therefore, the K-∆ tests criteria are
fulfilled. The transistor is considered to be “unconditionally stable”. In this report, the K-∆ test is
also checked in Matlab and the results are compared. See Appendix A for Matlab calculations. The
results after comparison were somewhat similar.

3.7 Unilateral figure of merit:

As discussed in chapter 2. In order to calculate the value of unilateral figure of merit, S12≠0.
According to the transistor datasheet S12≠0. So, we have to calculate Unilateral figure of merit, U.
After calculating U, we need to find out the error range which helps to decide whether to use
bilateral case or unilateral case. If the range of error is high, then we have to consider bilateral case
otherwise unilateral case.

The Unilateral figure of merit is calculated using the formula[2]:


U = 0.0915

To find the error range[3],


Since the error range is small, we will consider unilateral design for the design of an amplifier.

Now, we have to calculate the maximum gain of the amplifier. To calculate the maximum gain,
we do the following[3]:


GTUMax = 20.92(Ratio).

GTUMax = 13.20dB

The next step is to determine the input and output matching network.

3.8 Calculation of the Matching Network:

To determine the input and output matching network, first, we will plot S11*, S22* on the Z-Y smith charts.

Input Matching network:

In order to design input matching network for high gain amplifier(Power Amplifier), our first step is to

plot S11* on the smith chart.

S11* =0.499∠177.8o

After plotting S11*, now we will be traveling at constant conductance circle moving in the upward

direction from the center of the smith chart to obtain shunt inductance whose value of reactance

is “j1.4”. Now, we proceed downwards on constant resistance circle(red) up to the point S11*

to obtain series capacitor which has the value of reactance as “j0.45”.

For Series capacitor[2]:


Where, ∆x= -j0.45 (observation from smith chart)

f= frequency=12GHz

Zo = characteristic impedance=50Ω


For Shunt inductor[2]:


Where, b= 1.4 (observation from smith chart)


Zo = characteristic impedance=50Ω

Lp= 0.473nH

Fig 3.6 Input Matching network schematic

Output Matching Network:

In order to design output matching network for high gain amplifier(Power Amplifier), our first step is

to plot S22* on the smith chart.

S22* = 0.399∠120.8o

After plotting S22*, now we will be traveling on constant conductance circle moving in the downward

direction from the center of the smith chart to obtain shunt capacitance whose reactance value is “j0.9”.

Now, we will be traveling upwards on constant resistance circle up to the point S22*, we obtain series

inductor which has the value of reactance as “j0.25”.

For Shunt capacitor[2]:


Where, b= j0.9 (observation from smith chart)

f= frequency=12GHz

Zo = characteristic impedance=50Ω


For Series inductor[2]:


Where, x= j0.25 (observation from smith chart)


Zo = characteristic impedance=50Ω

Ls= 0.16nH

Fig 3.7 The output matching network schematic

Fig 3.8 Schematic of single-stage power amplifier

Fig 3.9 Smith Chart of Input Matching Network

Fig 3.10 Smith chart of Output Matching Network

We have verified our mathematical calculations using MATLAB and the results are attached in the
latter part of the chapter(Appendix A).

3.8 Single Stage amplifier simulation in ADS:

Fig 3.12 The single-stage amplifier’s schematic in ADS

Above figure shows the schematic of single-stage amplifier in Advanced design system. This
design helps us to verify the input matching network and output matching network. In ADS, first,
we will design the single-stage amplifier’s schematic and then import the .s2p file in the two-port
network. After importing the .s2p file, we have to insert the elements values which are calculated
using the smith chart. Now, using this schematic with the calculated values we will find the
maximum gain of the single stage amplifier.

The below fig 3.11 show that the maximum gain of the amplifier is 11.002dB which is close to the
gain which we found.

Fig 3.13 The maximum gain’s output for single-stage power amplifier using ADS

Fig 3.14 The power gain’s output for single-stage power amplifier using ADS

Chapter 4

Designing Branch-line coupler using microstrip line

4.1 Transmission line:

The transmission line is considered to be the bridge between distributed and lumped elements. It
carries electrical signals between two points in the circuit. The main purpose of the transmission
line in RF and microwave frequencies is to carry information and power to the other part of the
circuit. Some of the examples of transmission line include cable TV lines, telephone lines, coaxial
line connecting the receiver to the satellite antenna, fiber optic cable, etc.

There are six different types of transmission line.They are:

i) The two-wire transmission line

ii) Coaxial line

iii) Waveguide

iv) Microstrip line

v) Strip line,

vi)Parallel plate waveguide.

Discussing all the transmission lines is beyond the scope of this report. In this report, we will
discuss the Microstrip line.

4.2 Microstrip line :

Microstrip line is considered to be the most popular type of T.L(transmission line). It is easily
integrated and miniaturized with both active microwave device and passive microwave device. Fig
4.1 shows the microstrip line geometry. It consist of a conductor of thickness(t), width(w). The
ground is separated by a dielectric medium of thickness(h).

Fig 4.1 Geometry of Microstrip line[3]

If no dielectric substrate was present(Ɛr =1), there would be a two-wire line which consist of a strip
of conductor above the ground, embedded with homogeneous medium i.e. air. This would result
in simple transmission line with phase velocity, vp = c and propagation constant,β=ko.

Unlike strip line, microstrip line has some of its field line in between the conductor and ground i.e.
on dielectric region and some of its field above the substrate(i.e. in the air). Fig 4.2 shows the E
and H field plot. Because of this reason microstrip line doesn’t support pure TEM wave, it rather
constitutes hybrid TE-TM wave. From the practical perspective, the dielectric substrate is very thin
electrically and so the fields are quasi-TEM wave. These type of transmission lines are mostly used
in MIC(microwave integrated circuit design) and microwave planar circuit design. Then the phase
velocity and propagation constant is given by[3]:

vp=c/(Ɛeff)1/2 (4.1)

β= ko/(Ɛeff)1/2 (4.2)

Fig 4.2 E and H field plot [3]

Since some of its fields are contained in the structure and some of its fields in the air. The effective
dielectric constant is given by the below equation:

1< Ɛeff < Ɛr (4.3)

4.3 Empirical Formulas:

4.3.1 Effective dielectric constant(Ɛeff) Formula

Assuming the dimension of microstrip line is known. The effective dielectric constant is given



4.3.2 Zo Formula

Assuming the dimension of the microstrip line (W,h) is given. The characteristic impedance,Zo is
given by[3] :



4.3.3 W/h Formula

Let us assume Ɛeff and characteristic impedance (Zo) is given, then W/h is given by[3]:







4.3.4 Wavelength Formula(λ)

The wavelength is calculated using the below formula[3]:



From the above equations it can be seen that the effective dielectric constant, Ɛeff is the function
of not only the dielectric constant, Ɛr but also of the dielectric thickness(h) and conductor
width(W). Moreover, from the above equations we also learnt that the characteristic impedance,Zo
and the wavelength,λ both are the functions of the parameters of microstrip line i.e. “W/h”.This
variation can be seen in fig(4.3).

Fig 4.3 Zo vs. W/h plots with Ɛr as a parameter [3]

4.4 Calculating Microstripe line parameters:

As discussed in (2.3.6), we are using 90o branch-line coupler for designing power amplifier. Before
designing, we need to calculate the values of the microstrip line parameters.

Fig 4.4 90o branch-line coupler[2]

According to Rogers datasheet(Appendix D),

Ɛr = 3.66 , h=0.254mm

Case 1: When Zo =50Ω

We have to calculate the value of “W”. According to the equation (4.8), the value of W/h =2.22
which is above 2. So, in this case, we will calculate the value of “B” by using the equation (4.9)
and then calculate the value of W.

B = 6.19

W= 0.553mm

Now, we have to calculate the value of effective dielectric constant. By using the equation (4.5),

Ɛeff = 2.851

The transmission line’s length is given by the formula[2],

L= λ/4 = c/(4.f.( Ɛeff)1/2) (4.14)

L= 3.701mm

Case 2: When Zo = 35.35Ω

We have to calculate the value of “W”. According to the equation (4.8), the value of W/h =3.76.
Since W/h >2, therefore, we will calculate the value of “B” by using the equation (4.9) and then
calculate the value of W.

B = 8.75

W= 0.99mm

Now,we have to calculate the value of effective dielectric constant. By using the equation (4.5) as
the value of W/h ≥ 1,

Ɛeff = 2.98

The transmission line’s length is given by the formula[2],

L= λ/4 = c/(4.f.( Ɛeff)1/2)

L= 3.60mm

In order to verify our result, we can compare our mathematical calculations with the W/h vs. Ɛr
plot shown in fig. (4.3). we have also compared the mathematical value with the MATLAB results.

Both the results were very close to each other. Below table shows the comparison.
Parameters Mathematical Matlab
50Ω 35.35Ω 50Ω 35.35Ω
W (mm) 0.553 0.99 0.55 0.98
Ɛeff 2.851 2.98 2.85 2.9
L (mm) 3.701 3.60 3.70 3.60
Table (3.) Comparing Mathematical vs. Matlab results.

4.5 Designing 90o branch-line coupler using ADS:

For the two-stage power amplifier’s design two couplers are used, one on each side of the power
amplifier. The input side coupler behaves as a power divider whereas output side behaves as power
combiner. The below figure shows the schematic of two couplers in ADS.

Fig 4.5 Schematic of coupler in ADS

4.6 Microstrip Gap:

Fig 4.6 Microstrip gap layout [Appendix F]

Here, we know, W1 = W2 = 0.553mm

Ɛr = 3.66(from Roger’s datasheet)


Zc = (1/10).Zo = 5Ω

By using the formula, Zc = 1/ωC

We get the value of C=2.65pF

By using the formula(from Appendix F),


Q5 = 1.23


Q1 = 0.063

Putting these values in Cs[pF] formula (Appendix F), we found the value of “s” which is the
microstrip gap.



We have also verified the value of “s” using Matlab(Appendix A). Both the results were very close
to each other.

Chapter 5

Final Circuit design

In this chapter, we will design “Two-stage power amplifier” using quadrature hybrid coupler.The
operating frequency of the amplifier is 12Ghz. As shown in fig 5.1 , two amplifiers are combined
using a power divider at the input side and power combiner at the output side. This shows the
two stage of the power amplifier in Advanced design system(ADS) at 12Ghz.

We have verified our result by both hand calculations and Advanced design system software.

Let us first show, the mathematical approach of two stage power amplifier.

Fig 5.1 The two-stage power amplifier’s circuit

In Fig. 5.1, Power divider and power combiner is used for the design of the two-stage power
amplifier. There are three similar amplifier’s. The linear gain of the power amplifier, GA is
13.20dB. Below is the calculation shown. The calculations shows that with the power output of
two stage power amplifier is 28dBm , input power is 3.6dBm. The insertion loss is 0.5dB which is
analyzed fron the from the product specification by microwave spectrum. The below calculations
shows the power values at each point in the circuit.

Linear gain of power amplifier,GA = 13.20dB

1dB gain of the amplifier ,G1dB = 12.20dB

Insertion loss = 0.50dB (Appendix E) At

Point A:

PA = Output Power+ Insertion Loss -3dB

PA = 28+ 0.50-3

PA = 25.5dBm

At Point B:

PB = output power – 1dB gain

PB = 25.50-12.20

PB =13.30dBm

At point C:

PC = output power + Insertion loss +3dB

PC = 13.30 +0.50+3

PC =16.80dBm

At point D:

PD = output power- linear gain

PD = 16.80 – 13.20

PD = 3.6dBm

Fig 5.2 The two-stage power amplifier’s schematic

Fig 5.3 The two-stage power amplifier’s schematic in ADS

Fig 5.4 Microstrip line layout of two stage power amplifier

Chapter 6
Two-stage power amplifier using a balanced configuration was designed, simulated and verified
using ADS. The transistor used for the design of power amplifier is a high electron mobility device
from MITSUBISHI(MGF4841AL). The coupler used for the design is a 90o hybrid coupler. The
operating frequency of 12GHz is used for the design of amplifier and quadrature coupler. The
output power of the two stage power amplifier was 28dBm and the gain of the amplifier was

The transistor stability was checked and verified using Matlab. Since we are using balanced
amplifier, so, it has to be stable for the entire bandwidth. We used lumped elements in order to
design the matching network for input and the matching network for output for a single-stage
power amplifier, as for the matching network, lumped elements are less sensitive to frequency over
distributed elements.

Quadrature hybrid coupler was designed using ADS. Microstrip line was used for the design. We
also calculated the values for the length, width of the microstrip line. Then, this coupler was used
at the both sides of the balanced amplifier.

The Two-stage power amplifier was designed using quadrature coupler. The output power of the
amplifier was double the power of a single stage amplifier whereas the gain remained unchanged.
As in balanced configuration, the total gain is the average of the gain of two single-stage power
amplifiers. The hand calculation results with the simulation results are shown in table 6.1. In this
project the focus is to design two stage power amplifier at 12Ghz operating frequency. Therefore,
the hand calculation is limited to 12Ghz.


|∆| <1 0.32 0.32 0.32


K >1 1.198 1.19 1.20

U LOW 0.0915 0.091 0.091

TOTAL 13.20dB 13.20dB 13.20dB 13.15dB


OUTPUT 28dBm 28dBm _ _


Table (4.) Comparison between the amplifier parameters


1.) Matthew Radmanesh, "RF and microwave Design Essentials ", Author House, 2007.

2.) David M. Pozar, “Microwave Engineering”, Wiley, 3rd edition, 2004.

3.) Matthew Radmanesh, "Radio frequency and microwave Electronics Illustrated ",
Prentice Hall, 2004.

4.) Guillermo Gonzales, "Microwave Transistor Amplifiers analysis and design ",
Prentice Hall, 2003

Appendix A
Matlab Programs
a.) A program to find the value of delta, stability and gain.

b.)Matlab program to calculate the Substrate parameter values.

c.)Matlab program to calculate the values of lumped elements

d.)Matlab program for microstrip gap.

Appendix B
E Book Software from the book “RF and Microwave Electronic Illustrated”

E book software to verify the values of delta, K, unilateral figure of merit. This software is a great
tool for the design by Dr. Matthew M. Radmanesh.

Appendix C
Datasheet of transistor

Appendix D
High frequencies and circuit laminates

Appendix E
Couplers specification

Appendix F
Microstrip Gap Capacitor


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