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J the pn ' ie hrsantie eae 1 spams hee an BO ET gait seewtva ty won te mn anben Mamet ONE gaieiter «py 82 . 10) rtan beenanaten ay a ma awed 2 Mune the amobetoms which weve BE YEE PU Haye Model ; omar Mod TAY Mat biy Mendel (iy Liars renter Bt fit Me ue oy de OT (3) merentin nin He 1) an men 1 Be trains se tons A ant Hand travel J jue AO kin a 9S ka respoetvely. When they meet, OG A tected 16S kan mare than the other. Wit is the dist a 2) hormtynl an th ape ef Rey amen, are AT re = iw 40 Frid cer 9s foi ®t ape stat Brahh &, ate rar TTT om Ferm 108 tet sare ght tral AaB tre ga am APT | (A) Hoo km aK tec ID ag (B) 1825 kin (1925 bm TO" hs (0). 1650 km , case [ines comeeting places af equal siftespherie pressure are called as — (AV solver (B) Isohatine (©) batter 4 (D) Isobar NEI aren ert weit ab ay erat . (A) terre ten % ey wer ten (C) ror te (O) wre tar $ Choose the comee i “ in eat from the Joliowing : BANANA (B) 27 (D) 36 interest onthe sum of mo ( iy mney is (2) op 9) F principal and th, Percent rer annum, The interest rate ee a , Percent per annum ig Ter 9 TE cer wet ay ter fen ‘afer shear ax a, 8) 10/7 5 an () 35% @ scanned with OKEN Scanner ae eee c,d nnd & varkedd as a Bs ram answver figures: SI sovtiy ynttonny thy posters th os any given, Nel a ANA setts. at Q sh een Fry ach. c ata pee Br a ten wae Res ga oh AR core Raat AH ee) fifi 8 aan are Het fra | AY om mat wT) i, It Je ry a ot w o w «By = [J » | 49 only brother is my uncl s Amann Said to at la tady relatead to the mt (B) Mother UA) Sister (D) Daughter aren 1", eA, your mother’s husband's (C) Granktaughter ce ore 2 yeh 8 we, get wT ahhh vertt wetat t 7 Phe WW ae aw > ic) ot wo) ot The sum of odd numbers from 1 to 31 is : 1231 as @ fees deel a art (B) 249 . {AV 250 (co) 34S (D) 256 10 The difference benween the cost price and sales price of an article is profit is 25° then the selling price is = Be ag 5 eo eT Peart apa ar are F360 & 1 ae ATH 25% %, a (A) © 1.600 we (B) = 1,450 he 7 16 gts (C) & 1.700 (D) 2 1,800 Which number will replace the question mark in the following serie: u ha &h der Fs a Y werees Pe ah after we? O38 15, 242 (A) 36 6) 2 (c) 38 0) 35 BB FR] ae 5 — @ scanned with OKEN Scanner 20 In an election berween two candidates 8S» of the voters cast th Shich $% of the votes were declared invalid A candidate pot 17 Were 80% of the total valid votes. Find the total number of vote election TOR Tg) oeflerere oy rd pa RSM eT TE | TA AS HT MN tem oleae wh der era a RO% He APA, OA 17.442 eT Ty pe tem ara wifi (AY 23.000 (By 21,000 (Cy 27,500 In the following choose the altemalive which closely resembles th the given com E Brafaftes Rrra 8 a ge fener gt of fe Ad me ge & oe oh Prem yen wt absscpe (A) sPtacpe (B) 2£PF2CD9 (C) sprecne (D) aP-2CD? International Booker Prize-2022 has been won by (A) Brandon Tailor (B) Geetanjali Shree (C) Douglas Stuart (D)_ George Saunders Sevier qae wTET-2022 fae are ara Ta 7 (B) Aaah a (A) Wiss at 1 7 (C) sna ware (D) stared KR 21 Winds circulation in an anticyclone in the Nonlhern Hemisphere (A) Anti-clockwise (B) Parallel to Isobar (C)_ No Circulation « (D) Clockwise et tered F sired A at thee St fee wa & (A) wei at ag & fate (B) war tant = + (C) ay wae 7 (D) aa a a % ay 22 Which of the following district of Bihar is a biggest producer o (A) Nalanda (B) Rohtas (C) Bhagalpur (D) Muzzafarpur Prafatad 9 @ fret an aren fae Get ar aaa wet BIS 7 (A) ART (B) tea (C) wrIege (D) qarect RE 13 Value of 0.04 + J0.0025 is : as fo.04 + J0.0025 ar wr & : (A) 0.03 (B) 0.018 (C) 0.003 (D) 03 v2] ar 7° @ scanned with OKEN Scanner A thew w or hi a ao en eat wn wha 1 yin ay wea eer ie 10) seg any EY Whe sas the + pagatpamhi Maver Case ue oer Pa ir hah {©} Kantyy = @ =_ 8 9 irr ashe emer A oT CU ae ny TS mT Mee aes CO ag (py wisn tow i Ib 4 2a) comuries are tonehing India’s international land borders cay gS ee tf twa ? os @) aa (4 IS IN SM OF ages oF 4 en , Whar eget 885 OF 4 children om atthe intervals of 4 j Ay RIM AB OF the sungeat eM? YAS each js 2 1 veary ® 9 years ut ey (D) 5 years erm er wee FF ere wee a} amg ar th 60 . as ag OH Eee aE ey (OB am (8) 9 arr © Lene, ©) Same Age @ scanned with OKEN Scanner 29 The Wools daespaet Hig Vie MiONAT Retis a oe MDM stratine Orns aes a fire fn eh Oe tay Been yee cy eg SME: are er) rate ree (Cearn together & 177 and 1 and N together & 100 per day while A a ther £162. Then daily eaming. of A. BoC toa te ferse wffer © 300 mmm’ % arefts Alte C feerose @ 77 amet wet Hatt C Pewrr = 162 amd &, aC of Kw mk B:* Wer tenaee (A) T40 (B) 2 68. Othe (cy Sz (Dy 639 ete y AU A is heavier than B, © is fighter than D. E is wave than D but lighter than E Who among them is lightest 7 ADR hE C.D 8 rem bE Dish Ao A ee, aorta wad rm Bat? a nee (ac 3 A (Cc) D o BN 32 Where is the 2024 O} be held 7 (A) Beijing lympics going to be me) T adon (C) Paris (D) 1. 2024 a attra: wet omifrr wom 7 (A) 4Rh (C) tfer Se 33. Find the remainder when 289 is divided by 89 7 CO 289 st 89 @ Penis ed oy deem een 2 (A) 2 (B) 87 (C) 88 @) 1 34° In acertain code ‘RAIL’ is written as 5796" cari is written as ‘3748°, is ‘PAIR’ written in that code 7 Wa Ua ae ¥ RAIL Ht 96: en AESUAPE wat 3748" firan or Wa ais FY ‘PAIR’ &@ fern wm 7 (A) 4785 (B) P (C) 8795 (D) 4 ‘5 Upto which element, the Law of Octaves was found applicable ? (A) Caleium (B) Cobalt (C) Potassium (D) Oxygen fra wea ce oem or foH wry TT THT ? (A) Rares (B) tare (C) Rem (D) aedion EY 2] e& 9 U @ scanned with OKEN Scanner or] 26 27 28 ve members in a family is 124 years. ve rc ihe combined age of their parent eon 4 ert 1 fe eee 2a oe wet oh ony TT The sum of the ages of the AW ehildren are in th the age of the sinung i tow uftere i ofa erseat aft ary ar ai ane a-ak ome -Fron wt ong mt St 76 8, (A) 12 fim ore a1 (B) 13 ©) 14 wy) 8 1 Fig (a) and (b) are relnted in a particular way. Establish te same relat and (a) from the given aliernatives. fre ere ee (a) b) eer, oe ae (c) em (a) Hat Ft oe Fr verter aig oD om Nw ( "un Fo [x] oO i [35] For what value of *P’, th® number 45589P6 is ve by 8? ‘Ps Parr ara & fig wEANISSBOPS, BY fons ? (B) . (D) 7 BR (A) 8 Os Which number should come next in the given series ? at ont eafey ? 1 & og afar ¥ arnt Ze 6, 10, 14, 20, Os ay (A) 16 ss (D) 14 RB (C) 22 What will be the next fis wor fire ot wert & ferg onghr ar at oat 7 Question Figures / a¥4 supfaat Answer Figures / aa = oR 2 og co Pel a VA X oD 8 (cc ar @ scanned with OKEN Scanner co ’e to replace the question mark ? owest paterson thew Fhe 1 IW ATR) at qe ay sae aoe? — » AS wy wl Q] m geg8, What is the real time in 1 27 Wher sect thimegh a mice, ¢ ohh shows 4 ™ nO eee tb ver & us oft wr car OAS SST TT 7 ? Ay os e to sae @ a SS First Amendnent Act. 1951 = e (AD Incladal sorte more Act in the Fighth Schedule (B) Adgod in the Union List Included Pmecsentation in the Lok Sabha 39 Natural ageing of a iske by nutrient enrichment of its water is called as : (A) Eutrophication (B) Decomposition ) om (D) Biomagnification SO a te as am eo oges Se ETT (RR) cath A fear at aa (A) wT (B) sqrt (C) swear (D) Sa avatht 40 Which team has won the maximum IPL titles ? (A) Rajasthan Royals (B) Chennai Super Kings (C) Kolkata Knight Riders (D) Mumbai Indians aia ot de wad rer aethue. agen cht 7? (A) Tren tar (B) ag aT fer (C) amar aie Tee (D) 7 Ferra 41 Duties of the Chief Minister as a principal channel of communication betwe: Govemor and the Council of Ministers are mentioned in : (A) Anicle 165 (B) Article 166 (C) Article 167 (D) Aniicle 164 warm UF sites & de dae & age ds & oy A gor HH & adel wr gene (A) ayer 165 F (B) syez 166 F (C) ages 167 ¥ (D) agez 164 AR le 10 [Cor @ scanned with OKEN Scanner AL WHE any thy toot HAN Wit ts i te Adal fuwyted tn tu Cou 60) ya, spa Queene RS ANN) Wt Wierd tea ecient in 75 (iy Wal (Ar top Cert seyapett mh oti tig ae (0 Daye CEE ter ae adie (Hy 19K 2 ete ay rt TLC ont a eT 1 ma ee RC 4 Divenne ; ‘ (AN Panama ene by im a OF Phamuntinn Nene hv tno (D) Wacherertir AY teh te yO ch nan Ay ae 44 Mie test country tes gene recognition to the government af Hanglidenh + A) Malian (1). Randa Batti "5 ti HN HAL ae rc tet we aT AT CA) riireriy (hy) «4 (C) Aer (b) wer 45 (AKI cans V6! from the top tn w elu of $2 students, What is his rar $2 Puen ro tae ak 1G A er ee AHA eT he i : . (Wy 34 4 (D) 20 46 Regulation of « 24 hours (diuenal) ehythm in human body is done by wh ond Is seereted by whieh gland ? (A) Somatostatin, hypothatamus (B) Prolactin, pinew! gland (C) Melatonin, pineal ghind (D) Vasopressin, adrenal gh wart are a tira; wa (24 1) 3 Praery om eps meer eared air or wth are avery Fever afte we B 7 mentee (B) aieifeer, fePre wn k , FP fe (D) aetafer, weirs 47 Convider the following statements nbout Attorney General of Indin - (1) He is appointed by Chief Justice of India, (2) He gives ndvice to Government of India on legal matters. Which of these statements are correct ? (A) Only (2) {B) Both (1) and (2) (C) Neither (1) Nor (2) * (D) Only (1) res rrareen® & ag Prin wel we Faw we (1) ae re & yea aararchar are Peper ' (2). ae ware weer at Pa eet Pre oe wee Ra & wren werd A arto wee? (A) tram (2) (B) (1) sty (2) at (C) 7 (1) ste 7% Q) (D) Fem (1) gy m2) ar 7 @ scanned with OKEN Scanner called AN The splitting af Hight inte ity component cote Jn salts (A) Retimetion 1) eetrection (OF Dispersion ib) re net ove ana Paarare me) ch OND orate (ny Prat. (py sree Bile (OO Preterm 496% ON is added to X. Again 9% of the result is added to the result, Multiple of Xia the final answer ? : Noon 6% NO bey one 4 ve after a 926 oftoneT Hct caret &, ir 8 Noor qenn war he? (Ad 118.84 ay dst fC) LISSS (D) 1554 50 Which of the word has been picked by Oxford University 1 Mowing Children's Word of The Year 2021? - (A) Vaceine (n) Anxlety (C)_ Perseverance : Frerferttacr 9 A Rew over a) oifaersté aPrafirel Fa are farsa aé ais = fat: fran mart - (A) air (B) Carag (©) weahratear (D) te ie What is the value of 2+ $2 Which of the following sector of transport of the country contributes highest value addition ? (A) Road Transport (B) Air Transport (C) Water Transport (D) Railway Pra ta at or ae én & oitaer & aaa oaths F aaiftee aha wen & 7 (A) asm oftaET (B) 3 ohaet (C) are after (D) tt Re $ Select the different figure from the following - Prer & ara (Rr) onpfer at Pag — oe] of] 0 [4] 0 Oo” 12 [Cor @ scanned with OKEN Scanner 44 CHOSE ANSWep wer A ny reall {hat has a relationship similar to the question figures MeCN) AG ney stern eeny ore syne qn mt ya Ss [2 [2] wy a Nie Ren xy oun a ™ [233] WIZZ [23] m|Pid \" in any’ code language, *GROUP" is written as BNLSO", then how i writen in the same code language ? aft fat afi sar “GROUP" ay “BNLSO™ fran mat %, at oth ai “MIGER® @t 35% fra on & 7 (A) OEDBA ‘ . B) OFQCD (C) OECDA oy bee a $6 Ina certain code language “WATER? is written as *1#352' and ‘ROSE? i 2645". how is “SOAR written in that code language ? Fett Pract ae rer Hf WATER’ af +1352" fran amen & oft ‘ROSE’ ait * ara &, at sit Fz set F “SOAR at Sa fran aM t ? (A) 3%24 (B) 3#%4 (C) 542% (D) 4%#2 XG 57 Powers. authority and responsibilities of Panchayats are provided in : (A) Article 243 E (B) Article 243 F (C) Article 243 G (D) Article 243 D Sera at sifted, wofrore cen cerceafare ar wae Prem aa & : (A) ayes 243 =H (B) ake 243 a 9 (C) apes 243 oH (D) ageie 243 7H RE 8 P,Q, R and S are playing carom. P and Q are partners. S faces to If P faces towards West, then who faces towards South ? PQRaMTS SH Ga wt i ParQahké Saaremaa ten war St ae B, ct afer ah ae fre deat 7 (A) R (B) Ss a (C) P 0) Qi Q) or 3 @ scanned with OKEN Scanner ol oe 68 z 6s yg se wan Ce cons WT probes : lve Wi nant HF et cas many. pve a Ine so pou ane ‘nea nt EIN Fe a go EP eye cement ay) a ie ty 13 Bile as , Aa wre hed mae A DI? ya car 0 ea ch Mont Sore anor 0 ae a? eta a (oy air Be Chose ea he ead ome aoa (ay SPW (Dp) Val, (©) ROU WC “TEACUER’ is coded ay *EMKINMP", then how will “HARI? Be “TEACHER wh “LMKINMD" & wifes far ore $, ar “LAR Bibi Pear orm 7 (a) MBNzQ (B)LMKIN (©) MPKLN @) MKPLN The relationship between the dia (D) of th i i sg (yt EE ekg sar FF () et oa ht (7) Here 4 area od & errs w ocx (8) D=ar “ big (0) o-s t-known example of is toy ten a —~ is the Mid-Atlantic Ridoe (8) Byerer tonne 8) Transform Roun (D) Convergent Boundari t A) area eg OTT ey (ame . ©) strane em Three positio, - Sentaning $7" °" * Ace ate shown, bel, Wat a de + @ scanned with OKEN Scanner oo eTeCE option, which br obtained by folding tanyparent sheet along WAL Vener by mh sien she mt eg dene a oeyftat meet ere eet mtr Bi Venmsparent Sheet / array of “1 ‘l | oll: Pri i” a) | {] | : wy Ig fh . (ey PG (D) [i Bh $F Average monthly income of a family of four earning members is & 2.640. One corning member died and therefore average income came down to & 2,220. The much income dh a? . ure RT rit a cfrare ay ofr safer sara © 2,640 % ERA aT et A ry me oft wafer, chery arm © 2,220 om am Thos at ora fae eT (A) 2% 3,900 (B) %3,900 (C) 23,800 (Dy) 73,980 6H ‘Rishi Sunak’ is the new Prime Minister of — (A) Australia (B) Italy (Cc) UK. (D) Canada safe pre’ aa gurhh & - (A) onteferar & (B) se & . (C) am. & () ares AG 69 Which number is subtracted ftom 77217 to make it exactly divisible by 9 aha th tear 77217, 8 werk oe Ps dem peta 9 & front at? (A) 6 (B) 7 (Cc) 8 (D) 5 70 If ‘BAT = 58" and ‘SHE = 49", then ‘SOME? will be equal to - ‘aft ‘BAT = 58" wer ‘SHE = 49", 7a ‘SOME' aarat tem — (A) 52 (B) 64 (C) 50 (D) 56 AR 71 Ifthe difference of 3.003 and 2.050 is added to their sum, then what will be waft 3.003 Tem 2.050 & orae at wae cin Y ote, ch amr wat eT? (A) 1.5643 (B) 6.006 (C) 5.8976 (D) 2.7980 FM2) 67 15 @ scanned with OKEN Scanner 7 Ly 76 7 a 7 eA ATL 106, . question man Mahe mmier whic replace ME MU van tear tifa, Freed wa FO (oy 219 tom on wD ine belle pice, Ihe ha Taran hong a .¥, with 28% dicoui Oy what price did 408 discount, then he wou et sane er | ITE TE 40% a mee A gw adh fre eat 3 R00 waa eho Aa Fe ee sd 17.000. AY © 16,000 . (15,000 Bie ne 718,800 @) Which one of the following is amorphous ‘a Glass (8) Graphite (O) Diamond (6). Common Salt i Preifatea 3 @ abt aifeecia 8 7 w oa @ i (rears ae @) ta The least number which is divided by 4, 5, 6 and 7 leaves a remainder divided by 9 leaves no remainder, is - igen whet oer Prt 4, 5, 6 aire 7-8 Remit Bet Te 3 steer APT ae stg dhren 7 am, f- A) 1683 @) 1690 . ® 1700 ©) 1600 BE “The sum of two numbers is 25 and thei ratio is 2:3, then the numbers & oarait ar chy 25 Fae Gre argue 2:3 &, at emt F: (A) 5,20 (B) 12,13 © Was @) 10, 15 {E2ording to Kepler's laws of planetary motion, the time period (7) and Qf fhe circular orbit of # planet about the sun are related by : Baye & on Promega, ee & afte: TeTeTe wer A ahem we Te Te Be awh weer ra (R) HF dat : 2,1 ay r “a @) 722R3 2,1 © Mas @) Par? BE 2) a 6 rc @ scanned with OKEN Scanner ay others: wont whieh ty dierent Oy oH cin (py Caron $ ayy rere bi et amy od gerd ab oer BF ON tty onraet (Oy gn mrs ven fue. SS Hint ont the number at squares ia the given Fs Remy Rew anf mer any (B) 12 (D) 10 4 in the last 1S matches, After core in the last match ? 38 Runs an avenig (By So Roh averige become $3, What was Robi (A) 34 Runs Titer as Pre 1S ta Y often wate 54 1 ont ta a are carer atte (B) 38TH Ee (D) 30 Runs (C) 42 Runs aay afta an wate wr ur 7 (A) Mo (2) 3077 (B) 2°! October, 1993 (C) 4207 When was Mid-day Meal Scheme launched in India ? (D) 15" August, 1993 87 (A) 15% August, 1995 (C) 24 October, 1995 wrca ¥ firs-3 ser ahora oe meer wt TE? (B) 2 ara, 1993 (D) 15 30m, 1993 (A) 13 ord, 1995 (C) 2 anager, 1995 Which of the following varieties of coffee is produced most in India (B) Liberica (D) Robusta (C) Brazilian (D) tart BS (A) artfrer (B) Jim Corbett National P: (C) anit (D) Gir National Park The first National Park established in India is - 88 (A) Arabica Prey & Pra axe ah fowr ar oomet area F wad after Bare 7 (B) ferafear 89 (A) Kanha National Park (C) Kaziranga National Park ura # vent vee Trete sars & — (A) are were sort (B) firm wide wegte sere (C) arden were ort (D) fr wee cr 18 FM2) ay @ scanned with OKEN Scanner w 9 9 Avlw “a LUM Aas dlisted exrully adnan 24 bays, cach af their pot % wee TET TNO ennai teeelved hy each bay when the same a at is distrib: exnuitly anny jae Sant AIREY ggg hy NA wa the am a e120 ofr fom tN LS) nt dy my ser FT TT 120 f a w wa maya pte \ wath oh oe arate ager afar emer ars io . t cay © 11,820 ye wy ein ty) e 12,000 Uta an 710 WHE he there atthe end af 1S «AS ¥ 20,» 30 60 + 75.2 ROS 078 at At apa | rg 8 i ’ wy § (D) 6 Hi ra of stuutenty, i Juhu yee fs 16!" from teft and Johnson who is 8!" fror A era ee tt Positions, then John becomes 33"! from let. How many stu aad ft ME af tiy a _ an . Nant dt $ oft aie Hh ate eG Neat ay gt Neer waaay god tart se aa Be frat athe . fw B) 40 wt , a 3OR WH 2-4 9-5 ond 4 = al 12=h aes hey Pare (A) 7 (B) 5 (cy 8 (D) 9 Madina Bhushan Awardee Prabha Atre is associated with which one of the folloy (AY Flute (B) Vocal Music (C) Veena (D) Siar vege ower RAC NT OTR Areata A Reed ost B ? (ay aig (B) er wir (cy em (D) fame RG The length and brendth of a rectangle are increased by 40% and 30% respec then how much percent the area of the rectangle so formed exceeds the area original rectangle ? Ore Hem OMT wh eters oA eteTg wa: 40% afte 30% war et OMe, a ure aE =I yet ones ak awe A Rca were Sater ei 7 g (A) 81% (B) 82% (Cc) 90% (D) 80% RF Who built the Moti Masjid in the Red Fort in Delhi 2 (A) Aurangzeb (B) Bahadur Shah IL (C) Jahandarshab (D) Shahjahan Pree) As error Pe) AY D waftarg emt Prater Parert wear ? (A) ofthe (B) wergeame Petre (C) orofercans (D) meat 1 aw 19 tc @ scanned with OKEN Scanner Le Choose the figure which is different from the rest. we fet GQ ot ora 8 arr 1 WA) «ay A yoN wo eS KU) 79 Who js the author of the book titled ‘Unfinished : A Memoir" ? (A) Katrina Kaif (B) Anushka Sharma (C) Priyanka Chopra Jonas (D) Deepika Padukone. Fars orfatys : y Aslam’ et afer ae 7 . (A) ain oe () aya (C) first etn sire (D) eS ver BE 804.960 m long train is running at the speed of 360m. In what tim 8 man running at 76 m/sec in the same direction 2 (A) 30 sec (B) 25 sec (C) 13 see eenares ©) 40 sec 960 Het amb uw 2a 360 feat St ot Soa TE 1a wart far we eae St fort waa F oe tit 7 = (A) 30 (B) 23Fe5 (C) 15 tes (0) atger & 81 Which is the capital of Kazakhstan ? (A) Yerevan @) ok (C) Astana (D) Abuja BAER St TEM ear te (A) aH () we (C) aR @) ae w 82 If + means x, x means +, + means — and — meafé2>, then what is the value of 18x4=7-3+62 \O Rs att x, x oad § ++ ote shes wd 8's, WRX 4275356e WH et? (9 ° ®) wn (C) 18 @) 8 83° Select different alternative from the following : Pra 4 8 fr frees at gh: (A) 705 @) 552 . (C) 732 @) 43 FQ) ar 7 @ scanned with OKEN Scanner er BONEN tae ng cat wt yn Mons ty , 7 Faith, Ct tn gt Lezstns sil exanghote the pier Ha Vanes s9 161 wenn weighs an gh PY? were “fp ar APOE Vr ey : °° septa mal » [Al 0 [| oF por Which coe enone thas fy i teaittes Mecelegtne nt sng tit bs the: cetenne Want afer tv erente spiritual wentt ta) tHABAD Hilbiee the nation (Cy WAT (Hy dann (Dy HRIDAT p 1 ee ine Fretotian a fan x POM eat at enn a ate et M6 PA HOOT any 7 thy We HASAN (Cy VA MIDAY (64) rert (Udaan) ? (MOY, My 720 (SIDAY) Et Mf a> A298, then Situh the vale of Yo tal + Sa- 106 th a~ NDA, 04 Vid tari + Sa et tira air eat, thy 204952 cael (sy 2.3524 (Dy 2.3502 (Cy 25342 05 Find the odd man out, any WH TH 2H Va os 125, 127, 140, 135, 142, 154, los (Ay S42 “ (i) 153 (Cy 165 (D) 130 Which of the following statcrnents is NOT true in context of catton crop 4 (A) Small staple cotton is grown highest in India. (4) Gujarat is one of the leading cotton producing state in India. (Cy 50-100 em rainfall is ideal for cotton cultivation. (D) Sis grown in both subtropical and tropical climatic regions, fratihan 4 aur a Tee Har om mer ha EP (Ay arts sie Ta ah te en Tralee eI Hho | (B) wren 4 peer ce ae ened eee Ta HH (C) aan i trh % ft 50-100 te amt caret Ure % 1 (1) Peeks tezrare irom wet roma rer, Pet A oro 1 RE | 1 Gf a1 au = (a4) Bar; 4B Bqay ag bir @ scanned with OKEN Scanner vctor in (ime PoE DAE A Hens aceons any cHntse Te MA OY, 2 cH y TUE Meuuphs the ererscsection F a nf fe het cane i Yh oem Fa argue age A ay ere em "8 conten free ome th (Stang wy My TOM gg tor am be ae ON Chews the cutrect water Image of the following figure. & nt ATES on creeper amy afore fet |e {Ay [4] «B) fon) [9-| «p) 99 Declared hy UNESCO, Intemational Mother Language Day is celebratce date? (Ay February 12h (B) February 10" (C) February ath (D) February 21% 7 ere arn hits ararcifia megan fro fea arta wt ween ore t ? (A) 12 wreath (B) 10 wet (C) & urah (D) 21 wert BE YAO) Amit Sahai has received “Michael and Sheila Held Prize 2022" for his + inthe field of (A) Economics (B) Computer Science (C) Intemational Relations (D) History aa were ay & dat ote are & fe age We shen te wre Ea 1 (A) aéomer (B) a= fa (C) sentda gery (D) eferera be 101 Which of the following publishes the National Health Profile (NHP) g (A) The Central Bureau of Health Intelligence (1B) The International Institute for Population Sciences (C) The National Health Authority {D) The National Institmte of Health and Family Welfare Fretfafors #4 aia acd trea tier (NUP) at waa wre 4 warfir (A) 2a een aie oi (B) aerhen fama an onnicta deat (C) wera area onftrerer ss (D) aren ot ofeare aa a ose thar ERE FM2] or 20 @ scanned with OKEN Scanner oy! (sr dy? fy U0)" + Gy! Cr er tar AS «cy 75 ot en at fo Doha" ty the capital at (Ad Sytin (C) Oi save’ arnt (A) AiR ay (C) ata aa (A) 16 years (C) 20 years In what time will a sii OF money double ve then this uti aa am, teuend ome ET agen (iy 54 (a 1) (Ny “Vvkey (Dy Gaur (8) th th (Dy mere Itself at ¢2% per unnum simple interes’? a (D) 18 years (Dy 15 yours For ra A aT oP 2g ih ter warn are hh A (A) 16am “4 (C) 20 we nz two dots ? (B) 1B (13) 1S aot ed Three different positions of w dice are shown helow, How many dals ihe opposite Ty Te A ait AAMT Reta AML oh mg By eh fegait bs Pert Foor fry, wt? wi ai) (iy (A) 3 (c) 6 n3 doubled to 80 since 2010 7 (A) Sathyamangalam Tiger Reserve (C) Kanha Tiger Reserve (B) 5 wD) 1 Which Tiger Reserve won the TX2 award In Janunry, 2022, where Its tiger numt (B) Corbett ‘Tiger Reserve (D) Band\pur Tiger Reserve erat 2022 8 fare ene Prod A TX2 qeeare Mer, Pree 2010 are A wna wh Srp vet 80 Hong 7 (A) Werte erbre Ford (C) ora ane Por FM2) a7 (i) We ab ok (0) wedge angre fort a (ce @ scanned with OKEN Scanner communication Technole pice Technology ) SP care BrP (o safeer vara @ Ee ose the comect option : 108 Consider the figure give res Commme® Activa Eneay <3 ‘Reaction ‘Coordinate —_ (A) Activation eneray oF forward reaction is Ey + E and product is less s reactant. A. (B) Activation encrey crboth forward and backward reaction is Ey + Ep an than product. -_ ted reaction is E, and product is more si is more stable (c_Activaion enerey of back reactant. (D) Activation enerey of forward reaction is E reactant. en en Roe ads 8 eT TE: be afte tig + E, and product is mores ‘aiftifsar Preatts ——> (A). apr arfitirar at aia Sat ( E, + E,% ait rere ae a ee oie oe (©) wa otter a ation oat Et oft cere, aaftrares & varet wart & (D) 3mm afiicer a asa Gat E, + Ep & aft sen, france Sate f 2) w 2 [¢ @ scanned with OKEN Scanner w ne ng FM2] @& 25 OE Whe Bonne, ANOS, hay Lon Sap? |p y sa oh N 19327 VSS oath Sele ( Mahutina Ghnndht X han, . va a wo eda (OY secre ge N'A wren fateh nts Amrange the (WY) mene rid SMowing Pr the Particles - Wstanows 4 (0) &, ome, sciteor kt wilh siga iy —_ “SS in Increasing order of forces of attraction between Bay stgar smi SY vd COV Stiga ~ tytn en een eh 8 te onan el mh (DQ) hydtogen < sugar < milk ray a (D) hydidgen < milk < sugar WwW. tha, ah “7 A Ponte wad of matey ae A) ht to ich most appropriately complete this Series. Question Figures en Tee's heat | (B) (D) What is the writing direction of Saindhava Script ? (A) Left to Right (B) Vertical Line (C) Horizontal Tine (D) Right to Left dara faa A ter Ram a hE 7 (A) aa & cist (B) wit ta (C) fra tar (D) aia a art Given that (A is brother of B. (I) C is father of A. (Ql) D is brother of E. (IV) B is mother of E. fea Ta — @ A Bawgts dn CA aw fiat (IU) D, E a wg et (IV) BL E a at B 1 Z then Matemal Grandfather of D is :- Be aa Dar are AS (A) A ™ {2, © B () E at (D) C QQ] Ee 29 { @ scanned with OKEN Scanner ect EeTION Cl ere spesnene uns i . a oa AY the U an wa rater 0H a ¢ Any the n vay Sil Lan ‘ {EY Hanyhalesd a ranere frat eon o : cay Aetna oO ablish the same relationst (cy abomter a ven alternatives for Fig, 14 Ege cn) aad 9 ay cl i) Boar rare Ft (a(t) Ad af) Prwet an Question Figures / ley | @) e (c) 135 [rach d>c and ac ont aa 924 (A) aa (ll) () wae TAM (D) ae (1) 476 © (att dy et 136 Pick out the odd one from the following : Pret a Po at weg + (A) "PID (B) XVA © Noe ©) yNg related lo “Whole”, in the same way as “Arc” is related to 137 fa Ciele (B) Triangle (0) Stuer (D) Trapezium Fr" a aera ah a & we wee ara" wah & - A) wa a Oma (0) eee FM2] or B @ scanned with OKEN Scanner (Ho He Dvir aay UA Auvinen ly titties Singin Literature was known as = AU Vermin (UW) Pulayan dio ROL A eat) y (9) Vellar UT umn AO) athe AW) oy i (D) teare Aba was the tan hich He 7 nas i Ali West Vakistiny Srited forves of East Pakistan which fought war of " CAD Muktiteatiiens (Oy Went Atte to wilt tract as eum (D) Bengal National Amy tm a (AY Roatan To of oranda are qa enfcera Gt Sates Fa as Te (C) site aeiey aa (8) afar . “ (D) ere wera aT (U7) Mubtisena ul Whe was the first elected 1y (AY Sutya Hater Chaya (CY Pushpa Komal Dahat Auret ay ate Paley warps aid 2 Ay qd i i = bi (B) fitter vere atte (Oe et eet BN (D) Pravae see eigcer ine Minister of Nepal 2 (8) Girija Prasad Koirala (D) Bishweshwar Prasad Koirala Ww nee 4 Soully-West OFT. LEV jg 50 m South-East of T, then Vis in which dire athe . t (AY West (B) Nonth-East (CY South, 0) Eas . © RODS afruRae 8 so eet afk v, Te ater-gd 450 See $, ar Ra Rm YR 7 : : (A) aay (B) wee (0) -sftrer (0) =e 180 Which one of the following types of medicines is used for treating indigesti (A) Ang (B) Antacid (C) Antiseptic (D) Antibiotic aa 4 avant & Pre Pres F & Pre were St cansit an coats fen ae Ez (A) wean . (B) sears (C) deters & (D) wiaates 3 i fy AR] ar @ scanned with OKEN Scanner ¢ following series > UAE Wier mmber ae fHl rephaee the question mt te _ meen N97 oN acento aaa nee fe mY AE ty Ya MIS, 2220b (yy 406 wih uae ‘ wy Mm om to the Eighth Sehedule 7 VEN When was the Sindhi Lanpumge nee ? fon comsefY eget) Yvan 17a sue mn) one anqyet (3) 1967 CA) Wer (C1940 (p) 1960 fat Noyes inva class is v0 times the number of Girls, Whic BE The umber r j epresent the folal number of students in th Following numbers ean not re cy mar A era) a) tte, read a) ator PA ree aS ate A er en SD ger dear nd) wall? (Ar 42 (B) 4s «) 44 (D) 48 Which of the allowing dice is Identical to the unfolded given below { ls Ferd att ar grat ad Oe get wf ope & weir B 7 Question Figure / 947 TBR 30 @ scanned with OKEN Scanner

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