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Student Declaration

Name: Lingjiang Zou


I solemnly and sincerely declare to the University of Sydney that:

I ate underdone kidney bean on Jun 5 th and cause food poisoning. I did gastric lavage immediately.
But according to China food safety law I have to stay hospital for observation 7days even I feel fine
the next day, but I still need to follow the policy. I was put in shared ward which is crowded and can
be alone. So, I feel I can’t stay focus for examination and can be alone violated of the rules of the
examination. I hope I can apply for replacement examination.


and I make this declaration conscientiously believing its contents to be true.

I understand and agree that:

(a) in accordance with the University’s Student Charter 2020, I am required to act honestly and
ethically in all dealings with the University and members of its community;

(b) the University may take steps to confirm the authenticity and accurateness of the contents of
this declaration at any time during my candidature; and

(c) knowingly making a false declaration will constitute student misconduct, and may result in the
imposition of a penalty under the University of Sydney (Student Discipline) Rule 2016,
including the suspension or termination of my candidature, or my temporary exclusion or
permanent expulsion from the University.

…………Lingjiang Zou……………………… ………………14.06.2022………

Signature Date

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