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::Morning shower:: { Speaker }———> Good morning, dear! I hope you slept well.

now go to the showers, clean up and change your uniform! You must replenish your
hygiene for today. And don't forget about safety! Don't slip. ____Then, go to the
cafeteria, where in a couple of minutes you will be served a wonderful breakfast!

::Morning Shower:: {Speaker} — —> The sun rises and at 6 am, do you know what it
means? That means it's already morning! But I still want to sleep, maybe it's
because I didn’t take a shower? I think yes ! So I will take it now. No Well, it's
time to change your uniform and wash up! I will cook breakfast and wait for you in
the breakfast cafeteria!

"Sunrise" ... :: {Speaker} ————> Wake up and sing my sweets! Today you will have a
very difficult, but interesting day! But for this you must be clean! Now go to
the shower room. Wash yourself, do not forget to turn off the shower after use.
Change your uniform if necessary! And then, go to the dining room, where a
delicious breakfast will be waiting for you!🌹✨

::Morning Shower:: {Speaker} ———> Ah, the orphanage has already turned on the
lights, I wouldn't be surprised if some didn't wake up, but still, it's time to get
up and get ready for the day! Don't forget to brush your teeth and change your
uniform! I’m waiting for you in the cafeteria !

::Morning Shower:: {Speaker} — — > Good morning dear orphans! How did you sleep ?
I hope well, but... - she covered her nose with her hands - Oh, I think someone
needs a shower after such a long night! Well, go down to the first floor and take a
shower! Change your uniform and brush your teeth! I'll be waiting for you in the

::Morning Shower:: {Speaker} — —> Hmm. the weather is very good today, maybe we'll
go outside today if it doesn't suddenly rain today. Ah, I completely forgot! You
need to get ready for the day, I mean you need to wash and remember the uniform,
I'll finish cooking now, waiting for you!
::Breakfast:: {Speaker}———> Hello dear! After a warm shower and a good night, you
should be hungry! You also need to be full for today's daily activities. And so,
you went to the dining room! Take a seat in the line and wait for the maids to
give you food! I think you will enjoy breakfast. ___After breakfast, go to the
lecture hall.

::Breakfast:: {Speaker} — — > How wonderful, you have already washed! While you
were washing, I cooked breakfast, do you feel this wonderful smell? Please don't
forget to wear a uniform to get food or drink! You need energy for this wonderful
day, so I cooked a lot of food, a lot of delicious food! Do you like to eat? I do!
Haha, what did I say? Okay, head to the cafeteria and get in line, in uniform!

::Breakfast:: {Speaker} — —> Good morning again! Breakfast is ready, so come to the
cafeteria to get some delicious food! keep in mind that you need to put on a CLEAN
uniform before you come! Get in line to get your food! If you want drinks then sit
down at the table so we can give everyone one! Happy breakfast!
::Daily Activities:: {Speaker} ———> Good afternoon! I hope you are prepared for
today's actives (not hungry and washed). After breakfast you had to throw your
dishes in the trash! And so, you are a lecture hall. Now the maids will choose
what will be for the daytime activity today. I'm sure you'll enjoy today's
activities.___After finishing your afternoon activities, go to the showers.

::Daily Activities:: {Speaker} ———> Well, I see you've already finished your meal,
then don't forget to dispose of your dishes in the trash! If you've done all that,
then please go to the lecture hall to decide what activity will be today! If you
need a second meal, then ask the maid! Let's choose what we'll do today, haha!

::Daily Activities:: {Speaker}————> While you were eating, the other maids and I
couldn't choose an activity for you! Head to the Lecture hall so we can choose an
activity together! But before that, do not forget to dispose of the plates and cups
in the trash! I'll be waiting for you in the lecture hall dear!
::Playground:: {Speaker} ———> __Oh, what good weather today! I think we should go
outside! But we won't go outside the orphanage. Let's go to the playground!
There you can play with your friends, slide down the hill, dance with the maids!
It means that you have a lot of things to do outside. You will love today's
Activity!___After the end of the day, go to the showers.___Have a nice day!

::CLEANING:: Good afternoon! Yesterday you behaved inappropriately, so today we

will wash our shelter! In addition, the floors and walls of our shelter are very
dirty, which means they need to be washed too. Wash everything thoroughly! To
keep everything clean. Also, I think that sleeping in a clean place makes it
possible to have good dreams! ___After cleaning, you will be tired and dirty, and
so, immediately after cleaning, go to the showers, and then you will have a very
tasty dinner.

::CHARADES:: {Speaker }———> Oh, I think we'll stay inside the orphanage, but don't
worry. When the weather turns otoic, we will go for a walk. And today we will
play Charades. This is a very interesting game, I think you will like it. And now
we choose a person who will show us some object or emotion. Have a nice day!❤️

::STORYTELLING:: Today we will stay in orphanage , but don't be sad! You will be
interested ... Today we will have .... Story time! Ah, after such daily activities
you will have good dreams! I hope you enjoy it! And so, let's choose a person who
will tell us an amazing story! And then, we will choose a new one ... If none of
you want, then I will tell you one .. In general, I wish you a good day!

::TWO TRUE AND A LIE:: {Speaker}— —> I love this game, and you? But some may not
know how to play it so I will explain! Well, you need to come up with one lie about
yourself and tell two truths and one lie, the other orphans must guess which of
these is not true and the orphan who guesses will be chosen next! But keep mean you
need to be in uniform and sit in the lecture hall!

::PERFORMANCE :: {Speaker} — —> this is the so-called talent competition, you need
to show your skills in dancing or singing! You need to sing a song or choose an
emotion to dance, and other orphans will choose who won! Keep in mind that you need
to be in uniform and sit in the litigation room, and you also need to say "Me" to
be selected!

::PICNIC:: {Speaker}— —> Oh, the weather today is just wonderful! And, oh, why
didn't you eat your breakfast? Hmm, well, if you're hungry and the weather's fine
today, why don't we have a picnic? Go to the main door and LINE UP! I'll come to
you now, but I need to get some more cupcakes!

::BONFIRE:: {Speaker} — —> Ah, it's cold outside today, but we need to go outside
today! Let's then sit by the fire, sing songs and play something! Head through the
main doors and follow the maids to the boat to come to the campcity! Don't forget
to wear sweatshirts haha!

::SIMON SAYS:: {Speaker} - Wow, you're all so lethargic, then why don't we play
simon says? You can run and jump and stretch! It's stop! I love exercising, do you?
The maids will tell you what to do, and you have to do what they say!

::BERRY PICKING :: — —> look out the window-Wow, so much has grown on the street!
Let's bring them together! Remember to collect ONLY red berries, others may not be
edible and if you eat them you can get sick, BE CAREFUL!! Go to the main door and
follow the maids!

::MEDETATION:: - Ah, you are all so restless, but why? Hmm, I think I know what
will help you calm down! THIS IS MEDETATION! This time helps me calm down! Well.
now go to the door that leads to the playground and then follow the maids!

::PLAY:: {Speaker} - Ah, storytelling got boring, maybe you want to show your
creativity? I mean that today you can arrange a PERFORMANCE! I will select 2-4
volunteer orphans and in 60 seconds you will have to choose the fairy tale you will

::NATURE WALK::- The weather is great today! Although it's hot today, hmm, I think
we can go to the waterfall and swim there, if you don't want to swim, you can just
relax near the water, because there is a breeze that can help you cool down. Follow
the maids to the main door and then follow me! Be careful not to fall! The rock is
quite slippery!

::EDENs HISTORY:: - Today I want to invite you to learn a little more about our
orphanage, including its old owners and the Minaj family. Maybe someone knows, but
maybe someone does not, because this is a very rare activity and yet I think you
will like to learn something new. Head towards the main door and then follow the

We arrived at Eden 's grave .

When Eden and Leah's father fell ill and grew old,

Eden had to take the place of the Queen in an orphanage.

Leah could not cope with her father's illness, so Eden had to take care of her
Leah was queen in an orphanage while her sister was gone.

Soon their father died and Eden returned.

Leah was doing well in her role as queen in the orphanage and so Eden was happy
with that.

The night Eden arrived at the orphanage, there was a gas leak and Eden died.

As you can see Leah fulfills the dreams of Eden and us the orphanage is getting

::GUESS THE ORPHAN::- Today we will play the game Guess the orphan. The rules in
this game are very easy, you just need to be in uniform and sit to go first you
need to say Me! And so, you choose an orphan or staff and have to describe them,
and others have to guess who it is. I can talk

:: I spy :: - - - > What a wonderful day! I think we need to play a game!

Hmm..Simon says Charades..All these games seem to be very popular. How about
playing a very interesting game called "I spy"? Yes, great idea! Now we will
explain the rules and choose a volunteer. Have a nice day!

:: Swimming :: - - - > Ah, what a wonderful day! The sun is very warm, smiling at
us .. Ah! I have an idea! Exactly, exactly. I think we should go for a swim!
Great idea, I think. And so, and now follow the maids .. Good luck in swimming and
have a nice day!
::EVENING SHOWER:: ——> Good evening, kids! You've had a very busy day and I think
you should take a shower! Now head to the shower room, clean up, change your
uniform if necessary! Then you will have a very delicious dinner. I hope you
enjoy it, because we tried very hard to prepare this meal.

::EVENING SHOWER:: — —>  I had so much fun, didn't you? I could still have fun, but
now we have an evening shower scheduled! Well, please go to the first floor shower
to wash and change your uniform! While you are washing, I will prepare plates and
cups of food and drinks to serve!

::EVENING SHOWER:: - -> Ah, I saw you all had a lot of fun on the playground, some
of you must have fallen into the sand! Well, I think it's time for you to wash off
the sand! And please don't forget to wash up because coming to dinner dirty is
disrespectful to everyone!

::EVENING SHOWER:: - Our orphanage has become very clean, but I can imagine that
you are now dirty! I think before dinner you better wash and change your uniform,
since we have time for this. get your dinner!
::DINNER::____ Good evening, everyone ! You had a good day, you must be hungry
after it! Also, after a warm evening shower, you should go to the dining room!
Take a seat in the line, wait for the maids to give you food. Then, sit down at
the table and wait for the milk to be given to you. Hope you enjoy your dinner!
___After dinner is over, go to the dorms.

::DINNER::-Great, you smell just great, but the same smell comes from food, just as
wonderful! I think you are hungry, so I cooked a lot of delicious food, I think you
will like it! Please go to the dining room opposite the shower and queue up and
don't forget that you must be in uniform!

::DINNER:: - Oh, I already cooked dinner, but I had to remember what we cooked
yesterday, I also remembered how badly some orphans behaved! Well, in that case, I
remember you a few rules that you need to follow in the cafeteria:!Rule 1 - cafe
it's not a cafe so you can't say GET ME MILK! I hope you understand everything!
::ORPHANS TO DORMS::___You had a wonderful day! I hope you are tired after it.
And so, now go to the dorms, choose a room and a bed, and then go to bed! I hope
you have good dreams. From butterflies, flowers and fairies to cars, cities and
activities! Don't forget to close the door in your room!____

::ORPHANS TO DORMS:: - Ah, the sun is already setting behind the horizon, have you
eaten yet? Well, don't forget to throw out your plates and cups and go upstairs to
your rooms! Tomorrow will be just as fun as yesterday, so you need to save up a lot
of energy to have more fun tomorrow! !😴

::ORPHANS TO DORMS:: - Oh, the dinner was so delicious, but now I'm here, you want
to sleep instead of eating, so I think it's time for you to head to your rooms! But
before that, don't forget to brush your teeth and dispose of your plates and cups
in the trash! Goodnight!

::ORPHANS TO DORMS:: - Oh, I'm so tired, even though I didn't do anything at the
activity! Why am I tired? Oh, I get even more tired of such thoughts! Goodnight!

::ORPHANS TO DORMS:: - Oh, a walk in the fresh air made me very tired, although I
see that it’s not only me, - looks at her watch - Oh, it’s already 7 pm and you
already have to go to bed according to the schedule! Now I understand why you are
all so tired! Yes, and it's already dark outside, Oh, all these conversations are
very tiring for me, let's just go to bed already!
::NIGHT::…Ah, what a nice day! You were all to take your beds and rooms. I hope
you have already done this, and do not wander around the orphanage. “giggles ”…
But it's okay if you don't have time to go to the dorms, you'll just be
quarantined. But it is not important! If you hear some strange sound, don't
worry, because it's nighttime, and you might think something... ___Good night,
sweet dreams!
::NIGHT TIME:: -Oh, it's already dark outside, I think it's time to go to bed!
Don't leave the dorm if you don't want to be punished! I'll be going to bed soon
too but I have some more work to do -giggles-!

::NIGHT TIME::- Ah, the lights went out so suddenly! Now you can see the stars and
the moon through the windows of the orphanage! But still, I don’t advise you to
leave your rooms so as not to be punished, or rather to get into ISO, or even
worse! Don't be scared if you hear or see something, it's probably a nightmare!
Good night dear!💫

::ALARM!::🚨…Oh, things look bad. Too many psycho’s tonight.. Now carefully exit
the dorm. Get down to the first floor and line up next to the bunker. You have
exactly one minute to get there. If you don't have time, then go back to the dorm,
enter the nearest room and close the door. Wait until morning. Everything will be

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