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Kabir School, Vadodara

Class – XII
Subject: Computer Practical Set-C
Date: 27/04/21 Marks: 50

1)(a) Design a Job Application Form for various position at SM college using Kompozer with following fields.
Name, Gender, Contact Number, Degree (List Box) – Diploma, Bachelors, Masters, Post Applied For
(Radio Button) – Lecturer, Assistant Professor, Professor, Attach Resume (File). Send and Clear
Button. [12]

NOTE: Perform the validation on form elements as follows: [08]

 Name Cannot be blank
 Degree should be selected.
 Contact number should be numeric.
 Post applied for should be selected.
Create a CSS for H1 as per the given rules and apply it on the text. [05]
 Font: Algerian
 Font Style: Bold
 Background Colour: Light Blue
 Border Colour: Dark Blue

(b) Create a website on “Rajasthan Tourism” using Kompozer. Create 3 pages and link them
together. Use the folder given to include images and information. [15]

2) Write a Java program to do the following:

(a) To print the factorial of a given number. [05]
(b) To create a class named product with following attributes: [05]
ProductNo, ProductName, Quantity, Rate and Amount.
 To assign value to ProductNo, ProductName, Quantity and Rate.
 Calc_Amount() to calculate the value of Amount as Quantity * Rate.
 To display values of all the attributes.
Create another class named “ProductDemo” with main() method. In main() method, create two
objects, assign the values to their attributesusing assign function Calculate Amount and display

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