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Submitted by
Mehul (21BCS3148)
Aayush Tyagi(21BCS7312)
Vaibhav Khurana(21BCS10343)


Aayush Tyagi(21BCS7312)
Vaibhav Khurana(21BCS10343)

in partial fulfilment for the award of the degree of


Chandigarh University
MARCH, 2023

Submitted by
Aayush Tyagi(21BCS7312)
Vaibhav Khurana(21BCS10343)

in partial fulfilment for the award of the degree of




Chandigarh University
MARCH, 2023

Certified that this project report “Real-Time Weather Forecasting” is the

bonafide work of “Vaibhav Khurana, Aayush Tyagi, Mehul” who carried out
the project work under my/our supervision.



<<Name of the Head of the Department>>
<<Academic Designation>>



Submitted for the project viva-voice examination held on



List of Figures ............................................................................................................................. 7

List of Tables .............................................................................................................................. 8

List of Standards ......................................................................................................................... 9

CHAPTER 1. INTRODUCTION ....................................................................... 11

1.1. Identification of Client/ Need/ Relevant Contemporary issue ...................................... 11

1.2. Identification of Problem ............................................................................................... 11

1.3. Identification of Tasks .................................................................................................... 11

1.4. Timeline ......................................................................................................................... 11

1.5. Organization of the Report ............................................................................................. 11


2.1. Timeline of the reported problem ................................................................................... 12

2.2. Existing solutions ........................................................................................................... 12

2.3. Bibliometric analysis ...................................................................................................... 12

2.4. Review Summary ........................................................................................................... 12

2.5. Problem Definition ......................................................................................................... 12

2.6. Goals/Objectives ............................................................................................................ 12

CHAPTER 3. DESIGN FLOW/PROCESS ....................................................... 13

3.1. Evaluation & Selection of Specifications/Features ........................................................ 13

3.2. Design Constraints ......................................................................................................... 13

3.3. Analysis of Features and finalization subject to constraints .......................................... 13

3.4. Design Flow ................................................................................................................... 13

3.5. Design selection ............................................................................................................. 13

3.6. Implementation plan/methodology ................................................................................ 13

CHAPTER 4. RESULTS ANALYSIS AND VALIDATION .......................... 14

4.1. Implementation of solution ............................................................................................ 14

CHAPTER 5. CONCLUSION AND FUTURE WORK .................................. 15

5.1. Conclusion ...................................................................................................................... 15

5.2. Future work .................................................................................................................... 15

REFERENCES .................................................................................................... 16

APPENDIX ............................................................................................................17
1. Plagiarism Report ............................................................................................................... 17

2. Design Checklist ................................................................................................................ 17

USER MANUAL ...................................................................................................18

List of Standards (Mandatory for Engineering Programs)
Standard About the standard Page no

IEEE 802.11 is part of the IEEE

802 set of local area network
(LAN) technical standards and
specifies the set of media access
IEEE control (MAC) and physical layer Mention page nowhere standard
802.11 is used
(PHY) protocols for
implementing wireless local area
network (WLAN) computer

Note: Text in Red is presented as an example (replace with relevant information)


1.1. Identification of Client /Need / Relevant Contemporary issue

A weather forecasting app is essentially a tool that helps individual or an organization

to track the weather conditions. By using a weather forecasting app, individual can see

the weather condition or alerts of any natural disaster in the app, tracking them over

time. This can be especially useful for people who are living in natural disaster-prone

areas like Philippines.

Real-time weather monitoring is essential for disaster management agencies to predict,

track and respond to severe weather events such as hurricanes, floods, wildfires, and

droughts. With timely and accurate information on the weather, the agency can take

preventive measures to mitigate the impact of these disasters on communities and

minimize loss of life and property damage.

Climate change has made weather patterns more unpredictable and extreme, making it

more critical for disaster management agencies to have access to real-time weather data.

The increase in the frequency and intensity of weather-related disasters around the world

makes it imperative for agencies to have the latest technology and tools to monitor and

track these events to protect communities.

1.2. Identification of Problem

One of the main challenges in real-time weather forecasting is the availability and
reliability of data. Weather forecasting relies heavily on accurate and up-to-date data,
which is gathered from various sources, including satellites, radars, and ground-based
weather stations. However, there are often gaps in the data due to limited coverage,
equipment failure, or human error. Additionally, some regions of the world may have
inadequate or outdated weather infrastructure, which makes it difficult to gather reliable

Another challenge is the complexity of weather systems, which can make it challenging
to predict the timing and severity of weather events accurately. Advanced modelling
techniques and algorithms are needed to analyse vast amounts of data and produce
reliable forecasts.

Other websites don’t have a user-friendly interface and are not easy to navigate.

1.3. Identification of Tasks

Developed a weather website that provides accurate and real-time information about the
weather conditions in different areas.

1. Website display the current temperature, humidity, wind speed, and direction for each
location covered.

2. Users are able to search for weather information by entering the name of a city or town.

3. The website have a user-friendly interface that is easy to navigate.

4. Website is optimized for both desktop and mobile devices.

5. It provide weather alerts for severe weather conditions such as thunderstorms,

hurricanes, and tornadoes.

6. It provide a 5-day weather forecast for each location.

7. The website is reliable and regularly updated to ensure that the information provided
is current and accurate.
1.4. Timeline

Fig. Timeline Representation

1.5. Organization of the Report

Chapter 1:

Gives the introduction of the project “Real Time weather forecasting Website” which includes
the identification of the Client also the contemporary issue, identifying the problem definition,
tasks divided among each member, and project planning. It includes a general visualization of
the timeline estimated for this project.

1.1 Identification of Client/Need/Relevant Contemporary Issue: This section involves identifying

a problem or needs that someone (e.g. a client or consultancy) needs to have resolved. The issue
would be justified through documentation or a survey.

1.2 Identification of Problem: This section involves identifying the broad problem that needs to
be resolved. It will not include any hints of a solution, but rather define the problem statement
clearly and concisely.

1.3 Identification of Tasks: This section involves defining and differentiating the tasks required
to identify, build, and test the solution. This will build a framework for the report, and identify
the chapters, headings, and subheadings.

1.4 Timeline: This section involves defining the timeline for the project. It will include the major
milestones and deadlines for completing the tasks identified in the previous section.
1.5 Organization of the Report: This section involves giving a brief overview of what should be
expected in each of the chapters of the report. It is providing a roadmap for us and the project
supervisor and includes the main topics that will be covered in each chapter. This helps to ensure
that the report is organized and structured in a clear and logical manner.

Chapter 2:

Gives the literature review or the background study. It is divided into six subparts

that includes the timeline of the reported problem, also the existing solutions, the review
summary, the problem definition, and lastly the goals or the objectives of the project.

2.1 Timeline of the Reported Problem: This section involves identifying when the problem at
hand was first identified and any relevant incidents or cases that have occurred. It is important to
provide documentary proof of these incidents to support the research and understanding of the

2.2 Existing Solutions: This section involves reviewing earlier proposed solutions to the problem
at hand. This could include analysing research papers, patents, and other relevant documents to
understand the existing solutions and their effectiveness.

2.3 Review Summary: This section involves summarizing the findings of the literature review
and linking them to the project at hand. It would provide a comprehensive overview of the
existing research and identify any gaps in the literature that the project aims to address.

2.4 Problem Definition: This section involves defining the problem at hand, including what
needs to be done, how it needs to be done, and what should not be done. This should be a clear
and concise statement of the research problem and its objectives.

2.5 Goals/Objectives: This section involves setting the milestones during the course of the
project work. The goals and objectives should be narrow, specific, and precise intentions that are
tangible, concrete, and can be validated or measured. They should be aligned with the problem
definition and aim to address the research gaps identified in the literature review.

Chapter 3:

Gives the idea of the project through design flow. Here, evaluation and selection
of specifications, design constraints, analysis of features, and finalization subject to
constraints, design flow, design selection, and implementation are listed down and shown
for good understanding.
3.1 Evaluation & Selection of Specifications/Features: This step involves critically evaluating
the features identified in the literature and preparing a list of features required in the solution.
This includes understanding the user requirements, analysing the existing software systems, and
identifying the features that will provide the most value to the end users.

3.2 Design Constraints: This step involves identifying the various design constraints that the
solution must adhere to. This includes considering the regulatory, economic, professional,
ethical, social, and political issues, as well as the cost considerations in the design. It is important
to consider all the constraints that are relevant to the project, to ensure that the final solution is
practical and effective.

3.3 Analysis of Features and Finalization subject to Constraints: This step involves analyzing the
features identified in step 3.1 and modifying them considering the constraints identified in step
3.2. This involves removing features that are not feasible or do not add significant value to the
solution, modifying features to meet the constraints, and adding new features that will help to
meet the constraints and improve the solution.

3.4 Design Flow: This step involves creating at least two alternative designs/processes/flows to
make the solution/complete the project. This is important to ensure that the final solution is
optimal and meets the user's requirements. The alternative designs should be compared based on
their advantages and disadvantages, feasibility, and cost, among other factors.

3.5 Design Selection: This step involves analysing the alternative designs created in step 3.4 and
selecting the best design based on a comparison of their advantages and disadvantages,
feasibility, and cost, among other factors. The selected design should meet all the requirements
and constraints identified in steps 3.1 to 3.3.

3.6 Implementation Plan/Methodology: This step involves creating a detailed flowchart,

algorithm, or block diagram to implement the selected design. This will help to ensure that the
implementation process is efficient, effective, and meets all the requirements and constraints
identified in the earlier steps. The plan should be clear, concise, and easy to understand so that it
can be followed by the development team.

Chapter 4:

Gives the result analysis and validation of the project where the implementation of the solution is
generalized. To implement the solution for the project, modern tools should be used for analysis,
design, report preparation, project management, communication, testing, characterization,
interpretation, and data validation. The specific tools and techniques used will depend on the
nature of the project and the available resources.

4.1 Analysis: Modern analysis tools such as computer simulations or machine learning
algorithms will be used to analyse data and model the system under investigation. These tools
can help to identify patterns, trends, and correlations in the data, which can then be used to
optimize the system's performance and efficiency.

4.2 Design drawings: Modern design tools such as Figma software will be used to create detailed
drawings, and schematics of the system or components being developed. These tools can help to
visualize the design and identify potential problems or conflicts before actual development

4.3 Report preparation: Modern reporting tools such as data visualization software or interactive
dashboards will be used to prepare reports and communicate the results of the project between
group members. These tools can help to present complex data in a clear and concise manner,
making it easier for group members to understand and act upon the information.

4.4 Project management and communication: Modern project management tools such as agile
software development methodologies, collaborative online platforms, or project management
software will be used to manage the project's progress and communicate with team members and
the project supervisor. These tools can help to ensure that the project stays on track, meets its
objectives and that all stakeholders are kept informed and up to date.

4.5 Testing/characterization/interpretation/data validation: Modern testing and characterization

tools such as automated testing frameworks, statistical analysis software, or sensor networks
would be used to validate the results of the project. These tools can help to ensure that the system
or components being developed meet the required specifications and standards and that any
deviations or anomalies are identified and addressed.

Chapter 5:

Gives the conclusion of this project and future work.

5.1 Conclusion: in this, the conclusion will summarize the project or website's main goals, the
methods used to achieve them, and the results achieved. This section will also include an
explanation of how the results met or deviated from the initial expectations and why this might
have happened. The conclusion will focus on explaining why the goal was not fully met, such as
technical limitations, marketing strategy changes, or unforeseen external factors.

5.2 Future work: In web development, the future work section will discuss ways to improve the
website or project based on the results achieved and the lessons learned. This may include
required modifications to the website, changes in the development approach, or suggestions for
extending the website's functionality or user experience. For example, if the website's navigation
was found to be confusing for users, future work could involve redesigning the navigation to
make it more intuitive and user-friendly. Additionally, suggestions for extending the website's
functionality may include incorporating new features or technologies that would enhance user
engagement and overall website performance.

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