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The Smart School

Unified Term II Examination Extended AY 2021

Read the comprehension passage.
Q: 1. Answer the following questions: [ /15]
Students may write in their own words. The answers below are only sample
Where did the dodo bird live? ( /2)
The dodo bird lived on the island of Mauritius, off the southeast coast of
When did the bird go extinct? ( /1)
17th century
What is known about the physical appearance of the dodo birds?
( /3) They were reported to be three feet tall, weighed about 40 lbs., and
they couldn’t fly.
How were the birds able to survive on the island before going extinct?
( /2) They had no natural predators on the island. There were enough fruits
and seeds as food supply. When did things start to change for the dodo birds and
why? ( /2) Things started to change for the dodo bird in 1505
when the Portuguese arrived on the island. After that, the dodo bird became
a source of food for sailors. Dodo bird eggs became a meal for rats and
monkeys. None of the dodo birds on the island were afraid of humans which
is why they were easily captured and eaten by them.
Suggest a suitable title for the passage and give a reason for your answer.
( /2) Students will write their own answers.
What measures can be taken to prevent extinction of endangered species?
( /3)
Students will write their own answers.
Q2. This question has 2 parts. [ /10] a) Write
if the following statements are ‘True’ (T) or ‘False’ (F). ( /6) i) Dodo
birds could fly really high. F ii) Last reported sight of the dodo birds was in 1866. F
iii) Dodo bird weighed around 40 pounds. T iv) Dodo birds were afraid of humans.
v) Dodo bird is a symbol of the role of humans in protecting endangered
animals. T vi) Dodo bird is still found in the amazon jungles. F
b) Suppose you come across an injured animal on the road, what will you do to
save it? ( /4)
Students will write their own answers.

Section B Grammar Marks:25

Q: 3.This question consists of 2 parts. [ /10]
a) Use the most suitable conjunctions to complete the following sentences.
( /5)
i. My car has a radio and a CD player.
ii. I am afraid of heights, but I enjoy the view from the top of the
buildings iii. Do you like chocolate or vanilla ice cream better?
iv. I was on time, but everyone else was late.
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v. Nadia doesn’t like to drive, so she takes the bus everywhere. (so, but,
b) Underline the subjects and circle the predicates in the following
sentences. ( /5)
i. She doesn't study Urdu on Monday.
ii. Cats hate water. iii. The children were frightened of the
fireworks. iv. She swims every morning.
v. Everyone likes ice cream.

Q: 4. This question consists of 3 parts. [ /10]

a) Change the following into Active voice. ( /4)
i. The rug was spoiled by the
dog. The dog spoiled the rug.
ii. The money was taken by
Ahmed took the money. iii. The
garbage bag was thrown by him.
He threw the garbage bag.
iv. The army was ambushed by the terrorists.
The terrorists ambushed the army.

b) Change the following sentences into Simple Present Tense. ( /3)

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i. The students worked on the project in the morning.
The students work on the project in the morning.
ii. The place was lit up well.
The place is lit up
well. iii. The dog chased
the cat. The dog chases the
c) Change the following into Indirect Speech. ( /3) i. “I am
tired,” she said.
She said that she was tired.
ii. “We will invite her to dinner tomorrow,” said Ayesha.
Ayesha said that they would invite her to dinner the next day.
iii. “Leave at once,” mother ordered me.
Mother ordered me to leave me at once.
Q: 5. This question consists of 2 parts. [ /5]

a) Change the following nouns to verbs. ( /2.5)

Nouns Verbs Nouns Verbs

injury injure inquiry inquire
advice advise explanation explain
accusation accuse
. ( /2.5)
b) Complete the following proverbs.
i. Early bird catches the worm.
ii. Look before you leap.
iii. Don’t count your chickens before they
hatch. iv. Better late than never.
v. Actions speak louder than words.

Section C Composition Marks:30

Q: 6. Write four sentences about your good qualities. Answering the following
questions may help you.

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a) What are good qualities?
b) What qualities do you possess?
c) How have these qualities helped you in life?
d) Who taught you these good qualities?
Criteria for sentence writing Mark
Sentence structure and Grammar ( /6)
The sentences should be meaningful, grammatically correct, sequentially
arranged and relevant to the topic.
Punctuation and Spelling ( /2)
Students are expected to use sentences with full stops, commas and
capital letters correctly.
1 mark will be deducted for 4 spelling mistakes. Marks will be deducted
from total marks.
Total marks obtained [ /8]

Q: 7. Write a letter to the editor, telling him to raise awareness about the
garbage being thrown outside the dustbins in your area.
Answers of the following questions in the body of your letter.
a) What is the situation right now?
b) Have you asked the people in the neighbourhood to help and what
was the result of that?
c) What happened that made you write this letter?
d) How can the problem be solved?

Criteria for letter writing Marks

Format ( /3)
The format should have:
a) address b) date c) greeting d) body e) closing f) name
Content (80-100 words) ( /6)
There will be two paragraphs. Each paragraph will have:
a) beginning (introduction)
b) middle (building up of idea)
c) ending (conclusion)
Extra marks will not be rewarded for exceeding the word limit.

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Punctuation and Spelling ( /3)
Students are expected to use sentences with full stops, commas and
capital letters correctly.
1 mark will be deducted for 4 spelling mistakes. Marks will be
deducted from total marks.
Total marks obtained [ /12]

Q: 8. Write an account of a family picnic.

Criteria for account writing. Marks
Content (100-150 words)
The content will be divided in 3 paragraphs at
least The content should have answers to the
following questions:
 Where did you go for the picnic? ( /6)
 What did you experience?
 What was the best part of the day?
 What did you learn from the whole experience?
Extra marks will not be rewarded for exceeding the number of words
Sentence structure and Grammar
The sentences should be meaningful, grammatically correct and in ( /2)
context with the theme of your composition
Punctuation and Spelling
Students are expected to use sentences with full stops, commas and
capital letters correctly. ( /2)
1 mark will be deducted for 4 spelling mistakes. Marks will be
deducted from total marks.
Total marks obtained [ /10]

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