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Using ferroelastic variant switching to tune ferromagnetic properties of 1T CrX2 (X = S, Se)
for local strain modulated spin valves

Kaiyun Chen ,1,2 Junkai Deng ,3,* Wangtu Huo,1,† Dongxiao Kan,1 Qian Shi,2 Mengshan Song,1
Xi Zhao,1 Sen Yang,2 and Jefferson Zhe Liu 4,‡
Northwest Institute for Nonferrous Metal Research, Xi’an 710016, China
MOE Key Laboratory for Nonequilibrium Synthesis and Modulation of Condensed Matter, Xi’an Jiaotong University, Xi’an 710049, China
State Key Laboratory for Mechanical Behavior of Materials, Xi’an Jiaotong University, Xi’an 710049, China
Department of Mechanical Engineering, The University of Melbourne, Parkville, VIC 3010, Australia

(Received 19 June 2022; revised 6 November 2022; accepted 19 December 2022; published 19 January 2023)

In this paper, density functional theory calculations are adopted to systematically study the magnetic-structure
anisotropy association and strain induced structure variants switching behavior of ferroelastic 1T -CrS2 and
CrSe2 . We find that the easy magnetization axis is always perpendicular to Cr-Cr zigzag chain in the ferromag-
netic (FM) 1T phase. In addition, the mechanical strain can alter the relative thermodynamic stability among
the three different crystal orientation variants of both the FM and nonmagnetic (NM) 1T phase. These two
facts lay the ground for strain-controlled magnetic moment rotation of the FM 1T phase. A prototypical design
and operating mechanism of a strain-controlled 1T -FM/NM/FM heterostructure spin valve are presented. Our
finding offers a potential solution to reduce energy consumption in miniaturized spintronics devices.

DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevMaterials.7.014004

I. INTRODUCTION transition-metal dichalcogenide (TMD) CrS2 [12]. However,

some issues remain. For example, the required compressive
A spin valve, consisting of two ferromagnetic (FM) lay-
strain could cause bucking [13]. The applied strain should be
ers and one nonmagnetic (NM) barrier layer, is widely used
maintained during operation causing operation difficulty. New
as the magnetoresistive random-access memory storage el-
options for strain-controlled spin valves are highly desired.
ement because of its strong signal for reading operation
The 1T -CrX2 (X = S and Se) have stable FM and NM
[1–3]. Among many magnetic materials, two-dimensional
phases [14]. The FM and NM 1T originate from the Cr-Cr
(2D) magnetic materials are promising candidates for minia-
superexchange interaction and Cr-Cr dimerization, respec-
turized spin valve designs [4,5]. In the past, it was believed
tively, leading to low symmetry structures with different Cr-Cr
that the 2D long-range magnetic order could be eliminated
distance ratios between two neighboring Cr zigzag chains.
by thermal fluctuation according to the Mermin-Wagner
Note that the 1T phase of MoX2 and WX2 (X = S, Se, and
theorem [6]. Therefore, the recent discovery of 2D FM
Te) was reported to exhibit ferroelastic behavior [15], where
CrI3 , Cr 2 Ge2 Te6 , and Fe3 GeTe2 immediately stimulated
shear, uniaxial, or biaxial strain can be used to induce crystal
significant interest in light of the potentials that were
variant (i.e., crystal orientation) change. Considering the crys-
overlooked in the past. For example, the van der Waals
tal anisotropy of the low symmetry FM-1T , the magnetic easy
magnetic tunnel junctions (vdW MTJs) were constructed
axis should be associated with certain crystal directions. Thus,
by stacking multiple 2D materials such as graphene/CrI3
it is reasonable to hypothesize that the magnetic properties
(bilayers)/graphene [7], Fe3 GeTe2 /hBN/Fe3 GeTe2 [8], and
could be modulated in the FM-1T CrX2 via strain-induced
Fe3 GeTe2 /CrI3 /Fe3 GeTe2 [9], achieving a large magnetore-
crystal variant change.
sistance ratio under an electric field. Unfortunately, these
In this paper, we employed the density functional theory
vertical vdW MTJs are susceptible to interlayer sliding [10]
(DFT) calculations to investigate the feasibility of a strain-
and interlayer impurities are introduced during the synthesis
controlled lateral heterostructure (FM/NM/FM) spin valve
and transfer process [11]. As such, the 2D magnetic lateral
concept in 2D 1T -CrX2 . Our results show that the magnetic
heterostructures have attracted lots of interest owing to the
anisotropy is associated with the crystal anisotropy in 1T -FM
lack of such detrimental effects. Compared with conventional
CrS2 and CrSe2 . The strain could be applied to trigger ferroe-
spin valves, this new design could significantly reduce energy
lastic variant switching in both CrS2 and CrSe2 . In the end,
consumption. One example is the strain-operated 2D lateral
a 1T FM/NM/FM lateral spin valve prototype is presented
heterostructure spin value fabricated on a single piece of
based on these DFT computational results.

II. COMPUTATIONAL METHODS The DFT calculations were conducted using the Vienna Ab initio Simulation Package (VASP) [16]. The spin-polarized

2475-9953/2023/7(1)/014004(7) 014004-1 ©2023 American Physical Society


not considered for CrS2 and CrSe2 in this work. This is be-
cause the Hubbard-U term induced some unreasonable energy
relationship, which contradicts the HSE06 calculation and
experimental results [12,21]. The spin-orbital coupling was
included during the magnetic moment rotation calculations.
The solid-state nudged elastic band (SS-NEB) [22] was per-
formed to estimate variant transition barriers.


A. Crystal structure and magnetic anisotropy of 1T CrX2
Figure 1(a) shows the high symmetry 1T phase of TMDs.
The 1T phase of many TMDs shows significant negative fre-
quency in phonon spectrum owing to the well-known Peierls
instability [12,14,23,24]. As such, the two adjacent lines of
metal atoms along the y axis [Fig. 1(b)] move toward each
other to form parallel zigzag chains driven by the metal atoms
dimer bond or magnetic superexchange interaction [14]. The
resultant crystal is the 1T phase [the right figure of Fig. 1(a)].
Nonmagnetic 1T phases are observed in group VI TMDs,
such as MoS2 and WTe2 , while the magnetic 1T phases are
observed in CrX2 [12,14].
Our previous study suggests that the 1T CrX2 (X = S and
Se) has both FM and NM phases without negative frequency
being observed in phonon spectrum [14]. The results in pre-
vious study [14] and Fig. S3 [20] show that the FM phases
have lower total energy compared with other various AFM
orders both in CrS2 and CrSe2 . The main structural difference
between the FM and NM states is the d1 /d2 ratio, ∼0.7 in FM
and ∼0.8 in NM [Fig. 1(a)]. We performed ab initio molecular
FIG. 1. (a) The atomistic crystal structure of 1T and 1T -CrX2 .
dynamics (AIMD) simulation of 1T CrX2 (X = S and Se)
(b) The three symmetry-equivalent directions in the high symmetry
under the NVT ensemble at 300 K (Fig. S4 in Supplemental
1T structure. (c)–(e) Atomistic structure of the 1T phase after struc-
tural distortion along with the three different directions in (b). They
Material [20]). These results confirm the stability of 1T -NM
are referred to as orientation variants O1, O2, and O3. The vectors and FM CrX2 under ambient conditions since no phase transi-
are used to denote the direction of Cr-Cr zigzag chain (0◦ , ∼60◦ , and tion was observed. This could be attributed to the high energy
∼120◦ to the x axis) of 1T . barrier between FM and NM of CrS2 and CrSe2 , i.e., ∼100
meV/f.u. and ∼35 meV/f.u., respectively [14]. Using the
Perdew-Burke-Ernzerhof (PBE) exchange-correlation func- Heisenberg model, we estimated the Curie temperature (TC )
tional [17] and projector augmented wave method [18] were of 1T -FM-CrS2 as 1160.3 K [12]. The TC of 1T -FM-CrSe2 is
adopted. The 2D materials were placed in the x-y plane. Pe- calculated as 787.1 K using the same method. We note that the
riodic boundary condition was applied in all three directions. Heisenberg model was usually used to provide an estimation
A 20 Å thick vacuum space was applied along z directions that could overestimate the Curie temperature. Sophisticated
to avoid the interaction between two periodic images. The models are available for more accurate prediction [25,26].
cutoff energy of 500 eV and the Monkhorst-Pack k-point mesh Considering that the estimated Curie temperature values are
[19] of 15 × 11 × 1 were set for 1T CrX2 primitive unit significantly higher than 300 K, it is likely that the predicted
cell [the orange
√ rectangle in Fig. 1(a)], which corresponds to FM order of CrX2 is stable at room temperature.
the 1 × 3 × 1 supercell of 1T phase [the green rhombus According to the previous study [15], the high symmetry
in Fig. 1(a)]. The 2 × 2 × 1 supercell of 1T phase with 1T phase could be regarded as austenite, and the low sym-
8 Cr and 16 X (X = S and Se) atoms was adopted to perform metry 1T phase could be regarded as martensite. Thus, the
the calculation of magnetic anisotropy, strain-induced variants 1T–1T transition is similar to the austenite (high symmetry
switching, and electronic structure analysis. Atomic positions phase) to martensite (low symmetry phase) transition. Since
and lattice constants were fully relaxed until the total energy the orientations of these nucleated low symmetry martensite
differences were converged within 10−4 eV and forces were structures are random, different variants will form in the
less than 0.01 eV/Å. The relaxed crystal structures are shown real materials. The low symmetry 1T CrX2 has three differ-
in Fig. S1 and Fig. S2 in the Supplemental Material [20]. The ent crystal variants as shown in Fig. 1: O1 [Fig. 1(c)], O2
corresponding atomic positions are presented in supplemental [Fig. 1(d)], and O3 [Fig. 1(e)]. The difference is their crystal
Table S1–Table S4 [20]. orientation manifested as the different directions of Cr-Cr
Note that the GGA+U method was often adopted for zigzag chain. In Figs. 1(c)–1(e), the Cr-Cr zigzag chain is
many 2D ferromagnetic insulators/semiconductors. But it is parallel to the x axis in O1 variant, whereas it is changed to


FIG. 2. Magnetic anisotropy energy of 1T -CrS2 FM as a func-

tion of in-plane magnetic moment direction φ of Cr in O1 variant.
The magnetic moment is changed from 0◦ to 180◦ to yaxis. The “//”
and “⊥” symbol represents that the magnetic moment is parallel and
perpendicular to Cr-Cr zigzag chain in Fig. 1(c).

∼60◦ and ∼120◦ to the x axis in O2 and O3, respectively.

Using external stimuli to switch these three variants is the
foundation for ferroelasticity, which will be discussed later.
The magnetic anisotropy is often associated with structural
anisotropy in magnetic materials [27]. The magnetic easy
axis is usually along a certain crystal direction in the low
symmetry crystals. To determine the magnetic easy axis of
CrX2 , the magnetic moment direction φ of Cr in O1 was
gradually changed from 0◦ (y axis) to 180◦ to calculate the
energy variation using the noncollinear magnetic approach.
The results are plotted in Fig. 2. The energy at φ = 0◦ is set as FIG. 3. Relative total energy values of the three variants of
the reference for CrS2 . The minimum energy is at φ = 0◦ . As (a) 1T -FM and (b) 1T -NM CrS2 as a function of shear strain εxy .
the φ increases, the energy increases to the maximum at 90◦ , The shear strain is defined with reference to the equilibrium supercell
and then decreases to the minimum at 180◦ . The energy differ- of the O1 variant, as shown in the insert figure in (a), in which the
ence between maximum and minimum denotes the magnetic red and green arrows represent the negative and positive shear strain,
anisotropy energy (MAE). The MAE value of ∼90 μeV/f.u. respectively.
represents a strong magnetic anisotropy of 1T -CrS2 . The easy
magnetization axis of CrS2 is along the y axis in O1, which
is perpendicular to the Cr-Cr zigzag chain in Fig. 1(c). In
plane. Owing to the different equilibrium lattice constants of
addition, the magnetic easy axis is also perpendicular to Cr-Cr
O1, O2, and O3 variants, the calculated energy-strain curves
zigzag chain in O2 and O3 variant [shown in Figs. 1(d)–1(e)]
are different in Fig. 3 and Fig. S7 [20] for CrS2 and CrSe2 ,
based on the MAE results of these two variants depicted in
Fig. S5 [20]. The minimum of O2 and O3 variants change
As the shear strain |εxy | increases, the energy of O1 in-
to ∼120◦ and ∼60◦ , respectively. Similar results could also
creases and becomes higher than that of O2 or O3 when |εxy |
be observed in CrSe2 with ∼110 μeV/f.u. MAE as shown in
beyond a critical point. It means that the shear strain can
Fig. S6 [20].
effectively change the relative energy of the variants. A variant
switching from O1 to O2 or O3 takes place above the critical
B. Variants switching in FM and NM 1T -CrX2 shear strain. Our results are similar to shear strain-induced
under shear strain variant switching in MoX2 [15]. It needs to be pointed out
In this section, we will investigate the possibility of using that the critical strain values are very different in NM and FM
shear strain to switch the three variants in FM and NM phases phases. In Fig. 3(a), the FM-CrS2 exhibits variant switching at
of CrS2 and CrSe2 . Figure 3 and supplemental Fig. S7 [20] |εxy | ≈ 2.5%, while the critical shear strain increases to ∼5.8%
show the relative energy variation under shear strains for CrS2 for NM-CrS2 . As for CrSe2 , the supplemental Fig. S7 shows
and CrSe2 . The strain is defined with reference to O1 lattice ∼3.1% critical shear strain for FM and ∼6.4% for NM [20]. It
constants. Using this definition, at a given strain in Fig. 3, is reasonable to expect the Cr-Cr dimer bonds in the 1T NM
all these variants have the same lattice constants in the x-y phase are stronger than the superexchange interactions in the


FIG. 4. (a)–(b) The transition barrier for variant switching from O1 to O2 in 1T -FM and 1T -NM CrS2 using NEB calculation. The initial
configuration of the 1T -CrS2 O1 variant and the final state is the relaxed O2 variant. The red and black dot lines in these images denote the
Cr-Cr dimerization (tetramerization) with and without chemical bond formation. (c) and (d) The DOS and corresponding partial charge density
(from −1.5 to 0 eV) of 1T -NM-CrS2 and the middle configuration of Fig. 4(b), respectively. The partial DOS clearly suggests the tetramerized
bond in the middle configuration of NM 1T -CrS2 .

1T -FM phase. A larger shear strain is, therefore, required to phase of CrS2 in Figs. 4(c)–4(d). The DOS results of 1T NM
break the dimer bonds during the variant switching. in the range of (−1.5, 0) eV correspond to the metal atom
The solid-state nudged elastic band (SS-NEB) calculations dimerization shown in the insert figure of Fig. 4(c). For the
[22] were performed to determine the energy barrier of vari- metastable state [Fig. 4(d)], more electrons shift to a higher
ant transition in CrX2 . Figures 4(a) and 4(b) summarize the energy level around the Fermi level. The partial charge density
relative total energy variation along a transition pathway for of (−1.5, 0) eV indicates Cr tetramerization. The observed
1T -CrS2 in FM and NM states. The initial configuration is the Cr tetramerization in NM phase could stabilize the structure,
1T -CrS2 O1 variant and the final state is the fully relaxed O2 leading to a small valley in the energy barrier curve. For FM
variant. The energy barrier values are 26.9 and 62.8 meV/f.u. CrS2 , as shown in Fig. S9 [20], the Cr tetramerization is not
for the FM and NM 1T -CrS2 , respectively. For CrSe2 , the observed in the middle of the pathway from O1–O2 transition.
energy barrier values are 20.1 and 85.8 meV/f.u. for the FM It suggests the weak bond among Cr atoms, resulting in the
and NM states (Fig. S8 in the Supplemental Material [20]), smaller transition barriers without valley character. Therefore,
respectively. They are smaller than those of MoX2 and WX2 using mechanical strain to induce the dimer-tetramer transi-
(∼200 meV/f.u.) [15]. The relatively low energy barrier sug- tion could be a new approach to tune the electronic properties
gests a feasible ferroelastic switch for CrX2 . of TMDs.
The energy curves in Fig. 4(b) and Fig. S8(b) [20] show a
notable valley in the middle of the pathway for NM CrX2 . The
crystal structure of the metastable phase implies the formation C. Variants switching in FM and NM 1T -CrX2
of Cr tetrasomy clusters in the inset of Fig. 4(b), which have under biaxial strain
not been observed before. We compare the density of state In addition to shear strain, we also calculated the total
(DOS) results between the stable and metastable 1T NM energy surfaces of the three 1T -FM and 1T -NM variants


FIG. 6. A prototype of strain modulated 1T lateral heterostruc-

ture spin valve. (a) Construction of 1T -FM/NM/FM heterostructure
from single 1T nanosheet using local strain engineering. (b) Oper-
ation schematic of a local strain-controlled spin valve, in which the
FM parallel or antiparallel magnetization was modulated through 1T
ferroelastic domain switch. The green and orange arrows represent
different magnetization directions.

mechanical loading. For example, according to Fig. 5(a), an

uniaxial strain along x axis is difficult to realize the NM–FM
transition in O1 variant of CrS2 . Instead, the most effective
method is to apply a small biaxial strain (∼4%) to trigger
NM-O1 to FM-O2/O3 transition. After that, a small shear
strain could be applied to transit it to FM-O1, as denoted by
the black dot arrow in Fig. 5(a).

D. A prototype of strain modulated 1T lateral

heterostructure spin valve
FIG. 5. The phase diagram of (a) 1T -CrS2 and (b) CrSe2 under
biaxial strain. The phase boundary is determined as the intersection Recently, there have been intensive efforts to replace mag-
of the total energy surfaces among the variants. The strain along the netic fields or spin-torque transfer for controlling the magnetic
x and y axis are defined with reference to the rectangular primitive switch in energy-efficient miniaturized spin valves [28,29].
cell of the O1 variant in the 1T -NM phase. The inset plot in (a) is Strain engineering turns out to be a promising method [30,31].
the schematic of the in-plane strain along the x or y axis. The orange Using strain to switch crystal variants and the associated mag-
rectangle represents the initial structure at zero strain. netic moment orientation (easy axis) (Fig. 2, Fig. 3, and Fig. 5)
could be a new type of strain-engineering approach.
A prototype of FM/NM/FM lateral heterostructure spin
under biaxial strains. The applied strain along the x and y valve is presented in Fig. 6. Figure 6(a) illustrates a possi-
axis are from −4 to +14% with a step of 1% (19 × 19 grids ble fabrication route using a single piece of monolayer CrX2
and 361 data points). The 1T -O1 variant lattice constant is nanosheet. A 1T CrX2 monolayer nanosheet could be ob-
set as the reference. The most stable phase at a given strain tained through chemical vapor deposition (CVD) experiments
is obtained by comparing the total energy of all variants. [21]. Then, following Fig. 5, different local strains could
The obtained phase diagrams for CrS2 and CrSe2 are shown be applied to induce local phase transition so that both FM
in Figs. 5(a)–5(b). The phase boundary denotes the critical and NM components can be integrated into one nanosheet as
strains for variant transition. shown in Fig. 6(a). Note that, the FM and NM 1T -CrX2 could
We need to point out that O2 and O3 should have identical coexist in one nanosheet owing to a small lattice mismatch
energy under the biaxial strain in the x-y plane because these (∼2.8% for CrS2 and ∼2.7% for CrSe2 ) along the y axis.
two variants are mirror images and biaxial tensile strain will This assessment is based on a benchmark experiment, i.e.,
not break the mirror image relation [Figs. 1(d)–1(e)]. Despite the coexistence of 2H, 1T, and 1T phases in CrS2 despite
the 2H phase being the most stable phase in group VI TMDs, a much larger mismatch strain ∼6.8–9.2% [12,21]. In addi-
it is not considered because there are large enough energy tion, the close total energy of the 1T NM and FM states
barriers separating the 1T/1T and 2H phases [24]. (E ≈ 3 meV/f.u. and 70 meV/f.u. for CrS2 and CrSe2 ,
This phase diagram provides a comprehensive map to respectively) and the significant energy barrier from FM–NM
guide the transition between the NM and FM state as (∼100 meV/f.u. for CrS2 and ∼35 meV/f.u. for CrSe2 ) could
well as the switching among these three variants through a stabilize the coexistence of the NM and FM 1T phases [14].


The performance of spin valve relies on spin polariza- FM/NM/FM lateral heterostructure has the following ad-
tion degree of the heterostructure [32]. The FM-CrS2 has vantages: (i) the 2D 1T -CrX2 enables further miniaturizing
100% spin polarization under the uniaxial strain along the y of spintronics devices; (ii) the lateral heterostructure has a
axis [12]. The FM-CrSe2 has 76.4%∼82.6% spin polariza- simpler architecture compared with the 11 layers of materials
tion (0%∼4% strain along the y axis) in Fig. S10 [20]. To used in Chen’s work [31]; (iii) an atomically sharp interface
examine the interface effects, we constructed a 10FM+10NM could significantly reduce energy consumption owing to the
1T -CrS2 lateral heterostructure along the x axis as shown in weak interface scattering.
Fig. S11 [20]. The DOS results of NM region CrS2 show
a metallic feature, which is very similar to the monolayer
NM-1T CrS2 [14]. Therefore, the spin-down half-metal FM
region shows similar DOS results to the compressed FM-1T In this work, using DFT calculations, we concluded the
CrS2 [12]. The interface exhibits little effect on the FM and association between magnetic and crystal anisotropy in FM-
NM components. This is one advantage of the lateral het- 1T CrX2 . The easy magnetization axis is perpendicular to the
erostructure compared to the vertical heterostructure, in which Cr-Cr zigzag chain. In addition, we found that moderate shear
the electronic structure of each layer will interfere with each and biaxial strains could change the relative thermodynamic
other significantly. Moreover, the sharp interface of lateral stability among three variants of the FM and NM 1T phases.
heterostructure is proven to have low resistance and high Based on these results, we proposed a 1T -FM/NM/FM lat-
efficiency [33]. eral heterostructure spin valve in a 1T CrX2 nanosheet. The
Figure 6(b) illustrates the working principle of the pro- magnetic direction of FM regions can be modified through
posed spin valve. When two FM regions are strain modulated localized strain to achieve the “on” and “off” states. Our
to the same variant orientation, the magnetization is parallel work may provide a promising strategy to construct strain-
to each other. Then the spin-polarized current can be trans- controlled miniaturized spintronics devices based on domain
ported through this heterostructure. This state is denoted as physics.
“1”. Once two FM regions [region III in Fig. 6(b)] are strain
modulated to two different variants, the magnetic moments
are antiparallel. The spin-polarized current will be scattered,
leading to higher resistance. This state is denoted as “0”. This The authors gratefully acknowledge the support of NSFC
spin valve could be used as a nonvolatile memory device. (Grants No. 11974269, No. 12204383 and No. 51728203),
The local strain could be applied to write information through 111 projects 2.0 (Grant No. BP0618008), the National Sci-
the local crystal variants and the associated magnetization ence Basic Research Plan in the Shaanxi Province of China
switching, and the spin-polarized current can be used to read (2022JQ-012, 2022JQ-521). K.C. thanks the Research Startup
information. Fund of the Northwest Institute for Nonferrous Metal Re-
Our spin valve prototype in Fig. 6(b) resembles the search (YK-2107, YK2114). J.Z.L. acknowledges the support
electric field-controlled magnetostriction/piezoelectric het- from ARC discovery projects (DP180101744) and HPC from
erostructure spin valve constructed by Chen et al. [31]. In National Computational Infrastructure from Australia. The
their device, certain piezoelectric strains were transferred to authors would also like to thank F. Yang and Dr. X. D. Zhang
the FM layer to modify its magnetic easy axis via the in- at the Network Information Center of Xi’an Jiaotong Univer-
verse magnetostriction effect. Our strain-controlled 1T -CrX2 sity for support of the HPC platform.

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