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In the Beginning . . .

Growing into a Life of Faith


Kids of the Bible

David, the Shepherd Boy

Key Concept
God wants me to help others.


Each time you say the Key Concept during the lesson, use the following motions: God [point up] wants me [point thumbs to self] to help others [clap hands twice].

Bible Summary
1 Samuel 16:11, 18; 17:34-35; 17:12-20 In todays lesson children will learn about David, a shepherd boy. They will hear how God wanted David to help his family and King Saul. David helped his family by taking care of the sheep and bringing his brothers food while they were fighting in a war. David helped King Saul by playing music for him.


Children will hear how David helped his family by tending sheep, how he helped his brothers by bringing them food, and how he helped King Saul by playing music for him.

Children will learn that God wants us to help others.


Children will participate in an activity to identify ways they can help others.

Spiritual Formation

People Needed
Teacher, Helper

Bible Verse
Serve one another. Galatians 5:13

(Labeled visuals below can be found in the Lesson 6 Visual folder on the Fall Quarter CDs.) CD player Music for singing Sound Effects #1 CD (optional)

Large jar with lid and die as used in Lesson 5 The Great Kid Game game board as used in Lesson 5 Game piece as used in Lesson 5 5 Large gift bags from Lesson 5, stuffed with tissue paper and the items listed below: Silly Willy Bag Hat with a sheep (stuffed animal or picture) attached to it Bible Story Bag Note that reads: Dear friends, Everything you need is in the room. Look for the helping hands that will help tell the Bible story. Lalalalala Bag Piece of paper with name of song Touch the Sky (or other song you plan to sing) Thinking Hat Bag Fun hat (the Thinking Hat) Folded paper with the following written on it: Today you are going to think about a time when somebody helped you. Question Mark Bag Folded paper with the following question written on it: How can we help others? 3 Question Mark pictures: Child vacuuming, Child dusting, Child picking

Fall Quarter

2007 Willow Creek Community Church / Sunday School Teachers Guidebook / Lesson 6


Kids of the Bible

up toys (Lesson 6 LG 5 Lesson 6 LG 7) Pair of fun gloves (for Helper) Gift bag, box, or pillow case holding the following (for Helper): The Beginners Bible Stuffed animal sheep Comb Staff or walking stick Crown Instrument (tambourine, drum, recorder, etc.) 7 Dolls 7 Pieces of bread Cheese (toy or packaged slices)

Unit 2 Life Application game board as used in Lesson 5 Game piece as used in Lesson 5 5 Two-sided God Wants Us to Help Others game cards (Lesson 6 SG 8a Lesson 6 SG 12b) Crayons For each child: David story paper (Lesson 6 SG 13) Key Concept sticker (Lesson 6 SG 14) Two-sided take-home coloring sheet (Lesson 6 SG 15 and Lesson 6 SG 16) Snack


In Advance
Recruit a Helper to operate the music and sound effects CDs and participate in the lesson as the helping hands (see pages 46). Or, if you prefer, simply place the helping hands props in a fun bag or box and take them out yourself, and modify the lesson accordingly. Determine which songs you will use and be prepared to lead the children in singing. Song suggestions: Upbeat song for transition from Activity Stations to the Creative Bible Teaching Touch the Sky (Touch the Sky CD) God is Number One (Touch the Sky CD) Determine whether or not you will use the sound effects CD. If you prefer to not use the sound effects, or to use only a few of them, look at each sound effect listed in the lesson and determine if you will play the sound effect from the CD, say the words yourself, have the Helper say them, read them from a piece of paper pulled out of the corresponding gift bag, or omit the sound effect, and then modify the lesson accordingly. Gather the supplies listed above and arrange your classroom as you did for Lesson 5. Print the fronts and backs of the five God Wants Us to Help Others game cards. (There are four identical cards per pageyou need only one card from each page.) Copy corresponding fronts and backs onto cardstock and cut them apart so you have five two-sided game cards. Prepare the materials that will be given to each of the children. To prepare the stickers, print or copy the pages onto Avery label sheets #5294. Consider cutting the stickers apart for easier distribution. Print out the lesson and practice the teaching time.

Fall Quarter

2007 Willow Creek Community Church / Sunday School Teachers Guidebook / Lesson 6


Kids of the Bible

Teachers Prep
READ 1 SAMUEL 16:11, 18; 17:34-35; AND 17:12-20. Be a good helper. Do those words sound familiar? Maybe you heard an adult say them to you as a child or maybe more recently you have said them to a child. Parents love to say those words to their children. But, have you ever thought about those words from a childs perspective? What do they really mean to a child? This week you have the opportunity to model and define those common words for kids. Children will learn that God wants them to help others, and together you will identify ways they can help. Take some time this week to think about what this means for you. What does it mean that God wants you to serve one another (Galatians 5:13)? Ask God to help you identify specific people to serve and ways you can help them.

Activity Stations

Choose which Activity Stations you will use from the list included in the Activity Stations folder.

Creative Bible Teaching


[Play upbeat music as children transition to the teaching area. Invite kids to sit down.]

Hello, friends! Today we are going to play a very special game. Its The Great Kid Game [point to game board]. During the game we are going to sing songs and hear a Bible story together. Its going to be so much fun! Can you hold one finger in the air? [Along with kids, hold up one finger.] Good job! Rule number one, be safe. You can be safe by sitting [name designated area]. Now hold two fingers up in the air. [Along with kids, hold up two fingers.] Rule number two, be kind. You can be kind by sitting down so everyone can see and being quiet so everyone can hear. Good job! Now were ready to play . . .
[SFX 68: The Great Kid Game! (with music).]


[Dance and clap. Invite kids to clap while staying seated.] Let me tell you how well play the game. Well start right here [point to Start Square] and go all the way to the end [point to the last square]. When we land on the Lalalalala [sing like a musical scale] Square [point to square on the game board], then we know its time to sing and we look in here [point to Lalalalala Bag] to find out which song were going to sing! If we land on the Bible Story Square [point to square on the game board], then we get to look in the Bible Story Bag [point to the bag]. And theres a Question Mark Square [point to square on the game board]. When we land on the Question Mark Square, we look in here [point to Question Mark Bag] for the question we get to answer! We also have a Thinking Hat Bag [point to the bag] that gives us
3 Fall Quarter 2007 Willow Creek Community Church / Sunday School Teachers Guidebook / Lesson 6


Kids of the Bible

good things to think about and a Silly Willy Bag [point to the bag]. It always has something silly to give us! When we get to this square right here [point to Finish Square], we win the game!

Teacher Note:
Regardless of what number the die shows, say it shows the number indicated in the lesson.

Lets play The Great Kid Game! [Pick up game jar with die.] This is our game jar. I have to shake it to find out how many spaces we get to move, but I need your help. Pretend to shake along with me! Shake it up high [along with kids, shake up high]. Shake it down low [along with kids, shake down low]. Now, shake it s-l-o-w [along with kids, shake slowly. Open jar and examine die.] Its a two! We need to move two spaces! Lets count together [Count as you move the game piece.] One two. We landed on the Silly Willy Square! [Place the game piece on the Silly Willy square].
[SFX 69: Silly Willy: Yippee! You landed on me, Silly Willy! Get ready, because soon youre gonna look really silly.]


Lets open up the Silly Willy Bag and see whats inside. [Remove tissue paper from Silly Willy Bag and look inside.] Theres something really silly in here! [Reach in and take out hat with sheep on the top.] Its a hat and theres a sheep on top! There will be a sheep like this one in our Bible story! [Pause.] Well, I guess Ill put it on. You all pretend to put on your silly hat as I put on this one! Ready? [Along with kids, put hat on your head.] Boy is this a silly hat! So how do I look? [Kids respond.]
[SFX 72: Silly Willy: You sure look silly! Good job, friends. You can move along in The Great Kid Game!]


[Take off hat.] Lets keep going! Its time to shake! [Shake jar wildly, then open it and examine die.] Its a three! Lets count together [Count as you move the game piece.] One . . . two . . . three. We landed on the Bible Story Square. I love Bible stories! Lets open the bag. [Open the Bible Story Bag and look inside.] I dont see anything but this note. Ill read it to you: Dear friends, Everything you need is in the room. Look for the helping hands that will help tell the Bible story. [Look around.] Hmm, I dont see any helping hands. I dont even see the Bible and we need that to tell the Bible story. Maybe theres a clue in the note. [Look at the note again, then slowly look around the classroom.] It says, everything we need is in the room . . . hmm, in the room. Ah, I get it! Im supposed to look all around the room! Okay, so where are those helping han [Notice Helper, who is wearing a pair of fun gloves and holding the Bible.] [Say Helpers name!] You are the helping hands! You have the Bible! [Take Bible from the Helper, who joins you at the front of the room. Helper carries a large gift bag, box, or pillowcase filled with the rest of the props for the Bible story.] Boys and girls, can you use your hands to wave hello to [Helpers name]? [Along with kids, wave to Helper.] [Helpers name], this is great you are going to help me tell the Bible story.
4 Fall Quarter 2007 Willow Creek Community Church / Sunday School Teachers Guidebook / Lesson 6


Kids of the Bible

I think were ready to tell our story. So lets click on our listening ears. Click! Click! [Tug on each earlobe.] And lets put on our special eyes. Shookum! Shookum! [Hold hands to eyes, one at a time, shaping glasses.] Good job! [Look inside the Bible.] Todays Bible story is about a little boy named David. The Bible says that David was a good helper. David helped his family at home by taking care of their sheep. [Helper hands the stuffed animal sheep to Teacher.]

[Put hand above eyes and look into the distance as if you are watching.] David watched the sheep to make sure they were safe. Lets pretend to watch the sheep like David. [Invite children to put their hands above their eyes like youre doing.] Were watching! Were watching! Were watching the sheep like David! David also helped his family by combing the sheeps wool, or their hair. [Helper hands comb to Teacher.]

Thanks, [Helpers name] for your helping hands! Lets pretend to comb the sheeps wool. [Use the comb to comb the stuffed animal sheep.] Sometimes, the sheep would run away and get lost. David used the staff to pull the sheep back so they could find their way back home. [Helper hands staff to Teacher.]

[To Helper.] Your helping hands are so helpful! [To kids.] This is a staff. [Demonstrate with the staff how to pull sheep back.] David was a good helper. David helped even more people. David helped a king. [Helper hands crown to Teacher.]

[Put on the crown.] The kings name was Saul. King Saul was really sad. [Frown.] Show me your sad face. [Invite kids to frown.] King Saul wanted David to help him feel happy. So whenever the king felt really sad, David would play him some music on his instrument. [Helper hands instrument to Teacher.]

Thanks, helping hands. [Pretend to play the instrument as the following sound effect plays.]
[SFX 73: Kingdom Parade music.]


How do you think the king felt after David played him some music? [Happy.] Thats right. King Saul was happy. Can you show me your happy face. [Along with kids, smile big.] David was a good helper! David helped even more people. David had seven brothers who were far . . . far . . . far . . . away. They didnt have any food to eat. They needed help. [Helper hands seven dolls (two at a time) to Teacher.]
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Kids of the Bible


Oh my, here are Davids brothers. [Take first two dolls and place them in a line so kids can see them.] Thank you. [Take two more dolls and add them to the others.] Thank you again! [Take two more dolls and add them to the others.] Oh, thank you some more. [Take last doll and add it to the others.] Thank you for being such a great helper! Lets count Davids brothers. [Point to dolls as you count.] One, two, three, four, five, six, seven. Seven brothers. Davids brothers were hungry and needed some food to eat. David wanted to help his brothers by giving them some food. [Helper hands Teacher a piece of bread.]

[Take bread and place it in front of the first doll.] Lets see, there are lots of brothers to feed. [Helper hands six more pieces of bread and some cheese to Teacher, who places it in front of the dolls.]

David helped his brothers by giving them food to eat. Lets pretend to eat. [Along with kids, pretend to eat.] David was a good helper! Lets think about the ways David helped others. David helped his family by taking care of [point to sheep]? [Sheep!] Thats right, David helped his family by taking care of the sheep. How did David help the king feel better [point to instrument]? [Played music!] You got it! David played music for the king. And how did David help his seven brothers [point to food]? [Gave them food!] Great job! David helped his brothers by giving them food to eat. God wants us to help others. Today, I had a lot of help from a very special friend, [Helpers name.] Wed like to say thank you for using your hands to help us with our Bible story. Lets tell [Helpers name] thank you. [Thank you!]

Youre welcome, everyone! Its fun to help others! [Return to manning the CD player.]

Lets say our special words for today. [Slowly the first time.] God [point up] wants me [point thumbs to self] to help others [clap hands twice]. Say it in your loud voice. God [point up] wants me [point thumbs to self] to help others [clap hands twice]. Say it in your quiet voice. God [point up] wants me [point thumbs to self] to help others [clap hands twice]. Good job! We heard the Bible story and learned that God [point up] wants me [point thumbs to self] to help others [clap hands twice]. Now, lets shake the game jar and move along on our game. Its time to shake! Lets shake, shake, shake our jar! [Shake jar, then open it and look at die.] Its a one! Count with me! [Count as you move the game piece.] One. We landed on the Lalalalala Square. What happens when we land on the Lalalalala Square? [Sing a song!] What do we do before we find out what song well sing? [Lalalalala!] Thats right, we get to stand and sing, Lalalalala. [Along with kids, sing Lalalalala! Then remove tissue paper and look inside the bag. Pull out piece of paper and announce name of song to kids.]

Song suggestion: Touch the Sky

6 Fall Quarter 2007 Willow Creek Community Church / Sunday School Teachers Guidebook / Lesson 6


Kids of the Bible


Good job! Now wiggle your toes, wiggle your nose, and have a seat. I dont want to forget that we can help others! And look, were almost to the end of our game. Lets shake our jars! Lets shake them up and over our heads! Shake, shake, shake! Good job! [Shake the jar, then open it and examine die.] Its a three! Lets count together. [Count as you move the game piece.] One . . . two . . . three. Its the Thinking Hat Square. [Remove tissue paper from the Thinking Hat Bag, take out Thinking Hat, and put it on your head.] I wonder what were going to think about today. [Pull folded paper from Thinking Hat, unfold it, and read it aloud.] Today you are going to think about a time when somebody helped you. Okay. Hmmm, one time I couldnt reach the light switch and my brother turned on the light for me. And remember in our Bible story, David helped lots of people. Can you think of a time when someone helped you? [Allow kids to shout out their responses.] Good thinking! [Take off Thinking Hat.] Lets keep playing the game. Get your jars ready! Lets shake real quiet [shake quietly], and now lets shake real loud [shake loudly], and now lets open the jar. [Open jar and examine die.] Its a three! Count with me. [Count as you move the game piece.] One . . . two . . . three. We landed on the Question Mark Square. The Question Mark Bag always has a special question and some pictures to help us answer the question. Lets find out our question for today.

Lesson 6 LG 5

Lesson 6 LG 5

[Take folded paper from Question Mark Bag, unfold paper, and read it aloud.] Our question is, How can we help others? Hmmm. How can we help others? There are some pictures in here to help us. Lets look at the first one. [Show picture of child vacuuming.] What is this girl doing? [Vacuuming!] We could help someone by vacuuming the floor! Lets pretend to vacuum the floor. Hold your pretend vacuum. Now lets vacuum the floor. [Along with kids, pretend to move the vacuum back and forth and make sounds like a vacuum.] That was fun. Lets say our special words. God [point up] wants me [point thumbs to self] to help others [clap hands twice]. Lets look at another picture of how we can help others. [Show picture of child dusting.] What is this girl doing? [Dusting!] We can also help someone by dusting the furniture! Lets pretend to clean the room by dusting. Lets dust up high, down low, and the sides. [Along with kids, pretend to dust.] Good job! Lets say our special words together. God [point up] wants me [point thumbs to self] to help others [clap hands twice]. Lets look at one more picture to see how we can help others. [Show picture of child picking up toys.] What is this boy doing? [Picking up toys.] We can help someone by picking up our toys and putting them away. Lets pretend to scoop up our toys and put them in a box. Ready? Scoop [make big gathering motion with arms], plop [pretend to drop toys into box]. Do that with me. Scoop, plop! You are all great helpers, so say the special words with me. God [point up] wants me [point thumbs to self] to help others [clap hands twice]. God [point up] wants me [point thumbs to self] to help others [clap hands twice]. We learned some ways we could help others, so we are finished with the Question Mark Square. Lets shake our jar together one more time. I hope we get a two. We need to move two more spaces. [Shake jar wildly, then open it and examine die.] Its a two! Lets count together. Ready? [Count as you move the game piece.] One . . . two. Hooray we did it! We won the game! [Dance and clap. Invite the kids to clap with you.]
2007 Willow Creek Community Church / Sunday School Teachers Guidebook / Lesson 6

Lesson 6 LG 6

Lesson 6 LG 6

Lesson 6 LG 7

Lesson 6 LG 7

Fall Quarter


Kids of the Bible

[SFX 74: Celebration music.]


Lets all stand and sing!


Song suggestion: God is Number One

Life Application Activity


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Lesson 6 SG 8a

Great singing! Lets count to three and sit. One, two, three, and sit. Today we learned so much. What was the name of the little boy who helped others? [David!] How did David help? [He took care of sheep, played instruments, brought food to his brothers.] David knew that God wanted him to help others. Say our special words with me. God [point up] wants me [point thumbs to self] to help others [clap hands twice]. I think we are ready to play our next game. Its called the God Wants Us to Help Others game. [Place the Unit 2 Life Application game board in the middle of the kids. Hold the five game cards in your hand, and place the game piece on the Start space.] We are going to play a game. We will start at the beginning of the game [point to the Start space] and go to the end of the game [point to the Finish space]. When we land on these pictures [point to the five pictures on the board], we will stop and do what is on our matching game card. [Show game cards.] To move our game piece [show game piece], we will count squares. Lets play our game. [Move the game piece around the board as the kids help you count. Stop at each of the pictures and read the matching card.]

Lesson 6 SG 9a

Count to three as I move the game piece.

Lesson 6 SG 13

Lets all make fun fish faces. [Along with the kids, make a fish face by sucking your cheeks in, and moving your lips.] Count to four as I move the game piece.

Lesson 6 SG 13

[Give each child a David story paper, which includes a picture of a sheep, instrument, and food.] Lets remember the Bible story and how David was a good helper. Listen to the directions. [Place crayons in the middle of the circle.] David helped his family by taking care of the sheep. Point to the sheep on your paper. Color the sheep. [Give children time to color.] David helped King Saul by playing instruments to make him happy. Point to the instrument and color it. [Give children time to color.] David helped his brothers by bringing food. Point to the food on your paper and color it. [Give children time to color.] Great job! Count to five as I move the game piece.

Fall Quarter

2007 Willow Creek Community Church / Sunday School Teachers Guidebook / Lesson 6


Kids of the Bible


Lets play Simon Says and remember ways we can be a good helper to others. [Play the game Simon Says with the following situations.] Simon Says, help your mother vacuum. [Pretend to vacuum by holding a vacuum and making vacuum noises.] Simon Says, help your dad wash the dishes. [Pretend to scrub the dishes with a sponge.] Simon Says, help pass out the snack. [Pretend to hand a snack to everyone.] Simon Says, clean your room at home. [Pretend to pick up toys and put them in a box.] Good job, everyone! Now Simon Says, count to two as I move the game piece.

Lesson 6 SG 11a

Lets say our special words together in our low voices. God [point up] wants me [point thumbs to self] to help others [clap hands twice]. Now lets say them in our quietest voices. God [point up] wants me [point thumbs to self] to help others [clap hands twice]. Count to three as I move the game piece.

Special Words
Lesson 6 SG 12a

Great job! We won the game! What did we learn about God? God [point up] wants me [point thumbs to self] to help others [clap hands twice]. Lets talk to God and thank Him for the Bible story about David. When we want to talk to God, we can pray. [Lead the children in the following finger play.] Open them. [Open hands.] Close them. [Close hands.] Open them. [Open hands.] Close them. [Close hands.] Give a little clap. [Clap hands.] Open them. [Open hands.] Close them. [Close hands.] Open them. [Open hands.] Close them. [Close hands.] Fold them in your lap. [Fold hands in lap.] [Invite the children to repeat after you as you pray.] Dear God, Thank You for the Bible story. I want to help others. Thank You for our snack. In Jesus Name, Amen.

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Lesson 6 SG 14

Snack and Coloring Activity


God wants me to help others.

This is the time for you and the children to build community. A great way to let the kids know you care about them as individuals is to ask them questions about themselves. GIVE each child a snack to eat. GIVE each child a Key Concept sticker to put on their shirt while they are eating their snack. TELL kids: God wants us to help others. GIVE each child a coloring sheet to color while they wait to be picked up. ASK each child a question or two about themselves: What is your favorite part of the Bible story about David? Do you help others at home? What do you like most about church?
2007 Willow Creek Community Church / Sunday School Teachers Guidebook / Lesson 6

David, the Shepherd Boy (I Samuel 16:11, 18; 17:12-20, 34 -35)

Lesson 6 SG 15

Fall Quarter

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