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Total Marks: 20 TEST-8th Science (Evening) Marks Obt:_________________

NAME:________________________________________ ______________SEC______ Admission No_______________

Q1. Encircle the correct answer.

1- In humans, the eye color is developed due to the effects of:
A. diet B. environment C. genes D. both ‘a’ and ‘b’
2 The pH of a neutral solution is:
(A) 1 (B) 5 (C) 7 (D) 10
3- The characters which are passed from parents to offspring:
a. inheritable characters b. non-inheritable characters c. environmental characters d. natural characters
4- Which of the following products are formed when calcium carbonate reacts with sulphuric acid?
(A) Calcium sulphate + carbon dioxide + water (B) calcium nitrate + carbon dioxide + water
C) calcium sulphate +hydrogen (D) calcium sulphate + water
5- Which of the following will be shown to be an acid when touched with dry litmus paper?
(A) Washing-up liquid (B) vinegar (C) milk (D) sodium bicarbonate solution
6- What is formed when an acid reacts with an alkali?
(A) salt plus hydrogen (B) salt plus water (C) salt only (D) sodium chloride
7- (i) Cell makes copies of its chromosomes during:
A. interphase B. nuclear division of mitosis C. nuclear division of meiosis D. cytokinesis
8- Which of these chemicals is a base?
(A) lemon juice (B) sulphuric acid (C) hydrochloric acid (D) calcium oxide
9- What color is litmus in an acid solution?
(A) red (B) blue (C) green (D) orange
10- Dilute acids are substances which:
(A) have a pH of more than 7 (B) turn red litmus blue
(C) react with magnesium producing hydrogen (D) do not conduct electricity

Q2-When vinegar (an acid) was added to some baking powder (sodium hydrogencarbonate or sodium
bicarbonate), a gas was given off. This gas was: 1-Mark

Q3.Differentiate between Meiosis and Mitosis: 3-MArks

No. Mitosis Meiosis

Q4. 2-Marks

Q5.Differentiate between haploid and diploid cells: 2-Marks


Q6.Differentiate between centromere and chromatids ? 2-Marks



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