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Improved assitance to the Project

Affected Persons (PAPs) and the
Informal Settler Families (ISFs) in
serving as the mediator between
Department of Transportation
(DOTr) PMO and the PAPs/ISFs for
increased mobility, speed up
delivery or services.

Key Success Indicators:

- 25% reduction on time for client- Maintenance of Registry and

servicing in handling NOTs, RFDs,
and OTBs, and processing of other
requirements submitted; 100% of - - MRP-TDD CC Asst. Action Officer
Number and Type of Client
all client-servicing concerns are Staff or personnel assigned Admin Staff
concerns, or processed requirements
addressed - - Use of Template for proper
- Total time spent in handling NOTs, monitoring
RFDs, and OTBs, and other - Populate the template as
requirements registry and routinely
maintain registry data

- Maintenance of Registry and

100% of all Complaints and Monitoring
Grievances are addressed within a
reasonable timeframe. - Number and Type of Complaints or - MRP-TDD CC Action Officer
Grievances Staff or personnel assigned MRP-TDD CC Asst. Action Officer
- Total time spent in handling - Use of Template for proper Admin Staff
Grievances and Complaints monitoring
Populate the template as
registry and routinely
maintain registry data

- - MRP-TDD CC Action Officer

25% reduction on the entire period Staff or personnel assigned MRP-TDD CC Asst. Action Officer
of processing Location Maps / Proper timeframe for Mapping and
Sketch Plan other related processes for Mapping - Scheduling of Mapping Admin Staff
and preparation of Sketch plan -
Progress of Mapping and
Sketch Plan Preparation

Maximum of 3% rate of delay on
Proper timeframe for Inspection and - MRP-TDD CC Action Officer
the Scheduling of Inspection /
Validation and related processes Staff or personnel assigned MRP-TDD CC Asst. Action Officer
Validation on a monthly basis
- Scheduling of Inspection or Inspection Committee
- Progress of Inspection or

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