Lesson Plan in Science

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Lesson Plan in Science

I. Objectives/Intended Learning Outcomes

1. Tell that force is applied to move objects
2. Describe that pushing or pulling with a force moves objects.
3. State that it force moves the object away from the person it is a push.
4. State that if the force moves the object towards the person, it is a pull.
II. Subject Matter
a. Topic: Pushing or Pulling Moves Objects
b. Reference: Bilbao, P. (2020) Exploring Science with Fun
c. Science Concepts:
1. Objects move when force is applied to it.
2. A push is a force that moves object away.
3. A pull is a force that moves the object near.
d. Science Processes: Observing, Inferring, Making Operational Definition.
e. Materials: Real object like chairs, tables, books, stones, big boxes, and pictures.
III. Procedure
A. Preparatory Activity
1. Review of Prior Learning/Past Lesson
B. Lesson Proper
1. Motivation
1.1 Bring children to observe outside the classroom to identify things or objects that
are moving.
1.2 Ask the children to report their observation in the class.
2. Pre-laboratory Activities
2.1 Let the learners recall the standards during a laboratory activity.
2.2 Present all the materials needed.
2.3 Distribute activity sheet to each group.
3. Laboratory Activity
3.1 Using the activity as a guide, each group work cooperatively.
3.2 Activity 1: Force: Can it push or pull?
3.3 Each group records observation for exhibit and reporting.
4. Post-Laboratory Activity
4.1 After the report, display the work in front of the classroom.
4.2 Analyze each group result with the whole class.
4.3 Make agreements on the results that lead to conceptualization.
5. Conceptualization
5.1 Throw the following questions to the class to elicit their formed concepts.
a. What is needed to move the object from one place to another? (Force is
needed to move the object)
b. How will you move with a force if you want the object to go far from you?
(Push the object away.)
c. How will you move with a force, if you want the object to move near you?
(Pull the object near.)
6. Application
6.1 Do you have enough force to push the wall? Try it.
6.2 Do you have enough force to pull a box? Try it.
6.3 Do you have enough force to push a chair? Try it.
IV. Assessment of Learning Outcomes
Circle the letter of the correct answer.
1. If you throw a ball to a classmate, what force will you apply?
a. Push b. Pull c. Slide
2. You want the chair to be nearer you, so your best friend can sit, what will you do?
a. Pull the chair b. Push the chair c. Carry the chair
3. A table is blocking the way. You wanted to remove it farther to provide a passage. What
will you do?
a. Break the table b. Push the table to the side c. Pull the table
4. What do you need in order to move an object away or near you?
a. Force b. Food c. Water
5. Can you force move everything?
a. Yes b. No C. Not sure
V. Assignment
At home, list four objects that you can push or pull. What did you use to pull or push the

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