Summary Chart For Biblical Worldview - Miller PDF

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APPENDIX 5 SUMMARY CHART FOR BIBLICAL WORLDVIEW* Philosophical | Question Asked ] Secular-Humanist | Animist Biblical Term Position Position Worldview ‘Cosmology Is there a god? nogod | ‘spirit Creator God (reality) ‘one organic whole Where did T come accident | spirit each person Ontology from? | created in the (nature of partof | evilimprisons | image of God and humankind) Who am 1? evolutionary humankind unique process What is my sin nature tissue | nature? | ‘humankind is basically good ‘Axiology | What is ultimately | evil and good are | moral absolutes (ethics) valuable, tue, and | everything is | the exist based on right? relative | same God's law yinyang Epistemology | How can truth be rationalism ‘mysticism revelation (knowledge) known? | Teleclogy Whatisthe | timeisrunning | life ona wheel | history is moving (purpose and | ultimate purpose out towards the destiny) for humankind? survival kingdom of God manisa consumer reincarnation slorify God nothing after Resurrection and | death life after death (fertilizer) (cternal destiny) Adapted from Darrow Miller, Food for the Hungry. Used by permission. 41

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