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Name : - Jaene Evelyn Ariance Thebu (016201900114)

- Qiara Qlaudia Zima (016201900052)

- Aiko Chya Iswandari (016201900224)
Topic : India’s Commercial Diplomacy
Tittle : India’s Commercial Diplomacy towards Iran In 2018-2022



 In the introduction, it will outline the relationship between India and Iran, where
historically Iran and India have shared social, political and economic ties in which
India was once one of the biggest buyers of Iranian oil. India is also currently one of
the fastest growing economies in the world where to achieve this, India is expanding
its economic ties with the rest of the world, including Iran. In addition, this section
will also explain the background of the problems that occurred which have an impact
on the diplomacy of India and Iran involving allied countries such as the US for its
nuclear sanctions against Iran and pressure from India's allies which have hampered
relations with Iran.
 The purpose of this study is to investigate the evolution of India's commercial
diplomacy and its impact on India's bilateral relations with Iran in the 2018-2022
period in terms of commercial diplomacy. For this purpose, the research question is
"to what extent India bilateral relations in the period 2018-2022 through the
diplomatic relations with Iran in terms of commercial diplomacy?" The research
hypothesis is that through diplomatic commercial relations built by India and Iran it
can help India to achieve its most important priorities namely energy security,
facilitating the flow of goods and services, attracting foreign investment, and helping
to expand India's business relations with Afghanistan, Russia to Central Asia.
 In the Literature Review, several definitions of the term "commercial diplomacy" can
be found in the academic literature. There are various literatures that discuss
commercial diplomacy considering the urgency of relations between countries in the
international world today. In this study, the opinions of several authors regarding
commercial diplomacy that affect relations between countries in the international
world are included. Some authors argue that commercial diplomacy is part of
economic diplomacy. The proposed definitions also vary according to the types of
actors involved in diplomatic activities and the scope of issues that contain them.

Research Methodology
The method that will be used to compile the analysis in this research paper is descriptive
qualitative. The purpose of this study is to analyze commercial diplomacy activities conducted
by India towards Iran. All data and information available in this paper are collected from
secondary sources such as journals, articles, reports and other supporting materials relating to the
problem to be identified.

Result and Analysis

The results and discussion underscore India's foreign policy in economic diplomacy since
the economic reforms of the 1990s. According to World Bank data, 2020 shows developments
during this period India's commercial diplomacy played a more active role at the international
level so that India experienced high economic growth exceeding the average economic growth of
6.5% between 2000 and 2018 (World Bank, 2020) .
On the other hand, India is the largest energy consumer in Asia, which has limited energy
resources and is more dependent on imported energy, especially the oil and gas sector. Because
of this need, Iran is believed to have a strategic place in India's diplomatic economy and as one
of the largest oil and gas owners. Although on the other hand the US in recent years has imposed
strong sanctions on Iran. The two countries have worked together on joint projects, including the
Peace Pipeline and the Farzad B gas field. Apart from energy, the two countries are also focusing
on cooperating on trade and transit. As India cannot expand business relations with Afghanistan,
Central Asia and even Russia due to restrictions imposed by Pakistan, therefore India needs Iran
to access Central Asia, Afghanistan and Russia markets, as well as North-South Corridor and
Chabahar Port Project. Then, the political side and defense cooperation have weakened, but as an
advantage between the two parties, the economic cooperation between the two countries feels
strong, especially in the energy and transit sectors.

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