03 - Practice 1 - Questions

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Computing for Engineers ENGN130

Week 1

Introduction to matlab


 Start the MATLAB program and solve simple problems in the command window

 Identify and use the various MATLAB windows

 Name and use variables

 Understand the order of operations in MATLAB


 Read Chapter 1 of the textbook, Lecture note 1

Note: Students are not expected to complete all the problems during the 3-hour (tutorial + lab) time.

The goal is to attempt as many problems as possible during the lab class. Tutors are there to help

students and answer questions. If students were able not to complete all problems during the time,

then students are expected to attempt the remaining problems on their own before the next class.

Question 1

Evaluate the following expressions by using Matlab

A  7  10  2  34 B  532  42 C  5.8 105  3.5 103

352  23 25
D E  25  2  52 F
e5  6 2 7

30 
26  9
54  0.25 
G H K  1200  5  
4 2 40 
28  15 
17  15

 
L  2.25  8.14 104  0.456 102 M  ln  30   5e 2  25

Dr. Muhammad Qureshi & Dr. Van Vinh Nguyen 2

Computing for Engineers ENGN130

Question 2

Evaluate the following expressions by using Matlab:

     
A  5sin    8cos   B  tan    5sin  3 
4 3 3

       
C  3sinh    6 cosh   D  cos 2    2sinh  
4 3 4 3

E  atan   - 5acos  0.707     

F  4sin 2 30o - 5cos 45o

G  x 2  5 xy  3cos 2  xy  with x  , y  2

Question 3

Determine the following values:

a. Maximum common divisor of (30, 45)

b. Maximum common divisor of (50, 80)

c. Minimum common multiple of (4, 9)

d. Minimum common multiple of (8, 15)

e. Minimum common multiple of (40, 55)

Dr. Muhammad Qureshi & Dr. Van Vinh Nguyen 3

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