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<<Project Title>>

An Engineering Project in Community Service

Phase – II Report

Submitted by

<<Team Members List

Sl. No. Register Number Name >>

in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of

Bachlore of Engineering and Technology

VIT Bhopal University


<<Month, Year>>
Bonafide Certificate

Certified that this project report titled “<< Project Title>>” is the bonafide
work of “<<Team Members Register Number and Name (ex.
17BCE100XX Name1, 17BEC100XX Name 2,.. etc.)>>” who carried out
the project work under my supervision.

This project report (Phase II) is submitted for the Project Viva-Voce
examination held on …………..


Comments & Signature ( Reviewer 1)

Comments & Signature ( Reviewer 2)

Sl. No. Topic Page No.

1. Introduction 1
1.1 Motivation 2
1.2 Objective 2
2. Existing Work 3

Add the necessary data as per the above list.

1. INTRODUCTION ( 1 page)- Include page numbers at bottom of every page

 Spacing between lines must be 1

 Times New roman font style – Size 12
 Headings may be font size – 14, Times New Roman

1.1 Motivation

1.2 Objective

2. Existing Work / Literature Review ( 1- 2 Pages)

3. Topic of the work ( 4- 10 Pages)

a) System Design / Architecture
b) Working Principle ( Add Necssary images by Specifying Figure Numbers, ex: Fig. 1 Architecure)
c) Results and Discussion ( Add necessary tables by Specifying table Numbers, ex: Table 1 <Name>)
d) Individual Contribution by members ( at least half page per member)

4. CONCLUSION ( 1 Page)

5. Reference: ( Minimum 1 Page)

1. Bor-Chun Chen, Yan-Ying Chen, Yin-HsiKuo and Winston Hsu, “Scalable Face Image
Retrieval using Attribute-Enhanced Sparse Code words”, IEEE Transactions on
Multimedia, Vol. 3, No. 1, pp.1-11, 2012.
2. Paper 2 ( use the same above format)
3. Add as many as you have refered.

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