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Keyboard Shortcuts

SN Shortcut Keys Explanation

1 Ctrl+O Open a file
2 Ctrl+N Create a new file
3 Ctrl+P Print active document
4 Ctrl+S Save a file
5 Ctrl+C Copy selection
6 Ctrl+X Cut selection
7 Ctrl+V Paste selection
8 Ctrl+Shift+V Open the Paste Special dialog box
9 Ctrl+A Select All
10 Ctrl+F Find
11 Ctrl + H Find and Replace
12 Ctrl+L Left-align
13 Ctrl+E Center align
14 Ctrl+R Right-align
15 Ctrl+B Make text bold
16 Ctrl+I Make text italicized
17 Ctrl+U Make text underlined
18 Ctrl+> Make text larger
19 Ctrl+< Make text smaller
20 Ctrl+Z Undo previous action
21 Ctrl+Y Redo previous Undo
22 Ctrl+K Insert hyperlink
23 Ctrl+Shift+L Bulleted list
24 F1 Get help
25 F2 Rename selected object
26 F3 Find all files
27 F4 Opens file list drop-down in dialogs
28 F5 Refresh current window
29 F6 Shifts focus in Windows Explorer
30 F7 Check spelling
31 F10 Activates menu bar options
32 F12 Save file with different name (Save as)
33 Home Beginning of line
34 End End of line
35 Ctrl + Home Go to start of document
36 Ctrl + End Go to end of document
37 Ctrl+F4 Close the active file
38 Alt+F4 Close the application
39 Ctrl+W Close the active window
40 Alt+Tab Cycles between open applications
41 Alt+Enter To view properties of the selected item
42 Alt+F6 Switch between current program windows
43 Shift+F10 Display shortcut menu for selected item
44 Ctrl+Alt+Del Opens task manager

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