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Parking Study

By Ar. Shubham Goel

• Parking is one of the major problems that is created by the increasing road
traffic. It is an impact of transport development.
• The availability of less space in urban areas has increased the demand for
parking space especially in areas like Central business district. This affects
the mode choice also.
• This has a great economical impact.
Effect of parking
• Congestion
• Accidents
• Obstruction to fire fighting operations
• Effect on environment
Parking studies (objectives)

• Understand parking planning is an integral part of transportation


• Know the definition of parking terms

• Learn the methodology of parking studies

• Learn how to find out space requirements for a parking garage

General Terms of Parking Facilities

1. Parking Accumulation : The total number of vehicles parked in an area at a specified moment.
2. Parking volume: The number of vehicles parked in a particular area over a given period of time. It is usually
measured in vehicles per day.
3. Parking load: The area under the parking accumulation curve during a specified period.
4. Parking duration: The length of time spent in a parking space.
5. Parking index: Percentage of parking bays actually occupied by parked vehicles as compared to the theoretical
number available.
6. Parking turn over: Rate of the usage of the available parking space. Divide the parking volume for a specified
period by the number of parking spaces.
Thus if there were 10 parking spaces used by 100 vehicles in a period of say 12 hours then the parking turnover
would be
On street parking
On street parking means the vehicles are parked on the sides of the street itself. This will be usually controlled by
government agencies itself.
1. Parallel Parking
2. 30 degree Parking
3. 45 degree Parking
4. 60 degree Parking
5. 90 degree Parking

Off-street parking
Parking bay like at the mall Parking system
1.Surface car parks
2.Multistoried car parks
3.Roof parks
4.Mechanical parks
5.Underground car parks Off-street Parking
Surface car parks
Multistoried car parks
Mechanical parks
Underground car parks Off-street Parking
Peripheral Parking Schemes
1. Park and walk
Under this scheme the motorists are included to park at the outskirts of the town and
walk down to the town.
2. Park and ride
This scheme provide for peripheral parking facilities and public transport side to the
destinations in the town.
Parking studies
• Inventory of existing parking space supply and measure current levels of space usage (accumulation
and space turn over).
• Identify salient parking characteristics (duration, purpose, trip destination and walking distances to
• Qualify demands and needs.
• Estimate facility capital and operating costs, usage and revenues.
Types of Parking Surveys
• Parking Space in inventory
• Parking Usage Survey by Patrol
• Questionnaire Type Parking Usage Survey
• Cordon Count

Comprehensive Parking Studies

• Location where parked
• Trip purpose and frequency
• Primary trip destination
• Length of time parked
• Parking fees paid and
• Distance walked from primary space to primary destination

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