A Study On Sales Promotion Activity at Maruti Suzuki Showroom in Osmanabad City

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Table of Contents

Statement of Problem
Objectives of Study
Hypothisis formulation
Research Methodology
Limitation of the study
Chapter Design
Literature Review
The study of consumer buying behaviour is the study of how individuals make decisions to
spend their available resources (time, money, effort) on consumption related items. It
includes the study of what they buy why they buy it, when they buy it, where they buy it, how
often they buy it, and how often they use it.

A consumer's decision to buy a product or service is the result of interplay of many forces or
stimuli. The starting point is the marketer's stimuli in form of product offering through some
promotional method, available at some outlets at a price. The marketing stimuli for the
product includes locating target markets and segmentation of market as per the customer's
needs. The marketing and environmental stimuli enter the buyer's mind through cultural,
social personal and psychological factors. When the marketing and other stimuli come in
contact with buyer, his decision process is initiated.

The research methodology adopted for this study is descriptive. A study done to understand
the consumer buying behaviour of Mobile handsets in Mumbai City. A descriptive study is
undertaken in order to ascertain and be able to describe the characteristics of the variable of
interest in a situation. As far as data is concerned structured undisguised questionnaire was
used to collect the primary data. The sampling technique involved in this research is stratified
sample, and the questionnaires are distributed to a sample size of 250. Analysis techniques
are used to obtain finding and arrange information in a logical sequence from the raw data
collected. The tools that are used for analysis are Pie Charts, Bar Charts and Percentage

From this study we can come to conclusion that high level of brand awareness is an important
driver with regard to influencing purchasing behaviour. Majority of the customers believe
that the branded products will have a good quality, the opinion about the branded products
will always be positive among the customers. This research clearly reveals that branded
products are always status related and enhances the sales of the products. Mobile Handset
Company has to develop actions to enhance the brand awareness of its mobile products.
These actions should lead to long-term strategic and market-related benefits (e.g. market
Statement of Problem

The study guides marketers in determining the right product mix and helps them in making
decisions regarding the features, specification and attributes of the product, which will make
the product stand out amongst the clutter of so many other brands, thereby increasing sales
revenue and yet be within the budget. This is possible only when the marketer knows who the
target consumers are, where they are located, what they prefer and have access to and what
role does advertising play in influencing the purchase decision. The knowledge of consumer
behaviour is also useful in the marketing products and improve customer satisfaction, brand

Consumer behaviour has always a scope for research studies, since the attitudes and
perceptions of buyers keep on changing with the passage of time, resulting in need for
continuous and regular study. A knowledge of consumer behaviour also assists the consumer
advocates in identifying areas needed to be covered under consumer protection legislation.
Today there is an urgent need of primary research to frame micro level planning. The scope
of this study is to make the manufacturer aware of the subtleties of consumer preferences so
that they realize responsibility to meet these preferences and contribute in the creation and
use of marketing mixes that are most sensitive to and considerate of the actions of the buyers
than those of the competitors.

This study gives an idea about the company branding and promotional practices and brand
awareness of the products to the future decision- making how to perform successfully and
tact fully.
Objectives of Study

Primary Objective
 .The main objective of this study is to analysis the pattern of consumer buying
behaviour of the buyers of mobile handset in Mumbai

Secondary Objectives
 To understand consumer buying behaviour in terms of marketing mix variables like
product, price, place and promotion
 To study the origin and growth of Mobile Phone industry.
 To study the importance of branding and its influence on consumers buying
 To study the awareness and attitude of consumers towards Mobile Phone.
 To study the factors influencing the brand preference of Mobile phones.
 To understand the key drivers leading to growth of the industry.
 To know the current position of different players in mobile handset industry.


1) H0: Age has no significant effect on consumer buying behaviour.

Ha: Age has significant effect on consumer buying behaviour.

2) H0: Price has no significant impact on consumer buying behaviour.

Ha: Price has significant impact on consumer buying behaviour.

3) H0: Quality has no significant impact on consumer buying behaviour.

Ha: Quality has significant impact on consumer buying behaviour.

Research Methodology

Descriptive research design was used in this project. It embraces a large portion of
Marketing Research. The purpose is to provide an accurate snapshot of some aspects of the
marketing environment.

Sample Size
A sample size refers to the number of items to be selected from the population to constitute a
sample. 250 respondents were selected as samples for survey.

Sampling Technique
The researcher as used probabilistic systematic sampling. In this technique the elements are
selected from the population at a uniform interval that is measured in time, order or space..

Nature of Data
While deciding about the method of data collection to be used for the study, the researcher
kept in mind for two types of data, i.e., primary data and secondary data.

The primary data are those which are collected as fresh and for first time and thus happen to
be original in character. Primary data were collected directly from the respondent. The
secondary data from the other hand are those which have already been collected from
someone else and which have been passed through the statistical process. Secondary data are
collected from various sources like pamphlets, book and journals etc., In this study the
researcher had used both types of data collection method.

Major tools used for collecting primary data include Questionnaires, interviews, schedules
and observation method. In this research the researcher had used questionnaire method for
collecting primary data. Secondary data is collected from the internet.
Data Analysis

The data collected through the questionnaire was analysed using Simple Percentage, excel
table, pie and bar charts.

Period of the study

The data has been collected by the researcher through interview schedule from the consumers
of mobile phone buyer during the last three month.

Areaof the study

This study has been conducted by the researcher in Mumbai city as the suitable area due to
the people of belongs to various levels.

Limitation of the study:

The present study is subjected to the following limitations:

 This study is confined to the respondents of Mumbai only. Therefore condition

derived would be fully valid only for this union.
 The scope of the study has to be restricted to primary data, which were supplied by
the respondents.
 There may be personal bias of the respondent, which affects the result of the study.
 The figures in market analysis are likely to be a least several months out of date, and
so might not give a proper indication of the company’s current position.

 The views and the preference of the people changes from time to time, hence the
result of the project may not be applicable in long run.
Chapter Design:

The following are the bird’s view of the details included in the chapters of the study

Chapter 1-Introduction
Chapter 2- objectives scope And limitation of study
Chapter 3- Theoretical prespective
Chapter 4 -Research methodology
Chapter 5 – Analysis of data
Chapter-6 finding ,suggestion & conclusion
Literature Review:

It is worth noting that consumer buying behaviour is studied as a part of the marketing and its

main objective it to learn the way how the individuals, groups or organizations choose, buy

use and dispose the goods and the factors such as their previous experience, taste, price and

branding on which the consumers base

Consumer behaviour has been always of great interest to marketers. The knowledge of

consumer behaviour helps the marketer to understand how consumers think, feel and select

from alternatives like products, brands and the like and how the consumers are influenced by

their environment, the reference groups, family,

and salespersons and so on. A consumers buying behavior is influenced by cultural, social,

personal and

psychological factors. Most of these factors are uncontrollable and beyond the hands of

marketers but they haveto be considered while trying to understand the complex behavior of

the consumers.

Consumer is the study “of

the processes involved when individuals or groups select, purchase, use, or dispose of

products, services, ideas,or experiences to satisfy needs

and desires” (Solomon 1995, 7). In the marketing context, the term „consumer ‟

refers not only to the act of purchase itself, but also to patterns of aggregate buying which

include pre-purchaseand post-purchase activities. Pre-purchase activity might consist of the

growing awareness of a need or want,and a search for and evaluation of information about the

products and brands that might satisfy it.

It is not possible to anticipate and react to customers’ needs and desires without a complete
understanding of consumer behaviour. Discovering customers’ current needs is a complex
process, but it can often be accomplished by marketing research.

In reading this material, it is easy to lose sight of the fact that consumer behaviour is not just
a topic of study or a basis for developing marketing or regulatory strategy. Consumption
frequently has deep meaning for the consumer. "What a consumer frequently buy and
consume a product and times to buy the products will gives the real picture of a consumer

1. Aaker, D. A., 1991. Managing Brand Equity: Capitalizing on the Value of a Brand
2. Philip Kotlar Marketing Management.
3. Factors Affecting Consumer Buying Behaviour of Mobile Phone Devices.
4. C.R.Kothari. (2004). Researchmethodology (second revised edition. new age
international (P) limited.
5. Armstrong, P. K. (2010). Principles of Marketing 13th Edition. Pearson, USA.
6. Mobile handset sales in India to reach 251 million in 2013: Gartner. (2012, October
11). Retrieved from tech2: http://tech.firstpost.com/news-analysis/mobile-handset-

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