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International Conference on Entrepreneurship (IConEnt-2016)

“How Innovation could Improve the Performance and Productivity in Entrepreneurship?”

March 17, 2016.
Universitas Pelita Harapan, Tangerang – Indonesia



Felicia Wang1), Evo Sampetua Hariandja2)

1) 2)
Business School of Universitas Pelita Harapan, Tangerang, Indonesia

e-mail: evo.hariandja@uph.edu
e-mail: felic_w@hotmail.com


In Indonesia, the arising number of many local or international brands in the market can be seen. One of the
major countries that have opened up their way is South Korea, for the example the opening Korean bakery
stores of Tous Les Jours in Indonesia. To communicate about the product offerings to the customers, Tous Les
Jours use their brand ambassador, Kim Soo Hyun as a tool of promoting their brand. The aim of this research is
to see the influence of brand ambassador on brand image and consumer purchasing decision of Tous Les Jours
in Indonesia. There are 3 hypotheses that stated in the beginning of research and to prove the hypotheses, 109
questionnaires are distributed to conduct this research. The questionnaires are tested by Smart-PLS 3 and using
path analysis. The result of this study will show the influence of brand ambassador on brand image and
consumer purchasing behavior of Tous Les in Indonesia and show the effectiveness of Kim Soo Hyun as a
brand ambassador.

Keywords: Brand ambassador, Brand image, Consumer purchasing decision

1. Introduction
In Indonesia, the arising number of many Coordinating Board (BKPM) in Table 1.
local or international brands in the market South Korea is one of the main countries
can be seen. Indonesia’s consumer-related and placed 7th among the countries who
market opportunities continue to lead invest in Indonesia.
growth in the world’s fourth-largest country,
and expansion in the retail, health, education, Table 1. FDI Inflows by Countries in Indonesia 2014
telecom and financial services sector have Main Investing Countries 2014, in %
boomed in the last few years. The Singapore 20.4
Indonesian consumer is ranked as one of the Japan 9.5
most confident in the world, and 50% of
Malaysia 6.2
Indonesia’s 253 million citizens are under
the age of 30 (export.gov, 2015). The Netherlands 6.1
By taking a closer look to the business UK 5.6
market in Indonesia, many countries have
USA 4.5
been trying to spread their business and
invest in Indonesia. One of the major South Korea 3.9
countries that have opened up their way is Source: BKPM
South Korea. In the past few years, there are
many Korean stores opened up in With the addition of the intensity of
Indonesia’s malls. According to the data Korean Wave in Indonesia, many
provided from Indonesia Investment companies targeted Indonesian people as the
potential buyers for the company. Korean
International Conference on Entrepreneurship (IConEnt-2016)
“How Innovation could Improve the Performance and Productivity in Entrepreneurship?”
March 17, 2016.
Universitas Pelita Harapan, Tangerang – Indonesia

food companies are trying to open their 14 Pand’or 4.1

branch stores in Indonesia to expand their
market. One of the recent example is the 15 Cizz 4.1
established of Korean bakery shops in
16 Amber Chocolate Bar 4.0
Indonesia, Tous Les Jours. Tous Les Jours
itself is a very famous bakery shop in Korea 17 Bakerzin 4.0
by CJ Food Company and has been known
to be successfully grabbing the attention of 18 Garcon 4.0
Indonesian customers. According to 19 Cheese Cake Factory 4.0
Indonesian Bakery Association (APEBI)
chairman Chris Hardijaya, the increased 20 Tous Les Jours 4.0
consumption of freshly baked products was Source: Zomato.com
apparent not only by the higher demand for
wheat flour in the country but also by the From Table 2 above, Tous Les Jours is
arrival of new players in the business during placed 20th based on the popularity ranking.
the past five years. Take an example of the Since the competition in Indonesia’s bakery
capital city of Indonesia, Jakarta, There are business area is rising up, the company
numerous of bakery stores open in marketers are formulating and implementing
Indonesia. The most famous application for different strategies in order attract new
food guidance in Indonesia, Zomato, has customers to keep their business in the
listed the bakery stores by their popularity Indonesia’s market. To communicate about
ranking as shown in Table 2. the product offerings to the customers,
marketers need to use unique tools and
Table 2. Popularity Rank of Bakeries in Indonesia techniques when compare to their local
Rank Name Score (1 to 5) competitors. Creating very different strategy
by using marketing mix is one the major
1 Francis Artisan Bakery 4.9
challenge for the present scenario. Hence,
2 BEAU 4.8 the role of advertising has undergone
positive ramifications by showcasing new
3 Union Deli 4.6 features and attributes of the products to
4 Auntie Anne’s 4.4
stand out from the crowd. It is well known
that brand is company’s product or a service
5 Golden Egg Bakery 4.4 which gives a unique identity and
positioning into the minds of the target
6 Sophie Authentique 4.3
audience. Through branding, the marketer
7 Exquise Patisserie 4.2 adds a dimension and value to products to
fill the absences from marketplace.
8 Kempi Deli 4.2 Keller (2006:256) stated that the
branding has been around for centuries as a
9 Rati Rati 4.2
means to distinguish the goods of one
10 Baconerie 4.2 producer to another. Consumers may
evaluate the identical product differently
11 Henis 4.2
depending on how it is branded. Consumers
12 The Harvest 4.2 learn about brands through pas experiences
with the product and its marketing program.
13 Casadina Kitchen & Bakery 4.1 To create the brand image, a company or
marketer may use the advertising to create
International Conference on Entrepreneurship (IConEnt-2016)
“How Innovation could Improve the Performance and Productivity in Entrepreneurship?”
March 17, 2016.
Universitas Pelita Harapan, Tangerang – Indonesia

the awareness. The advertising is not only a There should be certain compatibility
medium to create brand awareness but also between the brand ambassador and the
to give the information or image that a brand personality like celebrity, popularity,
company wants to be perceived by its availability, physical attractiveness and their
customer. That is one of the reasons that the profession in consonance with the product.
company makes a budgeting to advertising It is indispensable that creativity should
expense. Through the increasing underlie while using celebrity endorsement
competition, the advertising is not only the otherwise it may over power and
medium to create the brand image and overshadow the brand popularly known as
perceived value. To promote the sales of vampire effect. Researches tend to show that
their product marketers endeavor to endorse the use of brand ambassador has the most
it through celebrities evoke closer consumer positive effect. According to Greenwood
engagements with the brand under optimal (2012:78) and Royan (2004:8) in Putra,
conditions and drives purchases. These Suharyono and Abdilla (2014), brand
celebrities are popularly named as Brand ambassador was instrumental in helping the
Ambassadors who can be best portrayed as smooth marketing activities both locally and
the representative of the organization, globally.
institution or corporation that well sketches Brand ambassadors or celebrity
the product or services being produced by endorsement will help create a stronger
the company or organization. In the modern emotional connection between a
market, without brand ambassadors it’s brand/company with the consumer so
somewhat difficult to sell the product. For indirectly would build the image of the
brand recall, marketer select right person for product impact on purchasing decisions and
right product at right place so that the brand product usage. The brand ambassadors will
can maintain the stability in the competitive explain the process of the usage of the
world. product and benefits out of it and why
For this case, Tous Les Jours has customers have to buy this product. The
appointed Kim Soo Hyun, one of the most customers perceive the brand as having very
famous celebrity in South Korea, as their superior quality just because it has been
brand ambassador to represents their brand endorsed by their favorite personality and
image. Brand itself is the most valuable based on this customers start that
asset of any firm and promoting the product endorsement as one the indicator of the
through a brand ambassador can enhance superior quality for any other brand. With
brand value or equity which in turn can be the help of the both brand ambassadors and
leveraged through brand extension. Brand the company credibility plays a very
personality also nourishes brands to gain significant role in the attitude of the
market share, command premium price and consumers towards the advertisement and
insulates from discounting brands. brand recall too. But sometime over
Endorsing brands of the products through a popularity of the brand ambassadors may
well-known personality has become very create negative response to the brand. By
prominent these days as they sort out the involving in multiple brand endorsement it
problem of over communication, provides may leads to create huge confusion in
instant recognition and transfers their customers’ minds. The end of using brand
goodwill to the brand. In order to pamper ambassador and enhancing brand image will
the consumer a celebrity is deployed to lead to affect the consumer purchasing
transmit credibility and aspirational values decision towards the brand. Based on the
to a brand in alignment with the product. problems that are formulated above, the
International Conference on Entrepreneurship (IConEnt-2016)
“How Innovation could Improve the Performance and Productivity in Entrepreneurship?”
March 17, 2016.
Universitas Pelita Harapan, Tangerang – Indonesia

objectives of this research are formed as 4. Appeal, is a non-physically attractive

followings: 1) to study the importance of appearance that can support a product or
brand ambassador in the promotion of a advertisement.
product, 2) to find out whether brand 5. Power, is charisma emitted by the source
ambassador constitutes for brand image, 3) in order to be able to influence consumers
to identify whether brand ambassador has so that consumers are influenced to buy or
any impact in the consumer purchasing use the product.
decision of a product, 4) to identify the
effectiveness of Kim Soo Hyun as the brand 2.2. Brand Image
ambassador of Tous Les Jours in Indonesia. Brand image has been studied extensively
since the 20th century due to its importance
2. Literature review in building brand equity. In the increasingly
competitive world marketplace, companies
2.1. Brand Ambassador need to have a deeper insight into consumer
The term brand ambassador, brand endorser behavior and educate consumers about the
or celebrity endorser is commonly used brand in order to develop effective
interchangeably with phrases such as brand marketing strategies. In the following
advocates, advertising spokespeople, paragraph, we will discuss the relationship
customer evangelists and promotional between consumers’ cognition of brand
models. Although they are casually used image and consumer behavior.
interchangeably in the media, it is important Keller came up with the concept
to differentiate between ambassadors who “customer-based brand equity (CBBE)” in
are genuine supporters and devotees of a 1993, which refers to the various reactions
brand, and ambassadors that are employed to the branding campaign from consumers
and trained by the company. Both paid and who have knowledge of the brand in varying
earned brand ambassadors provide degrees. In other words, brand image and
information about the product, service or brand awareness are the basis and sources of
idea, to other people, creating widespread brand equity. Brand equity is an important
word of mouth marketing (Cheyfitz, 2010; tangible asset that has psychological and
Belch & Belch, 2007) in Boswarva (2012). financial value to the firm. It is the added
According to Lea – Greenwood (2012) in value endowed to products and services.
Putra, Suharyono and Abdilla (2014), there This value may be reflected in how
are several indicators of brand ambassador: consumers think, feel and act with the
1. Transference is when a celebrity supports respect to the brand. According to Keller
a brand that is associated with their (2006), brand image is the perceptions and
profession. beliefs held by consumers, as reflected in
2. Congruence (conformity), is a key the associations held in consumer memory.
concept in the brand ambassador which is to In this regard, the brand knowledge and
ensure that there is a 'match' (suitability) brand awareness also should be built and
between brand and celebrity. understood before the consumers could
3. Credibility, is the degree to which respond positively to the branding
consumers see a source (ambassador) has campaign.
the knowledge, expertise or experience For marketers, examining the
relevant and the source (ambassador) can be consistency between the brand image and
trusted to provide objective information and consumers’ self-concept is very important,
unusual . because consumers might display various
self-concepts in different social context. But
International Conference on Entrepreneurship (IConEnt-2016)
“How Innovation could Improve the Performance and Productivity in Entrepreneurship?”
March 17, 2016.
Universitas Pelita Harapan, Tangerang – Indonesia

whatever the context is, consumers would searches for alternatives for satisfying the
think better of the brand as long as the brand need.
image is in line with the their self.
2.4. Hypothesis Development
2.3. Consumer Purchasing Decision Singh (2014) stated brand is the most
Consumer purchasing decision is a part of valuable asset of any firm and promoting the
consumer behavior. Consumer behavior can product through a brand ambassador can
be defined as the process and activities enhance brand value or equity which in turn
people engage in when searching for, can be leveraged through brand extension.
selecting, purchasing, using, evaluating and Brand personality also nourishes brands to
disposing of products and services so as to gain market share, command premium price
satisfy their needs and desires (Belch and and insulates from discounting brands.
Belch, 2007). For many products and Endorsing brands of the products through a
services, purchase decisions are the result of well-known personality has become very
a long, detailed process that may include an prominent these days as they sort out the
extensive information search, brand problem of over communication, provides
comparisons and evaluations, and other instant recognition and transfers their
activities. Marketers’ success in influencing goodwill to the brand. Roll (2006) defined
purchase behavior depends in large part on brand image is the picture of the brand in
how well they understand consumer the minds of customers and stakeholders. It
behavior. Marketers need to know the refers to the way customers and
specific needs customers are attempting to stakeholders decode all the signals provided
satisfy and how they translate into purchase by a given product, brand, company, or even
criteria. According to Peter and Donnelly country. The brand image is a result of
(2007), the process by which consumers many external factors of which marketing
make decision to purchase various products communications is just one. Similarly every
and brands is shown in Figure 1. product has an image. The consumer tries to
consume a brand which has the maximum
Need Alternative Alternative fit with his/her own personality/image. The
brand ambassador or celebrity endorser fits
Recognition Search Evaluation
in between these two interactions, where he
tries to bring the image of the product closer
to the expectation of the consumer, by
Post-purchase Purchase
transferring some of the cultural meanings
Evaluation Decision residing in his image to the product
(Rawtani, 2010).
Figure 1.Consumer Decision Making Process To achieve this effectively, value for
the brand has to be created and managers
The starting point of any purchase must have the knowledge and expertise to
decision is a customer need (or problem). exploit this value by developing profitable
Need recognition occurs when an individual brand strategies. Successful celebrity/brand
senses a difference between what he or she partnerships have resulted in significant
perceives to be the ideal versus then actual gains in income for brand owners. The
state of affairs (Blackwell et al, 2007). micro factors such as the need for
The next step is alternative search. Once a interactivity, the degree of control exercised
need is recognized, the individual then by consumers over messages received and
increasing media fragmentation render
International Conference on Entrepreneurship (IConEnt-2016)
“How Innovation could Improve the Performance and Productivity in Entrepreneurship?”
March 17, 2016.
Universitas Pelita Harapan, Tangerang – Indonesia

brand ambassador or celebrity endorser a paid. The effectiveness of the endorsement

valid strategy. Careful management of brand then depends on whether the audience’s
image that impacts on brand associations prior perception of the endorser as
stored in consumer memory is critical to a trustworthy overcomes any perceived bias
successful strategy. that arises from the audience’s knowledge
A study of Mukherjee (2009), shows of the payment. In fishing, sometimes it’s
that consumers report higher self-brand necessary to use one fish as bait for another.
connections for brands with images that are Similarly, companies often use people for
consistent with the image of a celebrity that catching consumer’s attention. Famous
they aspire to be like, particularly in the case individuals or celebrities are popular bait.
when the image of the celebrity and the Many companies hire celebrities to
brand match. Brand ambassadors or endorse their product (Blackwell et al.,
celebrity endorsement effects are moderated 2007). Their role is to help the customer
by brand symbolism, such that brands that through the steps of the decision-making
communicate something about the user yield process, including problem recognition,
stronger effects than brands that do not. In information search, evaluation of
the case of aspirational celebrities, the alternatives and product choice (Solomon,
positive effect of image congruency is 2006) in Boswarva (2012). The brand
stronger for those brands that are perceived ambassadors’ role is to encourage product
to communicate something symbolic about involvement by suggesting the customer
the brand’s user compared to those brands tries, touches, feels and smells the various
that do not. There has to be an effective products, and pick samples which they can
media to make the product reach towards take home and try. This coupled with the
the customer. The media here can be termed visceral nature of the environment itself
as the celebrity who endorses the product. means the customer has the chance to gain
People also start associating their status familiarity with the products available to
symbol to that of the product that they purchase. Hence, the familiarity of the brand
consume and the celebrity associated with it ambassador will affect the consumer
(Goutam, 2013). Derived from these purchasing decision. Consequently, this
theories, this paper proposed the hypothesis study implies that:
as follow:
H2: Brand ambassador positively related
H1: Brand ambassador positively related with consumer purchasing decision.
with brand image.
Netemeyer et al. (2004) in Zhang (2014)
Tellis (2004) mentioned also approved the dominant impact of brand
trustworthiness in the source credibility equity on customer response toward the
theory of why endorsement work, It is stated branding campaign. With the proliferation
that trustworthiness is the willingness of the of brands in the market, consumers make
source to make true claims. A source is their purchase decisions largely depending
likely to make an honest claim if it has no on the brand image rather than the product
vested interest in the outcome or it is not itself. Moreover, when the brand image is
under pressure to slant the evidence. Buyers consistent with the consumers’ self-concept,
would consider most advertisers to have a the consumers would give a preference to it.
vested interest in stating the claims of their According to the self-concept theory, one’s
products. Audiences generally know that self concept is a collection of perception
spokespersons or brand ambassadors are about him/herself that includes elements
International Conference on Entrepreneurship (IConEnt-2016)
“How Innovation could Improve the Performance and Productivity in Entrepreneurship?”
March 17, 2016.
Universitas Pelita Harapan, Tangerang – Indonesia

such as capabilities, characteristics, type of study is intended to describe the

shortcomings, appearance and personality. influence of brand ambassador on brand
Schiffman and Kanuk (2007) also image and consumer purchasing decision.
mentioned that the celebrity endorser of The variables in this study adopted
brand ambassador’s credibility is not a from Putra, Suharyono and Yusri Abdillah
substitute for corporate credibility. One (2014), which are brand ambassador, brand
study discovered that although the image and consumer purchasing decision,
endorser’s credibility strongly impacted the which are applied to one of the famous
audience’s attitudes toward the ad, the Korean bakery in Indonesia, Tous Les Jours.
perceived corporate credibility had a strong Hence, researcher chose Tous Les Jours
impact on attitudes toward the advertised because it can represents the arising number
brand. Otherwise, the brand image of the Korean stores opened in Indonesia lately.
brand itself will affect the attitude of the The respondent in this study are Indonesian
consumer. Based on the statements above, individuals who are the consumers of Tous
this study implies the following hypothesis: Les Jours who had already became
consumers and done a purchase a product of
H3: Brand image positively related with Tous Les Jours at least once and are the
consumer purchasing decision. decision maker for the purchased product.
The number of samples collected and
2.5. Theoretical Framework used in this study is 109, as following
This study was adapted from previous Sekaran and Bougie’s (2014) guide in
studies mainly Putra, Suharyono and determining sample size that if it is more
Abdillah (2014) as shown in Figure 2. than 30 and less than 500 samples then it
will be considered as appropriate for most
research. It is also supported by Hair et al.
(2012) that suggested PLS-SEM minimum
sample size should be equal to the larger of
the following: (1) ten times the largest
number of formative indicators used to
measure one construct or (2) ten times the
largest number of structural paths directed at
a particular latent construct in the structural
model. In this research, there are 3 paths
(hypotheses), therefore, it is fulfilled the
condition required in PLS-SEM, which the
Figure 2. Theoretical Framework minimum are 10 times 3 paths = 30 samples.
To analyze the relationship between selected
3. Methodology factors, structural equation modeling was
This study will use quantitative method to used.
analyze the data, as this is descriptive study
that is the type of quantitative research. In 4. Findings
marketing research, quantitative approach is In this study, the questionnaires were
used for validation of facts, estimates, distributed to 139 respondents through
relationships, and predictions (Hair et al., convenience sampling. For the actual
2004), it is also the supporting reason to use research, there are 100 questionnaires used
quantitative method as there are several with complete answers, while 30 of those
hypotheses to be tested in this study. This are used for the pre-test. The respondents‟
International Conference on Entrepreneurship (IConEnt-2016)
“How Innovation could Improve the Performance and Productivity in Entrepreneurship?”
March 17, 2016.
Universitas Pelita Harapan, Tangerang – Indonesia

profiles are collected from the estimates should be 0.5 or higher. And also,
questionnaires distributed, which are gender, the value of average variance extracted
age, occupation, visit frequencies, and the (AVE) extracted from each indicator should
source of store’s information. The profile of be ≥ 0.5 to suggest adequate convergence.
respondents will be explained in the Table Table 4 shows the factor loading value of
3. the valid indicators from the pre-test study.

Table 3. Respondent’s Profile Table 4. Convergent Validity Test

Category Characteristic Number of % Variable Indicator Factor AVE Result
Respondent Loading
Female 75 68.8% BA1 0.908 Valid
Gender Male 34 31.2% BA2 0.868 Valid
BA3 0.881 0.772 Valid
18-24 95 87.2%
Brand BA4 0.871 Valid
25-29 10 9.2% Ambassador BA5 0.863 Valid
30-39 2 1.8% BI1 0.800 Valid
40 and above 2 1.8% BI2 0.821 Valid
Student 80 73.4% BI3 0.778 0.588 Valid
Private Brand BI4 0.657 Valid
13 11.9%
Sector Image BI5 0.770 Valid
Public Sector 10 9.2% CPD1 0.852 Valid
Housewife 2 1.8% CPD2 0.842 Valid
Occupation Unemployed 4 3.7% Consumer 0.579
CPD3 0.768 Valid
1-3 times in a Purchasing CPD4 0.751 Valid
3 2.8%
week Decision CPD5 0.554 Valid
1-3 times in a
30 27.5%
Once in a After test the validity of each construct,
24 22%
month each construct’s AVE should be higher than
Less than
Frequency once in a 52 47.7%
its squared correlation with any other
of visit month construct (Hair et al., 2012). The square root
Social Media 4 3.7% of AVE value of each variable is mentioned
Printed in the diagonal line and is greater than the
4 3.7%
Word of correlation between it and other constructs
8 7.4%
Mouth of Table 5.
Source of Passing by
store 89 81.5%
the store Table 5. Discriminant Validity Test
information Other 4 3.7%
BA 0.879
This study was conducting the pre-test BI 0.273 0.767
with 30 respondents to examine whether the CPD 0.557 0.518 0.761
indicators used are valid and reliable
through validity test and reliability test. This Sekaran and Bougie (2013) defined
test is carried out using the Smart-PLS 3 reliability as a test of how consistently a
software. From 15 indicators provided in measuring instrument measures whatever
pre-test, all of the indicators are valid and concept it is measuring. Hair et al. (2010)
reliable. mentioned that composite reliability (CR)
From 109 questionnaires, convergent estimate is 0.7 or higher to suggest good
and discriminant validity are used to reliability. The result of reliability test for
measure validity. The convergent validity is actual test of this research is shown in Table
attained when factor loading significance 6. The reliability test for the actual test in
value of each indicator is reached. Hair et al. this research showed that all the variables
(2010) stated that the standardized loading used are reliable. It can be seen from Table
International Conference on Entrepreneurship (IConEnt-2016)
“How Innovation could Improve the Performance and Productivity in Entrepreneurship?”
March 17, 2016.
Universitas Pelita Harapan, Tangerang – Indonesia

6 that the value of composite reliability for CPD5 2.560

each variable are higher than 0.7. The value
of composite reliability for brand The mean values shown in Table 7
ambassador, brand image, and consumer showed the average answers of the
purchasing decision range from 0.871 to respondents in each indicator. In the
0.944. Thus, all indicators indicating that variable brand ambassador, indicator BA1
they are all reliable. referred as “I can recognize Kim Soo Hyun
easily” and indicator BA2 referred as “Kim
Table 6. Reliability Test Soo Hyun has a good reputation” both have
Variable Indicator Composite Result the same and highest mean value which is
BA1 3.725, indicating most of the respondents
Brand BA2 answer “agree”. While the indicator BA4
Ambassador BA3 0.944 Reliable “Kim Soo Hyun makes me easy to
recognize Tous Les Jours” possess the
BI1 lowest mean value 3.028 which indicating
Brand BI2 most respondents are “not agree nor
Image BI3 0.876 Reliable disagree”
In the brand image variable, the
CPD1 indicator BI3 which referred as “Tous Les
Consumer CPD2 Jours has high quality of products” possess
Purchasing CPD3 0.871 Reliable
the highest value mean of 4.156, it indicates
CPD5 most of the respondents are “agree”. On the
other hand, indicator BI5 “Tous Les Jours
Mean for each indicator will be used to performs as it promises” has the lowest
calculate and describe the characteristics of mean value of 3.752 which indicates most
the samples. Mean or average is a measure of the respondent are answer “agree”.
of central tendency that offers a general On the last variable, consumer
picture of the data without unnecessarily purchasing decision, indicator CPD4 which
overflowing one with each of the referred to “I buy Tous Les Jours’ products
observations in a data set (Sekaran and because of their high quality product” has
Bougie, 2013). Calculated mean for each the highest mean value of 3.872. It is also
indicator is shown in Table 7. indicating that majority of the respondents
chose “agree”. While indicator CPD5 which
Table 7. Descriptive Statistics referred as “I buy Tous Les Jours’ products
Variable Indicator N Mean because I know Kim Soo Hyun as their
BA1 3.725 brand ambassador” shows the lowest mean
BA2 3.725 value of 2.560, suggests that most of the
Brand Ambassador BA3 109 3.505 respondents are answer “not agree nor
BA4 3.028
BA5 3.257
BI1 3.789 Hypotheses testing are done by
BI2 4.055 checking the value of original sample and
Brand Image BI3 109 4.156 T-statistics value of each of the hypothesis
BI4 3.835 developed in this research. The path
BI5 3.752 coefficients between variables can be seen
CPD1 3.183
in Table 8 and Figure 3. Hypothesis testing
Consumer Purchasing CPD3 109 3.266 is the most important part in a research and
Decision CPD4 3.872 used to take a general conclusion. In this

International Conference on Entrepreneurship (IConEnt-2016)
“How Innovation could Improve the Performance and Productivity in Entrepreneurship?”
March 17, 2016.
Universitas Pelita Harapan, Tangerang – Indonesia

section all ten hypotheses developed in this The value of R square is also necessary to
research will be investigated whether they analyze the result, the variance in the
are supported or not supported. The dependent variables are accounted for by the
hypothesis testing in this research used independent variables is answered through
Structural Equation Model (SEM) with the R square. Brand image has the R square
Smart-PLS 3 software as tools to test the of 0.075 which indicates that the variable of
hypotheses. brand image is 7.5% explained by brand
Table 8. Hypothesis Testing ambassador. While consumer purchasing
Original decision with the R square of 0.455
Regres T-statistic
Hypothesis Sample Result
sion s > 1.65 indicates the variable of perceived
BA →
0.273 2.716 Supported
commodity uncertainty is 45.5% explained
BI by brand ambassador and brand image.
BA →
H2 0.449 5.202 Supported
BI 5. Discussion
H3 0.396 4.085 Supported
→CPD The hypothesis testing above showed that
all of the hypotheses in this study are
Hypothesis 1 that stated about “Brand supported. In this section, the reason of the
ambassador positively related with brand hypotheses acceptance would be explained.
image” is supported. The result of Additionally, the result of descriptive
hypothesis testing showed that its original statistics in this research will also be linked
sample value is 0.273, which is positive and to the supported hypotheses. This research
T-statistics value is 2.716, which is greater was done to investigate the influence of
than 1.65. Thus, brand ambassador is proved brand ambassador to brand image and
to positively influenced brand image. consumer purchasing behavior by adopting
Hypothesis 1 is significant and accepted. model from Putra, Suharyono and Abdillah
Hypothesis 2 that stated about “Brand (2014), in which their object of study was
ambassador positively related with korean application, Line, in Asia whereas
consumer purchasing decision” is also the object of study for this research is
supported. Seeing that the original sample korean bakery, Tous Les Jours, in Indonesia.
value is 0.449 and the T-statistics value is Hypothesis 1 that stated about “Brand
5.202, meaning that original sample value is ambassador positively related with brand
positive and T-statistics value is greater than image” is supported. The result of
1.65. Hence, brand ambassador is proved to hypothesis testing showed that its original
positively influence consumer purchasing sample value is 0.273, which is positive and
decision. Hypothesis 2 is significant and T-statistics value is 2.716, which is greater
accepted. than 1.65. Thus, brand ambassador is proved
Hypothesis 3 that stated about “Brand to positively influenced brand image. In this
image positively related with consumer condition, it shows that brand ambassador
purchasing decision” is supported. The Tous Les Jours, Kim Soo Hyun, is
hypothesis testing result showed that the positively impact the brand image of Tous
original sample value of it is 0.396, which is Les Jours. In the variable brand
positive and the T-statistics value is 4.085, ambassador, indicator BA1 referred as “I
which exceed 1.65. So, brand image is can recognize Kim Soo Hyun easily” and
proved to positively influence consumer indicator BA2 referred as “Kim Soo Hyun
purchasing decision. Hypothesis 3 is has a good reputation” both have the same
significant and accepted. and highest mean value which is 3.725,
indicating most of the respondents are agree
International Conference on Entrepreneurship (IConEnt-2016)
“How Innovation could Improve the Performance and Productivity in Entrepreneurship?”
March 17, 2016.
Universitas Pelita Harapan, Tangerang – Indonesia

that Kim Soo Hyun can be recognized easily and indicator BA2 referred as “Kim Soo
and have a good image as a brand Hyun has a good reputation” both have the
ambassador. same and highest mean value which is 3.725,
While, the indicator of brand image, indicating most of the respondents are agree
BI3 referred as “Tous Les Jours has high that Kim Soo Hyun can be recognized easily
quality of products”, has the highest mean and have a good image as a brand
value of 4.156 and indicator BI2 referred ambassador. While indicator of consumer
as “Tous Les Jours has a good brand image” purchasing decision, CPD 4 which referred
has the second highest mean value of 4.055 as “I buy Tous Les Jours’ products because
show that Tous Les has a good brand image of their high quality product”, has the
in Indonesia, with the addition of the fact highest mean value of 3.872, it shows that
that Kim Soo Hyun has been agreed by the many respondents agree that they buy Tous
respondents as a good ambassador, the good Les Jours product because they have high
brand image of Tous Les Jours also has quality product. However, the indicator of
been positively increasing. A being mention CPD 5 which referred as “I buy Tous Les
in the study of Mukherjee (2009) which Jours’ products because I know Kim Soo
shows that consumers report higher Hyun as their brand ambassador” has the
self-brand connections for brands with lowest mean value of 2.560, shows that the
images that are consistent with the image of respondents are neither agree nor disagree
a celebrity that they aspire to be like, that they but the products because of the
particularly in the case when the image of Kim Soo Hyun, the brand ambassador. In
the celebrity and the brand match. Brand this case, we can see that Kim Soo Hyun is
ambassadors or celebrity endorsement not high effectively affecting consumer
effects are moderated by brand symbolism, purchasing decision of Tous Les Jours’
such that brands that communicate consumers in Indonesia. Therefore, we can
something about the user yield stronger see that the brand ambassador of Tous Les
effects than brands that do not. In the case Jours, Kim Soo Hyun, positively related to
of aspirational celebrities, the positive effect consumer purchasing decision.
of image congruency is stronger for those The relationship of brand image and
brands that are perceived to communicate consumer purchasing decision can be seen
something symbolic about the brand’s user in the hypothesis 3. Hypothesis 3 that stated
compared to those brands that do not. In this about “Brand image positively related with
case, Kim Soo Hyun can relate his good consumer purchasing decision” is supported
image to the brand image of Tous Les Jours. and proved that brand image has the effects
We can see that brand ambassador to the consumer purchasing decision. The
positively related to the brand. result of hypothesis testing showed that its
Hypothesis 2 that stated about “Brand original sample value is 0.396, which is
ambassador positively related with positive and T-statistics value is 4.085,
consumer purchasing decision” is supported which is greater than 1.65. The indicator of
and proved that brand ambassador has the brand image, BI3 referred as “Tous Les
effects to the consumer purchasing decision. Jours has high quality of products”, has the
The result of hypothesis testing showed that highest mean value of 4.156, shows that
its original sample value is 0.449, which is respondents are agree that Tous Les Jours
positive and T-statistics value is 5.202, has been producing high quality of products.
which is greater than 1.65. In the variable of While, in the indicator consumer purchasing
brand ambassador, indicator BA1 referred decision, CPD 4 which referred as “I buy
as “I can recognize Kim Soo Hyun easily” Tous Les Jours’ products because of their
International Conference on Entrepreneurship (IConEnt-2016)
“How Innovation could Improve the Performance and Productivity in Entrepreneurship?”
March 17, 2016.
Universitas Pelita Harapan, Tangerang – Indonesia

high quality product”, has the highest mean Tous Les Jours in Indonesia. From the result
value of 3.872, it shows that many and discussions done in the previous section,
respondents agree that they buy Tous Les some conclusions can be drawn.
Jours product because they have high Firstly, brand ambassador influence
quality product. These indicators show the brand image and consumer purchasing
brand image of Tous Les Jours positively decision. As we can see in the discussion,
related to consumer purchasing decision. all of the 3 hypotheses are supported and
Therefore, from the respondent’s profile has positive impacts toward another variable.
data, we can see that there are more female In Indonesia, the use of brand ambassador
respondents (68.8%) rather than male or brand endorser can be seen easily, many
respondents (31.2%) in this research. It companies are use celebrities as a tool or
indicates that female respondents are being marketing of their brand. Brand
more influenced and attracted to visit Tous ambassador indulges the factors of
Les Jours. The additional reason is female trustworthiness and attractiveness of the
are more influenced by trend. Since Tous brand to the consumers. Consumers in
Les Jours is a bakery stores from Korea, Indonesia believe that brand ambassador
they are more eager to try and visit the store have the influence in encoding the message
than male customer. However, from the of the brand to the perception of the brand
hypotheses above, the respondents chose itself in the consumers’ mind.
Tous Les Jours also because of their high Secondly, brand ambassador itself is
quality products which are important for less effective in affecting consumer
both female and male respondents. In purchasing decision rather than the brand
respondent’s profile data, we can also see image of the brand itself. Consumers agree
that the major customers of Tous Les Jours that the brand image of the brand or
are students (73.4%) and mostly range from company is the major key of their
19-24 years old (87.2%). The main reason purchasing decision. As long as they meet
of this data is because most of Tous Les the needs and wants of the consumer, they
Jours stores are located inside malls which will be considered to purchase the products
are easy to access and near with the location or services of that brand regarding who the
of schools and universities. However, the brand ambassador is.
largest percentage of frequency of visit the Thirdly, in this study, have shown that
stores by most of the respondents is less the effectiveness of Kim Soo Hyun is low in
than once in a month and most of the Indonesia. Many consumers know about the
respondent know about the stores by passing image of Kim Soo Hyun, but in reality, the
by the store (81.5%) rather than know it image of him doesn’t have a major effect to
from other sources such as social media, the majority of consumer mind about the
printed advertising, word of mouth and Tous Les Jours brand image and consumer
other. purchasing decision. Indonesia may has
been influenced by Korean culture, but in
6. Conclusion this case, Tous Les Jours has been proved to
This study has a purpose to investigate and stand up in the market by sustaining their
answer the hypotheses stated in the first brand image.
chapter of this study. It investigated the From the results of hypotheses testing,
influence of brand ambassador on brand firstly it can be seen brand ambassador
image and consumer purchasing decision. positively influence the company’s brand
This research also analyzes the effectiveness image and consumer purchasing decision,
of Kim Soo Hyun as brand ambassador of the use of brand ambassador as a marketing
International Conference on Entrepreneurship (IConEnt-2016)
“How Innovation could Improve the Performance and Productivity in Entrepreneurship?”
March 17, 2016.
Universitas Pelita Harapan, Tangerang – Indonesia

strategy should be increased. With a good up and Indonesia’s potential customers are
image of brand ambassador, it will maintain more open to foreign countries. The
and attract new potential customer. The marketers and the companies also have to be
marketers need to combine the good image responsible for carry their country’s image
of the brand ambassador and brand image of to Indonesia.
the company as their marketing strategy to There are several suggestions given to
enter and sustain in the market. Since there future researchers. Most of the
are so many competitors in Indonesia, the recommendations and suggestions are based
marketers also need to focus on their on research limitations. Future research
marketing strategy such as using social should be applied more samples to conduct
media, printed advertising and commercials this research and more diverse occupation to
to presents and advertise the products and capture better picture for the result of this
the company in Indonesia, not only depends study. Future research should expand this
on passing by the store customers and use study to other country other than Indonesia
the Hallyu Wave to spread about the store. to explore how the differences in culture and
The reasons are because most of the economic development will affect the result.
respondents of this research are from Comparative study about this study topic
passing by the store customers and they are will also be interesting since how people in
rarely know that Tous Les Jours has ever different countries deal with Kim Soo Hyun
used any other marketing strategy. It is very as the brand ambassador and see the
important for companies to be known in the influence of a brand ambassador on brand
market. Companies should be able to create image and consumer purchasing behavior in
a strong position in the market. each country, can be obtained. The model
The marketers and the company need may need to be modified for future
to maintain its high quality products, researches, for instance, by including more
because it is one of the main reasons why variables to be analyzed. Since the
people purchase in their store. The additional variable might provide a better
marketers also need to take a look and insight for the researchers to understand
enhance their service quality, since each variable assessed in this study.
customers will come back and visit the store
for the second time simply because they are
satisfied with the brand. The developments
of variety products are also need. It is also
very important to know the customers of a
brand for the marketers and companies. It
can help the marketers to reach other market
segmentation using promotional tools and
evaluate its effectiveness.
Additionally, Tous Les Jours is one of
the examples of many foreign companies
open in Indonesia, the foreign companies’
marketers are needed to introduce the
culture of the country of origin to be
presented carefully in their store as one of
the marketing skills. With cultural
differences, it will attract more customers in
Indonesia, since the globalization is rising
International Conference on Entrepreneurship (IConEnt-2016)
“How Innovation could Improve the Performance and Productivity in Entrepreneurship?”
March 17, 2016.
Universitas Pelita Harapan, Tangerang – Indonesia


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