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Conference Participants

5.stunda 12:10 - 12:50
6.stunda 13:10 - 13:50

Aktu zāle
Influence on people through the DVC
1.The effects that the different settings had in ‘’ The Da Vinci Code ‘’(Alla Kozlovska)
2.Influence of paintings depicted in The Da Vinci Code (Valerija Ševčika)
3.How religion affects personal behavior and action based on the characters from the Da Vinci Code book?
(Veronika Ivanova)
4.What is the story behind the settings of Da Vinci Code (Jegors Maless)
Truth/History in DVC
5.The Subjectivity of Truth/History in the book “The Da Vinci Code” (Evelina Mironova)
6. Art as secret History in “The Da Vinci Code”(Afina Smite)
7. Dan Brown and erroneous knowledge in history in “The Da Vinci Code”(Artūrs Aire)
8. Timofejs Kokšarovs
9. Mihails Ivanovs
10. Polina Vinogradova
11. The title of any book and its appearance are directly related to the content, and “The Da Vinci Code” by
Dan Brown isn’t exception (Jana Kolesnikova)
12. Different Symbolic Perceptions in Da Vinci Code by Dan Brown (Artjoms Grišajevs)
13.Quotes in the book „The Da Vinci Code“(Marija Vasiljeva)
14.Daniels Tankelovičs

210 kab
1. The description of Silas from Dan Brown’s novel “The Da Vinci Code” (Daniils Kaneps)
2. Priory of Sion is the best kept secret or just a simple fraud? (Gabriela Sinkoviča)
3. Conspiracy theories behind “Da Vinci Code” (Ivans Pereverzevs)
4.The historical basis of Dan Brown’s “The Da Vinci Code”(Metjū Podļeskis)
5. Conspiracy theory in "The Da Vinci Codet; (Dmitrijs Stepanovs)
6. The influence of historical inaccuracies on the plot of the “Da Vicnco Code” by Dan Brown (Deniss Levčiks)

Symbology in DVC
7. Cover as the essence of the book ‘The Da Vinci’ ( Anastasija Šakele )
8. Symbols in the book “The Da Vinci Code” (Aļesja Derkačova)
9. The meaning and power of symbols in “The Da Vinci Code” (Aleksandra Strekačova)
10. The Meaning and Power of Symbols (Margarita Dzjuba)
11.Quest in the book “The Da Vinci Code” (Sofja Rešetova)

Criticism of the DVC

12.Why Dan Brown’s “The Da Vinci code” received it’s criticism (Ņikita Mihejevs)
13. ‘’In Dan Brown’s The Da Vinci Code, how do the characters personal beliefs and motivations shape their
actions and and decisions’’(Anastasija Petrovska)
14. Architecture in the film and book "The Da Vinci Code" by Dan Brown. (Deniss Rupeka)
10:10 - 10:50
11:10 - 11:50
Aktu zāle
Symbology in DVC

1. The role of Louvre Museum in Dan Brown’s fictional novel the da Vinci Code (Marija Prohorova)

2. How does Dan Brown use symbols in “The Da Vinci Code” to convey the theme of a secret societies
and their influence on history? (Vadims Trefilovs) 10:20-10:30

3. The real meaning and power of symbols, used in Dan Browns “The Da Vinci Code”(Aleksandrs
Sosnovskis) 10:30-10:40

The Link Between Worlds In DVC

4. What is the link between ancient and modern worlds in Dan Brown’s fictional novel “The Da Vinci
Code”? (Aļisa Sosnovskaja) 10:40-10:50

History/ Truth in the DVC

5.Dan Brown’s claims about religious conspiracies in his book «The Da Vinci Code» and their
truthfulness (Maksims Sukoņnikovs) 10:50:11:00

6. Mary Magdalene myths and truth (Olivija Bethena) 11:00-11:10

7. Art as the secret history and separate non-lived character in “The Da Vinci Code “ by Dan Brown
.(Anastasija Groma) 11:10-11:20

Heroes behaviour in DVC

CODE? (Aleksandrs Sitņikovs) 11:20-11:30

9. Different social groups understand art in different ways. (Renar Stuģis) 11:30-11:40

10. The role of mary magdalene. (Polina Piskorska) 11:40-11:50

210 kab
1. ''The Role of Marie Magdalene in Dan Brown’s “The Da Vinci Code” (Daniels Livšics) 10:10-10:20

2. ''Could Mary Magdalene have been Jesus’s wife?'' (Darja Frolonoka) 10:10-10:20

3. Plot similarities of “Angels and Demons”  and “The Da Vinci Code “ by Dan Brown.(Anna
Svarcburga) 10:20-10:30

4. Blood as the symbol in the novel ''The Da Vinci Code'' (Veronika Statkus) 10:30-10:40

5. Art holds many secrets, and in time it may be revealed.(Valerija Dzene) 10:40-10:50

6. Dan Brown’s Opinions on Faith in “The Da Vinci Code.”(Klim Bogdanovs) 10:50-11:00

7. The Da Vinci Code is steeped in historical intrigue.(Anzelika Gavrilova) 11:00-11:10


9.The da vinci Code: 3 key works in the book.(Dmitrijs Ļeins) 11:20-11:30

10. Similarities and differences between Indiana Jones and The da Vinci Code.(Vladislavs

Preobraženskis) 11:30-11:40

11. “The role of Mary Magdalene ''. (Artjom Iļčenko) 11:40-11:50

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