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The Persevering Woman in Ragged Clothes

Written by: Disney Joy P. Abao

As I approach our home entrance, “Mama?” those were the words uttered from my
mouth. We may never notice everyday but our subconscious mind knows that whenever we
get home from work, we immediately look for her. 

The impact of the unconditional love that she gave is as sturdy as an oak tree, no
one can tear it down. The kid that we are, can relate that sometimes we find her so
annoying for the unending and daily reminders and rants. She wakes us up early in the
morning listening to her loud mouth rapping the words we don’t want to hear. They let us
sleep in the afternoon for hours. She let us wash the basin-full of dishes, wash our own
clothes and even accomplish our own assignments. Makes us irritated and sometimes makes
us hurt. They run toward us carrying thick wood or slippers and hard belts reprimanding us.
She doesn’t even give me the things I wanted and allow me all the things I want to do.
They let us do challenging tasks independently.

But somehow, nowadays, it helps us go through each day. A lot. Realizations now in
my adulthood struck me so hard when I thought of becoming like her. It was never easy.
Not that easy. The person that I supposed and found to be annoying and rigid is the person
I owe my life and I admire the most. Ironic right? The strong, persevering, and dedicated
woman who took care of us 9 siblings was the strongest woman of all.

Apart from wearing ragged clothes, not caring of how she looks, I know she was
hiding a lot of pain she can’t show and tell. She cries at night and sacrifices whatever she
can sacrifice for us to grow responsibly. Realizing that she wakes up everyday following a
routine is so depressing, but we didn’t see her give up. Laughter and smiles were still
visible to her face. She was caged to a life she didn’t expect and never wanted in the first

Now that I have my own life as an adult living away from home and hurdling over life
challenges, I realized the importance of well-served meals, ironed-ready uniforms and of
course the hot coffee. I now value the importance of sleep and rest. The unsung heroes of
the modern world that need to be given recognition and the highest salary for the
priceless hard work and unconditional love given for free.

Who do you think I’m describing? Who is she?

Written by:


Teacher III / Rizal Elementary School
Kananga I District

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