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Put a check (/) if the following situations show helpfulness and Cross (X) if not.

_________Nika noticed that her teacher needs help in carrying her things so she offered to carry it for her.
_________Greg has a problem and you walked away from him
_________Kim asked for help in her math assignment
_________Jenny gave the poor kid some bread instead of giving him money
_________Hilda cleans the dishes even If her mom did not ask her to

Put a check (/) if the following situations show cooperation and Cross (X) if not.
_________Tim cleans his bed
_________Don helps in their group activity
_________The volleyball varsity won because they talked about a strategy that would help them win
_________Sam saw that Mila is having a hard time at work so she offered to help her

True or False

______________Helpfulness is being of service to others

______________You care about others when you help them
______________You are helpful when you notice that someone needs your help
______________You are helpful when you give people what they want and not what they need
______________You are helpful when you listen to someone who needs to talk
______________Being cooperative means working together and helping others
______________Cooperation requires the effort of everyone
______________Cooperation makes work harder
______________Doing simple tasks at home can show cooperation
______________Respecting the rights of children means caring for their needs and allowing them to reach their full potential
______________Children have different human rights than adults
______________Your rights as a child must be respected
______________You should respect the rights of other children
______________A clean environment includes garbage in the river
______________We should observe conservation and proper management
______________A clean environment is important for human existence
______________Self-discipline is the ability to control yourself.
______________The enemy of self-discipline is bad habits
______________Not doing your homework is an example of self-discipline
_______________Self-discipline helps you become successful in life

Answer the following.

How can you show helpfulness?
1. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________

2. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________

3. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________

How can you show cooperation?

4. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________

5. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________

6. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________

How can you respect the rights of children?

7. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________

8. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________

9. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________

How can you show cleanliness?

10. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________

11. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________

12. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________

How can you show self-discipline?

13. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________

14. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________

15. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________

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