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Position Paper

Amanda Isabelle M. Razal

Catholic Filipino Academy - Grade 10: Class 1

Country: Philippines

Delegate: Amanda Isabelle M. Razal

Topic: The Stem Cell

A modern world calls for new innovations, and this includes medical procedures. With

many being diagnosed with hard to treat diseases such as cancer, heart disease, stroke, etc.

Doctors came up with a solution called stem cell therapy. Stem cells are unique kinds of cells

that remain uncommitted to a specific function in the body, until it receives a signal to

transform into a specialized cell. In the past years, scientists discovered that adult stem cells

could be used to treat different clinical diseases; so with that, they developed stem cell therapy.

Stem cell therapy allows new adult stem cells into damaged tissue in order to treat diseases or

injuries like cancer and HIV. This technology holds promise in curing certain diseases as advised,

but is still in the process of being a part of standard care. Though many in the country have

been restored back to health due to successful stem cell treatments, it is still considered to be

under investigative procedures because of the many risks it holds.

Medical doctors around the Philippines believe that stem cell therapy offers endless

potential in treating a number of medical conditions such as cancer. Whilst other medical
experts see this procedure as a solution to aging. A couple of wealthy Filipinos spend millions on

stem cell therapy sessions for its so-called “anti-aging” effect. While the DOH under the

Republic of the Philippines supports the advancement in cellular medicine through the

invention of stem cell therapy, the department has reiterated the regulation of using the

procedure either as recognized treatment modality or for research purposes. This is to protect

the public from any harm rather than a blanket endorsement of its use. In the country, only

accredited hospitals are allowed to administer stem cell therapies and research; standalone

clinics are prohibited. Some kinds of stem cell procedures, such as embryonic stem cell therapy

and adipose (fat) derived stem cells, are restricted by the FDA. Any conduction of the therapy,

whether it be for clinical or research purposes, should be reviewed and approved by the

institutional review committee. There are only a limited number of medical conditions to which

stem cell therapy may be an option. The most common is cancer, specifically leukemia and

lymphoma. Stem cell therapy is also possible for patients diagnosed with other forms of cancer,

such as cervical and prostate cancer, but it is unlikely to be performed due to the risks and

complications stem cell therapy comes with; making chemotherapy, radiation, and surgery their

main option. However, research shows that a certain kind of stem cell called Hematopoietic

stem cells (HSC) have been able to aid solid tumors such as gynecological cancers, and this

includes cervical and prostate cancer. Given the presence of HSC’s, it is still a risky and more

expensive procedure, for it is still under investigative processes. This may cause the patient’s

medical condition to worsen if not administered and observed correctly.

The costly and risky process of performing stem cell therapy in certain medical conditions

have caused many patients to go the traditional route of treating their disease. Undergoing

procedures that are a part of standard care, such as continuous sessions of chemotherapy and

radiation can also be very harmful for one’s body, especially if done over a long period of time.

Though stem cell therapy may be risky and expensive, it may be a better option for some

patients, especially leukemia and lymphoma patients. Stem cells have the possibility to directly

target the cancer in one’s body, making it safer for the other organs. In chemotherapy and

radiation therapy, other organs such as the kidney, liver, and heart, may be affected, creating

more damage to the patient’s health. However in some cases, patients that are diagnosed with

gynecological cancer, kidney cancer, lung cancer, etc., have to go through chemotherapy or

radiation therapy first, before being able to undergo stem cell therapy. In that case, going

through a few sessions of chemo and or radiation therapy, followed by stem cell treatment, may

be a better option then continuous sessions of chemo and radiation. If a patient is capable of

going through the process and cost of stem cell treatment, it will be more efficient for them.

After going through very high doses of radiation and chemotherapy, stem cell transplants can

help recover the body’s ability to produce stem cells, making it beneficial for the patient’s

overall health. Patients who have survived 5 years after hematopoietic stem cell transplant

without the return of the original medical condition are expected to have an additional 15 years

to life. If laboratories and Filipino medical experts establish more stem cell clinics to research

and adapt to the highly specialized procedures needed for stem cell treatments, then its

availability can spread all throughout the country. If stem cell procedures were to be a part of
the Philippine standard healthcare, insurance companies and the mainstream can cover the cost

depending on the diagnosis, making it less expensive for patients.

Stem cell treatment has been successful in numerous medical cases, proving that it is

effective in most patients. Given that it is still under investigative trials, it is very limited and

expensive for patients to undergo the procedure. Chemotherapy, radiation therapy, and surgery

have been the standard protocol for eliminating cancer in cancer patients, but these have been

shown to be very harmful to the body. Stem cell therapy could be the future of curing cancer as

well as other diseases, for it only targets the affected area; causing no harm to other organs in

the body. This procedure may be costly as of now, but if the Philippine medical industry were to

fund more on the research and administration of stem cell therapy, this could potentially be life

changing for all diseased Filipinos. The possibility of saving patients from intoxicating their

bodies with strong medication and radiation for long periods of time can stop, if stem cell

therapy were to be a part of standard healthcare here in the Philippines. Stem cell therapy has

endless possibilities. It could cover a wide selection of medical issues, ranging from aging

problems to technical medical conditions. This minimally invasive procedure could improve the

quality of life of many. Stem cell therapy should not only be limited to those who can afford it,

but to those who are in most need of it. This innovation is the future of patients worldwide.

- The cost of stem cell therapy. (2021, January 31). Advanced Sports and Spine.

- Everything You Need To Know About Stem Cell Therapy In The Philippines. (2023).

- The Medical City (TMC), Ortigas. (2017, July 3). Basic Information on Stem Cell Therapy. The

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- NCI Dictionary of cancer terms. (n.d.). National Cancer Institute.

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