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fd ease ae Al Resaunel. -Methodoley 1) Resear iS procs | indy solutised 0a Problem was 8 4c_onalysis of the situdional Jaros: a eT y ‘ 1 ©) They. emalic answer “td a ypstion the sesslution qe frobl 22 lt ot a geealie wnclorstovllieg” a fhenomenon, through cata. (@_ Stott sar ype. A buiness —veqires_vesenrch, io te Saree diee_tometition tp _cveale a business plan pala | Cimscteersnes Of Reseakey > —— = | Begins vail a_quastian etc roblem | Requires a clear arthiculachion af rf = 5), follawrs_a__sPeufie lou of procedure ae I . 7 . a) “divides the principal problem into_naove. manageable. Subbroblems- é \_ graded _by the Shecific resents Problem quest — et hppotbais: __ od) accebis__“cextam —cvitical adtumbhioas = needa collec 2 ivlerpyetetioes of dale __¢ |i: _never__ends_ 2 is, tgelieal stalit sbyegie gh A —Gathy rsa i quid inbusness 2) cd Ow Protons — Pceirna aig compel OF = © ve © investonen hive veseorhews a —@) 1 ° ond conultonte ([echoe an | predictions A) produ dusi 4 d pa ——_ lag kel Scanned with CamScanner P| ae | newt A Finance — Sates Ae MAR KEG, arene polenkal, elute, size f > 2 shack fe loy Tange forecasting. ——+ marke pe + soles trek fg Las: ee ¢ tee ob elaine age cai a arg lsihianc DY 2 re brah impor vereanb. ent behavioural ‘vescanle ——_* sala 2 mdb, Veseateh @ tne produck tenceplr store satisfachon = + alfowative distribution Clann, = | tied ta. ags_for logy Sate dabowes as foto. “shot teen Ri veh oul C! tow _ cess A a] eat! custome echsfaction - a Resseancle. Metavelolooy- Pree = | Brig Foble/ eherteng | feet - }- =a pothesis = dea 4 prdblena 2 Profossl: = hove much resovrecs 3 — panty € Yeaovrees ave Pitre fn b opal — 8 Grntiesion i dl — fla, t bie, 4 qed qe feb _ 4 Breads 9 Estee Sagy 3 = - iti a pow toa Mi page dowwment whit tf whielr only arves sy oe lade tied aot “only & — [ mos ae . Scanned with CamScanner q) 6 Recommendations: based on finding’ wes cancers. rovide eeommondatios_| Ab # Date. Araalysis Excel; $Pss “ah : — Conteutial bask os = mentions — Se tt stat Produc 8 Series enatkels,_quontiiea_of ee products, = wat is pedir. fof i ~ adele site, litivahusce eviews i we Yeu'eoig what. thes fave. ol tiene about eux tof. — do. wa Yeleant i is tp a | kink qf wwieo? — : Methodology + wbat vesanh methools ate used. —_@ gakive veseurcle none numerica ©) Quantitative vesencl i nunresic., calullodtbas © Ample sixe: sSomling fer = Bow ei ‘d : (@) ves instrument Sefhoaxe/ ei fer = hr + acqpiescence -__agreci (ha mae, haan) infection @ filings: chants, grap cay plain of + z ir alate fut __| not ugges tions) Seurced | biblio ha Online _ Soumes dy. sfplne Sources: allonys mention tinae £. cele. ed Problems encounlud __by Researchers in Tada lack ef. Scientifie. Traini cient” an quien 4 heirs untimn lt ai inorrce Teeninology 2- jargon ee — lack ef code. of “conduir for Siesanhos oven research Shudifs Scanned with CamScanner h Covrtational Custak is atneahel> = . rr whet cauuhe Ciovt i Les a Susiveg Cleswseibiv. foto) 3 wt ag cae wilt The ly ke coniad out Z 2 he fe dal, 1s requited./ i what feriodsop. time wail tle diel tnbab-vall be somple cles alla Helene of cafe eT how wall the dala be analysed 2 ow + what syle will the xefort be prepared? nti aa Te A Fel scan [Ee fhe "et tau _ E mrreemere pe . alee qputianadit,intorunerscaPt_, se Scanned with CamScanner = | involves firocedlure_baied_an mae coments | | bak sine. aboulel the. sample be. 2 74 feu to selec somBlitg. ccnils 2 i Ceonvtninis,.taites mY probity ek) —H Sampling. terminology. i 0 Semple: A substeer some fart, oat PoP ubaction 2) Papalltion Criverse) + Ay cov plete group. ap enhibies that shane | Some commoa sek ap. characterises ©) Fefulatisn element Any rndindsch member of a fopulahon: fhe. hi aa |_oc_webrescalition of the. Population _Cositt moe os sample 2 — target Population.) (Magn 4 Error) —O| Cenesys + Arn invedbig china of Gl the individual element tak | makeup a pofulbhion sa SSeS. sample 8 Pe 3 populabisa de S— 88% 00 ae 20092 “2 ho eo | | pel ee: L a — lle & —_ = = een Sie —mneke- infprences et ft about population xl Exvou associated wile samp Sonia. Yeulomn ever Longituobnal ncescanch «it involves study op semble at mare. hon point: in_time._o Occasion « ue i ectionnl research 1 OT Ovcasion.__ Scanned with CamScanner | Tatat Population fh» Somping pee F? plemnel mple fi oe Sample : frome er soning ceo nen vesponte- it in volues shel. -ronyp -cases_at one——_ 2, Probably vs tes probebtly: sooPlig: 1 2 4 Probabiliby- som Bb com bli p- technique. im wfuichr_er Ap ase fee ls an sta probe lati ay | —_ Labili hy» _doonBli » Argo fli ing Technique in_whide vad ra wwe adabid oa the bu personal, judgement sx A Convenience The —pYobabilikg ep ony parialan _mmembelt af __ dhe Hg fen nino 1 —l Testo Sonflinge types: oe : _- i _|Sompi | = | Non prokebiiy ee bebegffiy = Shmeuing * E | Pin_excperienced inchividual seleute the _ comple. base on _Pertonel | {udgemect—abeuk Some cf propriate characteristic. of | Somple. mekmbex- a | tis cont be. usec aleae., esp. se in combinedton. whith —_| _oavenience. omfg" oo Quota SAP cing san Enssies Hak vorious Subgr saps a fofealation . willbe 7 ep vesentid_on__frtinent _ chotackexishes 4 fo the enact euteat_. | Mar the eaten darts. 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Researcn Design: > features: (elect statement” ¢ 4 research. problem. . Frniqyucs fee actiewing. im infotrnation @) pefulation 4 be studied. ~ (4) melbwds 42 be used im processing. pt onolptng. dal | features of poocl dew Omens 4 obteaing~ inh IL b ¢ e r Donat 4 ah reach bi __ @ Objective. of prob-to be shied = © vatwu 0 problem tobe shdiel eas — ® asl affine Lemony. fox see sees atel ls - 7) Uidge bor =) Variables rf septee so 0) The concept ushith ton take on diffe qpontitedive_ Voki fey Indebendint vorichle CIv) — © trlewerig vosiable. (Tuy) & depenteat variable Cov’) > € eablapear vestipble. 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L. ~4-- Hs Hhew_is SEngont link betircon Seoncleig A | ~ Gaui BP ore (wm peg Please 12 vesearels » Lal ( te rect Mall Scanned with CamScanner objechives tux beni _ assessments Hak involue numerical measurement &._' ‘is. — | Quabitative - addresses business objectives toreuda techniquia that _| allows Hu researcher. to provide. .elabt nll oop | phenowenavoitheuk depend _pa_numetica! _rmeasunement iG fous is on discovering, five _ wAighh pee bh nt | r . { Dil ferences * = _: | Researnle asfect Quan htadive, | Quoltttive = ) Common purpose. tat hypothesis or sfecipe | discover ideas, wae — | 7 Yueh quesko | bfloraton resents cil | meeswie 2 test ___| phsexwes A. inléx bee wapappiveects | | 8) dala collection a | sbitchereol respec. | euesticuchute > yee fom | L _calegovies_pyovicle® —__| | veseaubex uninvolued! westonchey ig intinatily, | indleperulence Observedl, vest? axe). Involuek , yeaulle ater _ | 1 objechive » > sublectve « » Samples lagen rela te fines ; tent seat offen 6) mest 8 ten. = | ~ desi Phe & Caudal eeefltatotey vesearcte ‘) nd —_——: 1 a reseaticls despa \- dain _ ot | Scanned with CamScanner a : : =_ — = gf F nok vefleck real Vo a _pberomena. a L ; 2 | research date galled seat be doo gov eet: —* | veseanl resi niighic nok be ine clots. sixes resull? could be bias as“ reseaucler it Velebay Br te Cte theory. 6 be any tastiad 2 building. them fon research. fivdicgs. west: of I | Sows gyal reaainch: | Oo: 7 wigrl to “bead limited iva clay fate’ Shibies — + WR fot -cluvcbing comes fbenamena. i | edehel — fee specie environment. contour 4 condition» = leche —Yesessecben aA Heres fesioal enfin of 4 OF 2 vedearch~ —— a: re fn in_uoeeds 4 nassative: could —eplin th OR 2 lt pleat befor. 4. mere_in aif a wuss fate veseonh + ° —Yeaec_fi nok be. genctal 2 it apples te sBecahi tt tom beut + *nbufpdenk presen data. totaal Pypatlessa A built aaa wotatne is ete could be time consuming + dat collection & Cusco be vésouiee _inlgnsive ° Scanned with CamScanner om ES TIONNAIRE Desa Resear designs => dsfe « collechoa 7 ?_insbeurnent’ cbeaign p lew TT i —L— «— | \ lok tests Benflig lon te yen in Caaalg : Steve tv TRye TRE OF _Ar_ (Que sTIONNAIRE ° i medion imsliuchons Shit oly ome layout style wi _ Asclaimec - 7 Reef ite_shert 2 sinBlle ave. a code_for eacle weft oe yet thei —dmegeat —} 2 datas it pessible : * Bo nolo foe Prnonad 0 ot Sensitive. “fata in ‘nn : = fave _0__lopiat _ flow = + keep hin lot postions towards the end. * Thats the vetPonelent cat the erub- Scanned with CamScanner Trdirece CDiagwsel) —___| S Newosuents:!* * Assou'ah'nn’ teste * completion tale ——- cpr tale a iach gee Lor aay —p vole pl technigus fo Bet pus ee Ahoug addict lesbo —Roirscliach technigae HD Cte Blot test) ————— Iu reas weasels: - 2 rdigpous. aul -eathutal custome | 2 fimanial_consbtain ____] 2 lwel + Aucahion d Popetsdion __« Penvivenmental céncours __] 8 if al consbeambr_ aes sss os aug 4 meclio, ob ae gh oun - naa a= el erves i in inlexnotional sexe : es Ld | Apnibionnl enor — °_non- vesporse._erret oastiumenl eo == Sompl exetiot. a [be a lel ES (Sin ee “TyBes of Alon = _-aompl ot eee i peoblen Mihi 2 exferimentd Ci peshoe | pete ap nittbn © poor questionnatice —cleditgan — Lo a eet nlite bias fom i" inlemetion ever: it 2 aa processing. _ ono nen “apne. urge ss? i ase ° Measwement ever " only op, CULO Scanned with CamScanner Bi) Referenune / Sourcing » =¢——4 ¢ o 1 + || Biblio: is OuTpATED vt a Kotex P (2021) mba emagp ane eed. pe. 4 asta | fotnotes i "| No to Bleps, tsikipetia , dear npn inant es we alte dinestanf — _ time AL gees occas rte lege) tag, Sample Po —_ Tie 4 Shady Conditions faust. vse + : I i Seonple- Consus al be Strath lage. | Me, foe a 2 Pafultin sine lage. aralf = Leet af ane t —$§lega = ee agp ; aig to peng en — five om -cleslecetiie Werte ndndad te Oe fo aa 2. Tésting_<¢ ot _Hptngsit— _ - _ — Conclusion about “null fy potas ten I _ L tahistica® teste TTuth._obeu | Tee. Alcceer Nui. eu byfaeas f ee | a - — false Tipe TL evi cul fools obserwe Scanned with CamScanner \ toe | E Bile Ta pd the xioment _Atenswte can tha findings be_gertnbisest to okur _| { what is _ did set euk todo 2- situations outside “the enpex/mental. VV produce tre. — Sinolton, Js | | eulernal solidity in DV abs) oe ib we thveatencl swheneucr Youre cunk tae possibility ef enconbiell. eubianeous verishles Hat might oPrexwize — | @evoual pp tee resell ay Shady ll I . se — + | 8 classes of exbfanous varishles can be: tdenb fre: — bis _matut ation, testing, insbeumentation, slatstical , 9 ion, |_sclection , resewrch mortality, infercactionrs co) sefechion - —___ by is thyeatined: whenwe: imdihows inherent in | |_veseanch cles are. swh Hat the gorexotizabilily. 4 yeaulls is hiniled’ | araea op dhvinls te enllrnat _vabidily canbe. identified: vtachve 9 _intxactive._ eject of. Testi meron — _inkoeaction effec of selechinn tos 2 inlecvention — sceactive. effec” ef ‘Ceeatment a2eengementt onultible treatment inlorcference.- a ib ule dale ovals’, nog elt co ~ can & cart Cauick, , ace wa | K— ——________— A — k |_-tompulie arsistl. Felefhonie, ~ compuloe assist petsonal interurees I | Pe is nctoptked info tlephow _ ~ Yesfondenlt com ae Weir 01” confi PE tive oll on ea — vompuloe selec no. , dials a = weapon receive softwere opts apo gs in fle b , veo? « Scanned with CamScanner - hee _ “te 4 ‘ + Spowball ot halle ope nh o —— A coh igre, ‘ 4 = infePve Fator ¢ Est a x Faareerwe Techn gu Saget fb 23 | Metuors OF “immoving; —f _Resfousl. Ms 9 6 “Rates: | Bote nol Preakion 2 a | follow up _ re = | Incentives 7 iid. pebgye = Non -monele LSfsify the ype of infewic bod. _clatoenune the” contenk ndwidat = |e Loverome dhe respondent a inability or “ip fous qpeston A buehuee - - ae wert; isa |_| ep Scanned with CamScanner

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