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Complete the following sentences by filling in the appropriate idioms.

1. Mary will definitely ____________ when she finds out that I got her these shoes!

2. James almost _____________ about the town mayor’s extramarital affairs.

3. I can do this even with my eyes closed. It’s a ________________!

4. Rock music is simply not my ________________.

5. To put it ________________, this book is worth reading.

Complete the following sentences with the appropriate idioms.

1. Phil and Paul are ___________________. They both lost their Jobs.

2. We need to get there as early as posible so, let’s ________________!

3. Seeing these pictures of your trip to Japan gives me _____________________.

4. I managed to register for the bike race this weekend but I nearly ____________________.

5. My dad can sometimes be a _______________ which is why I never take the car when he decides to

tag along.
Complete the following sentences with the appropriate idioms.

1. Ali wanted to impress her colleagues so she went to the party ________________________.

2. I had to _____________________ during most of college, since I could only get part-time jobs that

paid minimum wage.

3. Sadly, we can't both stay at home and look after the kids — someone needs to

__________________. In the past, husbands needed someone to cook and keep house and wives

needed someone to _________________________.

4. My brother thought he could ________________ selling CDs on the Internet but MP3 digital

downloads became popular and no one wanted CDs anymore.

5. Nancy will drop everything to help her sister; ______________________________.

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