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Teaching Log

Session #: 1 Date of Session: Dec 1, 2022 # of hours: 4

Type of education activity (1:1 ambulatory, program meeting, etc.) / Name of education program:

Family medicine clinic group case review and teaching on MAID with discussions about Paxlovid/COVID

Location / hospital*: MSH

Student’s Initials / # of participants*: 4

Education level of student / participants (UG, PG, etc.)*: Family medicine residents + staff ML

Positive aspects of session: MAID regulations in Canada have changed several times and will be changing again in March.
Learners were engaged, had many questions and I was able to share my recent experiences.

Difficulties of session: I have only seen 1 case start to finish thus my experience is limited.

Reflection and interpretation of session (analysis): I did the same MAID teaching last week with a different group of
residents and staff. Last week, I felt that the topic could have been
broken down into two parts, one for the practicalities of eligibility,
medication uses and administration etc and another part for the
ethics involved. Knowing that for this week, I was able to set better
objectives for myself.

Consideration of future strategies for managing similar sessions: My preceptor today also has experience with MAID.
Next time I would discuss with my preceptor/staff
ahead of time to complement their experiences with my
teaching. It still worked out fine since the environment
is very flexible and casual.

Reviewed: ☐ At Practicum Meeting ☐ With Master Teacher:

Date Discussed: ☒ Not Discussed

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© 2016 Department of Family and Community Medicine

Teaching Log

Session #: 2 Date of Session: Dec 2, 2022 # of hours: 4

Type of education activity (1:1 ambulatory, program meeting, etc.) / Name of education program:

Resident taught clerk seminar on prenatal care. Including half the time spent on preparation

Location / hospital*: Virtual

Student’s Initials / # of participants*: 4

Education level of student / participants (UG, PG, etc.)*: Year 3 medical students

Positive aspects of session: Good engagement, students asked pertinent questions and openly discussed

Difficulties of session: There was a vast amount of material to cover during the allotted time. I read the facilitator guide
and practiced the presentation the evening before, and felt it was a lot of information to give all at
once. It essentially covered everything from preconception to delivery of the baby.

Reflection and interpretation of session (analysis): I was upfront in telling the students that the materials covered is
significant and that the goal of today is not to go into detail for
everything, and that they will have many more learning opportunities
to remember the specific dates/tests, etc. I tried to focus on broad
overviews, pertinent pearls that I thought would be testable material,
and went into detail if students had a particular interest. I think the
session went well.

Consideration of future strategies for managing similar sessions: I would remove some of the content if it were my own
session. However since it is U of T regulated, I am not
able to and I do want to still ensure students cover any
testable material.

Reviewed: ☒ At Practicum Meeting ☐ With Master Teacher:

Date Discussed: Jan 11, 2023 ☐ Not Discussed

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© 2016 Department of Family and Community Medicine

Teaching Log

Session #: 3 Date of Session: Dec 6, 2022 # of hours: 4

Type of education activity (1:1 ambulatory, program meeting, etc.) / Name of education program:

Temmy Latner Centre Palliative Care Seminar on GI Symptoms

Location / hospital*: Virtual

Student’s Initials / # of participants*: Approximately 10

Education level of student / participants (UG, PG, etc.)*: Medical students, residents, and fellows on home visiting, PCU,
or inpatient consult service associated with TLCPC

Positive aspects of session: Case based guide with participants sharing their own experiences on their current rotations,
good time management

Difficulties of session: A few participants had their cameras off and did not participate at all, either by typing or
unmuting. I did not want to pressure those who felt uncomfortable or were unable to participate,
but I did feel that the remaining participants were extra vocal to compensate. It was also
challenging because the learner levels are vastly different thus the level of information must be
given in layers of increasing depth.

Reflection and interpretation of session (analysis): I enjoyed teaching this session despite the challenges and I received
positive feedback from the administrative staff who overseas these
teachings which occur weekly.

Consideration of future strategies for managing similar sessions: We started with an intro of everybody’s names, level,
and current rotation. It would have been nice to
perhaps start off with a thought exercise so participants
can have some time to think about a recent case that is
relevant to the teaching.

Reviewed: ☐ At Practicum Meeting ☐ With Master Teacher:

Date Discussed: ☒ Not Discussed

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Also available online:

© 2016 Department of Family and Community Medicine

Teaching Log

Session #: 4 Date of Session: Jan 4, 2023 # of hours: 4

Type of education activity (1:1 ambulatory, program meeting, etc.) / Name of education program:

NYGH FM resident program AHD teaching session on CCFP examination preparation. Half the time for preparation

Location / hospital*: NYGH

Student’s Initials / # of participants*: Approximately 10

Education level of student / participants (UG, PG, etc.)*: PGY2s

Positive aspects of session: It was nice to see my coresidents again who were in cohort just below mine at NYGH.

Difficulties of session: I spent a fair amount of time reviewing how I studied along with preparing material that I thought
would be most helpful for the participants. I was surprised by how much I forgot from just one
year ago. Part of the participants were in person and part via zoom. As a previous frequent remote
participant among an in-person session, I remember how important it is to involve them.

Reflection and interpretation of session (analysis): The breakdown worked out quite well, where I spent some time
reviewing tips and tricks, along with the logistics of how the exam
scheduling is. We then broke into small groups to work on practice
questions and I went between groups to answer any questions.

Consideration of future strategies for managing similar sessions: Next time, I might do a FAQs session and have the
participants put down areas that they are most
concerned about so I know where to focus instead of
going entirely by my own experiences.

Reviewed: ☒ At Practicum Meeting ☐ With Master Teacher:

Date Discussed: Feb 8, 2023 ☐ Not Discussed

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Also available online:

© 2016 Department of Family and Community Medicine

Teaching Log

Session #: 5 Date of Session: Jan 18, 2023 # of hours: 4

Type of education activity (1:1 ambulatory, program meeting, etc.) / Name of education program:

Academic half-day complex case rounds teaching to my coresidents in the PC program. Half the time spent preparing

Location / hospital*: Virtual

Student’s Initials / # of participants*: Approximately 12

Education level of student / participants (UG, PG, etc.)*: PGY3s, PGY5s, and staff doing the PC fellowship

Positive aspects of session: Casual environment, went through case. Most positive aspect is that two of my coresidents
cared for the patient in the case I presented, and was able to update us on what happened

Difficulties of session: It went really smoothly! One difficulty may be that some of the treatment options (part of the
presentation was going through a systematic review that presented different treatment options
for malignant wounds) had overlap with one another.

Reflection and interpretation of session (analysis): The slides and notes I took to prepare helped to have the session run
smoothly. The environment was with my coresidents so I did not feel
any stress despite this being a longer didactic lecture.

Consideration of future strategies for managing similar sessions: I added in extra slides and photos of updates of the
patient case.

Reviewed: ☐ At Practicum Meeting ☐ With Master Teacher:

Date Discussed: ☒ Not Discussed

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Also available online:

© 2016 Department of Family and Community Medicine

Teaching Log

Session #: 6 Date of Session: Feb 2, 2023 # of hours: 4

Type of education activity (1:1 ambulatory, program meeting, etc.) / Name of education program:

Temmy Latner Centre Palliative Care Journal Club. I actually spent 6h preparing + 1h session

Location / hospital*: Virtual

Student’s Initials / # of participants*: 65

Education level of student / participants (UG, PG, etc.)*: Mostly palliative care staff across Toronto, along with PC nurses,
administrators, and my coresidents in the program

Positive aspects of session: There was a lot of discussion and I received a lot of positive feedback that this was a new and
interesting topic. I used a poll in the beginning which went smoothly.

Difficulties of session: I did not notice that someone commented in the chat box that my slides were small to them! I
wish I had known as there were some tables that I had shown and my presenter mode was in
portrait instead of landscape due to a technical error.

Reflection and interpretation of session (analysis): I felt very stressed during the week proceeding and spent a lot of
time preparing/procrastinating. In contrast to the similar 1h didactic
lecture I gave 2 weeks ago to my coresidents alone, I felt this pressure
due to knowing that this would be largely in front of many staff
physicians and did not want to do a bad job. The actual teaching
session itself went well, but the stress caused the experience to be
not as positive or enjoyable overall. I did really enjoy hearing
everyone’s thoughts and discussions however.

Consideration of future strategies for managing similar sessions: I would use a poll at the end of the session as well if
there was time

Reviewed: ☒ At Practicum Meeting ☐ With Master Teacher:

Date Discussed: Feb 8, 2023 ☐ Not Discussed

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Also available online:

© 2016 Department of Family and Community Medicine

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