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Al F2 F3 162 Exam preparation pera D) for each g; is ee pa and choose the correct word(s) a B, eames j — = i, Mike. ,..B.... you fe Se a = ? Mile “help you, Dave, but I'm afraid I've hure my arm, Oh dear! How did you do it? : wie 18. ee eee i o, tell any i Dave: Oh, come on! I promise I ~ tel ee i v ing, since we ®.. » © Stayed in beg TNS eon cic road lp en hdl nn eget : itting my arm on the end gf 1 >> answer it. So I got up too quickly and acme cd the end of te Dave: You didi st Tuesday and esl hur! You seedocrn Mike: 1 saw a doctor this morning and he said I : gee Xerayed, — fob rmorrov, and if theres something wrong they. ty Lea oe Thats upld, Mie ee game tomorrow, or play and tsk hung - moreso youllbe®®,. ate he neon games? Go and get the X-ray! an C Muse D Need 2 Avwuld rhe a gotto — Cdontneed %© © D would like to 3 Ancedn't B need to C shouldn't D should 4 Awont Bwouldat Crneedait D might noe 5 Ahad to Bhaven't’got to C have to D didn't have to 6 Aought B ought to Chas to D must to 7 Ancednt Bwould like to Chad better D shall 8 Ashould B shall Creed D want 9 Amust to B dontt have to Cwas obliged to. D want to 10 Adue to B bound to Cought to. D need to {1 ADoyouhaveto BaAreyoudueto C Weuld you rather D Need you 12 A forced to Breed to Chave to D ought to PET Writing Part 1 Complete the second sentence so ‘hat it means the same as the frst. Use no more than thew sa public holiday. 80 to school tomorrow; it’s 1 There's no school tomorrow; it We don'.......need.te, public holiday. 2 You must finish your homework by sx thirty YOU weenie 10 finish your homework by six thirty, 3 Imay go to the theatre tonight, Perhaps... to the theatre tonight, 4 You ought not to do that. les illegatt You'd vom do that, 16 illegal > When will the London train arrives ‘What time is the London train 6 Stop making so much noise! Dont wom $0 Much noise! PET Writing Part 3 | | Scanned with CamScanner Exam preparation Tin finishing school this year. My dad says T drut go etraight into the family supermarket uciness, But I would rather go to university to iart. What do you think T should do? ce Use of English Part 2 ead the text below and think of the word which best fits each space. Use only on€ word in each spaces When [ wasa child, 1....had.. gut and play. She said chat I ®... 1e before my mother let me 6 hhich she cooked if 1 fave earen burgers an to eat everything on my plat to eat all the food w! to grow up healthy and strong. 1d vwwcene-—- chips like my friends than eat my mother’s food, but she said I (8) nnmnsnne EVER CAL SUC i and so I didnt. She said my friends were ® vans to get very fat, and I had A forget about junk food if I was to have a long and healthy life. She forgot about table soup, ng her food — vegetable sc T look at my friends, I think ripe old age! They are all T°. to tell you how unhappy I was eatis things like that. Bur now I am grown up, and that they __... to change their diets if they want to live to a vherweight and still eating che same stuff! And here I am, slim, fic and attractive, like to thank my mother for this. ‘happy’! Tdont®.. porridge, cabbage and FCE Use of English Part 3 Read the text below. Use the word given in capitals at the end of each line to form a word that fits in the space in the same line. I don't know if you've ever been in an English “)..cexettragmn... couURT but they are rather strange places, almost like a theatre. unin is brought in by the police and has DEFEND in front of an ‘audience’ of family, friends, the jury and the ®... _ who will defend and LAW prosecute him or her. The most important person in the court, of course, is the judge, who will decide the ®.. - PUNISH ifthe defendant is found 9 nmnmennn* GUILT inc is set free. Ifthe verdict is ‘not guilty’, the defenda FE Use of English Part 4 Complete the second sentence the word given. Do not change so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the word given. You must use between two and five words, including the word given. | Theres no need to go to work tomorrow. 4. She must finish her proj Ta so She muse nish her project by Tuesday She sosmenu finish her project You don't have-to....... go to work tomorrow. 2 You ought to : : and tell the police about it. BETT g° pot : by Tuesday. Perhaps I'll visit John next summer. R hone uum goand tell the police MIGHT tit 31 tne JObn Ral prefer not to go there on Sunday. 6 Tes certain that hell go to oe 1 BOUND prison for ir, there on Sunday. ere on Sunday. He nn “nnene BO C0 prison for it. 163 Scanned with CamScanner

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