CEN-101 MTE Autumn 2021-22

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11/24/22, 3:42 PM CEN-101 MTE Autumn 2021-22

CEN-101 MTE Autumn 2021-22

IIT Roorkee, Dept. of Civil Engineering

B.Tech. (Civil Engineering) I Year MTE Autumn 2021-22

CEN-101 (Introduction to Civil Engineering) 

Day & Date: Wednesday, 12 January 2022

Duration: 60 Minutes (10 AM to 11 AM)

Total Marks: 75 (There are 75 MCQs each carrying 01 mark).


(1) Please write your Full Name and Enrolment Number.

(2) You need to submit it at or before 11:00 AM. Beyond 11:05 AM, submission will
not be accepted.

Points: 31/75

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11/24/22, 3:42 PM CEN-101 MTE Autumn 2021-22

Correct 1/1 Points

In a circular tube of diameter 100 mm and length 13 m in laminar flow, the friction factor is
estimated to be 0.05. Calculate the Reynolds number.


1280 


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11/24/22, 3:42 PM CEN-101 MTE Autumn 2021-22

Incorrect 0/1 Points

Three parallel pipes connected at the two ends have flow-rates Q1, Q2 and Q3 respectively,
and the corresponding frictional head losses are hL1, hL2, and hL3 respectively. The correct
expressions for total flow rate (Q) and frictional head loss across the two ends (hL) are

Q = Q1 = Q2 = Q3; hL = hL1 + hL2 + hL3

Q = Q1 = Q2 = Q3; hL = hL1 = hL2 = hL3

Q = Q1 + Q2 + Q3; hL = hL1 + hL2 + hL3

Q = Q1 + Q2 + Q3; hL = hL1 = hL2 = hL3 

Correct 1/1 Points

Even cloth can reinforce the soil

True 

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11/24/22, 3:42 PM CEN-101 MTE Autumn 2021-22

Incorrect 0/1 Points

GPS provides location in

Global coordinate system 

Neither in Global nor in local coordinate system

Local Coordinate System

Both in Global as well as in local coordinate system

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Incorrect 0/1 Points

Trenchless construction is

A special type of construction used for laying of pipe lines 

Used for deep foundation construction

A ground improvement method

An economical construction method for dam making

Correct 1/1 Points

State True or False: Civil Engineering is involved in planning, design, construction and
maintenance of physical infrastructure.


True 

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Correct 1/1 Points

Geocells are made of




Polymer 

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11/24/22, 3:42 PM CEN-101 MTE Autumn 2021-22

Correct 1/1 Points

Tick the correct answer.

Rayleigh waves are surface waves, caused due to wave action of water

Rayleigh waves are waves caused due to vandalism

Rayleigh waves are surface acoustic wave that travel on solids 

Rayleigh waves are waves caused due to wind

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Correct 1/1 Points

H flume is used for measuring

Surface runoff 



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Incorrect 0/1 Points


Water at 25 ℃ is flowing through a 1.0 km long G.I pipe of 200 mm diameter at the rate of
0.07 m^3/s. If the value of Darcy friction factor for this pipe is 0.02 and density of water is 1000
kg/m^3, the pumping power (in KW) required to maintain the flow is


17.4 


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11/24/22, 3:42 PM CEN-101 MTE Autumn 2021-22

Correct 1/1 Points


Thermal Infra-red Spectro-Radiometer works in the range________ μm.

3.6 to 4.9


None of the above

8.0 to 12.0 

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11/24/22, 3:42 PM CEN-101 MTE Autumn 2021-22

Correct 1/1 Points


Choose the correct statement

Geosynthetic is a synthetic cloth used for modern dresses

Geosynthetic is a polymer used for soil reinforcement 

Geosynthetic is a synthetic cloth used for packing purpose

None of the above

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Correct 1/1 Points


GIS stands for

Geographic Information System 

Global Information System

General Information System

Global Institute System

Correct 1/1 Points


State True or False: Building, Bridges, Roads, Dams, Canals belong to civil infrastructures.

True 

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11/24/22, 3:42 PM CEN-101 MTE Autumn 2021-22

Incorrect 0/1 Points


Building Information Modeling system is not used for _________ of Civil Infrastructure.

Design 



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Incorrect 0/1 Points


Wetted perimeter for a rectangular channel of width w and depth y is



w+2y 

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Correct 1/1 Points


Surveying, Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing, Global Positioning System etc are components

Hydraulics Engineering

Geomatics Engineering 
Geotechnical Engineering

None of the above

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Incorrect 0/1 Points


Dubai airport is constructed on

Sea Shore

Sea land

Reclaimed land 
Trenchless ground

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Incorrect 0/1 Points


Pulverisation of stone ballast in rail tracks takes place due to

sabotage of tracks


fall of ground water table

movement of high axle and high speed trains 

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Correct 1/1 Points


The oil with specific gravity 0.8, dynamic viscosity of 8×10^-3 NS/m^2 flows through a smooth
pipe of 100 mm diameter and with Reynolds number 2100. The average velocity of the pipe is:




0.21m/s 

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Incorrect 0/1 Points


RESA is made in airport

to give microwave signal to pilot

to lift aeroplane from ground

to bring aeroplane to sudden halt 

to increase speed of aeroplane

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Incorrect 0/1 Points


For “Rainfall” form of precipitation, what is the standard diameter size of water droplets?

Greater than 0.5 mm 

Greater than 0.3 mm and less than 0.5 mm

None of the above

Less than 0.5 mm

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Incorrect 0/1 Points


3D imaging, Nondestructive testing of Civil infrastructures, locating underground objects can

be done using __________.

Ground Penetration Radar 

Micro-wave radiometer

Laser scanner


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Incorrect 0/1 Points


Fuel equivalent grams per passenger per kilometer by high speed railway is

12.1 



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Correct 1/1 Points


Types of Remote Sensing images include

Hyperspectral Image

Panchromatic image

Multi-spectral image

All of the above 

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Incorrect 0/1 Points


Tajmahal is supported by:

Pile foundation

Well foundation 

River foundation

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Correct 1/1 Points


Evaporation is estimated by

All of the above 

Mass transfer method

Energy budget method

Water budget method

Correct 1/1 Points


State True or False: Future of Civil Engineering also lies in planning, design, construction and
maintenance of physical infrastructure in other planets.

True 

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Incorrect 0/1 Points


Oil flows through a 200 mm diameter horizontal cast iron pipe (friction factor, f=0.0225) of
length 500 m. The volumetric flow rate is 0.2 m^3/s. The head loss (in m) due to friction is
(assume g = 9.81 m/s^2)


116.21 


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Incorrect 0/1 Points


A triangular gate with a base width of 2m and a

height of 1.5m lies in a vertical plane.The top
vertex of the gate is 1.5 m below the surface of a
tank which contains oil of specific gravity 0.8.
Considering the density of water and acceleration
due to gravity to be 1000 kg/m^3 and 9.81 m/s^2,
respectively, calculate the hydrostatic force (in kN)
exerted by the oil on the gate.


29.43 


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Correct 1/1 Points


For slope stabilisation,

Bermuda & Vetivar grass may be used

both (a) & (b) are wrong

both (a) & (b) are correct 

Retaining walls may be made

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Incorrect 0/1 Points


A hyetograph is a plot of

Cumulative rainfall vs time

Discharge vs time

Rainfall intensity vs time 

Rainfall depth vs duration

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Incorrect 0/1 Points


First person who created awareness about testing of soil for construction purpose was

Mansaar 



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Incorrect 0/1 Points


Inclusion of reinforcing element into soil develops:

Apparent cohesion, friction, compression

Apparent cohesion, tension, additional shear strength 

Friction, consolidation, adhesion

Additional shear strength, consolidation, apparent cohesion

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Correct 1/1 Points


Total Station provides location in

Neither in Global nor in local coordinate system

Global coordinate system

Local Coordinate System 

Both in Global as well as in local coordinate system

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Correct 1/1 Points


Ground Improvement techniques are (select the correct answer):

Grouting, Excavation, Granular piles, micropiles

Nailing, Grouting, Increase of voids, scooping out of soil

Compaction, Grouting, Granular piles and Nailing 

Excavation, use of geosynthetics, micropiling

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Correct 1/1 Points


For laminar flow in circular pipe, Reynolds number is

Less than 4000

Less than 2300 

Greater than 4000

Greater than 2300

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Incorrect 0/1 Points


Foundation of leaning tower got leaned due to:


Consolidation 
Excessive loads on tower

None of the above

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11/24/22, 3:42 PM CEN-101 MTE Autumn 2021-22

Incorrect 0/1 Points


In the given figure, the general value of 'L' is:

0.2 H

0.7 H 


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Correct 1/1 Points


Micropiles are:

Low cost piles, hence called micropiles

Low speed driving piles

Small diameter piles which are provided for aesthetics of existing

Small length and small diameter pile to provide tensile strength to existingfoundation 

Incorrect 0/1 Points


State True or False: Six broad components of Civil engineering are Environmental Engineering,
Geomatics Engineering, Geotechnical Engineering, Hydraulics Engineering, Structural
Engineering and Transportation Engineering.

True 

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Incorrect 0/1 Points


Reynolds number is the ratio of

Shear force to inertia force

Surface force to viscous force

Viscous force to inertia force

Inertia force to viscous force 

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Incorrect 0/1 Points


Grouting is the process for

Demolishing of building

Reducing height of building

Increasing ground water table

Improvement of ground to cater building loads 

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Incorrect 0/1 Points


Three series pipes connected at the two ends have flow-rates Q1, Q2 and Q3 respectively, and
the corresponding frictional head losses are hL1, hL2, and hL3 respectively. The correct
expressions for total flow rate (Q) and frictional head loss across the two ends (hL) are

Q = Q1 + Q2 + Q3; hL = hL1 = hL2 = hL3

Q = Q1 = Q2 = Q3; hL = hL1 + hL2 + hL3 

Q = Q1 = Q2 = Q3; hL = hL1 = hL2 = hL3

Q = Q1 + Q2 + Q3; hL = hL1 + hL2 + hL3

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Correct 1/1 Points


Which type of evaporation pan has wider range of pan coefficient (Cp)?

USGS Floating Pan

Colorado Sunken Pan

US class A pan

ISI pan (modified Class A) 

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Correct 1/1 Points


Among various factors affecting the shape of the hydrograph

For the same catchment area, hydrographs are more peaked and floods moreabrupt in elongated, steep basins
than in equant, gently sloping basin

Both b and c 
Hydrographs attends peak at less time for smaller sized watersheds

Fan shaped watershed gives low peaked, broad hydrograph

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Incorrect 0/1 Points


Determine the hydraulic depth of a triangular channel having the side slope Z and depth y.



y/2 

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Incorrect 0/1 Points


The rate of evaporation

Decreases at higher altitude

Both a and b 
Increases with lower relative humidity

None of the above

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Incorrect 0/1 Points


How the accumulated infiltration varies with time?

linearly decreases with time

remains constant

gradually increases with time 

gradually decreases with time

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Correct 1/1 Points


Choose the correct statement:

Foundation is the element of a structure which connects it to ground

Foundation is the structure which transfers load to ground

Both (a & b) statements are wrong

Both (a) & (b) statements are correct 

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Incorrect 0/1 Points


The infiltration rate

Exponentially decreases with time until it reaches a constant value 

Exponentially increases with time

Exponentially decreases with time

Independent of time

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Correct 1/1 Points


Accurate establishment of Ground control points can be achieved by using

3D Laser Scanner

Robotic Total Station

Microwave Radiometer

GPS receivers 

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11/24/22, 3:42 PM CEN-101 MTE Autumn 2021-22

Incorrect 0/1 Points


Structural Health Monitoring can be done by applying _____________ remote sensing.

Mid Infra-Red 
Short Wave Infra-Red

Near Infra-Red

Thermal Infra-Red

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11/24/22, 3:42 PM CEN-101 MTE Autumn 2021-22

Correct 1/1 Points


Differences in gravity, radiation, temperatures are required to be considered for designing of

civil infrastructures on 


Earth's orbit

All of the above 


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11/24/22, 3:42 PM CEN-101 MTE Autumn 2021-22

Incorrect 0/1 Points


________________ is not used during construction of Civil Infrastructure.

GPS Receiver

Total Station

Sensors onboard Unmanned Aerial Vehicle

Microwave Radiometer 

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11/24/22, 3:42 PM CEN-101 MTE Autumn 2021-22

Incorrect 0/1 Points


Distress in concrete structure can be identified by applying _____________ remote sensing.

Near Infra-Red

Thermal Infra-Red 
Short Wave Infra-Red

Mid Infra-Red

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11/24/22, 3:42 PM CEN-101 MTE Autumn 2021-22

Incorrect 0/1 Points


Geotechnical reasons for failure of rail tracks are (select the most correct answer):

Reduction in critical speed of train

Two trains moving side by side together

Sabotage of rail tracks, Excessive loads in train

Liquefaction, shear failure of sub-grade, Excessive plastic deformation 

Correct 1/1 Points


State True or False: In Geodetic Surveying, surface of the earth is taken as plane surface.

False 

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11/24/22, 3:42 PM CEN-101 MTE Autumn 2021-22

Incorrect 0/1 Points


Rock-types on earth’s surface can be identified by applying _____________hyperspectral remote


Near Infra-Red

Short Wave Infra-Red 

Mid Infra-Red

Thermal Infra-Red

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11/24/22, 3:42 PM CEN-101 MTE Autumn 2021-22

Incorrect 0/1 Points


Dredging is done by making Cofferdam

to store water

to generate electricity

to stop water 
for drinking water and irrigation purpose

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11/24/22, 3:42 PM CEN-101 MTE Autumn 2021-22

Incorrect 0/1 Points


Urbanization of natural watershed causes the hydrographs to

Shift left with higher peak 

Increase in response time

Both b and c

Shift right with lower peak

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11/24/22, 3:42 PM CEN-101 MTE Autumn 2021-22

Correct 1/1 Points


GEOMATICS ENGINEERING involves in acquisition, modelling, analysis and management of

_________ .

Nominal Data

Continuous Data

Qualitative Data

Geospatial data 

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11/24/22, 3:42 PM CEN-101 MTE Autumn 2021-22

Incorrect 0/1 Points


Estimate the wetted area of a triangular channel having a depth of 5m and the side slopeis


50m2 


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11/24/22, 3:42 PM CEN-101 MTE Autumn 2021-22

Correct 1/1 Points


The major resistive force in a dam is

Wave pressure

Water pressure

All of the above

Self Weight of dam 

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11/24/22, 3:42 PM CEN-101 MTE Autumn 2021-22

Correct 1/1 Points


The flow in a channel depends on

All the above 

Bed slope of the channel

Nature of the channel bed

Cross sectional area of the flow

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11/24/22, 3:42 PM CEN-101 MTE Autumn 2021-22

Incorrect 0/1 Points


For double decker trains or bullet trains,

Soil reinforcement needs to be done 

None of the above

Wooden tracks to be laid

Existing Rails will have to be doubled

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11/24/22, 3:42 PM CEN-101 MTE Autumn 2021-22

Correct 1/1 Points


3-D-printing is a new method of Civil Engineering __________ . 


construction 


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11/24/22, 3:42 PM CEN-101 MTE Autumn 2021-22

Incorrect 0/1 Points


Real Time Staking out operations in Civil construction can be carried out using


Laser Scanner

Dual frequency GPS receivers 

Total Station

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11/24/22, 3:42 PM CEN-101 MTE Autumn 2021-22

Incorrect 0/1 Points


The under water tunnels are made by

Tunnel extending machine

Tunnel bending machine

Spades and swords

Tunnel boring machine 

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11/24/22, 3:42 PM CEN-101 MTE Autumn 2021-22

Incorrect 0/1 Points


Distomat, Telescope, micro-controller are components of

Total Station 

Dual frequency GPS receivers

Laser Scanner

Correct 1/1 Points


Soil is weak in compression and strong in tension

False 

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11/24/22, 3:42 PM CEN-101 MTE Autumn 2021-22

Incorrect 0/1 Points


Match List-I with List-II and select the correct answer using options given below:

(a) (iii), (b) (ii), (c) (i), (d) (iv)

(a) (iv), (b) (iii), (c) (ii), (d) (i) 

(a) (ii), (b) (i), (c) (iv), (d) (iii)

(a) (i), (b) (iv), (c) (iii), (d) (ii)

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11/24/22, 3:42 PM CEN-101 MTE Autumn 2021-22

Incorrect 0/1 Points


Amount of integrated water vapor in atmosphere can be obtained by ________ .


Microwave Radiometer 
Laser scanner

MIR Spectro-radiometer

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11/24/22, 3:42 PM CEN-101 MTE Autumn 2021-22

Incorrect 0/1 Points


Civil Engineering infrastructure projects require _____________ maps.



Topographic 

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11/24/22, 3:42 PM CEN-101 MTE Autumn 2021-22

Incorrect 0/1 Points


Minor loss varies with

The flow velocity

All the above 

The opening of valve

The closure of valve

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