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The Journal of Maternal-Fetal & Neonatal Medicine

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Accuracy of oxygen saturation index in

determining the severity of respiratory failure
among preterm infants with respiratory distress

Nasrin Khalesi, Farhad Abolhasan Choobdar, Mousa Khorasani, Fatemeh

Sarvi, Behzad Haghighi Aski & Mahmoud Khodadost

To cite this article: Nasrin Khalesi, Farhad Abolhasan Choobdar, Mousa Khorasani,
Fatemeh Sarvi, Behzad Haghighi Aski & Mahmoud Khodadost (2019): Accuracy of oxygen
saturation index in determining the severity of respiratory failure among preterm infants with
respiratory distress syndrome, The Journal of Maternal-Fetal & Neonatal Medicine, DOI:

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Published online: 19 Sep 2019.

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Accuracy of oxygen saturation index in determining the severity of

respiratory failure among preterm infants with respiratory
distress syndrome
Nasrin Khalesia, Farhad Abolhasan Choobdara, Mousa Khorasanib, Fatemeh Sarvic,d, Behzad Haghighi Askia
and Mahmoud Khodadoste
Department of Pediatrics, Ali Asghar Hospital, Iran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran; bDepartment of Pediatrics, Ali Asghar
Children Hospital, Tehran, Iran; cLarestan University of Medical Sciences, Larestan, Iran; dDepartment of Biostatistics & Epidemiology,
School of Public Health, Hamadan University of Medical Sciences, Hamadan, Iran; eDepartment of epidemiology, School of Public
Health, Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran


Background: To evaluate the severity of respiratory failure among newborns with respiratory Received 10 May 2019
distress syndrome (RDS), oxygenation index (OI) has been implemented. In the present study, Revised 4 August 2019
we assessed the accuracy of oxygen saturation index (OSI) in determining the severity of respira- Accepted 8 September 2019
tory failure.
Methods: A cross-sectional study was carried out in the NICUs of two Iranian Hospitals (Tehran, Accuracy; oxygen saturation
Iran) in 2018. Preterm neonates with RDS entered the study. Immediately after admission, the index; oxygenation index;
severity of RDS was determined based on RDS scoring system. Then, 2 CC of arterial blood was respiratory distress
withdrawn and sent to laboratory determining blood gases. Simultaneously, the level of periph- syndrome; ROC curve
eral capillary oxygen saturation (SpO2) was read using pulse oximeter and recorded. OI and OSI
were measured using the formulae. Receiver Operating Characteristic curve, Kappa agreement
coefficient and accuracy, sensitivity and specificity was used to compare the OI and OSI results.
Results: In the study, 95 neonates were considered. Based on ROC curves, the appropriate cut
off with AUC ¼ 0.99 for severe respiratory failure was OSI >8. The sensitivity, specificity, negative
predicted value, and positive predicted value for the OSI Cut off >8 were 100, 98, 0.97 and
100%, respectively. The overall accuracy and Kappa agreement between OSI and OI was 0.96
and 0.98%, respectively.
Conclusion: Our results showed that OSI with high sensitivity, specificity values could predict
the severity of respiratory failure in preterm neonates with RDS.

Introduction supporting cares and medications have been imple-

Respiratory distress syndrome (RDS) is one of the mented to improve the respiratory outcome; prenatal
major causes of neonatal morbidity and mortality. It steroid prophylaxis, early nasal continuous positive air-
represents in 1% of all births; however, this range rises way pressure, intubation, surfactant administration
to 50 and 90% in newborns with gestational age 30 and extubation (INSURE), as well as invasive ventilation
and 28 weeks [1–3]. Clinical manifestations of RDS are some of them [10–12].
include tachypnea, grunting, chest wall retractions, To evaluate the status of respiratory failure among
nasal flaring, cyanosis, and hypoxia leading to respira- NICU hospitalized newborns with RDS, we can use
tory failure. Although neonatal RDS could be diag- oxygenation index (OI) [13,14]. OI as a respiratory
nosed by biochemical (lack of surfactant) and index shows the severity of oxygenation failure of the
pathological findings, the diagnosis is established by newborns under mechanical ventilation. Usage of OI
clinical signs and chest radiologic features [4–6]. The to monitor neonate’s respiratory status could be crit-
chest X-ray exam in neonates with RDS represents a ical in dictating management processes such as the
low lung volume with fine diffuse granular or ground- initiation time of surfactant and nitric oxide adminis-
glass appearance, air bronchograms and obscure heart trations. By using an equation [15,16], OI can be
borders [7–9]. In recent decades, considerable calculated; however, there are some disadvantages

CONTACT Mahmoud Khodadost Department of Epidemiology, School of Public Health, Shahid Beheshti
University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran
ß 2019 Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group

regarding to determination of PaO2. The procedure the severity of RDS was determined based on RDS
requiring indwelling arterial line or arterial puncture is scoring system and recorded. RDS score system was
painful and invasive. The blood of sampling site may implemented for evaluation of severity of respiratory
not show the precise levels of PaO2 perfusing other distress with six parameters such as respiratory rate
organs like the heart and brain. In addition, some and grunting [7].
complications related to arterial puncture like infec- Then, 2 CC of arterial blood was withdrawn from,
tion, iatrogenic anemia and need for blood transfusion labeled and sent to laboratory determining blood
have been noted. Finally, this index could not be con- gases. Simultaneously with blood sampling, the level
tinuously used only if arterial blood gas test is of SPO2 (peripheral capillary oxygen saturation) was
done [8,15–18]. read using pulse oximeter monitor (Masimo set,
Based on recent publications [16,17,19], oxygen sat- Alborz B9, Saadat CO-Iran) and recorded. The sat O2
uration index (OSI) may also assess the severity of measured by pulse oximetry of right hand varies to
respiratory failure. For the calculation of OSI, no inva- other extremities. The medium value of sat O2 was
sive procedure is needed. Using pulse oximeter deter- measured from right hand after stabilization of
mining OSI and SpO2 can provide a continuous infant condition.
monitoring of infant’s respiratory status [16,17]. In the Oxygenation index (OI ¼ MAP  FiO2  100/PaO2)
present study, we aimed to evaluate the correlation and oxygen saturation index (OSI ¼ MAP  FiO2  100/
between OI and OSI Cut offs corresponding severe
SpO2) were measured using the formulae where the
and nonsevere respiratory failure among preterm
MAP is the mean airway pressure refers to the mean
infants with RDS. In addition, the accuracy, sensitivity,
pressure applied during positive-pressure mechanical
specificity, positive and negative predictive values
ventilation. The severity of respiratory failure based on
related to OSI in the prediction of severity of respira-
both oxygenation index as a gold standard [8] and
tory failure among subjects were assessed.
oxygen saturation index was determined. Finally, the
correlation between OI and OSI was assessed. The lev-
Materials and methods els of accuracy, sensitivity, specificity, positive and
Design and patients negative predictive values related to OSI
were calculated.
A cross-sectional study was carried out in the NICUs of
Akbar-Abadi and Ali-Asghar Hospitals affiliated to Iran
University of Medical Sciences (Tehran, Iran) in 2018. Sample size
Ninety-five hospitalized preterm neonates due to Based on former investigations by Rawat et al. [16].
respiratory distress syndrome (RDS) entered consecu-
and using a power of 95% and an alpha error of 0.05,
tively within 6 months to the study.
the proposed sample size was considered 95 subjects
Inclusion criteria were preterm birth (gestational
age <37 weeks) and NICU hospitalization due to RDS
(based on clinical manifestations and chest radio- Primary and secondary outcomes
graphic findings). All subjects with required intubation
Our primary objective was determining the accuracy
continued mechanical ventilation and surfactant
of OSI in prediction of severity of respiratory failure
administration were enrolled in this study.
among preterm hospitalized infants with RDS. The sec-
Admitted neonates with respiratory distress related
to other causes including asphyxia, congenital heart ondary objectives were assessment of the levels of
disease, chest or airways malformation, congenital cys- sensitivity, specificity, positive and negative predictive
tic lung disease, pulmonary air-leak syndromes, meta- values related to OSI for severity of RDS.
bolic disease and acquired lung diseases were
excluded from the study. Ethical considerations
The present study was taken from a medical student
Data sources and measurement thesis with ID; IR.IUMS.FMD.REC 1397.195. Ethics
Detailed neonates’ demographic and prenatal data approval was obtained from the institutional review
gathered from medical records. Laboratory findings board of Iran University of Medical Sciences according
and data related pulse oximeters were recorded in to Declaration of Helsinki. All participants’ parents
some checklists. Immediately after NICU admission, gave written consent before enrollment. All gathered

data were considered confidential and no extra cost as diagnostic value for severity of respiratory failure;
was imposed on our participants. p  .0001, 95% CI: (0.958–1.000).
The cutoff values, specificity, sensitivity, positive-
and negative-predictive values (P&N PV) of OSI for the
Statistical analysis
assessment of severity of respiratory failure are shown
Quantitative and qualitative variables were reported in Table 3. Our results have shown that cutoff 8 for
by mean þ SD and percent, respectively. Independents OSI was the best diagnostic value for the severity of
samples t-test was used for comparing quantitative respiratory failure. Sensitivity and specificity with the
data. Chi square test was used to analyze the differen- cutoff 8 were 100 and 98%.
ces between qualitative variables. Receiver Operating Based on mentioned formula (Equation (1)):
Characteristic (ROC) curves and area under the curve
OI ¼ 2:12  OSI2:19 þ ei (1)
(AUC) was used to determine the proper cutoff of OSI
index for determining the severity of RDS. The accur- oxygenation index was obtained about 15
acy, sensitivity, specificity, negative predicted value (Accuracy ¼ 0.98, Kappa; measure of
and positive predictive value of oxygen saturation agreement ¼ 0.96) (Table 4). It means that OSI
index were calculated using the results of oxygenation cutoff ¼ 8 equals to OI cutoff ¼ 15 and in 96% of
index as a gold standard for determining the severity cases, there are an agreement between OI and OSI in
of RDS. The Kappa agreement coefficient was used to assessment of the severity of respiratory failure.
evaluate the consistency between the OSI and OI for Scatter plot shows a linear correlation between OI and
determining the severity of respiratory failure. Data OSI (Figure 2). Also, the result of linear regression
was analyzed using Stata software, version 12
(StataCorp, TX). The p < .05 was considered as the Table 2. Associations between oxygenation and oxygen sat-
level of significance in all analysis. uration indices with gestational age or sex.
Variables Coefficient Standard error p-Value
Results Sex 1.15 0.91 .21
Gestational age 0.39 0.36 .28
In the study, 95 neonates were considered. Of all, 63 OSIb
subjects (66.3%) were male with the mean gestational Sex 0.5 0.41 .18
Gestational age 0.27 0.16 .09
age 32.12 ± 2.88 weeks, OI; 16.1 ± 10.08 weeks, and a
Oxygenation index.
OSI; 8.69 ± 4.73 weeks. These parameters in 23 female b
Oxygen saturation index.
cases (33.7%) were 31.68 ± 3.18 weeks,
15.24 ± 11.14 weeks, and 8.1 ± 4.8 weeks, respectively.
Results showed that there were no significant differen-
ces between male and female neonates regarding to
gestational age (p ¼ .5) T OI (p ¼ .71) and the OSI
(p ¼ .56) (Table 1).
In multiple regression analysis, with increasing one
unit in gestational age, the level of oxygenation index
and oxygen saturation index were increased by 0.39
and 0.27, respectively, however this association was
not statistically significant (Table 2).
ROC curves, calculating sensitivity and specificity for
OSI is shown in Figure 1; based on ROC curves, AUC
for OSI was 0.999. This level was statistically significant

Table 1. Comparison of the mean of gestational age, OI and

OSI in male and female subjects.
Male Female
Variables N ¼ 63 N ¼ 32 p-Value
Gestational age; Mean (SD) 32.12 (2.88) 31.68 (3.18) .5
OI; Mean (SD) 16.1 (10.08) 15.24 (11.14) .71
OSI; Mean (SD) 8.69 (4.7) 8.1 (4.8) .56
Oxygenation index.
Oxygen saturation index. Figure 1. ROC curve for severity of respiratory failure among
population study.

analysis shows that there is a significant correlation Discussion

between PaO2 and SatO2 measured by pulse-oxymetry
Respiratory distress syndrome is one of the main
(r ¼ 0.54, p < .001, b ¼ 1.63, p < .001) (Figure 3). For
causes of neonatal morbidity and mortality. Early diag-
determining the severity of respiratory failure based
nosis of RDS and its correlated complications like
on OI; Cutoff 15 and Cut off < 15 represented
respiratory failure would be of value in implementing
severe and nonsevere respiratory failure. These values
some strategies to improve neonatal outcomes [20].
for OSI were Cut off 8 and Cut off < 8.
According to our results, use of oxygen saturation
index (OSI) may also assess the severity of respiratory
Table 3. Sensitivity, specificity, negative- and positivepredic- failure with lower disadvantages in comparison with
tive value of OSI for cut off > 8 determining severity of OI. This index could be easily calculated by SpO2
respiratory failure among population study.
obtained by pulse oximetry. SpO2 with its linear correl-
ation to partial pressure of oxygen in the middle por-
Severe Nonsevere Sensitivity Specificity NPVb PPVc
tion of oxygen dissociation curve may provide more
Severe 45 0 100% 98% 97.7 100 advantages for OSI. To the best of our knowledge,
Nonsevere 2 48 present study is among the very few studies that
Oxygen saturation index. searched for predicting value of OSI in determination
Negative predictive value.
Positive predictive value. of the severity of respiratory failure. The main
Oxygenation index. strengths of this study was the larger sample size in

Table 4. Accuracy and Kappa coefficient for OI.

Variables Nonsevere respiratory failure (n %) Severe respiratory failure (n %) Kappa statistic Accuracy
OIa (Cut off point ¼ 15) 50 (52.6) 45 (47.4) 0.96 0.98
OSIb (Cut off point ¼ 8) 48 (50.5) 47 (49.5)
Oxygenation index.
Oxygen saturation index. Cutoff point ¼ 15 and OSI; Cutoff point ¼ 8 determining severe and nonsevere respiratory failure.

Figure 2. Scatter plot showing correlation between oxygen saturation index (OSI) and oxygenation index (OI).

Figure 3. Scatterplot and the linear regression line for correlation between PaO2 and SatO2.

comparison with other investigations [16,17,21]. In Moreover, according to the results, high positive
accordance to our findings, Rawat et al. and and negative predictive values (100 and 97.7%) related
Doreswamy et al. pointed to positive association OSI cutoff >8 may provide a reliable clinical index in
between OI and OSI in determination of the severity implementing of OSI for the prediction of the severity
of respiratory failure in neonates [16,17,19,22]. of respiratory failure. Rawat et al. have also demon-
The results of present study demonstrated that strated the highest positive (100%) and negative
based on AUC for OSI; 0.999, OSI can be used as a (99%) predictive values for OSI 7.5 compared to OSI
noninvasive assessment tool for determination of the cutoff points >5 or >10 [16]. The use of OSI technique
severity of respiratory failure. The best cutoff for OSI instead of OI have several benefits, for example, it is a
as a diagnostic value for severe respiratory failure was noninvasive method that let us continuous monitoring
8 corresponded to OI cutoff 15. Our results have instead of intermittent evaluation from blood gas
revealed a linear correlation with measure of measurement. Also, this technique does not require
agreement ¼ 0.96 between OI and OSI. Moreover, the blood sampling thus reduce risks of infection
sensitivity and specificity for OSI with the cutoff 8 and anemia.
were high (100 and 98%, respectively). Other studies The main limitation of the present study was
have also indicated this positive association between related to pulse oximeter that the alterations in O2
OI and OSI and near cutoffs points (in predicting the saturation levels in PaO2 more than 60 mmHg are
severe respiratory failure) to our findings; Rawat et al. small. Another limitation is about the Location of the
revealed that for OSI cutoff 7.5 corresponded to OI pulse oximeter probe (preductal: right hand or post-
 15, sensitivity and specificity were 83 and 100%. In ductal: other extremities). Also, alteration of relation-
addition, for OSI cutoff 10 corresponded to OI  20, ship between SpO2 and PaO2 by the type of
the sensitivity increased to 100% [16]. Doreswamy hemoglobin, PH, temperature, etc. (oxygen dissoci-
et al. showed that for OSI cutoff > 6.5 corresponded ation curve curve) may be another limitation of this
to OI >15, sensitivity and specificity were 100 technique. These limitations could influence on our
and 93.7%. compared indices like OI.

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