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" Structural Theory and Post-Structural Theory "

For the learning objectives, at the end of the discussion, you should be able to :

1. Understand some of the key concepts of Structuralism and Post-Structuralism;

2. Identify the similarities or differences between the two;

- When you hear the word Structure or Structural in relation to this topic and this subject
? What particular words comes first into your mind ? :


 Structuralism was a “ Literary Theory “ which is based on "a system of ideas used in
the study of language, literature, art, anthropology and sociology that emphasizes
the importance of the basic structure and relationship of that particular subject. It is
primarily concerned with understanding how language works as a system of
meaning production. How does language function as a kind of meaning machine.
Structuralism generally focuses on literature as a system in which meaning is
constructed within a context.

 The most important feature of this work is the “ Theory of Signs “.

 “ Structuralism ” is a " 20th century intellectual movement or approach ", Ferdinand

Desassure ( Swiss Linguist ) was the founder of the theory Structuralism.

 A " Linguist " is someone who is skilled in foreign languages,

 A Linguist is someone who studies linguistics, language " Human Language " in
 According to Ferdinand Desaussure, Every language has different signs and these
signs are composed of what we call the Signifier and Signified. Basically, these
Signs gives meaning to the text.

An example of this concept is the concept of " SEMIOTICS " .

 So Basically, SEMIOTICS is the analysis of signs and symbols and how meaning is
created, interpreted and communicated by such signs.

 SEMIOTICS is also a vital concept in which focuses on how we understand and

interpret the world around us.

 One of the most commonly recognized theorists in determining the concept of “

SEMIOTICS “ is Ferdinand Desassure. Ferdinand Desassure has his own
perspective regarding the concept of SEMIOTICS on which he proposes that a sign
consists of a Signifier and a Signified.

 Signifier is the Physical Sign or Form ( sounds, word, image, or letters conveying
meanings ) , whereas Signified is the Mental Concept or Personal Interpretation.

 Going back to Ferdinand Desassure, as already mentioned he was a linguist and he

focused his studies primarily on the language signs. He explained that the
relationship between the Signifier and Signified is arbitrary.

 Arbitrary , which Ferdinand Desaussure called unmotivated meaning that there are
no characteristics of a Signified that makes it suit a particular signifier and vice-

 For instance , when we hear the word C-A-T , automatically we think of the image of
a CAT but it was said that Linguistic signs are arbitrary, in a way that the word CAT
is somewhat has no visual similarity or does not have a similar connection from the
actual representation of what a CAT is really like. The sound image of a CAT does
not exactly look like a CAT or sound like a CAT.
 There is no real reason why the sound image C-A-T has to be linked to the concept
of a cat. Perhaps, both the sound, word as well as the concept just got stuck
together at some point in time.

 In addition, understanding the overall concept of SEMIOTICS is crucial in a way that

these guides on how to gain a better understanding of how such languages or signs
can depict multiple meanings to us.


 On the other hand, " Post-Structuralism " is somewhat a response , further

elaboration or rather an extension about Structuralism, including the concept of "

 Jacques Derrida " was one of the theorists of Post-Structuralism. He was also the
founder of his Theory called " Deconstruction " on which to show that the meaning
of a work is unstable and could have multiple or alternative meanings.

 Also, according to " Post-Structuralism ", there is nothing called an “ Absolute

Signified" . As every signifier leads us to a new signifier.

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