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ABM - 12

INDUSTRIAL AGE (1700’s – 1930’s)

The Industrial Age in media literacy refers to how technology changes how usable
information is for society's citizens. This involves a number of devices, including digital tools
and printers. Several pieces of technology work together to help humans create and process
media information. The use of steam power, the creation of machine tools, the start of iron
production, and the printing press used to create books. Newspaper (1640), typewriter (1800),
mass-production printing press (19th century), and telephone (1876)

Machines / Communications that are used during Industrial Age

• Mass Production of Printing Press

➢ A printing press is a tool used to transfer ink by applying pressure to an inked
surface that is resting on a print medium (such as paper or cloth). One of the
most significant events of the second millennium was the invention and
widespread usage of the printing press, which was often employed for texts.

• Newspapers
➢ It also played a part in the newspaper industry's enormous expansion, from
2,526 publications in 1850 to more than 11,000 publications by 1880! A few
papers even boasted a circulation of over a million copies by 1890.

• Typewriters
➢ The typewriter had an impact on the industrial revolution because it made it
simpler to transmit news quickly to a larger audience and cost less because
fewer workers were required. It had a significant impact on businesses,
publications, and workplaces.

• Telephone
➢ The first practical telephone was created in 1876 by Alexander Graham Bell
during the American Industrial Revolution. Major cities in the United States and
Europe soon started installing the ground-breaking telephone system.

Main methods of media communication during industrial age

Large populations moved to metropolitan regions when the industrial revolution began
in the 18th century, creating vast audiences from all socioeconomic strata looking for
information and pleasure. Modernization, which gave rise to magazines, newspapers, the
telegraph, and the telephone, was centered on printing technology.

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