Foro Homework de Ronaldo

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Foro Homework

Elaborate the plural of the following nouns. and 2 sentences using

there is and 2 sentences using there are. in affirmative - negative and
interrogative form using the vocabulary.

 Book – books
 Car – cars
 City – cities
 Princess – princesses
 Man - men
 Milk – milk
 Woman – women
 House - houses
 Bag - bags
 Mouse - mice
 Boy - boys
 Water – wáter


 In the library there is a math book

 In the library there is not a math book
 Is there a math book in the library?
 Yes, there is / Not, there isnt
 There is a woman in the waiting room
 There is not a woman in the waiting room
 Is there a woman in the waiting room?
 Yes, there is / Not, there isnt
 There are two houses near the lake
 There are not two houses near the lake
 Are there two houses near the lake?
 Yes, there are/ Not, there arent
 There are men in the music room.
 There are not men in the music room.
 Are there men in the music room?
 Yes, there are/ Not, there arent

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