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Chapter 6251 How is this game of chess?

"Where are the spirits?" "It was taken away." "Who?"

"Yuan Daofeng's subordinate, Zhou Longming." "Where is Yuan Daofeng?"
"I don't know either. Only Zhou Longming knows his whereabouts."
The right arm in the void was gripped again, and Qin Weiguo spurted out a mouthful of blood.
"Cough cough...I didn't lie...I hope you do what you say and don't attack the Qin family."
Qin Weiguo's breath was weak, and it seemed that he could not survive.
"Tell me everything you know!"
Ye Chen's indifferent voice came, and there was no room for doubt!
After a while, looking at Qin Weiguo, who had fallen to the ground and was exhausted, Ye Chen
dialed the phone, "Dragon Soul and the Dark Hall joined forces to collect Internet cafes! The rest
of the Qin family will be handed over to the state!"
In a short while, in the entire villa, the members of the Dragon Soul and the Dark Hall have
already started to clean the battlefield!
Ye Chen looked at all this, if what Qin Weiguo said before his death was true, then from now on,
the other party's real plan has been started, and if you want to stop it, you must start with Yuan
Daofeng, there is someone behind him! But the identity is unknown... "Zhou Longming..."
Ye Chen clenched his fingers, just about to perceive cause and effect, the sky was densely
covered with dark clouds, surrounded by countless thunder and lightning.
Obviously, Ye Chen's ability to perceive cause and effect is terrible! Causing the sky to move!
If it is so forcibly perceived, the consequences are unimaginable!
"It seems that the only way to do it is to use the earth."
Ye Chen rubbed his temples and muttered to himself.
According to Qin Weiguo's account, Yuan Daofeng was already dealing with a mysterious force a
few years ago. There is more than one formation similar to this place on the earth. How many are
there? Qin Weiguo's identity is still unreachable. .
The biggest effect of this great formation is two, one is to make Huaxia's aura mutate to the
extreme, and the other is that this mutated aura can provide complete chain repair resources to
the younger generation, that is, forcibly improve.
Of course, it is the kind that is encouraged by pulling the seedlings. For the future chain repair, it
is a huge obstacle, which is tantamount to cutting off the future!
For the current earth, this power is enough to set off a storm, but it is not clear where it is hidden.
But Ye Chen knew in his heart that the purpose of this big formation was not just to create combat
power, the killing aura hidden under the strong vitality, for Hua Xia, it would affect the whole body!
Spirits are the key!
Zhenling was taken away by him, and he was the closest person to Yuan Daofeng, so he was
suspicious by nature. Even though the Qin family had been taken away, the people from Dragon
Soul and the Dark Hall had been monitoring the outside to ensure that the information would not
get out.
But after all, the paper can't contain the fire. Within three days, Zhou Longming will know what
happened here. If you want to find him at that time, it is tantamount to looking for a needle in a
haystack! Must fight fast!
Ye Chen was thinking about how to break the game, and a bell brought him back to reality.
Sun Linglong answered the phone, "Hey, what's the matter?"
I only heard Sun Linglong's impatient response, "I've just recovered, can't you let me rest for a few
more days? Push down all the announcements, and, my coffee, do you want me to participate in
this level of activity?"
Her expression was obviously displeased, and she was about to end the call: "I said I won't take
up this level of activity, I don't care if Zhou Longming or Zhou tinnitus, I'm not happy, no one
needs to talk!" With a beep, the call ended.
When Ye Chen heard the name, his expression was a little weird. It really took no effort to find a
place to break through the iron shoes. He thought about it again and again, and said to Sun
Linglong, "Linglong, today's formation is the reason why you were robbed. , as you can see now,
the core formation spirit of the formation has been taken away, probably by this Zhou Longming!”
"Well, then what?"
Hearing that Ye Chen was talking to herself, Sun Linglong immediately returned to her
appearance as a good girl.
Han Qianmin, who was on the side, gently shoved Sun Linglong and whispered, "But you just
rejected Zhou Longming..."
"Huh?" Only then did Sun Linglong realize that something was wrong, and hurriedly took out his
mobile phone and called back: "Hey, that auction, I attended, I changed my mind!"
"Well, well, I'll be there on time tomorrow night!"
Sun Linglong, who ended the call, looked like a little girl who made a mistake, glanced at Ye Chen
secretly, and said nothing. "I'll go with you tomorrow, this Zhou Longming, it's not easy!"
Ye Chen nodded and said softly.
When Sun Linglong heard the words, a smile instantly appeared on his face.
"This Zhou Longming has basically mastered all the resources of the entire Xihai City. The
connections on the surface and in the dark are intricate. He himself is a huge intelligence network.
Only by winning him can there be further opportunities!"
This Zhou Longming, Ye Chen is bound to win.
Zhengchou had nowhere to start, but he brought it to the door himself. It seems that this Qin
Weiguo did not lie, at least he explained Zhou Longming's beauty perfectly.
A day later, in the evening. Xihai City in October has entered the late autumn.
Ye Chen stood in front of the luxurious door of the building outside the building, and there was a
biting coolness in his eyes, which reflected the cold of this late autumn.
I don't know what's going on in the center of the earth, will the will of the ancient emperor Yu
Huang come again?
But since he came to Huaxia, he had to settle the matter in Huaxia before going back.
He looked up at this magnificent building that was high into the clouds, sighed, and immediately
lowered his head and took out a cigarette and a match from his pocket. He had not smoked for a
long time. Smoking is dangerous, but for chain repairers A piece of cake.
In this matter, Ye Chen paid more attention to the form.

With a "呲" sound, the fire and blooming killing intent flashed away.
It was already dusk, and the sky was dim, only a touch of blood in the setting sun.
Countless dignitaries from all over the West Sea will gather tonight for a banquet and a grand
"Linglong, you are hosting this grand event, I'm really lucky!" Zhou Longming's voice came from
the dressing room in the backstage of the hall, "Tonight's charity auction, you can say whatever
you want, as long as you want, I will I'll give it to you." He didn't hide his laughter at all.
"Excuse me, Mr. Zhou, for taking your troubles, and taking it with kindness!" A trace of hatred
flashed in Sun Linglong's eyes, but he quickly covered it up. In any case, the protagonist of this
play has not yet appeared.
Tonight's auction is destined to be extraordinary.
"It's almost time to start, right?"
The cigarette in Ye Chen's hand burned out, he flicked the cigarette lightly with his right finger,
took out a handkerchief from the pocket of the tens of thousands of dollars in the white suit jacket,
and gently wiped the remaining breath on his hand.
He raised his palm to the front, and the bright neon light stimulated Ye Chen's senses through the
gap between the palms!
Huaxia is where I started, so no one can destroy it! "I'll accompany you! Hall Master!"
At Ye Chen's side, a figure appeared at an unknown time. It was Lu Lingfeng!
Chapter 6252 The game is in the middle of
the game!
"No, this matter involves too much. Your realm has just stabilized, and your spiritual power is still
not used to it. Don't worry, I will leave you a few guys to practice your skills, just wait here!"
Ye Chen's eyes are shining, tonight he is going to do it himself!
Hearing this, the man in black felt a little disappointed. He looked back at Ye Chen, and the man
called "God" in front of him.
However, the military orders were like mountains, he bowed lightly, and disappeared into the busy
After finishing the collar and cuffs, Ye Chen lifted his foot and entered the door of the building
outside the building. Tonight's Bauhinia Hall must have some stories!
From Huaxia to Kunlunxu, to Lingwu and the Kingdom of God, and even to the heart of the earth,
Ye Chen has undergone a qualitative change, the fierce momentum, the domineering power of
pointing the country in his gestures, and the neat white suit that fits right now.
Like a god!
Although he didn't say a word, he still attracted the favor of countless nobles and ladies. In their
eyes, although they have never met, they can be sure that the indifferent man's identity must be
Everyone is watching, and there will always be people who can't help showing their skills.
"Handsome man, are you alone?"
"Leave your contact information, handsome, and we can have a drink later!"
The incessant pinch sound rang in Ye Chen's ears.
Ye Chen completely ignored it.
But at this moment, Ye Chen frowned, and he sensed a familiar aura.
Before he turned around, an uncertain voice suddenly sounded: "Brother Ye?"
Ye Chen turned his head and found that a young girl was looking at him suspiciously. The purple
evening dress did not look luxurious, but it set off the lovely temperament of the woman at the
moment. With delicate facial features, she stared at Ye Chen suspiciously Chen.
It is Liu Zihan!
"Zihan, you...?" Ye Chen was a little puzzled.
"Brother Ye, it really is you." Liu Zihan let out a long breath.
Before Ye Chen could continue to ask, a staggering figure stumbled over and shouted at Liu
Zihan, "Do you know how noble I am? Being able to see you is the blessing that your family has
accumulated in eight lifetimes. Do you know what will happen if you refuse me?"
Liu Zihan was startled when she heard the words, and her body trembled a little.
She knew that Ye Chen's identity was unusual, but the identity of the man in front of her seemed
even more terrifying.
Even stronger than Wanjia!
Liu Zihan's heart is so stubborn that he must stand up and take responsibility for himself!
The figure saw Liu Zihan obediently walking towards him, and the playfulness in his eyes was
even more revealing. He said lightly: "Follow me Zhou Erming, you can walk sideways throughout
But just as Liu Zihan was about to leave, a strong hand grabbed Liu Zihan, who was about to
stand up, and said lightly, "Let's go!"
Ye Chen couldn't help but pull Liu Zihan and turned around to leave.
Although he didn't know why Liu Zihan came here, he would never allow anyone to touch Liu
But at this moment, Zhou Erming's eyes are full of anger!
Since he dares to be slapped with his face today?
"Stop, did I fucking allow you to move? What kind of thing are you, dare to grab a woman from
me?" Zhou Erming pushed aside the pugs around him, stepped forward and said fiercely to Ye
Ye Chen turned a deaf ear, took Liu Zihan's hand, and did not stop at all in his steps.
For this kind of jumping clown, he naturally couldn't take the time to pay attention to it.
"Damn, I'll give you a face, right!" Zhou Erming challenged his bottom line again and again when
he saw the man in front of him. He took three steps and took two steps to dodge in front of Ye
Chen. He raised his hand and slapped him. .
But just as his hand was about to fall, Ye Chen stared at Zhou Erming fiercely.
"Kneel down."
The next moment, Zhou Erming was soaked all over and his legs were shaking.
In the end, he knelt down directly!
What kind of eyes are these!
It made Zhou Erming feel like he was in hell at the moment.
And Ye Chen is the master of hell!
He even felt that Ye Chen dared to kill him!
"I... my eldest brother is Zhou Longming, if you dare to touch me, you are finished!"
Zhou Erming, whose face was pale with fright, couldn't help but threaten Ye Chen, in the
countless things he has encountered over the years, as long as the word Zhou Longming is
mentioned, no one dares not to give him face!
Ye Chen couldn't help being a little stunned. With such a casual grab, he caught a key person?
He lightly whispered in Zhou Erming's ear:
"Just say one more word, and I'll take you on your way now."
Everyone didn't know what Ye Chen said in the ear of Zhou's son, but the next second, the party
directly fainted.
Ye Chen didn't want to be messed up by a clown endlessly, and it was the easiest way to keep
him quiet.
All the spectators present were speechless.
"It's really a hollowed-out physique, and the gap with Zhou Longming is so big."
Ye Chen shook his head and threw it out with a wave of his hand. He didn't take this little episode
to heart, and dragged Liu Zihan towards the Bauhinia Hall.
"Brother Ye, let's run quickly, this week, the Zhou family heard that the power in Xihai City is
monstrous, we can't afford to offend him!" Liu Zihan took Ye Chen to leave the place of right and
"I don't care who he is, don't worry, if he dares to trouble you again, the entire Zhou family will be
removed from Xihai City."
Ye Chen smiled lightly.
Liu Zihan: "..."
"By the way, you don't have class, why are you running here to participate in the auction?"
Ye Chen asked as he walked. In his impression, Liu Zihan was just an ordinary college student,
and he had nothing to do with this wealthy and famous person.
"I came with my classmates, she doesn't know where she went..." Liu Zihan said innocently.
"Huh? No!"
Ye Chen's first reaction was that there was a problem. In an instant, he came to the side hall
where Zhou Erming was just thrown away, and picked him up again from the garbage.
Looking at Zhou Erming, who was still in a coma, Ye Chen pointed out and peeped into his
consciousness! "I see!"
This week, Longming really had a good plan. He had already received the message as soon as
the Qin family had an accident. He knew that he might not be able to compete with Ye Chen. , and
then layout to take it down!
Chapter 6253 What? courtship?
A killing intent rose up in Ye Chen's eyes, and he made no secret of it!
Using his friends to play the game, if it hadn't been crashed by himself by accident, I don't know
what unexpected things would have happened today!
Even Zhou Longming knew very well that if he did not control his own strength, it would inevitably
bring about the destruction of Xihai City.
And Liu Zihan's appearance will inevitably affect his shot.
Even when necessary, it can become its own weakness! This Zhou Longming is a bit moral!
Liu Zihan looked at Ye Chen, whose face was constantly changing, and said with a worried
expression, "Brother Ye, are you alright?"
A burst of inquiries interrupted Ye Chen's thoughts, Ye Chen shook his head gently, the killing
intent in his eyes was dead!
The building outside the building is definitely a well-deserved landmark building in the entire West
Sea, and the starting threshold for high-level people.
At this moment in the venue, there are already many handsome young men and beautiful women
who are looking for their favorite objects with wine glasses.
The auction has not yet officially started, and everyone in this circle is doing their own thing,
business development or emotional resonance.
The melodious piano sound resounded throughout the banquet hall, and Ye Chen followed the
A man in a black tuxedo was playing a graceful piano piece, with a lingering reverberation.
"I think this song is a little out of place at the moment!" Ye Chen said in a low voice, walking to the
man's side, stroking the black body of the piano, and said lightly.
"Oh?" The piano player was a little puzzled. "I order a sad song!"
Ye Chen took out a stack of banknotes from his arms and gently placed it on Qin who had beaten
before, then turned and left.
"Welcome all distinguished guests to today's large-scale public auction held by the building
outside the building. I am loved by Mr. Zhou Longming. I am today's host Sun Linglong."
A melodious sound spread throughout the hall outside the building, and the crowd that had been
noisy for a second was silent in an instant, only the faint sad music lingered.
Ye Chen's eyes looked towards the center of the stage!
"The game has just started! Sun Linglong, after today is over, you will be mine." Zhou Longming
muttered in the audience.
"After killing Ye Chen, the game is over!" Zhou Longming straightened the bow between his
clothes and ties, licked his dry lips, and said harshly.
At this moment, he has only wolf ambitions!
The sound of high-heeled shoes came from the backstage, and a beautiful figure slowly appeared
in front of everyone. A luxurious purple skirt showed slender white legs, and the breathtaking
watery eyes swept across the delicate goose egg face. All the people present, and several people
under the stage were all nosebleed.
"Welcome to the building outside the building," Sun Linglong said again.
"She is such a beautiful woman that I feel pity for her, but how could Sun Linglong come here? It
would be nice if she could relax in the evening." A voice in the crowd praised her.
Zhou Longming heard the words, his face showed a trace of displeasure, his face was shaking,
and he whispered to the subordinate beside him: "Whoever said something just now, chop it up
and throw it on the street to feed the dogs!"
A chill appeared on the corner of his mouth: "Marven Ye, how can your boy He De be favored by
such beauties, and want to get a spirit? It's too late!"
I could only hear Sun Linglong on the stage continue:
"Not much to say, let me briefly introduce today's auction rules. It's very simple. The highest
bidder wins."
"Each price increase shall not be lower than half of the starting price. Profits from all auction items
in this event will be donated to the Red Cross Society unconditionally!"
As soon as this statement came out, the audience was in an uproar.
Must not be less than half the starting price?
Many people feel that the rules of this auction are a bit too harsh.
It is expected that the starting price alone is not affordable for some ordinary families.
And this rule, including other auction items, will be much higher than the usual transaction price.
This auction will definitely make a fortune. This building outside the building is really well-
Really tried every means to "hide gold"!
Ye Chen didn't sigh like the crowd, but quietly watched the surrounding environment with Erlang's
legs crossed for the next response.
Liu Zihan, who was beside him, had already left after being whispered in Ye Chen's ear, and his
whereabouts were unknown.
"The first lot - Yunshen is nowhere to be found!"
Everyone looked at the bottle of crystal blue liquid on the auction table, only to hear Sun
Linglong's silver bell-like laughter: "This is a kind of original liquid that was accidentally discovered
by an alchemist who was invited by Mr. Zhou Longming with a lot of money. Later, it has been
processed to make it have the effect of beauty and beauty!
This is a must-have item for sending a lover to a little girlfriend! "
"Starting price: 600,000!" "Um..." Ye Chen just glanced at it and sneered.
In his eyes, this was all he had left in the past.
"Boss, do you want to do it?" In the sky-shaped box, the strong man beside Zhou Longming asked
Zhou Longming snorted coldly: "If he doesn't jump out, don't worry about him, continue to monitor,
people will kill!"
His eyes froze, causing the people around him to shudder.
"But before that, let's make money first!"
Zhou Longming looks confident, people want to kill! But the money from the auction has to be
earned! The auction on stage continues!
"Nine hundred thousand!" At this moment, a well-dressed little old man shouted.
"It turned out to be him, Wang Jun!" Someone in the audience recognized the identity of the little
old man.
"Are there any other distinguished guests willing to increase the price?" Sun Linglong continued to
ask on stage with a smile on her face. "Nine hundred thousand for the first time!"
"Nine hundred thousand for the second time!" "Nine hundred thousand third..."
"I'll pay 1.2 million!"
A rough voice came, causing the atmosphere of the auction venue to freeze instantly, and even
Ye Chen, who was present, put away the look of sleepiness just now.
Wang Jun looked grimly at the direction the voice came from, but after glancing at the private
room, he quickly retracted his gaze, lowered his head cautiously, and remained silent.
There are only three private rooms in the shape of a sky in this auction.
There is no doubt that it represents the three giants of Xihai City, black, white, and business!
With that rough voice just now, the identity of its owner is about to be revealed!
Zhou Longming, the Zhou family who calls for wind and rain in Xihai City.
The crowd who were just eager to try, fell into silence after hearing the voice. 600,000 is a lot of
money, and everyone basically came here for Zhou Longming's face. Wan to touch his own bad
head, no one wants to be this early bird.
After Sun Linglong made inquiries for a while, no one raised the price.
"Congratulations to the Tianzi-shaped private room for getting the auction item - Yunshen doesn't
know where to go, please go to the backstage to collect it after this auction is over."
As soon as the voice fell, the rough voice in the box came again, "Linglong, this was carefully
prepared for you!"
Chapter 6254 Once, now!
"It belongs to you!" That voice contained a request that was hard to refuse.
Sun Linglong's face was a little embarrassed, but after all, he was someone who had experienced
large-scale events, and he still had some basic qualities. "Next, the second lot—"
Sun Linglong did not announce the name of the lot this time, but directly showed a bronze mirror
to everyone present. The faint patina looks a little old, but the texture on it is still clear, and it can
be seen that it used to be a piece of bronze mirror. A powerful magic weapon, but now it seems to
have lost its former luster for some reason.
"This bronze mirror was excavated by the archaeological excavation team of the building outside
the building. It may contain some unknown energy. What it is used for - unknown!"
"Unknown, there are infinite possibilities. The starting price is 200,000!" Sun Linglong moved his
feet and stood in front of the bronze mirror, still with standard etiquette and smile.
Ye Chen's spiritual sense was placed on the bronze mirror for the first time. After a while, he
shook his head. He could not feel any energy fluctuations on it. This ancient mirror was
completely broken. It can only play its original role - a mirror.
Everyone present, looking at this quaint bronze mirror, immediately shook their heads!
Intuition tells Ye Chen that this bronze mirror is not simple, but it is really broken, and even the top
master builders can never repair it. Just when Ye Chen was about to give up, it was actually
broken. It is a strange purple energy that has passed through it!
It disappeared in a flash, but it was indeed captured by Ye Chen! The same person I saw was
Zhou Longming. Ten thousand questions haunt Ye Chen's mind, damn it!
But there is one thing he can be sure of, this bronze mirror is a treasure!
"It's a pity, if no one wants it, I'll announce that this auction is aborted!" Sun Linglong still had a
faint smile on her face, as if the sale or not, she couldn't make her mood fluctuate in the slightest.
Apart from the ordinary people present, only these two people have a deep sense of Taoism!
Ye Chen and Zhou Longming raised their cards at the same time, and both sides offered at the
same time, 200,000!
"Wait a minute, I'll pay 300,000 yuan. I want this bronze mirror!" Ye Chen's voice spread
throughout the venue. Sun Linglong was stunned at first, and then listened to Ye Chen and
"I have always liked the objects in the building outside the building. It's a pity that this bronze
mirror is broken, but the style is quite good. It's not bad to take it back for my friends, but it's not
bad! Well! If Miss Sun doesn't dislike it, I can give it to you!" Ye Chen said with a smile.
There was an uproar among the people present, and they molested the person Zhou Longming
liked in public?
"Mr. Ye Chen is so elegant, Linglong is really flattered!" Sun Linglong smiled and looked in Ye
Chen's direction, and a trace of unusual meaning flashed in his eyes, but unfortunately, Ye Chen
did not care about this intriguing little look.
At this moment, there was a cold snort from the sky-shaped box: "Ye Chen, you are finally willing
to show up!" Zhou Longming's mournful voice echoed throughout the auction hall, and everyone
was shocked, what's the situation!
Zhou Longming's figure slowly stepped out from the corner, and his bright leather shoes stepped
on the only melody in the hall at the moment.
"Since you jumped out of your own accord, today is your day of death!"
Zhou Longming looked at Ye Chen on the stage and chuckled.
"Stealing a mirror from you, that's the attitude?" Ye Chen responded.
Ye Chen looked at everything in front of him indifferently. In his eyes, Zhou Longming was nothing
more than a miscellaneous fish. No matter how he designed it, he couldn't turn the sky over.
"If I'm not mistaken, you want to find the spirits?"
Zhou Longming laughed out loud, and then his face became extremely gloomy: "Master Yuan has
prepared a plan for several years, what do you think you can change by yourself?"
"Not to mention that you can't find the spirit, even if you do, it's too late!"
Zhou Longming squinted like a madman, enjoying the sound of everyone's breathing at the
moment: "Listen to this wonderful sound, it will become an absolute sound from now on!"
He raised his hands and watched back and forth across the dazzling starlight of the neon lights!
"These hands will create a whole new world!"
His frantic laughter spread to every corner of the venue, and some spectators who realized
something was wrong began to leave the venue slowly. Zhou Longming didn't stop him. After all,
the fewer people there were, the less impact it would have on him!
After tonight, when the Ming Dynasty sun rises in the east, he Zhou Longming is still the first
person in the entire Xihai City with hands and eyes reaching the sky!
Ye Chen looked at the almost crazy middle-aged man below with some sadness, elegant and
There were only a few people left in the auction hall that was full of people.
Sun Linglong stood behind Ye Chen, as for Liu Zihan, he had already been sent out by Ye Chen.
Ye Chen looked at Zhou Longming, who was as still as a mountain, and said, "You are a
successful person, it's a pity!"
"You don't know me well enough, so Yuan Daofeng probably didn't tell you too much."
"That's right, to him, you're just a pawn that can be discarded at any time."
When Zhou Longming heard these insulting words, he looked grim and said, "You just
disappeared for a few years! You were the first person in Huaxia martial arts at the beginning, but
Huaxia's pattern and martial arts have already changed! Back then, the second person in the
Chinese martial arts world, They were all killed by me!"
Chapter 6255 Ye Chen's determination!
The next moment, a tyrannical breath burst out from Zhou Longming's body, and the decent suit
was instantly shaken into powder, and a faint brilliance lingered on his sturdy body!
Ye Chen swept his eyes, and was disappointed.
However, the surging aura on Zhou Longming's expression told him that Zhou Longming was also
enhanced by the aura of that formation.
Zhou Longming rushed forward quickly and fought Ye Chen with a punch!
Endless dust surges! "boom!" "that's it?"
Ye Chen didn't move, and the indifferent voice came, which made Zhou Longming's face turn from
ecstasy to astonishment in an instant!
Zhou Longming felt bad and wanted to retract his arm, but found that his arm was firmly stuck by
something, and he couldn't move!
The smoke of gunpowder scattered, Ye Chen's figure slowly emerged from the ruins, and the
slender and straight back was particularly eye-catching!
And it was Ye Chen's five slender fingers clenched into fists, which tightly clamped Zhou
Longming's arm. "you you you..."
A little panicked, Zhou Longming found that Ye Chen was not injured at all, and couldn't help but
be horrified!
He threw several punches from his left arm and smashed into Ye Chen's chest! But an invisible
force made him unable to touch Ye Chen at all! "That's it!"
Ye Chen looked at Zhou Longming calmly, his soft fist did not cause any harm to Ye Chen!
Under Zhou Longming's horrified eyes, Ye Chen's right hand slowly exerted force, but only slightly
swiped. "Squeak!"
Zhou Longming's strong and powerful right arm rotated 360 degrees in a circle, and was actually
broken by Ye Chen's five slender fingers! "what!"
Zhou Longming's face was pale, his expression was twisted to the extreme beyond words, and a
painful groan sounded! "boom!" The earth trembled!
All this is just a short breath of time, and Sun Linglong's pretty face is surprised to be able to stuff
a big egg! "Cough cough..."
Below Zhou Longming's figure trembling uncontrollably, his perfect skin with explosive lines is like
glass that is about to shatter at this moment, and there are cracks all over his body!
"Marven Ye, your strength is far beyond my imagination. I admit that I am Master Yuan's
pawn...but you still lost!"
Zhou Longming staggered to his feet and leaned against the wall behind him to stand firm, feeling
a little out of breath between the lines.
"Your little girlfriend, Liu Zihan, is still in my hands. If you are wise, you will be captured without a
hand..." Ye Chen shook his head helplessly:
"Don't you understand yet? Liu Zihan? Where is it?"
Zhou Longming smiled, but when he released his spiritual sense, he found something!
"Kill me!"
He just said four words in a low voice.
Ye Chen frowned, only to hear Zhou Longming continue to say, "I'm not a key pawn, I won't give
you any information!"
At the last moment, this man still didn't want to lower his arrogant head.
"It's ironic that this person is not a person, a ghost or a ghost." Ye Chen said softly.
Zhou Longming smiled slyly: "As long as I can protect my family, it doesn't matter, and I will die
"You don't understand until you die. Why are you working so hard? When you die, everything you
care about will disappear." Ye Chen sighed and turned to leave.
" stop, what did you say?" Zhou Longming's eyes widened in disbelief.
"The mutation of the earth's aura will help some people make rapid progress in their chain repair,
but as time goes by, ordinary people will be infected by the mutated aura, and they will all die..."
"Everything you are doing is accelerating the aura mutation!"
Zhou Longming heard the words, his strong body was obviously shocked, "You..."
Before he finished speaking, another mouthful of donated blood spurted out!
Zhou Longming's body is already at the end of the shot.
He opened his mouth wide and used all his strength to whisper, "Nine...nine...Longshan..."
As if he wanted to say something, the next moment he felt severe pain all over his body, he
couldn't help falling to the ground any longer, and his body hit the ground heavily.
At the moment when the body fell, it turned into thousands of fragments and scattered. Ye Chen's
slender figure did not look back, but only whispered: "Thanks."
The building outside the building was blocked as soon as Ye Chen and others left, the auction
was terminated, and celebrities from all walks of life left the venue early.
After a series of chain reactions, Ye Chen didn't pay attention to it, because it was no longer his
job scope.
Lu Lingfeng's straight figure walked up to Ye Chen and said softly, "The recent two incidents have
caused a lot of uproar. The above means that we must take action and keep a low profile."
Ye Chen shrugged, this was not what he meant either.
If he really wanted to make a big fuss, things might have been resolved long ago.
"Don't worry, the next thing is far away from the busy city, and there won't be any big waves! It will
be over soon." "When will you go to Jiulong Mountain?" Lu Lingfeng asked.
"Tomorrow I'll go by myself!"
Ye Chen said softly, this time, it is very likely that he will fight Yuan Daofeng head-on.
No one knows what Yuan Daofeng's strength will be after the mutation of this strange formation.
Although he is still an ant to himself, it is difficult to guarantee that the important people around
him will have an accident.
He was afraid, and Yuan Daofeng threatened Huaxia.
Before Zhou Longming died, he just confided three words, clearly pointing to Jiulong Mountain for
any possible occurrence, which means that this action may be a decisive battle.
"According to the clues obtained by the current investigation, I don't know anything about the
situation of Jiulong Mountain. I am afraid that it will be a Hongmen banquet to go there rashly."
The cold killing intent in Lu Lingfeng's eyes made people shudder.
He acts as a subordinate, but more like a brother.
But disobeying military orders is even more taboo!
"You wait for my message, don't rush in!" Ye Chen warned again.
He knew Lu Lingfeng's character well, so he specially emphasized that he would do it himself, in
case he followed him...
In case of any mishaps, he, Ye Chen, can't take the responsibility.
After that, he patted Lu Lingfeng on the shoulder and turned away.
Hearing this, Lu Lingfeng trembled slightly, "The emperor guards the gate of the country, and the
king is dead. If the country is gone, what do you want me to do with this old bone?"
Thinking of this, Lu Lingfeng gently took out a cigarette from his pocket.
The lighter flickered, and a splendor burned out.
The next day, Jiulong Mountain approached.
This Jiulong Mountain is not a scenic spot at all, so when you get close, it is already deserted.
The mountains here are strongly cut, the mountains are steep, and the ravines are vertical and
horizontal, and it still stores the most primitive natural scenery in ancient times!
Ye Chen walked up, and in this inaccessible place, his figure escaped like a wandering dragon!
In just a moment, Ye Chen had reached the foot of the mountain. "Um?"
When Ye Chen stepped in, he felt like he was in a quagmire!
"This is... the aura has actually solidified."
Chapter 6256 Incarnation outside the body
Condensed spiritual energy is no stranger to Ye Chen.
Outside the territory, Lingwu Continent, and some places in the Kingdom of God can do this.
But it's a little weird to appear in China.
However, this spiritual energy can only be felt by those who repair the chain. If ordinary people
step in, they will only feel that some strong wind stops them.
Going forward a few dozen miles, a thin layer of water mist formed on Ye Chen's body!
Ye Chen frowned, feeling the scorching burning sensation between his skin, he understood
instantly! "Aura rising liquid..."
Yes, the spiritual energy of Jiulong Mountain at this moment is constantly gathering, and it is still
growing and sublimating!
Originally, the spiritual energy between heaven and earth on the earth was very thin, and it could
not even achieve the breakthrough and powerful nourishing effect of chain repairers. It is precisely
because of this that ordinary people on earth can survive.
The rich spiritual energy helps cultivators to improve their realm. Like the level of spiritual qi in this
place, if ordinary cultivators can retreat here, they will be able to make rapid progress in a few
Ye Chen looked at the top of the mountain, the source of this spirit gathering formation is here!
After a stick of incense, halfway up the mountain.
Ye Chen's figure moved a little slowly.
He is fully capable of appearing on the top of the mountain in an instant, but only one step at a
time can completely determine the problem of Jiulong Mountain.
Ye Chen used spiritual power, and the body surface exuded a faint law, so that the spiritual fluid
around his body was no longer attached.
He took out a new set of clothes from the reincarnation cemetery and put on it, and went straight
to the top of the mountain! After a while, Ye Chen's figure appeared on the top of the mountain.
An indifferent figure stood quietly, it was Ye Chen, other than that, no one else had ever set foot
Yuan Daofeng's figure has never been seen in the slightest. Ye Chen has carefully explored the
surrounding environment, and there is no trace of human footsteps at all, let alone anything else!
"The people who set up the formation have some Taoism!"
Ye Chen felt something in his heart. Someone who can create such a generous spirit gathering
formation can also erase all traces, so that he himself can't detect the slightest will. This person's
strength will not be too weak!
The original formation of Qinjia Village should be the same. The formation that was distributed in
the shape of animal claws should have been hidden in the deep mountains, waiting to be
However, the plans could not keep up with the changes. Some developers negotiated with the
government to mine the hillside that was originally remote!
It has transformed into a famous holiday resort under the jurisdiction of Xihai City.
With more and more people coming and going, the reaction of the aura mutation gathering will be
known. In order to prevent exposure, the plan was leaked. As a last resort, those guys should
have abandoned the formation in this place!
The spirit formation was taken away, and the gathering of spirit energy was dissipated.
Those guys took advantage of the tourist village as a starting point, and sold the Guwu Qin family
in exchange for guarding this place.
The euphemistic name is to protect the spiritual eye, and future generations can be blessed.
In fact, it was just a watchdog to cover up the exposed formation, and the Qin family was just a
chess piece to Yuan Daofeng.
Even Yuan Daofeng himself has only a little value for use. Once it is drained, it will be obliterated!
Sun Linglong's incident itself was accidental, but by accident, she gradually uncovered the corner
behind the mutation of the spiritual energy of the earth.
Looking at the formation in front of him, Ye Chen's eyes were placed on the core of the formation
in the center! "Yan Yan...!"
Ye Chen subconsciously wanted Yan Ying'er to take action, but the sky above his head fluctuated
instantly! Ye Chen shook his head, forcibly retracted the fire of Dao Ling into his body, and then
used aura to gather a flame. There is a faint smell of destruction above the flames.
Blessed with the power of destroying the Daoyin, circles of black and golden fire rings began to
flash under Ye Chen's feet, but unexpectedly, there was no sea of fire as imagined!
That spiritual power transforming liquid, the light rain that merged into moisturizing all things in the
Nine Dragons Mountain, the green leaves of the pine mountain, and the green clumps.
But there was only one living thing in sight!
This time, Ye Chen was a little troubled. If the formation was to be destroyed, these spiritual qi
had to be resolved. Once the formation was forcibly destroyed, the spiritual qi would shatter.
It's not just the neighborhood that suffers, the entire earth space will be affected to varying
That's why those guys want to nurture the Spirit Gathering Array, they are trying to open the era of
spiritual recovery of the entire earth!
"How to solve these things?" Ye Chen was in trouble.
At this moment, Xuan Hanyu's voice sounded: "Ye Chen, your incarnation may be able to solve
it." Ye Chen thought of something, and his eyes narrowed.
The incarnation saved himself many times.
But later, because of insufficient strength, Ye Chen used less.
At the moment, some problems can be solved by this.
On the top of the mountain, the wind blows.
In the center of the strong wind, a huge blue dragon protruded a huge dragon head. Between the
dragon's mouth and the breath, countless spiritual energies were all turned into liquid, and they
were also eaten in the mouth and swallowed by the blue dragon!
Ye Chen's spiritual power revolved, and his former incarnation appeared here. The incarnation
folded his palms together, and in the center of his palms, a huge amount of spiritual power poured
The dragon's head continued to vomit, and every time it absorbed the spiritual energy of heaven
and earth, the cyan dragon's body in the depths of the strong wind in the void grew and solidified.
Dragon head, dragon body, dragon claws stretch out from the void!
Finally, the dragon tail!
As soon as the dragon's tail came out, the whole sky became gloomy, and across the ravine, the
huge dragon soul rose and fell, and a crisp dragon roar, "Woo!"
It's pouring rain!
The aura energy in the palm of the incarnation gradually dimmed, and the mutant aura gathered
by this spirit gathering formation was swallowed into the belly of the dragon!
Seeing this, Ye Chen's avatar dissipated, and he stood at 1.8 meters in the rain, gasping for
breath, "It's too difficult to gather spiritual energy here, fortunately there is this formation to gather,
otherwise I can't do it.. ."
Seeing Ye Chen like this, the huge dragon soul in the void also dissipated as stars in the sky, and
turned into a miniature dragon only 30 feet long, hovering above Ye Chen's head, cheering for joy!
"I'm satisfied, little guy, I've eaten so much, go back to rest and advance, wait for the day you
wake up, and take good care of China." Ye Chen said weakly.
The little dragon turned in the air for three and a half circles, nodded lightly, and the dragon's
mouth twitched, as if smiling happily.
However, the matter is not over yet, Ye Chen stared at the formation, endless aura surged: "Wan
Dao burns the sky!"
Wan Dao Fentian was previously learned by Ye Chen from the first few reincarnation greats. He
hadn't used it for a long time, but after a lot of experience, Ye Chen improved it slightly, and its
power increased a lot.
Circles of black fire rings rose up, and the formation was buried in purgatory with the formation
spirit! All dust settled. Ye Chen turned around and was about to leave, but suddenly he found
something and looked solemn: "Huh?"
Chapter 6257 Go away
Among the remnants of the ruins, something flashed a faint fluorescence, Ye Chen stepped
forward, and in the remnants of the ashes, a stubborn brilliance was still shining, it was the spirit
that Ye Chen tried to find before. "The core of this formation is actually so strong?"
Ye Chen was a little surprised. He couldn't understand the power of Wan Dao Fentian. Now,
under the scorching of the sea of destruction, there is still a trace of residual energy in this spirit!
As soon as Ye Chen stepped on it, the spirit was motionless, a faint brilliance lingering on the
surface, and the stream was bright.
"If you leave it alone, the energy of this thing will recover, and I'm afraid it will breed a spirit
gathering array here..." Ye Chen knew what to do, and sat cross-legged.
In Dantian, a cauldron of alchemy was smelted and refined, which is somewhat similar to the
gossip alchemy technique, but Ye Chen modified it a bit, barely adapting to the rules of the
Chinese way of heaven.
The azure blue light of the Pill Stove radiated radiantly, and the terrifying coldness emanated.
As soon as the cauldron came out, the temperature on the entire mountain dropped several
grades in an instant.
In the sky, the light rain fell on the sky, condensed into flakes of snow, and sprinkled on the dark
blue cauldron, adding a sense of mystery to it. Ye Chen clenched his fingers, and strange
symbols were introduced into the void and disappeared.
I saw that the giant cauldron hovering above Ye Chen's head began to breathe, and the traces of
aura between the heavens and the earth merged into the mouth of the cauldron, suppressing the
last trace of the spirit! "Really tenacious!"
Ye Chen opened his eyes and looked at the array spirit whose light was gradually dissipating, and
he completely cut it off from the outside world! He threw it into the reincarnation cemetery at will.
At this moment, in the distant sky, there was a roar!
"Marven Ye, how unreasonable! How dare you spoil what I am waiting for!"
An indifferent hoarse voice shook the world! The voice growled.
Ye Chen ignored it. The good show had just begun. In the next time, Ye Chen carefully sorted out
the layout and effects of the remnant formation. After confirming that it could no longer be
restored, he attached every foundation of the formation. With a trace of destructive power, eternal
On the top of the mountain, Ye Chen looked at his masterpiece and said softly, "In this way, the
formation here should be completely dismantled!"
"Actually, such actions are already against the law of heaven, and I don't know what kind of karma
will come to me. However, with my current level of cultivation, forcibly correcting the spiritual
energy of this place should not cause any major problems. ." Ye Chen murmured after thinking.
In an instant, a burst of commotion sounded in Ye Chen's ears. Although it was not strong,
according to Ye Chen's perception, it was found that they were more than enough.
"And sent these bastards to test me?"
Ye Chen knew that the formation here was destroyed, Yuan Daofeng had probably already
sensed it, so he sent someone to kill him here!
Hearing the approaching footsteps, Ye Chen put his hands behind him and waited indifferently.
When everyone comes together, we will solve it together, so as to avoid future troubles!
It's just a moment, Ye Chen's side has been blocked by countless mysterious people, and
everyone's face is full of killing intent!
They are all murder weapons made by Yuan Daofeng, and the only meaning of their existence is
destruction. Ye Chen in front of them is a prey to them!
The mysterious man headed took out a silver steel knife from behind, slung it on his side, and
walked towards Ye Chen, who closed his eyes and rested, step by step.
Between the electric light and flint, a burst of knife light erupted.
The mysterious man's head flew into the sky and rolled into the ashes beside the ruins, looking at
Ye Chen puzzled. "He obviously didn't move..." This is the last consciousness of the mysterious
The people who were chasing and blocking Ye Chen were all shocked when they saw the
miserable state of the mysterious man. No one could see when Ye Chen moved his hand, only
the tragic appearance of the bloody head sputtering out! "This……"
The crowd looked at each other in dismay, but no one dared to take a step forward.
"The people behind you are just planning to use your lives to test me." Ye Chen opened his eyes,
the pure light in his calm eyes scattered, but the crowd did not dare to look directly.
"It's not worth losing your life." Ye Chen got up slowly, and the hundred people stepped back half
a step. He said all of this, he did not commit murder, and these people are colleagues of the earth,
so why is it too urgent to fight each other. The real **** is the main messenger behind that!
Ye Chen turned his head and walked towards the foot of the mountain. The killers of nearly a
hundred people stared at the undisguised back and stepped away, and fell into a stalemate.
"Forget it, we are not his opponents, who is Ye Chen, the first person in the ancient Chinese
martial arts world and Kunlun Xu back then, and now he is back, his strength is even more
unfathomable, I will wait for a life to be saved, contented!" One of the killers gave a wry smile and
said helplessly.
Others nodded one after another. Indeed, the matter of Ye Chen's disappearance was already
well known in Gu Wu's circle, and Ye Chen's name was also known to everyone.
"The action failed, let's go away!" The other killer thought for a long time, sighed softly, and turned
away. From then on, being anonymous may be the best outcome. After all, Yuan Daofeng has
absolutely zero tolerance for their failures. Going back is the end of being obliterated!
As soon as one person left, a large army followed.
In just a moment, the hundreds of killers on the top of the mountain all left.
Chapter 6258 An old friend?
"Unfortunately, Yuan Daofeng is too cunning. He won't show up easily until he is completely sure
of his strength."
"This matter is over, and now the situation here, I want to briefly explain to Dragon Soul and the
Dark Hall..." Ye Chen thought about it and called Lu Lingfeng's cell phone.
At the same time, another place in Jiulong Mountain.
"Lei Er, what's up, I didn't lie to you, this Nine Dragons Mountain is a well-known and dangerous
place in the whole of China. There are mountains and mountains, and the ravines can't be seen."
"This is a place that is highly praised by explorers in the circle. If you can climb to the top of the
mountain, the beautiful sunset and setting sun will be the most beautiful scenery in the world!"
A tall man with short hair wearing a camouflage mountaineering suit and carrying a large luggage
backpack introduced. "Unfortunately, I once climbed the top of the mountain last year!"
He said proudly, and the two short young men next to him also wearing mountaineering suits
praised: "As expected of Brother Li! Jedi like this can come and go freely."
The short-haired man smiled smugly, and just as he was about to speak, a figure slowly
descended from the mountain.
Ye Chen's perception had already scanned the situation here early in the morning, without paying
too much attention, he walked straight down the mountain, but it was just a mountaineering team
of three men and three women. The waist can't climb up.
The formation on the top of the mountain has been resolved, and the remaining spiritual energy
has been absorbed. Although the remaining spiritual energy may have some small effects on
people, the effect is minimal.
According to the normal progress, within three days, the spiritual energy gathered here will be
dissipated. Jiulongshan also returned to normal.
"It's strange to see no living creatures along the way!" one of the women asked.
The short-haired man glanced at the unremarkable woman, and said softly, "This place belongs to
the Jedi, go deep, and there will be animals!"
His eyes were more on the girl named Lei Er.
The girl's name is Zheng Nianlei. Although she is wearing a mountaineering suit, her hot body
cannot be concealed, and her body is uneven. Obviously, it is because of her fitness and exercise
all year round. The short-haired man was named Li Tianqi.
Obviously, they are all mountaineering enthusiasts, and this Li Tianqi has a slight affection for
Zheng Nianlei. "Hey, someone comes down from above!"
One of the short men exclaimed, this Jedi, someone came down from the mountain?
"He turned out to be alone? Could something go wrong?" Zheng Nianlei asked worriedly when
she saw that there was only one person coming from a distance away.
Seeing this, the short-haired man on the side thought to himself, now is the time to express
I saw him take three steps and take two steps, cross the weeds and the shallow ravine, and easily
ran to the man. He asked with a smile, "Brother, you are also a mountaineering enthusiast. Seeing
as you are alone, do you need our help?" Hearing this, Ye Chen frowned, and said lightly, "No."
After speaking, Ye Chen was ready to leave.
But just as Ye Chen was about to leave, a slightly questioning female voice rang out, "
are Ye...chen? Jiangcheng Ye Chen?"
Ye Chen heard someone call his name, and even mentioned Jiang Cheng, with a strange
expression, turned to look at the six-member climbing group of three men and three women, and
there really was someone who had something to do with him.
However, the cause and effect are very weak, and this cause and effect happened before he fell
into Dongqian Lake. "Zheng Nianlei?" A figure appeared in Ye Chen's memory, and said lightly.
"It's really you!" Zheng Nianlei screamed in shock, she couldn't believe she would meet an old
classmate who had been away for so many years here!
Zheng Nianlei was Ye Chen's middle school classmate, but the Ye family in Jiangcheng had not
declined at that time. Ye Chen and Zheng Nianlei have a good or bad relationship.
But now that I meet my old friend in a foreign country, I will naturally be a little excited.
Zheng Nianlei was a little excited when she saw Ye Chen nodding, she opened the chat box, and
told her past experience word by word. Ye Chen replied a little out of politeness.
Perhaps it was because of Ye Chen's noble and elegant temperament today, or because Ye Chen
repaired the chain and exuded a faint aura all over his body, which made the other two girls also
have a good impression of Ye Chen.
And the three male companions who came with Zheng Nianlei were isolated.
"What is the origin of this kid, dare to pry at my corner?" Li Tianqi was obviously a little unhappy,
and his voice was low. "Brother Li, do you want to fix him?" the short boy whispered.
Li Tianqi thought about it again and again: "No need for now, let's go to the bottom and say, as
long as you are in the circle, no one doesn't know my name, let him retreat in spite of difficulties!"
"Marven Ye, I haven't heard any news from you for so many years. What are you doing? Where
do you go to work?" Zheng Nianlei asked.
Ye Chen smiled, naturally it was impossible to talk about repairing the chain, so he lied: "I was a
fool, I was a soldier for a few years, and after I was discharged from the army, I was a fool, and I
didn't have a straight face."
"Brother Ye, he was a soldier before, I don't know which army he is from? I have a friend who is
also a soldier, but he is a regiment commander!"
The short-haired man stepped forward and asked with a smile.
Ye Chen glanced at the short-haired man, and knew what the guy was thinking, and said directly,
"I'm a conscript, but I'm just messing around."
Zheng Nianlei on the side praised: "It's really amazing to be a soldier. I admire soldiers the most!
How good it is to protect the country." The two women also agreed and nods.
As soon as these words came out, the short-haired man Li Tianqi looked at Ye Chen with a
strange look, full of hostility.
"Dare to snatch a girl from me, court death!" After thinking for a while, his face changed a few
times, but he asked with a slight smile, "Brother, are you here to climb a mountain? This Jiulong
Mountain is an place, everywhere. It's dangerous, if you're not careful with injuries like yours, it
won't be easy to deal with unusual!"
Zheng Nianlei on the side was full of worry when she heard it: "By the way, Ye Chen, why are you
"Why don't you come with us, there is still a caregiver along the way, we can take care of you!"
Zheng Nianlei said kindly.
Ye Chen shook his head and declined, indicating that he was fine and could go down the
mountain alone.
But Zheng Nianlei was very worried about Ye Chen's safety. After all, this place was extremely
dangerous, and it was really difficult for him to do it alone.
"Don't worry, it'll be alright!" Ye Chen replied with a smile, "By the way, you should leave as soon
as possible. Something happened on the top of the mountain, which may affect the bottom. This is
for you guys. Too dangerous!"
At this moment, Ye Chen's kind reminder has changed in the eyes of Li Tianqi and the others.
"Brother, if you don't want us to send you down the mountain, are you still persuading us to go
down the mountain?" "Would you like this!"
Li Tianqi said bluntly, "Just like you, have you been to the top of the mountain?"
"Why don't you say that you have been to Lingxiao Palace? All the bragging rights are flying in the
Li Tianqi sneered, thinking to himself, this circle is so big, and there are only a few famous
bigwigs, and even those people dare not say that they have climbed to the top of the mountain, at
most only half the waist.
Chapter 6259 In your body!
Today, someone is actually talking big and pretending to be on their own head?
I originally thought that Ye Chen was an honest guy, but unexpectedly, he was also an existence
who dared to pretend to be an elephant with a pig's nose inserted in a green onion!
Li Tianqi's expression was quite exciting, but Ye Chen was still indifferent: "I can't explain the
reason, but I sincerely suggest that you leave now, your constitution can't bear it!"
The formation has just been broken. In addition to the spiritual energy, there is actually a trace of
his own destruction. It is really best for ordinary people not to go up now.
Ye Chen is a good persuasion.
"Physical?" Li Tianqi and the others, the three big men looked at each other and laughed heartily,
"Are you kidding us? Are you just talking about our physique?"
Ye Chen sighed and shook his head, these guys couldn't listen to him at all.
His eyes turned to look at Zheng Nianlei, and the gesture in his eyes was self-evident.
"Leave right away, there will be danger!" Ye Chen stepped forward and looked at Zheng Nianlei
"I said, did your buddy break his head on the mountain?" Li Tianqi can now see that Ye Chen is
purely mentally ill!
As soon as this statement came out, the crowd burst into laughter.
Ye Chen shrugged helplessly, and said seriously again, "Let's go with you!"
"Boy, don't be ignorant of flattery, what does it mean to pretend to be a ghost to stop us here?"
The three of them went up to their arms and surrounded Ye Chen. "What are you doing!"
Zheng Nianlei heard a dissatisfied shout, and the three of them were stunned.
I saw Zheng Nianlei's figure was already in front of Ye Chen: "Are you still going to do something
to my classmates here?"
Li Tianqi and the others dared to be angry and did not dare to speak out. After all, the goddess
was taking sides. Although they were full of anger, they did not dare to tear their face openly!
"Let's go!" Zheng Nianlei thought again and again and said. "what?"
Several companions were puzzled and did not understand why Zheng Nianlei would obey Ye
Chen's false words in every possible way.
The three of Li Tianqi were dissatisfied, they rolled up their sleeves and walked towards Ye Chen,
with the intention of having a hearty battle! At this moment, there was a humming sound in the
sky! "Buzz!" Not far away, two large armed helicopters came slowly, and in a short while they
hovered above Ye Chen's head.
The airflow fanned by the propeller exploded around several people, and everyone lay on the
ground, unable to even open their eyes, and fell silent for a while, not knowing what the helicopter
was about! Is it because of Ye Chen?
An unbelievable thought popped up in Li Tianqi's mind, but he immediately rejected it.
How can such a person with such a mental problem be able to command a helicopter?
I can't believe killing him!
But for a moment, the two armed helicopters slowly landed on the narrow mountain. The hatch
had already been opened, and a burly man with a strong threat looked down and looked down.
His eyes seem to be looking for something!
Suddenly, his eyes froze, looking in the direction of Ye Chen and others, jumping down from the
helicopter a few meters above the ground, just a few dodges, and he came to them!
Li Tianqi and others looked at the figure falling from the sky in disbelief as if they had seen
demons and ghosts, their mouths widened to the extreme!
"This this..."
Several people were so nervous that they couldn't speak, the man gave them a too strong sense
of oppression!
However, the next scene that shocked them even more happened. They saw that the man walked
to Ye Chen with three steps and two steps, knelt down on one knee, and said respectfully:
"Palace Master, we are late!"
Ye Chen didn't care, just nodded lightly and whispered a few words in Lu Lingfeng's ear, Lu
Lingfeng's face changed.
After a long time, he said softly: "The one from the ancient Chinese martial arts world is also here,
I want to see you!"
Ye Chen turned his head and saw the figure of a middle-aged man in a Chinese shirt slowly
revealing his true face in another gunship.
A few minutes later, in the gunship.
"Mr. Ye, can everything you say be true?" The gray-haired man looked solemn.
Ye Chen nod: "There are no more than one place in the whole country, each place has gathered a
lot of spiritual energy from the world, and these places are very secret, even if it is the dragon
soul, it is absolutely impossible to find out all of them. Easy!"
"Just destroying this spiritual formation has already spent most of my energy, and these spiritual
formations will affect China's luck!"
As soon as these words came out, the gray-haired man was silent for a long time.
"Do you have a way out?"
The dull atmosphere lasted for a long time. In this small space, silence fell for a while, and finally
the gray-haired man sighed to break the deadlock.
Ye Chen also frowned, and after a while he said softly, "There is only one way to solve it!" "Oh?"
The gray-haired man's eyes lit up, and it seemed that all his hopes were placed on this young
"Xiao Zi fell into a deep sleep, the new Qi Luck still lacks a carrier, and the carrier carried by the
Spirit Vessel Qi Luck needs someone to inherit!"
"Only in this way can the Huaxia Luck be stored to resist the erosion of the Spirit Gathering
Array!" Ye Chen said carefully. "Then this carrier, what do you mean?"
The gray-haired man frowned and said.
"Your position in the ancient Chinese martial arts world is highly respected, and it is most suitable
for you to be this carrier!" "However, I will plant a talisman in your body, and you must protect
China forever." Ye Chen said.
The gray-haired man's fingers trembled slightly. Once a country's luck was added to him, his
strength would increase by leaps and bounds. Even become the guardian of China!
It is very possible to climb to the top, even if it is outside the realm, and as for the lifespan, it will
be equal to the sky! This is an attractive offer that anyone can't refuse!
"I see, let's get started!" The gray-haired man said in a low voice.
Ye Chen brought the gray-haired man to the top of Jiulong Mountain!
His spiritual power is surging, the dantian aura is running wildly, and the white-gold light turns into
a huge palm to gather all the luck around China, turning into a dancing oriental dragon lingering
around the entire Nine Dragons Mountains, a piece of auspiciousness! "rise!"
With the roar of the palm tearing the sky, the blue dragon scattered in the sky and raindrops
sprinkled on the gray-haired man!
The gray-haired man looked at Ye Chen with burning eyes.
"What is qi and luck, qi is gathered by people, and luck is from heaven!"
"Luck is unspeakable, but fate can be changed!"
The gray-haired man stood on the top of Jiulong Mountain with both hands.
"The luck of China is in you!"
"I will leave Huaxia soon, you must protect it, otherwise, the consequences will be at your own
risk." Ye Chen was calm.
When the gray-haired man heard this, he smiled slightly and replied, "Can I break up this luck?
Give it to hundreds of millions of people?" "Oh? Why?"
Ye Chen looked at the vigorous and straight figure in front of him with interest.
Do you want to become a god on the spot?
"I know that the end of martial arts is limited. If I add all my luck to my body, in a hundred years? A
thousand years? There will be a day when I will not be there. Will Huaxia disappear in the corner
of time?" The gray-haired man whispered.
Chapter 6260 Interception
As soon as these words came out, Ye Chen's body trembled, and in his heart, there were
thousands of people! "Dispel the luck, there are thousands of people who are blessed, and one
day, I hope that China will be able to produce a character like you!"
The gray-haired man's eyes glowed, and his eyes reflected the future!
Ye Chen smiled, this kind of possibility is not unheard of.
The gray-haired man is willing to gamble on a distant future. In this way, foreign forces will no
longer covet China's spiritual veins. For a long time, this country will be in a relatively stable
development period! in China. "How is this going?" "Everyone has a little luck?"
"How do you feel refreshed?"
This subtle change will continue to affect the future situation of the entire Huaxia in the long time
to come! Of course, this is something! The gray-haired man with all his luck was still standing on
his back, his eyes were looking at this great river and mountain with a smile in his eyes.
"Hall Master, something is wrong!" Lu Lingfeng's figure hurried over and glanced at the gray-
haired man beside Ye Chen, he immediately bowed his head in greeting.
"Your friend, Zheng Nianlei's body is abnormal, and those people have reacted to varying
degrees!" "A few people have already started bleeding from the seven orifices!" Lu Lingfeng
understood the situation. "Huh? I overlooked one thing. Those people have some luck. In addition,
there is a bloodline collision between the mutated residual aura and the aura of destruction here!"
Ye Chen's figure galloped away, and the gray-haired man also left quickly under the leadership of
Lu Lingfeng.
Soon Ye Chen appeared in front of everyone. He glanced at everyone, shook his head, and then
there was a glimmer of light on his fingertips. The breath of several people gradually stabilized,
and Ye Chen said: "They are alive and well, but they should be taken to the hospital immediately!"
Just when Ye Chen was about to leave, suddenly Ye Chen found that Zheng Nianlei's seal hall
was black, which was obviously a bad omen. After hesitating for a few seconds, Ye Chen sighed,
"That's it."
A few hours later, Xihai City. A city located in the northwest corner of China's territory, a morning
light sprinkled on the silent ground, and a few bird calls cut through the sky.
From the office on the 14th floor of a high-end private hospital owned by Yuanfang Group, a
man's voice came: "I see!"
This is a middle-aged man, about fifty years old, but due to maintenance reasons, there are no
wrinkles between his brows, and there is no white thread between his temples, and his aura is
high, giving people an invisible pressure. It can be seen that his identity must be extraordinary.
"What's the matter with Lei Er?" The middle-aged man was Zheng Nianlei's father.
"It was a helicopter that took them to the hospital. I can't disclose the specific situation, but please
rest assured, Miss Ling will not have any problems, just rest in peace!"
The doctor just left a few words and turned to leave. Of course, all of this was at the behest of Ye
Chen. There are too many things at stake, and even Zheng Nianlei's family is inconvenient to
know too much. At the same time, Ye Chen met Jin Lengyan at the entrance of the hospital, and
then returned to the hospital. As soon as he stepped into the hospital, Ye Chen's expression
froze, but his spiritual knowledge had an unexpected harvest.
A smile was drawn on the corner of his mouth, and he went in one direction.
He strolled leisurely to the front of Zheng Nianlei's ward, pushed open the door and entered, with
a playful smile on the corner of his mouth.
At this moment, a "swoosh" sounded, and a scalpel appeared in front of Ye Chen's eyes. The
sharp blade rubbed the bridge of his nose and nailed it to the side wall. No shot.
Even a figure in white sportswear flashed in front of him, and the figure quickly ran into the
elevator and disappeared. Ye Chen looked as usual, and said, "Someone wants to kill Zheng
Nianlei? This may be the omen of Zheng Nianlei's murder."
In a moment, his figure appeared at the door of the hospital.
The exit of the parking lot was on the right side of the hospital. Ye Chen didn't stop at all and ran
towards the intersection. Then he heard a loud "bang", and a figure was knocked over ten meters
and fell into a pool of blood.
The pure white sportswear was instantly soaked with a touch of scarlet.
On the one hand, he didn't take action because there were many people in the hospital, and on
the other hand, he just wanted to find out what happened to him through this person.
But now, now that all clues are broken, this guy has collapsed to the ground, and the car that
caused the accident, but it wants Longhun to investigate... The killer was intercepted by a third-
party force? No, maybe the action failed and was silenced by my own people!
Thinking of this, Ye Chen felt a little interesting. If this is the case, then the forces behind it are not
simple! But for half an hour, Ye Chen's phone flashed. According to the information received,
there was no problem with the driver who killed the killer. Could it be that all of this was an
All this can only wait until Zheng Nianlei wakes up to ask her.
Ye Chen used the technique, and Zheng Nianlei and several people were already awake!
A few minutes later, Ye Chen walked into the ward. "Mr. Ye, thank you for your rescue!"
The second time we met, he was about fifty years old, and there were no wrinkles between his
brows. The high-spirited middle-aged man said to Ye Chen in a deep voice.
His attitude towards Ye Chen was also heard from his daughter's words!
The identity of the young man who can be sent to a helicopter to meet is absolutely extraordinary!
"Mr. Zheng, take a step to speak!"
Chapter 6261 The fastest speed!
Ye Chen just had something to explain to Zheng Nianlei's father that he already knew about the
identity of a middle-aged man, and he was the CEO of a top technology company in biomedicine
in China.
However, Zheng Nianlei doesn't seem to have much interest in her father's company. She took
the law major in college and joined the job to become a lawyer after graduation. Later, after
becoming famous, she left to open her own firm. She is usually a senior For off-road and extreme
sports lovers!
Regarding Zheng Nianlei's father, Ye Chen didn't have much information, and his company has
been steadily implementing it without any outstanding results.
Until four years ago, Yuanfang Pharmaceutical Group, which had been tepid, began to occupy
almost the entire Xihai market by leaps and bounds. Its top biotechnology and pharmaceutical
level drove the development of the entire Xihai City!
"If there is anything Mr. Ye needs, I will definitely cooperate!" The middle-aged man's deep eyes
could not see the slightest pretence, he said solemnly.
"In the past few days, someone has been trying to assassinate Zheng Nianlei. Does Mr. Zheng
know the reason behind this?" Ye Chen lowered his head and clasped the barb on his finger,
The middle-aged man's body was shocked, "What?" His unbelievable eyes were filled with anger!
Ye Chen glanced at it and knew that this matter had nothing to do with him. From his eyes, all he
could see was shock! "But don't worry, Mr. Zheng, the matter is almost resolved, I just thought it
was your business grudges or something!" Ye Chen said softly. The middle-aged man frowned: "I
will also investigate this matter! Dare to touch my daughter! I will make him pay the price!"
Between his eyebrows, there was also a flash of murderous intent.
"Mr. Ye, can I ask you to take care of her for me. I have some things to solve these few days."
The middle-aged man looked at Ye Chen earnestly. In his cognition, Ye Chen's methods are
absolutely heaven-defying, and with Ye Chen around, his daughter will be absolutely safe!
Ye Chen hesitated for a few seconds, and finally nodded for a she lightly: "Don't worry, she is my
classmate, I will take care of one or two if is reasonable!"
Looking at the back of the middle-aged man leaving, Ye Chen always felt a little weird.
"Mr. Ye, the patient's condition is already stable, and there is no point in continuing to be
hospitalized. Pack things up, and we can be discharged from the hospital here!"
A director in a white coat walked up to Ye Chen and said softly.
Ye Chen asked a few people to come to the hospital in order to avoid some trouble, and it was
almost over now.
The door of the hospital. Ye Chen asked Lu Lingfeng to send a car, and then Zheng Nianlei and
Ye Chen got into the car together. Ye Chen went straight to the point:
"Have you offended anyone recently?" "Someone is chasing you!"
Zheng Nianlei seemed to have thought of something, her expression changed, and then she
gritted her teeth and said, "Damn, you actually did it!"
Ye Chen looked at the girl in front of him in surprise, what was the situation?
"Actually, it has something to do with a special case I took over before..." Zheng Nianlei explained.
It turned out that with her hard work and talent, Zheng Nianlei gradually began to emerge in the
industry and received some expensive cases.
Among them, I took over such a case. At that time, as the plaintiff, I won the lawsuit, which caused
the opponent company to lose a lot of money. The other party once offered a price in the
underground world. To assassinate her!
But due to Zheng Nianlei's father's status and prestige in Xihai City, many killers are powerless
locally. Therefore, Zheng Nianlei himself did not take this matter to heart.
But it does not rule out the suspicion of a reckless husband under the heavy money. "That's what
it is!" Ye Chen thought thoughtfully, on the surface it seemed that everything was explained, but in
fact it was undercurrent. Ye Chen sent the simple situation of the matter to Jin Lengyan.
Soon, a cell phone vibrated, Ye Chen took out the phone from his trouser pocket, and when he
saw the note on it, it was Jin Lengyan. "Hey?"
"I've checked it out, and it's not bad as you expected. Zheng Nianlei did offend some guys
because of a lawsuit." "The other party named Zheng Nianlei's life at all costs!"
"But still subject to the local power of the Zheng family in the West Sea, no one dares to openly
accept orders!" "Then why did Zheng Nianlei's father say he never heard of this?" Ye Chen
The other end of the phone pondered for a while: "This is the second thing I want to say, there is a
problem with the Yuanfang Pharmaceutical Group in Xihai City!"
"This company is now developing biochemical things, including experiments on living humans!"
"But where did this technology come from, I don't know!"
"However, instructor, this experiment has something to do with Kunlun Xu, and even used a spirit
gathering array on the human body. Also, some clues seem to prove that this matter has
something to do with Yuan Daofeng, but the specifics, such a short time, can't be determined.”
"Wait a minute, instructor, I'll answer a call soon." Ye Chen nodded and waited patiently.
Twenty seconds later, Jin Lengyan's eager voice suddenly came from the other end of the phone:
"Instructor, Yuan Daofeng has appeared, and it really has something to do with Yuanfang
Medicine." Ye Chen's eyes narrowed, a little surprised, and said, "Tell me the location
immediately, the fastest speed!" It comes from Ye Chen's keen perception!
"The Spirit Gathering Array... the living dead..."
Ye Chen's eyes are deep and firm, everything behind this is about to surface!
Chapter 6262 Don't plan to keep your hands!
Chapter 6262 Don't plan to keep your hands! (Seven more! Ask for a monthly pass!) An hour later,
Jin Lengyan sent Ye Chen an address. "Xushui Village, underground cement factory!"
After Marven Ye arranged Zheng Nianlei's safety, he went straight to the destination!
After a stick of incense, Ye Chen's figure stood silently in front of the gate, the wind roared and
blew his clothes, and a figure gradually approached from the distant sky!
Ye Chen's spiritual sense was released, and a smile was drawn on the corner of his mouth.
"This formation is somewhat interesting." "You use these living dead as your eyes, just to limit my
strength?" "And you didn't choose Kunlunxu, but Huaxia. You know that China's rules of heaven
and earth have an impact on me. Will I take care of Huaxia?" "Do you think you can beat me like
this?" Ye Chen said lightly to the void. "Marven Ye, you are really haunted!"
A cold voice came, and the person turned around slowly.
Ye Chen looked at the pale face, and knew that the other party was Yuan Daofeng.
However, the large formation with the living dead in the ground as its eyes is flowing out of a lot of
evil energy towards Yuan Daofeng.
At this moment, Yuan Daofeng is somewhat similar to Wu Zu in the evil town.
Ye Chen said, "No matter what, you are not my opponent!"
I saw that Yuan Daofeng waved his arms and put his hands behind him: "Ye Chen, you are
always the one who can't see the situation clearly!" "When the plan is successful, I will still be
me!" Yuan Daofeng's hoarse voice spoke to Ye Chen. "Understood."
Ye Chen shook his head gently, he knew that no matter how much he persuaded, it would be
useless. Yuan Daofeng would never reveal half a word, that's the case.
In Ye Chen's eyes, there was a hint of determination!
And this look, Yuan Daofeng also caught, his hoarse voice said again: "What? Want to do it?
Don't be a saint and fake mercy?" He spoke grimly.
Ye Chen didn't answer, he put his hands behind his back, closed his eyes and waited for
something. "Ye Chen!" "Today is your day of death!"
Yuan Daofeng shouted angrily and shot several palms one after another, and the whole factory
collapsed with a bang! Yuan Daofeng's tyrannical breath burst out! The evil spirit swept over.
Even a faint breakthrough!
If there is no Ye Chen, he can truly become a god-like existence on this earth, but the current
Yuan Daofeng has not taken that last step! However, now he is ready to take this step!
Ye Chen's eyes were indifferent. Such a large formation can only come from outside the domain.
His palms are the strongest martial arts that Ye Chen has seen in Huaxia so far!
Yuan Daofeng knew that he wanted to kill Ye Chen here, which was tantamount to wishful
thinking! He "Jie Jie Jie" let out a weird laugh, and was about to absorb the power of the great
formation. At this moment, Ye Chen's figure appeared, and with a wave of his palm, he would
interrupt Yuan Daofeng's promotion!
Yuan Daofeng turned his head to look at Ye Chen, the corners of his mouth rose slightly, and an
evil smile appeared on his face. "I know that there is a lot of difference between me and you, but
there are some ways to deal with you." In the next second, the surrounding void was about to
Ye Chen's expression was solemn, his fingers clenched, guarding the space that Huaxia was
about to burst! "mean!" Ye Chen was suspended in the air and cursed. Yuan Daofeng even
threatened to destroy China. Ye Chen really has the ability to solve Yuan Daofeng in one move.
But as soon as Yuan Daofeng died, the underground formation was activated, and Huaxia's space
would be torn apart. At that time, the turbulence of the void will come, and the Chinese people will
surely die! This was a dangerous move, but Ye Chen had to say that this was Yuan Daofeng's
only chance of winning. The battle between the two is imminent!
Above the void, the two figures stared directly at each other in silence, and the violent pressure
solidified the air! Turning your hands makes the color of the nine days change!
The interface of the earth has never had such a strong fight. According to rumors, if there is a
detached supreme being to make a full shot, there will be great terror!
The sky gradually became dark, and the thunder and lightning with the thickness of the mouth of
the bowl swept across the sky, and the roar sounded, and it went straight to the two!
The violent thunder and lightning fell on Ye Chen, and it did no harm to Ye Chen at all.
Just because Ye Chen is above Hua Xia Dao in both body and strength.
Seeing that Lei Jie was ineffective against Ye Chen, he ran towards Yuan Daofeng!
Yuan Daofeng is not so relaxed. He thought that he had already stood at the peak of the earth,
but it was not the case. The coercive power of the interface did not allow the existence of
detachment! God will kill it! Under the coercion of the interface rules, all things are ants!
That thunder calamity from the earth interface, forcing a hit, for Yuan Daofeng, it must be the end
of death! This level of battle is already earth-shattering, and even if ordinary people just look at it
from a distance, their hearts will be unstable! "The realm that I have tried my best to reach, Ye
Chen, you have already reached it!""Unfortunately, your heart is too kind!"
Yuan Daofeng's figure dodged in the void, taking advantage of the gap to launch a killing
offensive against Ye Chen!
Yuan Daofeng originally used his murderous heart to prove the Tao. In the way of martial arts
practitioners back then, there were countless unjust souls who died under his hands. At the peak
of the past, he once blocked a hundred!
At that time, he made an oath to fight for the strongest man on earth! Ye Chen's eyes were like
torches, and there was a trace of flames in the light of destruction between his palms.
"Your Dao heart has already collapsed, and you will stop here for the rest of your life!" Ye Chen
said lightly at this moment. "Do you really think you can threaten me with Huaxia?"
"ridiculous!" "I am Ye Chen, and today, I will show you what God is!"
At this moment, Ye Chen didn't plan to keep his hands!
Chapter 6263 Solved
At this moment, Ye Chen hangs above the sky. There was a strong aura around him.
The spiritual energy of China seems to be flocking to Ye Chen.
Not only that, the void around Ye Chen seemed to be completely torn apart!
Yuan Daofeng was slightly startled. At this moment, he seemed to recognize the legendary Ye
Chen. He knew that he had greatly underestimated Ye Chen!
But now that the sword is on the string, I have to send it! He has no choice!
"Marven Ye, do you really think you can win?" Yuan Daofeng said grimly.
"Since you gave up Huaxia and the mountain gate was broken, your end has been doomed!" Ye
Chen said calmly. Yuan Daofeng snorted coldly, "You are also worthy of preaching?"
"Go to hell, the blood sacrifice is coming!"
With a loud shout, drops of blood rained down above the void, each drop stinging Ye Chen's skin,
and the dripping blood rain condensed into a blood-colored butterfly, which flew towards Ye Chen
one by one. The blood-colored butterfly actually devoured the calamity of the thunder that day,
and its power is terrifying!
At the moment of approaching Ye Chen, blood-red butterflies exploded, and there was a loud
explosion! Rolling dust! The roar covered the entire sky! Ye Chen is gone! Yuan Daofeng was
slightly overjoyed, did he overestimate Ye Chen? "Hahahahaha!"
Yuan Daofeng laughed wildly throughout the world. In his eyes, Ye Chen at this moment has
become a pool of blood! In the face of such a bombardment, there is absolutely no possibility of
survival! Bloody gunpowder smoke filled the entire factory, Yuan Daofeng's figure stood above the
void, looking at all this, it was time for the curtain to end! "Is this your method?"
Yuan Daofeng, who was about to turn around and leave, heard the calm and indifferent voice from
below, he turned around suddenly, his eyes widened, and he looked in the direction of the voice in
disbelief! A figure walked out slowly, the smoke of gunpowder dissipated, and it was Ye Chen.
At this time, Ye Chen's body was still tall and straight, standing in front of him, looking directly at
Yuan Daofeng: "If your means were against me a few years ago, maybe I would really fall, but for
me now, it's not enough!" After speaking, Ye Chen's figure rose into the sky. "Yuan Daofeng, I
have many masters." "Today, I will let you experience the martial arts of the masters!"
"Luo Sha Fist, breaking all directions!" The void shattered faintly, and Ye Chen threw a punch! Hit
Yuan Daofeng's body hard! Almost impossible to dodge!
Yuan Daofeng didn't even see Ye Chen's movements clearly, and the pain that distorted his face
to the extreme spread throughout his body. He even felt that his body was about to be torn on the
spot! "Burning Heaven Palm! Destroy the sky!" Yuan Daofeng's pupils continued to dilate at this
moment, and he sensed that Ye Chen's martial arts level was not high.
But why is the power so terrifying? Even every blow is extremely pure!
At this moment, Ye Chen's expression was extremely indifferent.
His martial arts are indeed powerful, powerful enough to tear China apart at will!
However, the martial skills of the great powers who had just activated the Reincarnation Cemetery
in Huaxia were very consistent with the rules of the Heavenly Dao in Huaxia.
Now that he came to display it, it was even more integrated with his martial arts!
Ye Chen did this to pay tribute to the great power of the reincarnation cemetery!
A painful roar sounded, and the furious Yuan Daofeng wanted to fight back, but found that it was
At this moment, Ye Chen is like a god, and he is an ant that God looks down on!
He looked at the two bloody wounds on his chest with a complicated expression!
It contains Ye Chen's destructive power. In the endless strangulation of Yuan Daofeng's wounds,
the vitality will not die, and the meaning of destruction will not disappear!
Yuan Daofeng's veins burst out, "cough cough..." A few mouthfuls of blood spurted out, a thick
black-brown liquid was left from the corners of his mouth, he gasped for breath, and beads of
sweat rolled down from his forehead !
"Marven Ye, damn you!"
He growled reluctantly.
Ye Chen looked at him calmly, as if looking at his long-time friend: "It's too late to stop now!"
"Go to hell, Ye Chen!" The severe pain from the wound had already made Yuan Daofeng lose his
mind and rushed towards Ye Chen like a mad dog!
With a punch, Ye Chen turned his ears and his subtle angle to avoid it, and responded to Yuan
Daofeng with another blow!
The sound of his fist tearing apart flesh and blood sounded, and there was another big bloody
hole on Yuan Daofeng's chest!
But Yuan Daofeng appeared in front of Ye Chen.
"Hahahaha!" A burst of wild laughter came, "Of course I can't kill you, since I became a chess
piece of the Lord, the end is doomed, and my mission is to hit you hard today! You want to live by
yourself. Or let those ordinary people in China live?"
He wants to blow himself up and let Ye Chen choose!
For Yuan Daofeng's self-destruction, Ye Chen could easily avoid it.
Even if he didn't hide, Ye Chen's terrifying body couldn't have an accident.
But Ye Chen had to think about too many things.
In the next second, his eyes narrowed, and the Reincarnation Profound Monument became his
eyes again!
He has to absorb the energy of self-destruction by himself!
In an instant, the blood energy soaring to the sky exploded, and a blood-colored mushroom cloud
was set off above the boundary of dozens of kilometers!
On that day, countless media rushed to report that a huge cloud of blood-colored mushrooms rose
into the sky in a remote cement factory, exuding bursts of stench, but strangely, no one was
injured or killed in a radius of dozens of kilometers.
And at the moment, the center of the explosion.
An arm stretched out from the soil, followed by propping up half of his body, and a slightly
embarrassed figure slowly emerged from the soil. He looked indifferent, shook his head gently,
and shook off the dust from his hair.
It was Ye Chen.
"Yuan Daofeng's problem has been solved."
"But the clue was interrupted."
"If I didn't perceive the mistake, a clone of Di Shitian should still be hidden in Huaxia."
"This may be the last hidden danger."
Ye Chen looked at everything that was blown up around him, and shook his head helplessly.
Ye Chen took out his mobile phone from the reincarnation cemetery and pressed a number.
"Jin Lengyan, the current situation is like this..."
Just as Ye Chen was about to speak, Jin Lengyan's worried voice came from the other end of the
phone: "Instructor, your movement is a bit loud! Are you injured?"
"The situation is far more serious than I imagined. The people behind Yuan Daofeng may have
been in the dark all the time." Ye Chen pondered for a while, but reluctantly told the truth. The
reason and the shocking battle with Yuan Daofeng was just the prelude. That's it!
"So what's your plan?" Jin Lengyan asked suspiciously. At present, Yuan Daofeng's line has been
broken. It stands to reason that when Yuan Daofeng dies, everything here should end, but in fact
it is far from that simple, let alone The mutation of Huaxia's spiritual energy is still continuing, and
even the people behind Yuan Daofeng have never appeared.
"If I expected it right, the person behind Yuan Daofeng is a clone of one of my enemies." Ye Chen
"Follow Zheng Nianlei's father. I suspect that he has had contact with that guy. Although I don't
know the specifics, this is the only thing that can be checked at the moment!"
Chapter 6264 The black hand appeared?
"I'm going to investigate right now!"
Jin Lengyan's solemn voice came from the other end of the phone. The current situation is too
unfavorable for Ye Chen and the others.
"If there is any news, let me know as soon as possible!" Ye Chen instructed: "Don't act privately!"
After Ye Chen settled everything, he was ready to leave. But at this moment, Ye Chen's
expression froze. "There is always a feeling of restlessness!"
Ye Chen murmured, then raised his head, and found that the last slanting sun fell on the mountain
top, and the night shrouded the whole land.
At this moment, Ye Chen did not choose to leave, but sat alone on a mountain top dozens of
kilometers away from the cement factory, overlooking the battlefield that had turned into dust in
the distance.
The bright and bright moon reflected Ye Chen's back, looking a little lonely. The huge world was
supported by him alone. "Marven Ye, we meet again!"
A voice that sounded indistinguishable from male and female came, and Ye Chen didn't look
back. He was all too familiar with this voice!
It was the voice of Emperor Shitian who had fought several times before.
"I'm still investigating your traces everywhere, but you're better, you found the door yourself!"
Ye Chenxuan's back sitting on the top of the mountain did not look back, nor did he get up, but
responded flatly.
His tone was as natural as he was dating an old friend who had been away for many years.
"Don't say it, this avatar of mine is going to fall in love with this land." A black-robed man flashed,
walked to the edge of the cliff, sat side by side with Ye Chen, and sat side by side , looking at Ye
Chen sideways. A trace of white hair appeared under the black robe.
"Although I don't like that guy Yuan Daofeng, he still knows what to do as a dog!"
The man spoke softly.
"You killed him now, I have no one to use, and it is even difficult for me to launch the trial of the
inner demon here. Are you sure you will not stand on the same line with me?"
"As long as you are willing to take action, both you and my body may dominate the Taishang
world, and even I can let you take the place of Yuhuang Ancient Emperor."
The black-robed white-haired man spoke again.
"Oh? It's all given to me. What are you trying so hard to do?" Ye Chen's eyes narrowed and he
said lightly.
The man was noncommittal and did not answer Ye Chen's question directly.
"Why did you come to Huaxia?" "For the sake of the common people!" Ye Chen wrote lightly.
"The whole world? The righteousness of the nation?" The man smiled disdainfully, "It seems that
people on earth like to use these hypocritical words."
"It's just some ants. They died to prove our supreme avenue, and they died in a proper place!"
The frenzy in the man's eyes did not hide at all!
"The ants in your mouth are my friends, family members and even the people I want to protect!"
"So, the way is different!" Ye Chen is decisive.
"But I don't feel like you are like the Emperor Shitian I met in the heart of the earth, let alone a
clone." This is the biggest doubt in Ye Chen's heart. He couldn't even see through the guy in front
of him.
The man in black robe showed a smile: "When you appeared outside the realm, you were noticed
by Di Shitian's body, but he couldn't confirm your existence."
"And I am his inner demon incarnation, the inner demon incarnation, independent of the body."
"You can call me Di Shitian, or you can call me the master of inner demons, but in a sense, I'm
not him."
"Back then, when he condensed me, I had consciousness, all my decisions were relatively
independent, and even my chain-building exercises had nothing to do with my inner demons."
"But our goals are the same."
"Since I knew of your existence, I came to Huaxia and started the layout."
"I thought you had many enemies outside the territory, and you had no time to be distracted, and
then use these people as your inner demons to control you."
"I didn't expect you to be back."
"It's getting closer and closer to my plan, but you are here to destroy them one by one."
The smile on the man's face slowly disappeared, and gradually became gloomy: "I sometimes
think, it would be great if you didn't fight against me!" "It's a pity to kill a genius like you!"
The man licked his lips, killing intent on his face. "Looking at you like this, I'm really not used to it,
whether you are Emperor Shitian or not, you will lose!" Ye Chen opened his mouth and said
calmly. "Oh? You don't want to know my strength?" the man asked with interest.
Ye Chen raised his head and looked at the black-robed man in front of him calmly: "I don't need to
know, but I'm really not used to seeing you like this!" "Ha ha ha ha!"
The man laughed loudly, and his inexhaustible voice was full of exhaustion, but in a few breaths,
the black robe came off.
A white-haired man overflowing with demonic energy all over stood in front of Ye Chen.
"You have to consider the rules of space now, and you also have to consider lowering your martial
arts. Think about everything. You really love this land. Before Yuan Daofeng's self-destruction, I
knew that you would endure it by yourself. If I guessed right, your body I can't stand the high-
intensity battle, kill you, I am enough now!"
The figure flashed and attacked Ye Chen! "If that's the case, then die!"
The monstrous killing intent bloomed, and Ye Chen's eyes were solemn.
The other party was right, he forcibly absorbed Yuan Daofeng's power with the formation, and he
was still injured.
And at this moment, Di Shitian, the demon avatar, has no way of determining his strength.
Ye Chen's figure kept dodging, and several positions kept a distance, but Di Shitian's figure was
as flexible as a wandering dragon. One punch.
In the middle of Ye Chen's chest.
"Yuan Daofeng can push you to such an extent, that dog is loyal to me!" Di Shitian looked down at
the injured Ye Chen.
Hearing Di Shitian's ridicule at this moment, Ye Chen also raised his head: "If your real body is
here, I might be a little bit afraid, you are just a demon clone, half a catty laughing at it!"
When Emperor Shitian heard the words, his face became even more gloomy: "In the eyes of this
deity, you are nothing but an ant!"
"Suppressing you, even if it's a clone, it's just between the palms of your hand!"
Emperor Shitian's monstrous blood obscured the moonlight, and the hue between heaven and
earth was full of scarlet!
"There are also half-steps of inner demons, and the truth is true only in people!"
"If you go against the will of a demon clone, you will only end up dying!"
Di Shitian looked down at Ye Chen, and an indifferent voice came.
"Prince deity? With your cultivation base, you are also worthy of the honorable title?"
The terrifying aura pervaded the sky and the earth. This night, countless people were restless and
nightmares flew!
Even Ye Chen at this moment, facing Di Shitian at this moment, was completely solemn for the
first time!
A starry sky gathers faintly.
"This is... the legendary... Hongmeng Starry Sky, no, it's impossible!" Di Shitian was a little
Chapter 6265 I have it too!
The power of Hongmeng Starry Sky is too powerful, and it is logically impossible to appear in
China. Once it appears, Huaxia will collapse. Ye Chen smiled slightly: "Of course this is not the
Hongmeng Starry Sky, this is just an artistic conception evolved from my Taoism."
"I didn't expect it, and there is an unexpected harvest!" Seeing Ye Chen getting stronger and
stronger, Di Shitian not only did not feel lost, but was extremely excited!
In Di Shitian's eyes, Ye Chen at this moment is like a lamb to be slaughtered, and everything in
Ye Chen will be his! The sky and the earth have regained clarity, and all the monstrous demons
have disappeared! Ye Chen couldn't care about stabilizing his mind, Di Shitian's figure was
already dead! "Marven Ye, seeing you today, you really live up to your reputation!"
"However, this is the end of it all!" Di Shitian looked at Ye Chen below, and at this moment, he
smiled! No matter how evil Ye Chen is, he can't make waves! "Four Gods Heart Demon Dao!"
In the roar of Di Shitian, the endless ecstasy bloomed! I saw a gossip formation shrouded in killing
intent around Ye Chen, trapping him in it. "Twilight of the Gods."
In the deep mountains with a radius of 100 feet, between the ravines, the deep lights lit up, and
the formation rules were intertwined into a vast array of murderous intentions!
With the words "Get up!" from Emperor Shitian. Suzaku, White Tiger, Qinglong, Xuanwu!
The phantoms of the gods and beasts from the four directions descended from the sky, and the
killing energy was soaring to the sky! Qi Qi killed Ye Chen!
Ye Chen's eyes narrowed, a little surprised.
The power of these four mythical beasts comes from the Chinese dragon veins and terrain.
Between shots is China's strongest power. His own strength can naturally be easily defeated.
But once it is broken, it must be equivalent to destroying the potential of this land to condense
endless years.
Obviously, the means of this Emperor Shitian's inner demon clone should not be underestimated!
Ye Chen didn't think of a good solution for the time being, so he could only keep dodging.
The four-hearted demon holy beast's killing offensive continued, and in a moment, the blood had
dyed Ye Chen's clothes red. But it's no big deal.
"Marven Ye, how does it feel?" Di Shitian looked at Ye Chen, who was running away under the
battle formation, his face was even more ecstatic! In his eyes, Ye Chen is already a dead person!
The killing methods of the four beasts are all coming together, forcing Ye Chen into the corner,
with nowhere to retreat! "Marven Ye, do you still have any cards?"
"Or, do you want Huaxia to be destroyed with you?" However, at this moment, Ye Chen stopped.
He raised his head, looked in one direction, and said lightly, "You forgot something."
"I still have Xiao Zi." "Qinglong Mountains, Xiao Zi help me!" "This is the time!"
Ye Chen suddenly opened his star eyes, and a shocking momentum burst out, surrounded by
purple light. At the same time, in the distant Qinglong Mountains, a purple beam of light rose into
the sky, and the vision was amazing!
"Whether you are Emperor Shitian or a demon clone, now it's your turn!"
Feeling the waves of vitality coming from Ye Chen, Di Shitian finally found out that something was
wrong, and this kid never fought back from the beginning! "He is..."
Di Shitian's eyes narrowed, as if thinking of something, his fists were clenched, and the upper and
lower rows of teeth were rattling!
Di Shitian shot it with a palm, but it was easily resolved by Ye Chen, "The will of the world, such a
deep calculation!"
At this moment, Ye Chen's figure is like a god floating quietly above the void. Although the
previous battle made his clothes shattered and he was a little embarrassed, the incomparable
aura declared that from this moment on, he would blow Sound the horn of counterattack!
The little stars lingering around him stimulated every nerve of Di Shitian.
The phantoms of the four beasts that had been demonized, attacked and killed Ye Chen under
the madness of Di Shitian! "I have a clone too!"
Ye Chen shouted loudly, and the avatar who had accompanied him in countless battles rose from
the ground, forcing the four beasts back. Seeing the incarnated Ye Chen, the skin and veins on
his body became more solid, and his expression was as indifferent as Ye Chen.
The pattern of the purple armor covering it is also very clear, and Ye Chen's eyes shone with
supreme light! The avatar opened his eyes as if he had life!
The sharp blade in his hand exudes an endless murderous aura!
At this moment, Ye Chen and that avatar seem to be one!
The Vermillion Bird above the void neighed, a pair of wings flapped, and the endless black flames
merged with the deep black night. In a state without the slightest wave, the murderous intent has
arrived! Ye Chen's avatar looked down at it without reacting!
The endless flames hit the armor of Ye Chen's incarnation, which was intertwined with spiritual
power, like a stone sinking into the sea, unable to lift the slightest ripple!
A confident look flashed across Di Shitian's face, "The fire of the demons and karma of the heart,
start!" His fingertips pinched an indescribable mark!
In an instant, Ye Chen's incarnation of Ye Chen was like a prairie fire, igniting endless black
flames, burning out all the purple light on the body!
The next moment, Ye Chen finally moved!
Ye Chen incarnates and stretches out his sword finger, just swiping across the void, and the
space is split open with a gap!
The endless storm surged out, Ye Chen Ye Chen turned into a tiger and shook, and the burning
black light was shattered by life!
The purple light re-illuminates the sky, and in the void, the terrifying crack is still raging!
Chapter 6266 Come back to the world!
The clone shot out again, and after communicating with Ye Chen, he was no longer what he used
to be, and his speed was the same as Ye Chen!
But after a moment of dodging, Ye Chen turned his hand away and swept in front of the Suzaku.
He stretched out a purple-gold arm that radiated thunder and pinched the Suzaku's neck!
"Damn it!"
Seeing that the situation is not good, Emperor Shitian will activate the curse mark, and the three
major beasts of the Qinglong, White Tiger and Xuanwu will join forces to attack Ye Chen!
Before he could do it, Ye Chen turned into a flying vermilion bird that was firmly tied by his neck,
and its figure disappeared in place.
The joint attack of the three beasts failed, and even Di Shitian, who was on the side, could not
imagine, why the speed of the incarnation outside the body was so fast?
The huge force and inertia threw the huge body of the Suzaku flying, and smashed deeply into the
Suzaku was smashed like this, and he couldn't find the north. He just struggled to get up from the
mountain. The next moment, a huge purple phantom had swept behind it!
It is the combination of Ye Chen's incarnation and Xiao Zi's power!
The purple figure hugged Suzaku from behind, and it let out a desperate cry!
I saw Ye Chen's thoughts move, and the two palms of Ye Chen's incarnation locked the pair of
Suzaku's wings like iron pincers, and it couldn't move at all! "Bah!"
It was the sound of the separation of flesh and blood. Suzaku's pair of wings were torn off by Ye
Chen's incarnation, and black blood spurted out! Ink dyes the moonlight! "Ha!"
Suzaku let out a roar that resounded through the sky, and was plucked off by Ye Chen. It is
known for its speed, and even the shadow of Ye Chen could not be traced!
The ferocious wounds on the double ribs are still spraying black blood, and even the muscles and
bones are bright red and visible!
The dying Suzaku was strangled by Ye Chen again, and he threw it into the torn space gap!
As soon as Suzaku's body entered, the violent spatial turbulence instantly strangled the Suzaku's
body into mud! "puff!"
Suzaku, who had a soul contract with the Emperor Shitian, fell, and he also sprayed out a
mouthful of bright red blood, and his breath was a little weak.
Ye Chen finally turned his head at this moment and looked at the remaining three beasts.
Qinglong, White Tiger, Xuanwu! There was a trace of fear in the eyes of the three major demon
beasts! Suzaku's fate, they watched helplessly!
Although they signed a contract with Emperor Shitian, they are also spiritual things!
Each one is extremely powerful, and their evolutionary potential is endless!
Di Shitian spurted out a mouthful of the blood of his origin and collapsed softly to the ground, his
fierce eyes still looking straight at Ye Chen above the void, "Ye Chen, I must kill you!"
Not only was he defeated in this battle, but even the four beasts had defected!
Di Shitian's eyes were murderous, and he still had a last resort!
Of course, at this moment, Ye Chen didn't notice a waste lying on the ground, his attention was
still on the remaining three beasts!
The most powerful Qinglong was the first to break free, "Ow!" an excited howl, rushing out into the
sky! Ye Chen's eyes were indifferent, he had just killed him, and now he wanted to leave, how
could it be so easy? "Did I let you go?" Ye Chen's icy voice echoed between heaven and earth.
The Baihu and Xuanwu, who had just broken free from their shackles, were stunned when they
heard Ye Chen's voice. Before they could react, Ye Chen had already shot!
"My true strength, in this dimension, is God! Give it to me!"
With Ye Chen's light drink, the entire space was frozen!
At this moment, even Baihu and Xuanwu couldn't move a single minute. What made them
shudder the most was that everything in the space was stopped at this moment!
Can't even breathe! The two ferocious beasts blushed!
Ye Chen's avatar stretched out his palm and pulled it gently!
The Qinglong, who was about to break through the sky, was pulled by a mysterious force and
slowly flew to Ye Chen's hands!
The clone and its sword fingers, the huge dragon body shattered at a speed visible to the naked
eye, turning into pieces of minced meat and falling into the void!
"Just to keep Xiao Zi warm!" Ye Chen whispered softly!
After finishing everything, Ye Chen untied the confinement of space.
The remaining two big beasts, Xuanwu and Baihu, were still trembling and stunned, not daring to
make any excessive moves!
Just kidding, Qinglong's fate is even more miserable than that of Suzaku!
"You two..." Ye Chen's eyes turned to the remaining two beasts, and he turned his eyes, thinking
about it.
Ye Chen's eyes narrowed, and killing intent burst out!
The trembling two beasts were afraid that Ye Chen would make a move, and Xuan Wu, who was
timid by nature, spoke first, "I would like to surrender to Mr. Ye and follow him to the death!"
After speaking, the huge beast body knelt down slowly, bowed his head and surrendered, waiting
for Ye Chen to go! This move of it was expected by Ye Chen!
Seeing that Xuanwu had surrendered, the white tiger who was slaughtering on the side would
provoke the man in front of him again, but it would be a dead end.
It fell down slowly, and also chose to bow its head and kneel!
"I would like to surrender and follow Mr. Ye Chen!" Two beasts, surrender!
Only then did Ye Chen reveal a satisfied expression, and he waved his hand outside his body,
and a purple streamer rushed into the hearts of the two beasts!
Baihu and Xuanwu looked at each other and did not resist!
Because the previous Emperor Shitian also signed this kind of soul contract with them. If they
betrayed, they will die with just one thought from Ye Chen!
"For me to drive for a hundred years, and you will be free!" Ye Chen said in a calm voice.
The two white tiger and Xuanwu beasts were stunned for a moment, "Huh?"
Immediately, a look of ecstasy appeared on their faces: "Is what Mr. Ye said true?"
Just kidding, they used to be holy beasts, and they originally possessed supreme longevity. A
hundred years may be a lifetime for ordinary people! But for them, it's just a snap!
Ye Chen thought thoughtfully, "Naturally take it seriously, you don't move your mind, I will remove
this mark!" With a wave of his hand, the sense of oppression that lingered in the hearts of the two
beasts just now disappeared! "This……"
Now it's the white tiger's turn and the Xuanwu two beasts are a little dazed. They can control
themselves, but they let them go on purpose? The two beasts at the moment are truly free!
"One hundred years of cooperation!" Ye Chen said again.
He couldn't use that kind of clumsy means, and the reason why he used the killer before was just
the way of the other side and the return of the other side.
What's more, what happened in Huaxia told Ye Chen that if he was not in Huaxia, it was not
enough to rely on the Dark Hall and Dragon Soul, and a stronger existence was needed to protect
this land.
"My two beasts, I would like to listen to Mr. Ye's call at any time!" I saw a flash of light around the
two beasts, and the huge bodies of the two beasts slowly shrunk. After a while, Ye Chen had two
more pendants on his hands!
Looking at the two pendants in his hand at the moment, he is also thinking, how to arrange these
two beasts, the two beasts are also very smart, in order to protect themselves, they turned into
Within a hundred years, these pendants will never reappear in front of the world.
Once the pendants are destroyed, they will return to the world!
Chapter 6267 Shocking Identity
"This is also a good way!" Ye Chen said to himself.
Di Shitian, who was on the side, had another strong cough, "Cough cough..."
He has been weakened to the extreme!
After suffering heavy losses one after another, Di Shitian has also lost the last capital to fight for!
Ye Chen's incarnation slowly dissipated, and Ye Chen's figure was still standing proudly on top of
the cliff. Behind him, the shimmering sea was shining brightly under the moonlight.
Ye Chen bowed slightly, panting heavily!
Although Ye Chen is strong, Ye Chen must fight against the four beasts on the one hand, and at
the same time he must guard the rules of China's heaven and earth, and even control his clones.
The loss of spiritual power is extremely large.
More importantly, Xiao Zi was going to fall asleep, but forcibly awakened him at the cost of
spiritual power. In this state, it is almost exhausted!
"Ye Chen, you have today too!" Di Shitian also struggled to get up, and just took a step, he fell to
the ground again!
He saw that Ye Chen was in a bad state at the moment, and he wanted to kill Ye Chen!
But Naihe Emperor Shitian's state at the moment is not much better than Ye Chen!
Ye Chen's eyes were fixed on him. At this time, whoever can recover some physical strength and
attack first, whoever can take the lead!
But helplessly, Ye Chen just consumed too much spiritual power and was a little out of breath!
After resting for a while, he got up and staggered towards Di Shitian.
On the other hand, Emperor Shitian, he was originally a demon avatar, and now that the source of
his soul has been damaged, he has lost the opportunity.
Looking at Ye Chen who came step by step with killing intent, he lowered his head! "ended!"
Ye Chen walked closer, raised his palm, and he was about to end Di Shitian's life. As long as his
clone died, Di Shitian in the heart of the earth would never be able to get involved in the affairs of
the earth again, and he might as well leave China.
Suddenly, Di Shitian raised his head and laughed wildly, "If I lose, don't even think about winning!"
"Destroy the demon!" Di Shitian's body began to be surrounded by endless demonic energy, and
every cell in his body began to be filled with energy.
Ye Chen was startled and wanted to leave subconsciously, but at this moment the spiritual power
in his body was exhausted, how could he retreat? "boom!"
The demon endless energy exploded, and it did not cause a shocking scene like Yuan Daofeng's
self-destruction at that time, but the rolling demonic energy completely enveloped Ye Chen,
billowing dust surged, and half of the small cliff collapsed.
Heart demons are everywhere, and the rolling mountain and gravel fall into the shimmering sea.
At this moment, the wind is blowing and the sea is surging!
The surging waves rushed the mountain into the embrace of the sea. Di Shitian's demon avatar in
China has fallen! And Ye Chen, at this moment, endless pictures flashed through his mind.
It seems that it is a demon of heart, trying to break his heart. But how strong is Ye Chen's Martial
Ancestor Taoism. But no matter how sturdy, Ye Chen was really tired at this moment.
He closed his eyes, and the cliff that fell from this fell into the sea. Disappear.
At the same time, a base. "what?"
"Why didn't you report it earlier and go search for the whereabouts of the palace master!"
Lu Lingfeng was awakened by the ringing of his mobile phone.
It was the message from Jin Lengyan's Dragon Soul Team.
Not long ago, in a sea area not far from the battle between Ye Chen and Yuan Daofeng, there
was another shocking battle! After the first battle, Jin Lengyan and Ye Chen lost contact.
"You mean the area around Tiandanghai?"
Lu Lingfeng quickly opened the map: "Tiandanghai originated in the Tianshan area. After years of
scouring, it rushed out of the Tianshan Canyon near Tonggut, forming a large-scale impact fan
under the northern slope of the Tianshan Mountain. The valley impact fan is huge in scale. ,
opening to the north in the shape of an umbrella, which is called a geological wonder.”
"This place is not a scenic spot, there are almost no tourists, and the risk factor of shooting is
high, so there should be no witnesses, standing on the top of the mountain and looking at the
bottom of the valley, that sea area ..."
Lu Lingfeng muttered to himself and analyzed, "Hurry up and contact the authorities, blockade
that area, and do your best to search for the whereabouts of the palace master!"
"Take me to the scene, I want to see the traces of the battle!"
Three days later. A huge cruise ship sails on a vast ocean.
"Longhai Tianxing Cruise" is the largest ship ever developed by a company under the Wei family,
a new consortium. The hull has a rather interesting design, with a huge smiley face and bold red
lips painted on the front.
It can accommodate 6,600 passengers, has an aerial ropeway, three waterslides, a live TV studio,
two private "islands", 10 bars and restaurants. Extremely luxurious! "My little princess, are you
really just here for fun?" "Zhiyao, what do you think?"
On the deck of the luxury cruise ship, a girl in white sportswear with a ponytail in her twenties is
lying on the armrest of the cruise ship. The girl has slender eyebrows, her eyelashes tremble
slightly, and her sexy red lips are like roses. The petals can't help but touch at a glance.
The one on the chest is proudly against the railing, and it is very full. There is not a single piece of
fat on the whole god, it is simply a stunner that any man wants to touch!
But at this moment, she looked at the boundless sea in the distance, her eyes were full of
softness and hope! The inquiries of the old man in Huafu on the side were completely unheard of!
After a while, the flow of people on the deck gradually increased, and it was strange that everyone
who passed by the girl and the old man nods and bowed in greeting!
"Miss Wei is early! Wu Bo is early!"
The old man surnamed Wu saw that the girl was not arguing with each other, and there were
more and more people coming and going. He couldn't say anything more, and he turned his head
and wanted to leave. "Grandpa Wu, you say, why can't you live freely like a seagull or a fish?"
"I hate being restrained, my family treats me..."
The girl spoke slowly, and the old man was silent for a while.
After a long time, the old man in Huafu sighed softly, "Miss Zhiyao, your character is not suitable
to be born in this imperial family!"
The girl turned back, and a touch of morning light hit her warm and jade-like face, which was
really cute. "Grandpa Wu, what should I do now?"
The old man pondered for a while, and was about to speak, but there were people rustling on the
deck. "Look, there seems to be a person floating in the sea over there!"
"Who is it, it's obviously a dead big fish!"
"That's right, how many kilometers is this sea area away from the land, how could someone float
by?" "Huh?... It seems that he is really a person!"
Everyone's words, and my words, attracted the eyes of Wei Zhiyao and the old man surnamed
Wu, who were whispering on the side.
"Grandpa Wu, let's go and have a look!" The girl quickly followed, and the old man took back what
he was about to say. At this moment, it was difficult for people to discuss family matters. That
strange floating corpse attracts.
As soon as Wei Zhiyao arrived, among the crowded crowd, a straight passage was quickly made
way for Miss Wei. Everyone respected this girl in every possible way!
People who can board such a luxurious cruise ship are already rich or expensive. Everyone
respects this girl very much. Who is she?
Chapter 6268 Strong?
There are also unidentified people who questioned in a low voice.
"Who is this girl? With her big eyes blinking, she's quite temperamental!" A middle-aged greasy
man next to him leaked a wretched smile.
"Shh! You are courting death! This is Miss Wei!" The companion next to him hurriedly covered the
greasy man's mouth to prevent him from talking nonsense! Wei family!
That is China's new consortium, with strong strength!
According to rumors, the head of the Wei family, even the senior officials of Huaxia and M
country, came to offer condolences in person, so one can imagine how powerful the Wei family is!
Everyone present may not know who the girl is, but absolutely no one does not know the name of
the Wei family!
"Miss Wei family? No, I've seen them all before, but I don't have this number!" The greasy man
pretended to be an identity. Those big people have looked at him from a distance. The girl in front
of him has never seen her face before. .
"Shut up, she's the one from the Wei family..." The companion next to him hurriedly said,
motioning for him not to ask any more questions.
The greasy man suddenly thought of something, and his face turned pale in an instant.
The old man surnamed Wu walked in front of him, stared straight at the greasy man, walked
closer, and patted the greasy man on the shoulder, "My lady, I don't like people talking about her
very much!" Just leaving a faint sentence, the old man stooped and followed the girl to the other
side of the deck.
Until the old man left, the middle-aged greasy man slumped on the ground with a big bowl of
sweat dripping from his forehead. "Huh? What does it taste like?"
There was a slight voice from the crowd.
At this time, people noticed that the greasy middle-aged man who was sitting on the ground had
lost his incontinence at some point, and the yellow and white things were pouring out all over the
Everyone was contemptuous, but only the person involved knew that the old man's hunched body
had just started to kill! The sheep that was stared at by hungry wolves probably ended up like this.
Wei Zhiyao walked to the deck and took a closer look. As the cruise ship advanced, the floating
corpses on the sea became more and more clearly visible!
"It's really a person!" Wei Zhiyao exclaimed, looking at the old man beside her. After all, since she
was sensible, there was no place where the old man could not hold back!
The old man surnamed Wu understands the temper of his young lady, but at the moment he is
frowning. Even he feels strange about this!
The hunched body suddenly looked at the floating corpse at sea with sharp eyes: "That person is
still alive, the vitality on his body is extremely strong, and he seems to be sleeping..."
The old man said softly. As soon as this statement came out, the audience was in an uproar!
The floating corpse floated to the front, and everyone noticed that his tattered clothes had already
been soaked with blood, and even though it had been soaked in sea water for three days, it still
exuded a strong bloody smell!
"Miss, this person is really strange, looking at his face, he has been floating on this sea for more
than three days, and he is covered in blood but has not attracted the sharks to eat, and even
around him, he can't even see the living sea things. !"
"The most important thing is that his breathing is still there, he should just fall asleep!"
"This man is extraordinary!"
The old man surnamed Wu frowned, and found that the matter was not simple. At this critical
juncture, an inexplicable floating corpse appeared. I don't know what the sign was!
"Grandpa Wu, save him!" Wei Zhiyao said immediately.
The old man surnamed Wu looked at the people around him, and before he spoke, someone
"Miss Wei, you have high authority, we definitely dare not offend you, but it's not just the Wei
family on this cruise ship. Isn't it bad luck to bring a body up?" Someone protested.
The old man Wu Yanxun looked at the prestige, and it was a well-dressed middle-aged man who
spoke, only to hear him continue: "There are rules on the cruise ship, even if you bring a dog on
board, you have to pay extra, let alone a person?"
Hearing this, Wei Zhiyao's face flashed with anger, but before she could speak, the old man Wu
Yan on the side was the first to be angry: "My young lady is the law, do you have any opinion?"
Just as the middle-aged man was about to speak, he didn't know when, the old man a few meters
away had already stuck to his face like a ghost!
A big dry hand grabbed the middle-aged man's 150-pound body, lifted it up gently, and said softly,
"My young lady speaks, it's your turn to interrupt?"
The middle-aged man looked at the old man in horror, but he didn't dare to take a breath.
"Waste thing!" The old man lost his interest when he saw this, and threw the man's 100-pound
body out like throwing garbage at any time.
The middle-aged man was in pain when he hit the ground, struggled to get up, and cursed in a
low voice, "Little girl, don't fall into my hands! It's just a bastard of the Wei family, let's see how
long you can survive!"
It was an inaudible murmur like a mosquito, no one could hear it.
I saw the old man who was about to turn around and leave, his ears shook slightly, and his
hunched body turned to look at the middle-aged man again. In the eyes, killing intent burst out!
With that ghostly pace again, the old man seemed to slap the middle-aged man's chest lightly with
his palm, but the 100-pound body flew straight out like a cannonball and slammed heavily on the
iron guardrail on the deck!
The next scene that stunned everyone happened, the old man's seemingly light palm, the iron
guardrail couldn't stop it!
The figure of the middle-aged man flying upside down smashed the iron-like guardrail with a
"bang", followed by a "pop" and fell into the sea!
The middle-aged man fell into the water and struggled a few times. He was about to open his
mouth to shout "Help!" The words reached his throat, but he couldn't open his mouth.
The throat is sweet, and a few mouthfuls of blood spurt out!
The sea in the distance rustled for a while, and someone on the deck screamed: "The smell of
blood...attracted it, it's a group of sharks!"
"The school of fish is here!" "Hurry up and save people!"
All the spectators on the deck said what you said. The girl Wei Zhiyao bit her thin lip and looked
back at the old man: "Grandpa Wu, save people!"
The old man wanted to refuse, but why all the spectators were here, brushing the face of his own
lady, no one looked good!
The group of sharks from far and near have already approached the middle-aged man, and they
are about to bite, but they are not interested in the floating corpse that also smells of blood!
Wu Yan had no choice but to nod his head, jumped up, floated off the cruise ship more than ten
meters high, and picked up the floating corpse. Several tiger sharks, which were the first to reach,
jumped out of the sea, and the blood basin opened its mouth and bit the old man. Come!
"It's over!" Everyone closed their eyes unconsciously, not wanting to see this bloody scene of
being bitten!
Seeing that the old man's expression did not change, his heart was not beating. Under the bloody
mouth of the tiger shark, Wu Yan just casually vacated and kicked the tiger shark's chin.
The tiger shark, which was more than two meters long, was gently kicked by the old man,
provoked more than ten meters high, turned a dozen times in the air, and landed on the deck ten
meters high. It lost its vitality and stopped moving! " this a human?"
The spectators on the cruise ship were stunned. The operation of the old man was beyond the
scope of human understanding.
At the moment when everyone had not recovered, the old man picked up the floating corpse on
the sea that was ignored by the fish, turned over a few times, and stepped on the deck of ten
meters high as if walking on the ground!
Chapter 6269 Just do it!
What came from below was the last scream of the middle-aged man being eaten by the fish!
From the beginning to the end, the eyes of the old man and the young girl never stopped halfway
on the middle-aged man!
At this time, the people clearly saw the appearance of the "floating corpse". The clothes on the
upper body were ragged, with only a few pieces of cloth left to cover the body. What was exposed
in front of everyone was the hideous and terrifying wound, one after another. , There are new
wounds, but more are old marks!
The whole body is meaning, shocking!
But if you look closely, you will definitely find that the wound is healing itself.
Ye Chen's physical recovery ability is extremely terrifying, but there is a premise that the wound
must absorb enough heaven and earth aura.
If he was outside the realm, or even in the heart of the earth, Ye Chen's injury would probably
recover in an instant.
But in Huaxia, the speed is a bit slower.
But if Ye Chen woke up, this little injury would be resolved in an instant.
In the battle that day, Ye Chen was hit hard by the aftermath of the disintegration of the demon.
As the entire cliff fell into the sea, the raging demonic wind surged, causing the unconscious Ye
Chen to drift around with the sea breeze.
It's been three days and it's still sleeping!
Only the slightly undulating chest is announcing to everyone that the man is still alive.
The girl's cry of saving people actually contained a double meaning, but the old man chose to
save Ye Chen only, and Wei Zhiyao didn't know the reason.
"Grandpa Wu, take him to my room and take care of him!"
Wei Zhiyao instructed that, based on her understanding of the old man, Wu Yan never killed, and
for some unknown reason he would not save the middle-aged man, but Wei Zhiyao understood
that the old man had his own way of doing things!
"Miss, he..." The old man was a little worried.
Wei Zhiyao smiled: "It doesn't matter, I will explain it myself, after all, human life is at stake!"
After speaking, the girl turned and left.
The old man glanced at the crowd indifferently. Looking around, he said in an old voice, "Does
anyone else have an opinion?"
"One life is another life, there are no more or less people on the boat, it's fair!" A man on the boat
stood up to smooth things out.
After everyone has seen the old man's methods, how can anyone dare to "speak up for justice"?
They all descended the donkey and said following the man who picked his head.
Wu Yan raised his eyes and glanced at the man: "That's it, thank you, old man, Young Master Qin
for clearing the siege!"
After saying that, he turned to leave.
The man called Young Master Qin responded with a smile, and when the figure of the old man
disappeared on the deck, the bright smile on his handsome face disappeared, replaced by a
solemn look on his face!
Behind Qin Feng, a mysterious man has ears.
"The information seems to be wrong, this old guy is not easy, think long-term!"
"The cooperation with the Wei family is normal, but this old guy must find a way to solve it. If we
don't get rid of him, Wei Zhiyao, we can't take it!"
Qin Feng said softly, the mysterious figure walked to the corner and slowly disappeared.
"Zhi Yao, why don't you understand my intentions?" The handsome man sighed softly and turned
When the lanterns first came up, on the deck, there was singing and dancing again.
Everything that happened before is like a cloud, and it all dissipated.
At the moment on the Tianyue cruise ship.
In a luxurious stateroom with a double-deck layout and a spacious space of nearly 200 square
meters, the independent European-style spiral staircase is more elegant.
Through the double-height floor-to-ceiling glass windows, you can overlook the stern and look out
to the sea.
At this time, the second floor master was sleeping on a comfortable and soft big bed, and a pale
man was lying on it.
The man's tattered clothes have been replaced. For some reason, the wound has become smaller
and smaller, but the person lying on the bed still has his eyes closed, and there is no sign of
waking up!
"Mr. Wu, this person is a bit strange. In fact, there is no injury at all, and the injury will heal on its
own. It is really strange. Right now, I have finished the examination that I should do..."
A middle-aged man in casual clothes with a suitcase raised the gold-wire glasses between his
foreheads and said strangely.
The eyes of the old man surnamed Wu did not leave the man on the bed for a moment. Even
though he was a personal doctor with top medical skills on the cruise ship, he had no sense of
existence in his eyes. He still stared at Ye Chen and asked, "Self-healing? No injuries. What's the
"His physical function is sound, even better than a professional athlete. As for why he doesn't
wake up, this..."
The middle-aged doctor couldn't say why he came for a while, he pondered for a while, and said,
"His body seems to be lacking some kind of energy, it will take some time to wake up naturally!"
Although the old man didn't look at him directly, the middle-aged doctor was still respectful and
didn't dare to put on the slightest air.
Just kidding, how many people have seen the scene on the deck with their own eyes, he doesn't
want to be the next bait!
Wu Yan's eyes lit up when he heard the words, as if he had learned something, and said softly, "I
have a job, I know what to do."
"Then I'll go first, Mr. Wu, you can call me anytime if you have anything!" The middle-aged doctor
wiped the cold sweat from his forehead and hurriedly said goodbye.
In fact, the old man's attitude towards him is already very friendly, but for some reason, he can
always feel an inexplicable pressure on the old man.
This pressure made him breathless!
Hearing the old man speak at this moment, it is natural to leave quickly.
Wu Yan nodded lightly, but did not stop him. He let the middle-aged doctor leave, but his eyes
were still on Ye Chen.
More than that, he felt that Ye Chen was a little familiar.
However, he repaired the chain very early, and has been living in seclusion. He doesn't care much
about the outside world, and naturally he doesn't know much about Ye Chen.
If you know that Ye Chen is the master of the Dark Palace and Kunlun Xu, you will be surprised to
the extreme.
At this moment, he muttered to himself: "This kid, it's really not easy, he is already a chain repairer
at a young age!"
"No wonder you can't die at sea for three days!"
"Now the situation is not clear, saving you, maybe it's a help, and it's just a good relationship!"
The old man stopped staring at Ye Chen, turned his head and walked to the window, overlooking
the blue sea, and raised his hands tremblingly, not knowing what he was thinking.
After a long time, he sighed softly: "Forget it, just do it!"
Chapter 6270 Identity
At this moment, in another room above the cruise ship, the woman was wearing a loose
nightgown, her graceful figure was looming, and the spring was shining for a while.
She lay lazily on the sofa, curled up like a kitten, while listening to the report of her subordinates,
the red wine glass in her hand shook gently.
"So, is it Wei Zhiyao who defied the public opinion, got people on the boat, and ordered his
servants to kill people in public?"
The slightly flattering voice sounded, so that the younger brother in black who reported it was all in
a hurry, and his eyes couldn't help but glance. "Hui Er... Er Miss, this is how it is!"
The man in black seemed to have sensed his master's gaze, and hurriedly lowered his head,
daring not to look around. "Where is she now?" the woman asked again.
The man in black hurriedly replied, "Someone just saw that Miss San went to the owner of the
house!" "Huh?" The woman seemed to be dissatisfied with the answer, and there was a hint of
chill in her tone. The man in black who reported the report oozes sweat from his forehead, and
hurriedly knelt on the ground: "Yes, it's Wei Zhiyao, she went to the owner of the house!"
The woman nodded with satisfaction and said softly, "I see, you go down!"
The man in black was relieved and hurriedly left.
He didn't want to get involved in the internal conflict between the family. If he heard something he
shouldn't know, it was common to be killed and silenced.
The lazy woman got up slowly, the red wine in the glass slowly poured onto the ground, and let it
flow. The delicate jade feet stepped on the bright red liquid, adding a mysterious color to her
whole person. "What do you think about this, sister?"
The woman's voice became a little sharper, especially the word "sister", which was extremely
At the end of the corridor on the second floor, a slightly older woman in her thirties stuck her head
out wrapped in a bath towel: "Rudong, I probably understand the matter, what are you going to
The woman called Wei Rudong raised her eyebrows slightly: "Wei Zhiyao, this bastard, has fallen
into my hands this time. I will handle this matter well!" There was a stern look in her eyes.
Wei Rudong picked up the phone and made a call:
"Young Master Qin, now you can spread the message, just say, the third lady of the Wei family,
Zhiyao, took the lead in flouting the rules of the Skyline cruise ship, and recklessly condoning the
murder of innocents by her subordinates!"
The other end of the phone pondered for a while and asked, "I can do it, but you have to promise
me that our agreement..."
"Master Qin, I, Wei Rudong, always do what I say. Besides, she is my sister after all, blood is
thicker than water, and I won't hurt her in the slightest."
Hearing Wei Rudong's assurance on the other end of the phone, he stopped talking and ended
the call.
"Rudong, how did you deceive this idiot?" The plump woman wrapped in a bath towel walked
downstairs slowly. It was the eldest sister of the Wei family, Wei Hanqing.
"Hmph, that kid likes Wei Zhiyao as a bastard. Although the Qin family's power is good, it's far
from the level of my Wei family."
"So I promised that kid to catch Wei Zhiyao, on the premise that Wei Zhiyao didn't have the
possibility of competing for the rights of the Wei family. If she was swept out of the house, Qin
Feng would have a chance to get her..." Wei Rudong said lightly.
"It's that simple?" Wei Hanqing frowned.
Wei Rudong smiled contemptuously: "You never know what stupid things a man would do for the
woman he loves!"
Wei Hanqing chuckled, "That's right, the one who was ruined for you in the past..."
"Shut up! The matter between us will be discussed after Wei Zhiyao is resolved."
Wei Rudong shouted fiercely, stopping Wei Hanqing's sarcasm.
It seems that these two sisters are not monolithic!
Wei Hanqing looked at his younger sister's slump, and was in a good mood, "That's right, this Wei
family can only be owned by you and me, and it's not even an illegitimate daughter, a wild girl, to
get involved!" There was a murderous intent in her eyes!
"But the old man next to Wei Zhiyao is a little difficult to deal with. I heard that he is a new master
in the ancient martial arts world. You must have heard of the scene just now!"
"Don't worry, I've already made a foolproof plan to get him on board!"
Wei Rudong looked confident.
"Oh? Well then, I'm just waiting to see the show, don't screw it up, know it!"
Wei Hanqing reminded "kindly".
"Humph!" Wei Rudong snorted coldly and stopped talking, and walked back to the bedroom.
She has already planned the next steps, and if something goes wrong, the top person has already
made arrangements, and she will never be involved in Wei Rudong.
At the same time, on the cruise ship, Wei Zhiyao's bedroom.
Wu Yan put his hand on Ye Chen's pulse, his face solemn: "Well, the old man's spiritual power will
give you a little bit to help you wake up!"
In the old man's knowledge, Ye Chen was a chain repairer. He was injured and comatose
because of the dantian in his body, and he needed to transfer his spiritual power to him to nourish
his dantian.
"It only takes a little bit of control to control the degree. If it is too much, I'm worried that this kid
will explode and die!"
The strong spiritual power in the old man's body flashed, and he was worried that Ye Chen would
be overwhelmed!
Lifting Ye Chen slowly, the old man mobilized the spiritual power all over his body and slapped Ye
Chen's dantian with his palm: "Hey, why did this trace of spiritual power sink into the sea?"
The old man who didn't get any feedback was a little surprised, it shouldn't be.
With the young physique of this young man, it is absolutely impossible to withstand such
domineering spiritual power, right?
With doubts and incomprehensions, the old man used his spiritual power again to break into Ye
Chen's dantian! "Bang!" A loud explosion!
There was a trace of domineering Taoism in Ye Chen's dantian!
The old man looked at Ye Chen in horror, he had never seen a power more domineering than
spiritual power!
Wu Yan made a gesture to withdraw his hand, but he found that the palm printed on Ye Chen's
dantian was like a deep quagmire, unable to move!
The spiritual power in his body is constantly being lost, and the rate of loss is gradually
accelerating! "Damn! What kind of monster is this guy!"
This is the last cry of the old man!
After a few breaths, Wu Yan's whole body was drained of spiritual energy, fell into a coma, and fell
unconscious on the ground.
In Ye Chen's dantian, a glimmer of light flashed, and his eyes moved slightly.
There was no third person to see everything that was present.
After a while. "Dong Dong Dong!"
There was a knock on the door, followed by a voice: "Is Uncle Wu there?"
No one responded, and the knock on the door continued.
After a while, a figure slowly approached. If the old man is awake at this moment, he will definitely
recognize the person. It is Qin Feng who was on the deck to make a round of the siege!
Qin Feng and his followers were stunned when they looked at the scene in front of them.
"What's the situation?" He was also a little confused.
The two were in a coma facing each other on the bed, motionless.
"Master, it's time..." The little brother behind Qin Feng reminded.
Chapter 6271 I am Ye Chen!
At this time, Qin Feng reacted: "Yes, I had to prepare so many rhetoric before, I was afraid that
this old thing would not be hooked, but now it's better, it's delivered to the door!"
Qin Feng signaled, the younger brother opened a bottle of colorless solution, opened the old
man's mouth, and poured it in.
"After a lot of waste, I finally bought the Fengling Powder from those old things in the ancient
martial arts world, so I will give you a smile!"
"Without the blessing of spiritual power, you are nothing but a bad old man!"
"Don't worry, I will protect Zhiyao!"
He patted the old man's cheek lightly, with a look of ecstasy on his face.
"Master, why don't you just..." The younger brother beside Qin Feng made a gesture of wiping his
neck, and the meaning was self-evident.
If you don't do it again and again, just kill it, and you're done.
Qin Feng shook his head. He didn't have the guts to do the murder: "No, everyone has to abide by
the rules of the cruise ship. Once a human life happens and it is investigated, no one can save it!"
What's more, his purpose is only Wei Zhiyao!
The plan succeeded, Qin Feng took the steps that he did not recognize his six relatives, and went
to work happily! "The plan is complete, let's get started."
Eight characters, Qin Feng edited a text message and sent it to Wei Rudong.
Coincidentally, as soon as Qin Feng left, Ye Chen's eyes suddenly opened. Of course, this was
not a coincidence, he heard it all, but he didn't expose it.
Ye Chen, who had just woken up, didn't know what happened, but saw two people whispering
beside his bed, mentioning what Feng Ling San was.
Are such inferior products still being used today?
But he didn't make a sound and chose to wait and see.
When I got up at this moment, I saw everything around me, I should be on a big boat.
Looking at the unconscious old man who fell to the ground beside him, Ye Chen sighed, it
seemed that he should have saved himself!
The fingertips swiped a stream of light and pressed it on the forehead of the old man. After a
while, the old man slowly woke up.
Wu Yan certainly remembered what had happened. The awakened man in front of him had put
him under a lot of pressure. This kind of pressure had never happened before.
"Cough cough!" At this moment, Ye Chen's body is still a little weak. After all, the war was too
severe, and Huaxia's world aura is powerful for others, but it doesn't have much effect on himself.
Even so, in the eyes of the old man Wu Yan, the pale man in front of him could still take his life in
an instant.
At this moment, Wu Yan was a little overwhelmed.
Ye Chen was the first to break the deadlock: "Old man, don't worry, I won't hurt you!"
Even though he said so, the old man's vigilant gaze remained undiminished.
"Hey, you saved me, I'll show you something, just treat it as my reward for you!"
Ye Chen looked at the vigilant old man and sighed, and indeed, he did bring him great unease!
The old man only felt that the picture in front of him was constantly changing, and finally it was
frozen at the last moment before he passed out. Wu Yan was a little surprised, going back in
time? Who is this man in front of him? Why is there such a means! "dong dong dong"
"Dong Dong Dong!" There was a knock on the door, followed by a voice, "Is Uncle Wu there?"
No one responded, and the knock on the door continued.
Not long after, a figure slowly approached...
It was the previous scene that kept repeating itself in front of the old man.
"Damn it!" The old man punched the ground, "Fengling San!"
Not to mention that his spiritual power has been drained to save Ye Chen now, even if the spiritual
power is still there, the effect of this Fengling San is no joke! "They're going to attack Miss!"
This was the old man's first reaction, and he immediately looked at Ye Chen who was standing by
the window with his expected gaze.
"Who the hell are you?" The scene that just happened was still drifting frame by frame in front of
Wu Yan's eyes.
He wants to determine the identity of the man in front of him. He has been hit with Feng Lingsan,
but he is just an ordinary old man. There are many clouds and dragons on this boat, and no one
can protect Wei Zhiyao anymore! "Tell me first, where is this place and why am I here?"
Ye Chen asked, from the coma to waking up, there were too many experiences, and he had to
understand where he was.
Wu Yanyan succinctly described the experience of encountering and salvaging Ye Chen: "It was
my lady who rescued you. This is the cruise ship Tianxing. It is currently in the Tiandang sea area
and will dock in about three days!"
"Tianxinghao!" Ye Chen frowned, he had never heard of this name, and what about the Wei
family. After all, five years before he left, this Wei family was probably just an unknown small
Ye Chen has returned and has been dealing with the mutation of Huaxia's spiritual energy. He is
really unaware of the business and power situation.
"I have told you what I should tell you, but you haven't said it yet. Who are you?" Although Wu
Yan wondered about Ye Chen's identity, from a few simple conversations, he could feel that Ye
Chen was not murderous man of! In other words, Ye Chen is a reliable person!
In the face of the old man's repeated inquiries, Ye Chen smiled lightly, and he said, "My name is
Ye Chen, I have no identity, and I came here entirely because of an accident!"
"I'll be leaving soon."
When the old man heard the words, a trace of disappointment flashed in his eyes. He thought that
Ye Chen was the young master of an ancient martial family or something, so he could protect Wei
Zhiyao here. After all, Jianghu people pay attention to tit for tat.
"Okay, Ye Chen..." the old man whispered softly, "but why are you like this..."
Speaking of this, the old man was stunned on the spot. With such a tyrannical strength, I am
afraid that even the patriarchs of the ancient martial arts family can't match it, right?
He said his name was Ye Chen? Why are you so familiar?
After pondering for a moment, the old man Wu Yan seemed to have thought of something,
widened his eyes in horror, and stammered: "You... Are you Ye Chen?"
Ye Chen's name may be in the mundane world, but it's nothing more than that.
After all, there are many people named Ye Chen.
But since before and after the mutation of the aura, as long as the ancient martial arts chain is in
the lineage, on the earth, no one knows the word Ye Chen!
There are too many titles about Ye Chen.
"Bloodthirsty Dragon, Lord of the Dark Hall, Chief Instructor of Dragon Soul, Chief Consultant of
Huaxia Pharmacy Alliance, No. 1 in Huaxia Grandmaster Ranking, War God of Huaxia Zhenguo,
Disciple of Medical God Gate, No. 1 on Sky Ranking, Chief Alchemist of Danxu Town , Lord of the
Hall of Light, Lord of the Hundred Sects Alliance, Lord of the Kunlun Void..."
That level of strength is beyond the reach of countless people, even the number one person in the
Chinese martial arts today is unattainable.
And recent rumors indicate that Ye Chen returned to Earth and killed Yuan Daofeng. After all, the
huge mushroom cloud in the sky exploded a few days ago, but the news couldn't stop reporting it.
The so-called expert sees the doorway, and the layman sees the excitement.
Anyone who cultivates martial arts can feel the terrifying power in it. In the eyes of everyone, Wu
Yan kicked a shark more than ten meters away from the visual impact. If others called it out of the
realm of human beings, then Ye Chen and Yuan Daofeng's one War is called a slaughtering god!
Yuan Daofeng's strength has recently been too mythical in the ancient martial arts world, but it is
true, he himself has transcended the existence of the Earth's Dao!
But it was still easily beheaded by Ye Chen!
"You... you are really Ye... Ye... Ye Chen?" Wu Yan stammered a little, and it was indeed similar
to the rumors. Ye Chen is a little inexplicable. The things he did and the public opinion he raised
made him famous in the ancient martial arts circle with the word "Ye Chen".
Of course, only he doesn't know it! "Old Wu Yan, meet the seniors!" The old man suddenly burst
into tears, and made a gesture to kneel for Ye Chen!
Chapter 6272 Contrast
Ye Chen was startled. Although the old man's strength was low, he was his own savior. If he knelt
down, he would really hurt himself.
With a big wave of his hand, an invisible force prevented the opponent from kneeling down.
"The old man can't do it!" Ye Chen hurriedly exclaimed, what is the situation.
Wu Yan wiped his hands on the clothes on his abdomen, nervously like a child who is about to
take exam papers facing the head teacher's questioning. "Is such that..."
Only after this discussion did Ye Chen know that it turned out that Ye Chen's reputation has grown
to various levels in the recent Chinese ancient martial arts world.
Just the idea of returning is enough to become an idol worshipped by countless people!
Later, the killing of Yuan Daofeng and other deeds pushed Ye Chen's reputation to the top. Yuan
Daofeng's lack of personnel made all the ancient martial arts families bow their heads. If they
don't obey, they will be killed!
But subject to his god-like combat power, after bloodbathing several major families, everyone
chose to surrender.
Now that Yuan Daofeng is dead, the big families who were originally dissatisfied have established
their own businesses, claiming that they will serve Ye Chen as the master!
Only Ye Chen is the savior! The people of the Guwu family know all about the mutation of the
aura. All that Ye Chen did was seen by everyone.
The old man Wu Yan is the elder of the ancient Wu family's hidden world, and his strength is quite
good. "What's your relationship with this Miss Wei family?"
After Ye Chen learned about the situation, he hurriedly asked.
After all, he can be escorted by such a strong person. Wei Zhiyao has a really big face. You must
know that the elders of the ancient Wu family are the honor of the family!
"The mother of this girl, Zhiyao, once accidentally saved my life. She was also a person with a
hard life. Before she died, she asked me to take care of this child..."
"The ancient martial arts line, I have come to an end, so I have no intention to manage the affairs
of the family, I simply turn into a servant, follow this little girl, travel the mountains and rivers, and
take care of the years!"
"Zhi Yao's biological father, his career has improved a lot in recent years, and he wants to bring
her back to his knees, but how can this noble family fit in so well." "No, it's coming!"
Wu Yan sighed, "I didn't expect these juniors to be able to get Feng Ling San!"
He laughed self-deprecatingly.
"Uncle Wu, I'll just call you that, don't worry, I've solved Fengling San for you, you can recover
with peace of mind, I'll take care of you these few days!" Ye Chen said softly.
Wu Yan heard the words, his hunched body was shocked again, and he made a gesture to kneel
to Ye Chen again.
"Uncle Wu, if you do this again, you're really going to see the outside world!"
Ye Chen pretended to be angry.
Both Wu Bo and Wei Zhiyao are kind to themselves, although even without the two of them, they
will wake up at about the same time, but after all, it is a cause and effect.
Marven Ye had to find ways to pay off. The old man also smiled and said no more.
There was a rapid pace from far to near, "Miss is back!"
Wu Yan got up, trying not to leak any traces.
Not long after, a girl in pink and white sportswear with a ponytail jumped in and ran in.
"Grandpa Wu, my father promised me to keep him on the boat!"
"Hey, are you awake?"
Wei Zhiyao's beautiful eyes blinked, it was really cute.
She first looked at Ye Chen who was sitting on the side, then looked back at the old man, and
grabbed Wu Yan's arm: "Grandpa Wu, you are amazing!"
"Miss, if you shake it again, my old bones are about to fall apart!"
In front of outsiders, you must remain strong. This is what the old man taught Wei Zhiyao.
But in private, the two are just like grandfather and grandson.
"By the way, what's your name?"
Wei Zhiyao's smart eyes flashed, looking at Ye Chen beside the bed. "Ye Chen!"
Ye Chen's expression was indifferent, and then he responded: "Thank you for saving me, Uncle
Wu told me!"
"It's okay, it should be, it's not right to see death and not save me. Grandpa Wu has always taught
me to have good thoughts." Wei Zhiyao spoke righteously.
Ye Chen on the side also smiled and shook his head, this girl is really an innocent girl.
No wonder the old man was always by his side.
"The visitor is a guest. You seem to be fine. I just need a company. Let me tell you, this is the first
time I have come to such a luxurious cruise ship. Let me show you around!"
Wei Zhiyao is like a curious baby, her mind is like that of a child.
Wu Yan was speechless for a while.
"Every day, Grandpa Wu always told me that if you want to be like an adult, you will be annoying
and you have to pretend to be in front of them!" Wei Zhiyao sighed when she saw the old man's
eyes. Ye Chen couldn't help but smile, and could only say, "Okay, take me around!" "Uh-huh."
Wei Zhiyao nodded quickly, she couldn't sit still in this room for a moment, and looked at Wu Yan
with hopeful consent, as if begging the eyes the old man
Wu Yan nodded lightly: "Go on, my old bones have to rest!"
"Ah? Grandpa Wu, won't you come with us?" Wei Zhiyao was a little surprised, the old man had
always been inseparable before.
"Grandpa Wu today is a little weird." Wei Zhiyao muttered in a low voice.
Wu Yan, who was on the side, smiled stiffly when he heard the words, "Trouble Ye... Mr. Ye is
taking care of my young lady, so I won't go."
The hunched figure slowly went upstairs, but Wu Yan knew in his heart that with Ye Chen there,
Wei Zhiyao was safe for one million, and he was very relieved.
If Ye Chen can't protect Wei Zhiyao, then no one in this world can protect Wei Zhiyao!
After a stick of incense.
"Look, Brother Ye, it was here in the morning!" It was the familiar deck again, the girl said calmly.
"Your contrast is too big, isn't it?" Ye Chen smiled, this girl looks like an adult when she goes out.
Taking advantage of her back to the tourists, she made a face at Ye Chen again!
"It took me a few days to realize that this ship has a theater, ice rink, rock climbing wall, church,
and even a water park!"
"There is a particularly beautiful viewing hall there. The height is the same as the Arc de Triomphe
in Paris. It is a one-to-one restoration design. There is also a children's park. Above us, the top
deck sings and dances at night. It is an open-air night club!"
Wei Zhiyao led Ye Chen around the whole time, and Ye Chen was also amazed. For many years
of fighting and killing, he has never enjoyed the luxury of this world. When he saw it today, his
eyes widened!
"Where did this little white face come from? Like a country bumpkin, I've never seen Tianxing
before?" Just as Wei Zhiyao introduced Ye Chen, when Ye Chen's eyes were shining, an
inappropriate sarcasm sounded.
A young figure came, holding two glasses of red wine in his hand, and said, "Sister Zhiyao, this is
a treasure that I managed to find through a trustee, how about it, try it?"
Wei Zhiyao looked displeased, but the man still introduced himself: "In 1992, the Bordeaux estate
wine was aged in 65% new French oak barrels and slept in the wine cellar for a long time. ”
Chapter 6273 The essence of life!
"I finally got it from the Sko Group!"
This man who keeps bragging in front of Wei Zhiyao is exactly the guy Ye Chen saw at first sight
when he woke up, Qin Feng!
"Is this wine delicious?" Wei Zhiyao's eyes were flooded with the analysis of Qin Feng's eloquent
"Of course, try it together?" Qin Feng replied with a chuckle.
As soon as the words fell, Wei Zhiyao stepped forward and took the only two glasses of red wine
in Qin Feng's hands, kept one for himself, and handed it to Ye Chen.
"Brother Ye, try the taste!" Wei Zhiyao chuckled.
Qin Feng on the side was a little embarrassed. The two glasses of red wine originally belonged to
him and Wei Zhiyao. As a result, his face was a little unnatural after such a mess, but the
demeanor of the children of the aristocratic family was still necessary.
Of course, Qin Feng is still in pain. After this cup, hundreds of thousands of RMB are gone. In
order to make a swollen face and make a fat man, he made a lot of money, but unfortunately he
hasn't reached his mouth yet...!
"Uh..." Wei Zhiyao took a sip and looked at Ye Chen.
"How about it, Sister Zhiyao, it tastes sweet, this wine, we always drink it before, it's not bad!" Qin
Feng put his arms around his chest and walked through the passage.
"But, this wine is obviously sour?" Ye Chen suddenly said a word at this moment.
"Pfft!" Wei Zhiyao laughed out loud.
Qin Feng's face can't be hung up. He has never drunk such a precious wine. He just heard about
it. He was pierced in front of him, and his face changed suddenly!
"Where are you a country bumpkin? Have you ever drunk red wine? Just commenting here?" Qin
Feng avoided talking about the taste of wine and said arrogantly.
"He's my friend, Qin Feng, show some respect!" Wei Zhiyao frowned.
Hearing this, Qin Feng became anxious.
Isn't this guy the corpse that was salvaged this morning? After a while, they became friends?
Prejudice is too obvious!
Obviously, Qin Feng was jealous, and he wanted to target Ye Chen.
"Hey, don't think that you can do whatever you want when you climb a tall branch. Anyone on this
boat can trample you to death!"
Qin Feng said harshly.
Ye Chen didn't answer, his expression was indifferent, and he still said to himself: "This wine is
indeed sour, but the taste is okay, with a hint of black licorice aroma, it should be of great value!"
Hearing Ye Chen's words, Qin Feng felt a little more balanced.
At least this guy knows how to hold his own!
"What's the matter, it must cost several thousand yuan!" Ye Chen said softly.
Hearing this, Qin Feng became furious: "A few thousand dollars? This glass of wine is nearly
hundreds of thousands. Are you insulting me?"
Ye Chen's eyes narrowed and he shook his head: "Of course not, but if you like it, I can have
someone give you some."
As a chain repairer, Ye Chen doesn't have much concept of wealth.
But he knew very well that if Tianzheng Group and the Dark Hall wanted money, they could shake
the economy of the whole world in an instant.
Qin Feng was about to retaliate, but a sarcastic female voice was the first to interrupt the
conversation of several people: "What is the status of Mr. Qin, who needs you to send these low-
end things?"
A graceful figure came, and the tulle covered most of the graceful body, but it was still difficult to
block the charming scenery, and a pair of amethyst high-heeled shoes made the sound of "bang
da" and "bang da".
Qin Feng's eyes glared away, dare to interrupt him, courting death!
But the moment he turned around and saw the young woman, he lowered his arrogant head,
joking, this person he can't afford to offend, it is the second lady of the Wei family, Wei Rudong!
"Sister, it's better not to have anything to do with these rural villagers. After all, my Wei family is an
aristocratic family, and not everyone can make friends!"
Wei Rudong reminded "kindly" that the sarcasm in his words was not verbal. After all, Ye Chen
looked ordinary at the moment, and even his clothes were wearing Wu Yan's gray gown.
The good thing is calm, the bad thing is old-fashioned!
"Except for a face that I barely looked at, it's useless!" Wei Rudong looked up and down at Ye
Chen with a look of disgust, and finally came to this conclusion.
After all, although the corpse that was salvaged was alive, in the eyes of these rich people, it still
felt extremely unlucky!
"Sister, Brother Ye is not a country man, he is my friend!" Wei Zhiyao's face sank. Although she
hated this half-sister, she was helpless.
There were more and more spectators on the deck, and Wei Rudong knew that family scandals
could not be shared.
"Forget it, you are still self-willed, elder sister!" Wei Rudong smiled softly and shook his head
helplessly, looking like a doting elder sister.
However, this move won the praise of the surrounding audience.
"Second Miss Wei family really protects her sister in every possible way!"
"Yeah, yeah, it's really a phoenix among people!"
Wei Rudong listened to the comments around her, and her heart blossomed with joy. She had
achieved what she wanted. Since Ye Chen never said a word from beginning to end, Wei Rudong
himself did not have a good opinion of Ye Chen.
However, he's also just a hairy boy, he just needs to use some tricks!
She was not worried at all, she turned around with a smiling figure and was about to leave: "Oh,
by the way, sister, don't forget, tonight's family banquet will be held in the Star Hall, and father will
come too , don't be late!"
She was like a confidant big sister again, and asked.
Then he left with Qin Feng.
Wei Zhiyao bit her red lips tightly, she was defeated in this confrontation!
The impression left is that of a headstrong little girl.
"You second sister, you are not a fuel-efficient lamp!" Ye Chen said softly, looking at Wei
Rudong's back who had already walked away.
Wei Zhiyao clenched her fists tightly, but she had no choice but to sigh.
"It's so annoying, I don't like this kind of life at all..." She lowered her head, obviously a little
Ye Chen smiled casually: "If everything goes well, it's not called life!"
"Having pleasure in pain is the essence of life!"
Wei Zhiyao raised her head, a tear flashed in her eyes, she hurriedly wiped it away with her
hands, and then said, "Brother Ye, are there times when you don't know what to do?"
Ye Chen sighed, everyone has their own role to play, whether it is a big hero or a small person,
they have their own ups and downs!
"Yes, just like now, I'm chatting with you on the deck, and I don't know how many people are
waiting for me to deal with some things outside!"
"But all I can do is do my best. It's also a kind of beauty to chat and laugh with you on the deck
right now!"
"Life is like a mirror, if you laugh it will laugh, if you cry it will cry!"
Under the setting sun, Ye Chen's back is particularly eye-catching. Of course, this is in Wei
Zhiyao's eyes!
"I understand!" Wei Zhiyao seemed to feel something at this moment, she got up, and a bright
smile appeared on her face again.
Under the sunset, it is the beautiful face of a girl!
Chapter 6274: The Black Hand
"Go back and prepare, there are a lot of interesting things waiting for tonight's family dinner!"
Ye Chen smiled. Most of the things in this world are nothing more than power and profit, otherwise
he wouldn't make fun of Qin Feng.
"Some things can comfort Fengchen!"
Ye Chen looked at the sea in the dim light and took a deep breath of the sea breeze.
Returning to Huaxia, he had been dealing with the aura mutation and Yuan Daofeng before, which
made him have no time to feel Huaxia.
At the moment on the deck, he felt a little calm in his heart, and even made him temporarily forget
the will of the Yuhuang ancient land in the heart of the earth.
There are too many headaches. Since you are in China, just enjoy this short-lived tranquility.
Afterwards, he and Wei Zhiyao returned to the bedroom. Wu Yan looked at the two who returned.
Wei Zhiyao told the old man what happened on the deck before!
A light flashed across Wu Yan's eyes, silently.
He could hide Wei Zhiyao, but he couldn't hide Ye Chen, he knew that the old man had already
moved to kill.
"Grandpa Wu, let's not talk about it, I'm going to change my clothes. If the family banquet is not
taken seriously, the two sisters will take it and talk about it again!"
Wei Zhiyao's face was helpless, but after Ye Chen's solution, she was still in a good mood.
"This girl has to experience to grow up, how long can you protect her?" Ye Chen asked softly.
The old man also knows this truth, but the authorities are fans, knowing it is one thing, doing it is
"My old bones are still tough, people who cultivate martial arts can die so easily." Wu Yan said
solemnly, "I can keep her forever, she can go through it, but she can't be wronged!"
Ye Chen is silent, indeed, although he looks stooped, Wu Yan's lifespan is much stronger than
that of ordinary people!
It's not difficult to survive Wei Zhiyao's grandson!
"That's it!" The old man has his own obsessions, and those who practice martial arts have their
own Taoism. Once the Taoism is broken, it is all over.
Wu Yan's Taoism is to protect Wei Zhiyao.
I saw a flash of light from Ye Chen's fingertips, and a drop of light poured into Wu Yan's dantian,
and immediately he felt a tyrannical spiritual power spewing out of his body!
Stronger than he was at his peak!
There are even faint signs of a breakthrough.
The old man looked ecstatic. He knew that Ye Chen helped him, so he hurriedly wanted to kneel
down, but was pulled by Ye Chen.
"This girl saved me, and I deserve to repay!"
"But I have my business to do, I will leave one day, girl, you have to take care of her!"
There was a smile in Ye Chen's eyes. The old man's protective heart really moved Ye Chen. In
this world, it is not easy to have such pure feelings!
The old man was hunched over, trembling slightly, and the loose Chinese robe could not cover it
"Grandpa Wu, I'm fine!" Wei Zhiyao jumped out and ran out, wearing a long snow-white dress and
her hair tied behind her head, looking gorgeous!
Wu Yan hurriedly wiped the corners of his eyes and made a please gesture: "Mr. Ye, Miss,
At this moment, the old man's attitude towards Ye Chen completely changed!
In Wei Rudong's bedroom at this moment.
"How is it, has the identity of that kid been found out?"
Wei Rudong's voice sounded, and in her eyes, Ye Chen was just an ant.
Qin Feng in front of him said respectfully: "I have sent his photo back to investigate, and there is
no result yet!"
"Then there is no need to investigate, just get rid of him!" Wei Rudong said forcefully, and made a
gesture of wiping his neck.
Qin Feng's body was shocked, a rich boy, where did he do such a murderous business?
He stammered: "His identity may be unusual, after all, his aura doesn't look like an ordinary
Qin Feng wanted to explain something, but was interrupted ruthlessly by Wei Rudong: "Aura?
What kind of aura can a country boy have? Qin Feng, are you frightened by him?"
The contemptuous look in Wei Rudong's eyes did not hide at all, and he did not know whether it
was aimed at Ye Chen or Qin Feng.
"Find a few people and do it in secret. Didn't he get it from the sea? Then throw it back into the
Wei Rudong's face was understated!
Qin Feng was shocked, Wei Rudong's remarks made it clear that he was asked to do this!
"Young Master Qin, if you can get Fengling San, you won't be able to do it even a hairy boy,
Wei Rudong's tricks to his generals really worked!
Qin Feng took a deep breath: "Don't worry, that kid Ye Chen won't see the sun tomorrow!"
"After doing this, let's join us at the dinner tonight, so that you can get in touch with Zhi Yao up
Good trick, slap a sweet date to eat!
Qin Feng really took the bait, and there was no sign of reluctance anymore. He got up and
hurriedly said, "I'll prepare and kill Ye Chen!"
When I left, I was full of joy!
"This silly boy is really cute!"
Wei Hanqing's figure did not know when to walk out from behind. She glanced at Qin Feng's
leaving back, then looked back at Wei Rudong, and sighed softly, "Sister is a good way!"
Wei Rudong snorted coldly, "It's good if it works, if it doesn't work, this kid is a scapegoat..."
"I see her, Wei Zhiyao, how can she spend tonight peacefully!"
I don't know what Qin Feng is going to do to prepare, Ye Chen and the other three, in order to
avoid being criticized, have already arrived at the Xingchen Banquet Hall in advance!
The largest banquet hall in the Skyline cruise ship, the Star Hall with an area of 1,000 square
meters, is an open space, suitable for various large-scale conferences and high-level events. One
side of the hall is floor-to -ceiling glass, and the ample natural light makes the entire venue very
Now that night falls, the lights are extra dazzling!
Just as his forefoot was about to step into the hall, Ye Chen's ears moved, he heard a rustling
sound, and immediately withdrew his steps.
"Mr. Ye?" Wu Yan was not Ye Chen after all, and he hadn't noticed anything unusual.
Ye Chen's eyes narrowed, he chuckled lightly, and said lightly, "It's nothing, I'll deal with
something, you all go first!"
Wu Yan already knew something when he heard the words.
Wei Zhiyao looked at Ye Chen with puzzled eyes. Just as he was about to speak, Wu Yan waved
his hand to stop him and dragged him into the banquet hall!
The entire banquet hall was already full of people. Although it was a family banquet, it didn't say
that you couldn't bring friends to participate!
At this moment in the hall, the crowd is surging, and those who can come here have a strong
relationship with the Wei family consortium!
On the contrary, night fell, the sea breeze blew, and the slightest coldness brushed past, and
there was no one on the deck.
At the same time, there is a corner of the Tianxing cruise ship.
"Well, if I'm ready, I'll go and call Ye Chen. The brothers just hold him down and throw him back
into the sea." It was Qin Feng who was giving orders to more than a dozen servants.
Chapter 6275 Wei Xiong!
"Young Master Qin, in case you are found out..." Some of them worried that it's not that these
people have never done murder, but if they do it on Tianxing, it will not give the Wei family face.
Once they are discovered, they will implicate the family!
Qin Feng patted his chest and assured: "Don't worry, there is someone above me!"
After speaking, the index and middle fingers swore an oath and pointed to the sky.
Everyone was still at a loss. At this time, a middle-aged man said, "Don't worry, whatever
happens, Young Master Qin and I will keep you both!"
He lightly pressed his palm on the iron fence, and the solid iron fence was gently cut off!
Qin Feng looked at the middle-aged man triumphantly, and said softly to his subordinates,
"Everything will not be a big problem!"
Qin Feng's biggest support is this middle-aged man, and he is also the Fengling San he found for
Qin Feng! It turned out to be a person from the ancient Chinese martial arts world!
Seeing that there is such a domineering master, everyone has any concerns, and they are
gearing up for it. After all, if you do it, you will get money. Who wouldn't be moved?
Seeing that his morale was almost boosted, Qin Feng said with a ruthless heart, "You guys are
ready, I'll come to Ye Chen!"
As soon as Qin Feng finished speaking, a lazy voice came from the corner, "Don't look for Young
Master Qin, I've already arrived!"
Ye Chen's figure slowly walked out of the darkness, looking at the dozens of people in front of
him, he smiled.
"You...don't come here!" Qin Feng slowly stepped back, and the dozens of younger brothers were
dumbfounded when they saw this scene. What's the matter, the son is afraid?
The middle-aged man coughed lightly, and then Qin Feng realized that he was guilty of being a
He hurriedly stabilized his mind, Qin Feng's face was distorted: "Heaven has a way, you don't go,
hell has no door, you choose to vote!"
Ye Chen couldn't help laughing, and said softly, "Can I ask, where did I offend you, and you have
to kill me?" This question, on the contrary, made Qin Feng unable to ask.
"Someone told me to kill you!" he blurted out subconsciously.
Immediately, he seemed to realize something was wrong: "No, if you dare to touch Sister Yao's
mind, you should be damned!"
Ye Chen probably already knew that the guy in front of him was just being used.
Really stupid boy. "I see!"
Ye Chen's expression was indifferent, the next second, five fingers clenched, and a strong wind
appeared, but it was only a breath of time, dozens of people wailed, and all of them lay on the
deck with bruised faces and rolled around!
Only Qin Feng and the middle-aged man behind him were left in the field!
"Ancient martial artist?" The middle-aged man was a little surprised, but he didn't take it to heart.
To this extent, he was confident that he could do it!
Of course Ye Chen left too many hands, these people just had blue noses and swollen faces, and
it was not a big problem!
Of course, these means, in the eyes of middle-aged people, are nothing but err!
But in Qin Feng's eyes, he was quite frightened.
"You you you..." He pointed at Ye Chen tremblingly, but was too nervous to speak.
The middle-aged man on the side glanced at Qin Feng disdainfully, and felt really ashamed!
The middle-aged man walked forward slowly: "Boy, you are very good, some of the juniors in the
Bizhi sect are all top-notch existences, register your name, don't flood the Dragon King Temple!"
Ye Chen looked at the middle-aged man with interest, did he think he was his own?
"I have no family, no sect, just a loose person!" Ye Chen whispered, and indeed, he didn't lie.
"Hmph, I don't know how high the sky is, the boy, it's okay, I will discipline you for your elders
today!" The faint spiritual power fluctuations appeared in the middle-aged man!
Ye Chen frowned, is Huaxia's mutation so serious now?
Any ancient martial arts chain cultivator can actually cultivate spiritual power?
It was the middle-aged man who saw Ye Chen frowning, thinking that his domineering aura
shocked Ye Chen, he let out a hearty laugh: "Little guy, are you afraid?"
The middle-aged man's laughter brought Ye Chen back to reality, and he didn't pay attention to
what the guy was saying just now.
Ye Chen only saw the middle-aged man keep laughing, which was a little inexplicable.
"Go ahead, I don't want to delay too long, the banquet hasn't started yet, it's too late to go now!"
Ye Chen said softly.
On the other hand, Qin Feng nods frantically. He will see Wei Zhiyao tonight!
"Ignorance child!" The middle-aged person was anxious, and the figure quickly swept to Ye Chen,
and threw a punch. The look of joy on his face was even more obvious!
As everyone knows, in front of Ye Chen, there is no difference between him and the trash fish
lying on the ground!
That punch was firmly clasped by Ye Chen's five fingers and locked down!
The middle-aged man realized that something was wrong, and it was too late to get out!
With a light wave, Ye Chen threw the middle-aged man into the sea!
It's as easy as throwing a stone. This time Qin Feng was dumbfounded again.
What is thunder and rain? The middle-aged man perfectly exemplifies this.
"Huh?" Ye Chen frowned, only to see a figure rushing out from the sea, it was the middle-aged
man! That throw didn't cause him substantial harm, it was just extremely insulting.
Qin Feng's face was filled with joy again, and before it fully lit up, he saw Ye Chen grasped with
five fingers, and the sea was churning, and he turned into a shape!
A pair of water-like virtual palms condensed in the sea water, slapped fiercely.
The middle-aged man was thrown back into the sea again, and the blood was gradually stained.
This time, he never flew up again!
Looking at Ye Chen with his hands behind him at the moment, Qin Feng opened his mouth,
"See... hell!" He rolled and crawled to the distance, Qin Feng never wanted to stay here and see
this monster again!
At the same time, in the Xingchen Banquet Hall, singing and dancing were peaceful.
The melodious sound of the piano spread throughout the hall, and everyone was concentrating on
their own business, social or romantic.
"Brother Ye, why hasn't he come back yet, it's about to start!" Wei Zhiyao anxiously raised his
hand and looked at the watch on his arm, pacing back and forth.
Wu Yan smiled softly: "Don't worry, miss, Mr. Ye will be fine!"
Just kidding, if something happens to Ye Chen, unless the universe is destroyed!
"Welcome everyone to Wei's family banquet!" A strong voice sounded, and the melodious sound
of the piano fell. Everyone looked sideways at the stage. It was obvious that today's protagonist
was about to appear! The head of the Wei family, Wei Xiong!
A middle-aged man in his fifties, with a straight body, came to the stage slowly, in a suit and
leather shoes, and his leather shoes were bright!
A pair of gold wire spectacles frame is not visible between the temples, and there is no white wire
ear frame, showing the elegant and easy-going atmosphere.
"Today..." The middle-aged man took the stage under everyone's attention. Just as he was about
to speak, there was a "bang" when the door of the Xingchen Banquet Hall was slammed open!
"Ghost!" A rolling and crawling figure stumbled in, and everyone looked at it, who else could it be
except Qin Feng, the eldest son of the Qin family?
The middle-aged man frowned slightly, and there was a flash of displeasure, but Xiu Yang told
him to maintain normalcy.
Chapter 6276 Ridiculous!
But other people are not so easy to talk about, and everyone has avoided it, just because the stuff
in the crotch of Qin's crotch is not up to par, it's a thousand miles away!
"This rubbish!" Wei Rudong, who was in the audience, couldn't hang on his face. In the past few
days, everyone knew that the second lady of the Wei family was quite flattering Qin Feng.
At this moment, Qin Feng is just slapping her in the face!
"Brother Qin, are you alright!" A voice came to Qin Feng's ears. Now everyone can't avoid him.
Someone stepped forward to help him, and his heart felt warm.
"Huh?" When he calmed down and saw the face of the person who helped him, he almost turned
his back, it was Ye Chen! "Murdered!"
With an exclamation, Qin Feng's rolling and crawling figure flashed past, squatting in the corner
and shivering. Wei Xiong found the clue and asked, "The nephew of the Qin family came forward
and told me in detail!" Qin Feng explained the cause and effect of the incident clearly as if he had
caught a life-saving straw.
Wei Rudong, who was on the side, saw his father interrogate, and there was a touch of ecstasy in
his expression, and he went forward and cried, "Father, this Ye Chen not only murdered and
cheated on Tianxing, but also deceived his sister!"
This sentence pulled Wei Zhiyao into the water too!
"I..." Wei Zhiyao was about to speak, only to hear Wei Rudong on the side with tears in her eyes,
"Father, please don't blame my sister, she is also a bodhisattva, blinded by wicked people, all this
can't be blamed on her!"
Wei Xiong's eyes turned to Ye Chen, and then to Ye Chen, who was neither humble nor arrogant,
with a gloomy expression on his face.
"Yaoyao, what do you want to explain?" Wei Xiong was silent for a while, before speaking first.
Seeing her father speak, Wei Zhiyao said aggrievedly: "Father, Brother Ye will not kill, he is a
good man!" This pale and feeble explanation was not the answer Wei Xiong wanted.
At this moment, Wei Xiong closed his eyes.
"Come on!" With a loud shout, a group of figures swarmed in the hall, and a hundred security
guards instantly surrounded the venue!
"Mr. Wei, are you planning to ask me?" Ye Chen said softly.
"Evidences are all there, so what are you arguing!" came Wei Xiong's indifferent voice.
"Human testimony?" Ye Chen was a little displeased, "You mean Qin Feng?"
"Patriarch Wei, more than a dozen brothers outside can testify that Ye Chen killed someone!" Qin
Feng hurriedly said. Wei Rudong's face turned purple with anger, how could this thing say this!
"A dozen?" Wei Xiong's expression turned cold. Isn't this self-inflicted?
What do you want to gather a dozen people for? Murder and overtake?
Wei Xiong's expression turned cold, and Wei Rudong hurriedly stepped forward to relieve the
siege: "Ye Chen, you dare to kill people in public on the Tianxing number, are you despising my
Wei family?"
After all, it is a family, and outsiders can't be seen as a joke. This matter can be discussed again,
but the reputation of the Wei family is not to be insulted!
Wei Rudong also knew his father's character well, so he dared to speak out at this moment.
But everyone present felt an unusual taste in it.
It seems that the Wei family is not as harmonious as it seems!
"Father, Ye Chen must be held accountable for killing people in public, but the third sister is also
responsible. After all, she brought people on board!"
Another voice sounded, it was the eldest lady of the Wei family, Wei Hanqing!
A good move is to retreat. In the two of them's plan, Qin Feng is an important chess piece. Feng
Lingsan abolishes Mr. Wu, and Wei Zhiyao can be manipulated by anyone.
The appearance of Ye Chen made them have to adjust their strategies, and Qin Feng was the
If he can kill Ye Chen without knowing it, then everything will be business as usual, if he fails, it
will be the situation in front of him! Wei Rudong sings red face, Wei Hanqing sings white face!
Not only taking into account the family's face, but also giving outsiders the illusion of a sister who
is single-minded, what a deep calculation!
Marven Ye had already thought of the next script for the two of them.
"Sister, Zhiyao is our most beloved sister. All this is under the command of Ye Chen. If you want
to punish my sister, even me!"
Wei Rudong's pear blossoms were in tears, and the cry was a heartbreaking one.
Wei Hanqing also had a look of reluctance, but it was more about the side of righteousness and
annihilation, and she couldn't bear the expression: "This matter will be discussed again. Zhiyao's
matter will be dealt with by her own family law, and Ye Chen must be held accountable first!"
Wei Xiong didn't see it at all about the big play played by the two daughters, and was moved to
tears. How can a father doubt his own daughter? "Take Marven Ye!"
With Wei Xiong's order, hundreds of security personnel are about to start!
"Wait a minute!" It was the old man, Wu Yan, who stopped him aloud!
"Patriarch Wei, is it too inappropriate to be so arbitrary?" Wu Yan's hunched body stepped
forward, "The two young ladies of the Wei family hired someone to kill Ye Chen first, and Mr. Ye
was forced to fight back, so he still needs to be held accountable? "
As soon as this statement came out, everyone was shocked!
Throwing dirty water on the daughter of the Wei family in front of the head of the Wei family?
"Presumptuous!" Wei Rudong's face sank, "You are a servant, dare to speculate on the Wei
Wei Rudong is not afraid, the old man now is just an ordinary person!
When Wu Yan's face changed, he was about to start, but Wei Zhiyao grabbed the old man's arm
and shook his head gently.
"Father, there is something wrong with today's affairs, but Grandpa Wu is not malicious, he just
wants to protect me. In the years when I didn't meet my father, it was Grandpa Wu who was
protecting me. If I didn't t have him, I would stand now The daughters in front of you are probably
all dead bones!"
Wei Zhiyao's remarks touched the heart of the old man Wu Yan.
Wei Xiong was silent when he heard the words. What Wei Zhiyao said was true. He had already
investigated it secretly. Although he did not know the identity of the old man, he had no malice!
Wei Xiong's eyes gradually softened, and he didn't intend to go into detail about the old man's
previous remarks, but at this moment, Wei Zhiyao continued: "Father, it's true that Brother Ye
Chen was rescued from the deck by me, but this is true. After getting along for a short time, I
know that he is not a bad person!"
Wei Xiong's eyes narrowed, his daughter was still defending a murderer, which made him very
angry! "He brought me hope, made me redefine my life, and had a vision for the future. He..." Wei
Zhiyao continued to speak, but was snapped by Wei Xiong. "Enough!" Wei Xiong resisted his
anger, "You have to speak up for this murderer, how unreasonable!"
Wei Hanqing and Wei Rudong, who were on the side, saw their father's anger, and there was a
tricky smile in their eyes, but they hurriedly said, "Sister, hurry up, stop talking nonsense."
After he finished speaking, he turned around and patted Wei Xiong on the back lightly: "Father,
calm down, my sister is young and an ignorant child, please forgive her!"
"I will take care of the family affairs with my eldest sister. Father, let's go to rest first!"
The two young ladies of the Wei family are really good at acting.
"Oh? I finally said it!" Ye Chen, who looked indifferent, said softly at this moment. After watching
the play all night, he never made a statement from the beginning to the end!
"What do you mean?" Wei Rudong looked cold at Ye Chen.
Marven Ye shrugged: "Isn't it just that Wei Zhiyao will rob you of your rights in the family? It's
really tiring to play this bitter drama!"
Wei Hanqing's eyes flashed, and he said angrily, "Marven Ye, don't you think that by provoking
our family relationship, you will be able to escape?" Seeing this, Wei Rudong hurriedly agreed!
Wei Xiong sighed and turned to look at Ye Chen: "Man, I admire your courage, but dare to
question my Wei family in public, you can't leave here today!"
"I'm here today, no one can touch Brother Ye with a single finger!" Wei Zhiyao stood up again!
"You... You are openly opposing the family for an outsider?" Wei Xiong looked at the youngest
daughter in disbelief. He didn't grow up under his knees. Is he really so rebellious?
Wei Xiong was extremely disappointed with Wei Zhiyao at this moment.
But in the eyes of Wei Rudong and Wei Hanqing, Wei Zhiyao's remarks are simply not too
"If Big Brother Ye has any mishaps today, I, Wei Zhiyao, will leave the Wei family from now on,
and I will no longer have anything to do with the Wei family!"
As soon as Wei Zhiyao said this, the whole audience was in an uproar!
Wei Xiong's face paled even more, looking at this daughter who was openly opposed to him in
front of thousands of spectators, his eyes were about to burst with anger!
"Mr. Wei, you'd better think carefully before making a decision, after all, it is related to the future of
your family!" Ye Chen's words were a pun.
Wu Yan understands very well, once he starts today, the Wei family may have no future!
But in Wei Xiong's opinion, Ye Chen is still interfering in their father-daughter relationship, how
can he hold back?
"Come on here, take this rude boy to me!"
As the controller of the Wei family's consortium, Wei Xiong has seen many people who hold him in
the sky over the years, and this is the first time he has met a guy who dared to anger his bottom
line many times over the years.
The other party is still a stinky young boy, how can this make him swallow this breath?
"If that's the case, don't blame me for being rude!" Ye Chen stood proudly in the hall with his
hands behind his back.
In the eyes, the light flashed!
Ye Chen's figure stood still like an exiled immortal, with a detached temperament like a dust, and
hundreds of people were suddenly out of breath!
Some people just stand there, even if they don't do anything, it's a shock.
"Goo!" The security captain swallowed a saliva nervously, his legs trembling, he didn't know what
to do.
If this was an ordinary person, they would have won it on the spot without saying a word!
Ye Chen's eyes were too oppressive!
Wei Xiong was furious at the moment, and scolded his face regardless of his face: "What are you
bastards, what are you doing, take him down for me!"
The security captain heard the master speak again, and he had to bite the bullet!
He gritted his teeth, took out the baton from his waist, and rushed up. Seeing that the captain was
charging up, the others also stomped their feet, and hundreds of people rushed towards Ye Chen!
Ye Chen's figure remained motionless until the crowd drowned him.
There was a trace of sarcasm on Wei Xiong's face, going against him, this is the end!
Wei Hanqing and Wei Rudong showed joy on their faces, and they seemed to have planned
where the next celebration feast would be held!
Chapter 6277 A good show!
Ideal is full, the reality is very skinny. "Monster!"
A cry in the chaotic crowd shattered everyone's dreams!
Before people could react, they saw that the security captain's 1.8-meter body was already flying
into the air!
Immediately after, in the entire Xingchen Banquet Hall, a hundred and ten security guards turned
into clumsy swans like ugly ducklings and flew into the sky one by one.
Countless screams resounded throughout the venue!
"Ah..." The old man Wu Yan sighed softly. Facing such a scene, he shook his head helplessly,
provoking Ye Chen, and the Wei family was afraid that he would go to a dead end.
This rising star, a vibrant consortium, may be wiped out overnight!
Ye Chen's existence, even the existence in the capital, must be respected.
Wei Xiong's pupils widened, he couldn't believe no matter what, more than 100 professionally
trained security guards couldn't even handle a man!
But the fact is that there are more and more people in the sky, and the ground is getting more and
more empty.
"Take advantage of the chaos, get rid of Wei Zhiyao." Wei Hanqing is worthy of being the eldest
young lady, and she stabilized her mind at the critical moment. This is their last chance!
Taking advantage of Ye Chen being held back and unable to use his fists, kill Wei Zhiyao
unknowingly, and put the black pot on Ye Chen's head, no one will know it was their hands!
"Qin Feng!"
Wei Rudong gave a wink, Qin Feng turned to look at the old man Wu Yan who had not
participated in the dispute from beginning to end.
He nod at Wei Rudong, saying that there is no problem!
After all, Feng Lingsan was personally fed to Wu Yan to drink, so he could still guarantee it.
Wei Rudong's expression froze, and he wiped his neck against his confidant.
The man in black took the order, quietly pulled out the dagger and took advantage of the messy
crowd to slowly approach Wei Zhiyao.
Long before Ye Chen started, she had thought that her father would never be on her side. The
first time Ye Chen started, Wei Zhiyao was pulled aside by Wu Yan.
"Grandpa Wu, Brother Ye he..." Before Wei Zhiyao finished speaking, Wu Yan said, "Don't worry,
miss, he will be fine if something happens!"
"But..." Wei Zhiyao was still a little worried about Ye Chen, she turned around, and the dazzling
light of a dagger flashed in front of her eyes under the European-style headlights in the Star
It was too late to say it, and the white knife was about to go in and the red knife came out. Even
the mysterious man's face was filled with the joy of "mission completed".
The dagger pierced through Wei Zhiyao's long white dress, picking off a vestige of her shirt, and
she could no longer gain an inch.
The mysterious man exerted his strength several times, but the tip of the dagger remained
He began to panic a little, and the beads of sweat kept dripping from the bowl. At this moment, he
was still in the assassination posture, because a dry and thin hand firmly locked himself.
It was Wu Yan who stopped the fatal blow for Wei Zhiyao!
"Looking for death!" The old man was furious, and clenched the mysterious man's right hand with
force, breaking his wrist!
A heart-wrenching scream made everyone present unconsciously stop and turn to look in Wei
Zhiyao's direction!
"This rubbish!" Wei Rudong scolded secretly, not knowing whether he was blaming the mysterious
man's miss or Qin Feng's incompetence.
Judging from the old man's speed and the fatal blow that stopped the mysterious man, he didn't
hit any bullshit Fengling San at all! "Quiet!" Wei Hanqing hurriedly said.
Wei Rudong is also a person who has seen the world. Before the eldest sister has spoken, she
has already thought of what to do!
Stretching his right hand into his handbag, Wei Rudong slowly took out an exquisite revolver from
the bag!
The dark muzzle was already aimed at Wu Yan who was holding the mysterious man's wrist.
From her point of view, Wu Yan was just blocked by the mysterious man.
"Huh..." Wei Rudong sighed softly and said harshly, "You two, let's die together!" "boom!"
There was a loud bang, and the audience was silent for a moment, followed by endless screams
and roars!
Someone shouted the first sound, and everyone slammed around like a headless flies, and the
scene was a mess!
Wei Xiong's bodyguard rushed forward and guarded him firmly behind him.
"I'm fine! Come on, Zhiyao is still there!" He hurriedly motioned for the bodyguard to protect his
Hearing this, the bodyguard looked towards the corner, where is Wei Zhiyao still there?
At the moment when the gun rang, the bullet burst out, the mysterious man slowly fell to the
ground, his eyes gradually became slack, and he lost his vitality...
Wu Yan's figure was like a ghost, and he disappeared in place the moment he heard the
movement, keeping Wei Zhiyao behind him.
With Wu Yan's skill, the speed of the bullet simply can't match his reaction!
For the first time, Ye Chen's eyes were locked on Wei Rudong. It was she who fired the gun. In
order to leave no evidence, she wanted to kill her subordinates! What a ruthless woman!
Seeing that the shot was dead, Wei Rudong breathed a sigh of relief, and wanted to take
advantage of the chaos to retreat into the crowd. Although it was a pity that Wu Yan was not
killed, he had already achieved his goal!
She hurriedly hid her weapon, and she was about to join the crowd as soon as she turned around.
As soon as she turned around, a strong arm lifted Wei Rudong high.
"Cough cough..." With an inexplicable arm pinching her neck and holding it high, Wei Rudong
panicked in an instant, not to mention that she was guilty of being a thief.
The audience at the scene had already dispersed, and only a few security guards and Wei Xiong
were left at the scene.
"Ye Chen, how dare Shu Zier?" Wei Xiong, who did not know why, only saw Ye Chen's figure
disappearing in place, and in the next second, the five fingers were firmly clasped on his
daughter's delicate neck.
Just a little effort, a fresh life is about to end!
Ye Chen's eyes were indifferent, without causing any waves!
"You put her down, you have something to say!" Wei Xiong was afraid that his daughter would
make the slightest mistake. In addition, there were no outsiders at the moment, so he chose to
Wei Zhiyao, who was beside him, stuck his head out from behind the old man Wu Yan and looked
at the scene: "Brother Ye, is there any misunderstanding?"
Wu Yan stepped forward at this moment, and his hunched body looked around at the crowd, quite
as if he was about to start a killing spree.
Everyone in the field was in an uproar, and they all looked at Wei Rudong.
Wei Rudong's face flushed when Ye Chen pinched her, and she couldn't speak. Ye Chen just
flicked her gently and threw her to the ground.
"Cough cough..." After a violent cough, she slowly raised her head, her resentful eyes filled with
grievances, "Father, I made that voice!"
Wei Rudong took the initiative to admit his mistake?
Everyone at the scene was confused, only Ye Chen showed a trace of disdain on the corner of his
mouth and continued to watch her act.
"In the crowd, I saw someone sneaking up on my sister and trying to kill her!"
"I only acted to protect my sister!"
Wei Rudong spilled out his grievances, and there were only crystal tears in his eyes.
Chapter 6278 What is the sky!
The look on Wei Zhiyao's face was a little shaken, after all, for her a simple girl, all this is just a
matter of letting others say. Wei Xiong's face on the side was also relieved.
"Oh? Really?" Ye Chen raised his brows and questioned directly.
Wei Rudong wiped away tears and stared straight at Ye Chen: "Then what do you mean? Am I
going to kill my sister?" The old man Wu Yan's eyes were cold, and he didn't say a word, his eyes
filled with murderous aura.
Being stared at by the old man like this, Wei Rudong felt like she was in an abyss. The chill from
the bottom of her heart made her feel uncomfortable.
"You can deceive others with these little tricks. In front of this old man, you dare to lie?"
The old man's shriveled lips opened and closed, and there was a hint of shock in his words, but
the expression on his face was plain as water.
"The guy who killed Wei Zhiyao should be your confidant, right?" Ye Chen said softly, his eyes
were unwavering, "Are you trying to say that there is no proof anyway, and I have no proof..."
Wei Rudong was a lot tougher at this moment, and people died like a lamp extinguished.
There is no proof of death, and it is too whimsical to want to move her dignified Second Miss Wei
just with a little suspicion.
First of all, let's not talk about family affairs, Wei Xiong will never allow others to touch his
daughter! This is the bottom line of a wealthy aristocrat.
"Let's discuss this matter again, Ye Chen, what the hell are you thinking about!" Wei Xiong didn't
want to hold on to this matter, there must be something tricky here, he knew it well.
But at this moment in court, no matter whether he wins or loses, it is the Wei family's face that will
be lost. He Wei Xiong can't afford to lose this face!
So I can only avoid talking about it, or close the door and talk to myself.
The current Wei Xiong can only change the topic, because all these problems originate from one
person: Ye Chen. "You don't need to know who I am, but Wei Zhiyao is kind to me. If there is
anything wrong with her, the Wei family..."
Ye Chen's words were not exhausted, but the threat contained in that tone was quite a bit!
"You..." Wei Xiong's status has risen since the listing of Wei's Group, and even the drivers around
him are on the rise. It is said that if one person succeeds, he is surrounded by people who tout
Countless high-ranking officials and business tycoons are proud of their relationship with the Wei
family. Now it is the first time for the cruise ship Skyline to go to sea. This large cruise ship, known
as the most luxurious cruise ship in China, is also the masterpiece of his Wei family!
Only his Wei family has such strong strength!
Today, on this Tianxing account, there is not a single force comparable to the Wei family!
The family is the only one, and the Wei family deserves such praise!
He, Wei Xiong, as the head of the family, is the object of countless people's flattery. There is no
More than 100 security guards fell to the ground and wailed. Today, the face of his Wei family has
been slapped a few times!
Wei Xiong took a deep breath: "I really can't do anything to you on the boat, but it's not a good
thing for a man to be too arrogant!"
"I know you are a child of the ancient Wu family, but that alone is not enough for you to be
presumptuous in front of my Wei family!"
Obviously, a businessman who can reach the level of Wei Xiong, the ancient martial arts school
knows a little about the aura mutation.
After all, money can make ghosts run the mill.
He rightfully regarded Ye Chen as the son of some hidden family, but even so, in front of the Wei
family, he would never be allowed to be so arrogant.
But now that the situation is weak, it is impossible to beat others, and it is always inevitable to say
a few harsh words.
He was thinking about contacting the forces on the shore, and as soon as the cruise ship docked
in two days, he immediately took Ye Chen.
"Patriarch Wei, you and I have no hatred and no grudges. I am friends with Yao, and I don't want
her to suffer any harm." Ye Chen gave Wei Xiong a step down. After all, what he said was true ,
he was also Wei Zhiyao's father.
Hearing this, Wei Xiong clenched his fists tightly, trembled a few times, and finally sighed and
looked in the direction of his daughter. Tears flashed in Wei Zhiyao's eyes. When she said the
words that threatened her father, she still believed in her father.
Until the two sides fought violently, and even caused death, at this moment Wei Zhiyao didn't
know how to deal with it. She chose to escape.
Wu Yan said softly, "Miss, Mr. Ye has already left, let's go back to rest early!"
Wei Zhiyao nods with red eyes, did not look at his father, and left with the old man.
Looking at the backs of the group of three leaving, Wei Xiong was silent in a daze.
"Am I wrong?" After a long time, he murmured softly and left the hall with his hands behind his
back. The loneliness and loneliness of his departure did not win the sympathy of the other two
daughters. "Sister, what should I do?" Sister Wei Rudong looked at the figure of Wei Xiong
leaving, but her eyes gradually became cold.
"Wait for the opportunity, we have lost the best opportunity to do it, damn, that waste Qin Feng!"
"You can't even handle an old man!"
When Wei Rudong heard the eldest sister mentioned the word Qin Feng, a trace of killing intent
flashed in his eyes. Everything was a problem with this piece of trash.
Holding it in Wei Rudong's heart in one breath, there is nowhere to spread fire!
Being humiliated in public by Ye Chen carrying a chick is the hardest thing for her to accept!
"Qin Feng, go to hell..."
At this moment, in the highest conference hall of the ancient Chinese martial arts world.
There is no imagined luxury, some are just a few wooden benches and a few cups of white tea.
"Little Lu, have you ever heard about Ye Chen's whereabouts?"
The high-spirited gray-haired man took a sip from the teacup. The Zhongshan suit on his body
showed the temperament of a leader. He was always concerned about Ye Chen's affairs.
There is nothing wrong with calling Lu Lingfeng Xiao Lu. In ancient times, the gray-haired man
was like an emperor.
Lu Lingfeng sat at the end of the table and looked at the steaming teacup in front of him with a
solemn expression. After all, everyone here is an authoritative person in China, and he is the only
one who attended the event. He took a deep breath and analyzed all possible situations facing the
multimedia map in front of him.
"The sea breeze in the Tiandanghai area is fierce. According to the information, the palace master
and the mysterious man fought on the top of the mountain on the night of the incident, and the
battle was tragic."
"Part of the cliff collapsed and fell into the ocean current. We have searched the mountain and
found no trace of the palace master!"
"That is to say, he is likely to be exhausted after the battle. As that part of the cliff body fell into the
Tiandang Sea, I blocked the entire sea area early the next morning, but still no trace was found."
"According to the analysis, the sea breeze in Tiandanghai is very turbulent at night, which means
that the palace master is likely to have drifted out of the Tiandang sea area with the sea breeze."
After listening to Lu Lingfeng's analysis, an old man in a Tang suit with white temples said, "If
that's the case, then once the kid floats into the West Sea Domain, it will be like looking for a
needle in a haystack!"
The old man who spoke was the grandfather of Sun Linglong, who played an important role in
Old Sun was also a little helpless. After all, after Ye Chen's accident, Sun Linglong was talking
about it in front of him every day, so he almost removed the old bone.
"Old Sun, listen to what Xiao Lu has to say!" The gray-haired man calmed down and said with a
chuckle. Under the gesture of the gray-haired man, Lu Lingfeng did not stop, and continued, "After
that, it is the West Sea Domain."
"I checked the patrolling ships, and there is information that two days ago, the cruise ship Tianxing
had salvaged a floating body!" "What?" Everyone present called out in shock.
Ye Chen, who carries all hope, is gone?
"Cough, this, I have the honor to talk to the palace master. Powerhouses like them are already
immortal and immortal on the earth. You should have seen the methods of the palace master..."
The gray-haired nod man lightly. Others might have no idea, but in his own heart and Lu
Lingfeng's heart, Ye Chen would never die. "Tianxing number..."
The gray-haired man murmured, "Is it the cruise ship under the Wei family's consortium that has
emerged recently?"
"Yes, according to reliable information, we will return in two days."
Lu Lingfeng said in a deep voice.
Although he was convinced that Ye Chen could not have died, he must have suffered serious
injuries and must see his deity as soon as possible for protection.
"I suggest deploying special forces!" Elder Sun said.
Hearing the words, the gray-haired man was silent, but tapped the table with his right index finger
lightly, again and again.
The head of the whole meeting room was shaking, but apart from the sound of "banging" fingers
hitting the table, there was no other sound at all.
"Huaxia is still too scattered now!"
"Yuan Daofeng died, and now the ancient martial arts sect in China lacks a unified leadership, and
Yuan Daofeng's previous acts of anger and resentment can no longer be covered!"
"In this case, to use the name of Ye Chen, unify all the forces, centrally manage them, and use
them for my use in China. It is also a powerful force to fight against spiritual changes in the
The gray-haired man thought again and again and said softly.
Lu Lingfeng's eyes lit up, yes, after Yuan Daofeng's death, the ancient martial arts world is even
more scattered. Everyone nodded in agreement.
"I'm going to start preparations now. Many forces have already turned their backs on Yuan
Daofeng's previous actions. Now, in the battle of the palace master, Yuan Daofeng died. It's time
to introduce a new leader!"
"Okay, the fastest time to complete, the cruise ship Tianxing will dock in two days, I want to see
everyone in place!" The gray-haired man's voice was not loud, but he was extremely firm.
"Guaranteed to complete the task!" Lu Lingfeng gave a standard salute.
The Skyline cruise ship at the moment. Wei Xiong's rest room.
Wei Xiong is on the phone with a person. An indifferent voice came from the other end of the
phone: "Mr. Wei, don't worry, we'll be there on time, but it's just to deal with a chain repairer. By
the way, you are too polite!"
"Mr. Wei, these are all trivial matters. What trouble is there in our friendship? See you in two
days!" Wei Xiong finished the call, and a smile in control of everything was outlined on the corner
of his mouth. He murmured: "Marven Ye? I will make you understand, what is Huaxia Tian!"
Chapter 6279 Pendant transfer
after a few seconds.
Wei Xiong, who ended the call, was a little confused. He asked someone to take care of Ye Chen,
and it was inevitable to send some heavy gifts. After all, money and resources were just a bunch
of boring numbers to him. !
However, I have long heard that these ancient martial arts forces are not easy to deal with.
Although they are also interested in their own interests, most of them look like they are aloof, and
several subsequent treats have proved that it is indeed the case .
But why are they so happy to promise today? Not just one. Wei Xiong felt a little unusual, but it
was a happy thing to be able to invite someone to subdue Ye Chen.
At the same time, Lu Lingfeng united the entire ancient Chinese martial arts sect, and after
expressing his heart, he got more than half of the supporters on the spot, thinking that Ye Chen
would be more suitable to manage the Chinese martial arts.
After all, the global landscape is changing, and they also need a spiritual leader to support them.
Judging from Ye Chen's glorious past, no one should be unconvinced.
After all, it is China's first soaring genius!
It is no exaggeration to be called a monster, such people are indeed qualified to command them.
However, some people remained silent. They did not disobey Ye Chen, but needed to hold a
meeting to discuss some details. So the eight-party talks were called that night.
"Marven Ye was elected leader, what's everyone's opinion?"
"Ye Chen is indeed impeccable in terms of strength and character, but you must always
understand that my ancient martial arts world has never been integrated with the secular world.
You must know that Ye Chen's back represents the official, doesn't this destroy the ancestors?
rule?" "Yeah yeah, breaking the rules."
"We just recognize Ye Chen. His strength is sky-high. After this incident, the earth will never
become his fetters. When he leaves, we will return to the past!"
"This plan is very good, we only recognize Ye Chen!" "Great trick!"
Several people echoed the road.
"Have you heard? The one surnamed Wei, let's take a hairy boy, and the price is not cheap!"
"Yeah, it happened to be on the Tianxing number, and it was the same day that Ye Chen was
picked up. Why didn't you earn the money you brought along..."
Ye Chen never knew of all the plans behind all this.
In the past two days, it has been surprisingly calm. Even Wei Rudong, who has always been
scornful, has been dormant, not knowing what conspiracy is brewing.
It is worth mentioning that Qin Feng has never appeared in front of everyone since that night.
Ye Chen, who had given birth to his birthday two days later, the sea breeze blew gently at night,
and the melody of the waves was the only background color between heaven and earth.
"Brother Ye, it's so late, you haven't rested yet?" Wei Zhiyao came to the deck wearing a thick
blanket and stood not far from Ye Chen.
Ye Chen looked across the sea with an indifferent expression, and did not respond directly to Wei
Zhiyao, just now his thoughts returned to the heart of the earth.
He thought of the future, Ye Luoer, Taishangtiannu and Ren Feihan. This game is too big.
The more you go to the back, the slightest carelessness will definitely kill you.
Perceiving the existence of Wei Zhiyao, Ye Chen said lightly, "Tomorrow morning, should we
dock?" "Are you leaving tomorrow?" Wei Zhiyao did not answer Ye Chen's question directly.
At this moment, the two have their own thoughts.
"With Mr. Wu by your side, there won't be any problems." After a while, Ye Chen turned to look at
Wei Zhiyao, he also temporarily put aside all the burdens in his mind, there must be a way to the
car to the mountain.
This night should be quiet and sweet.
"Well..." Wei Zhiyao didn't know how to answer, and the atmosphere was awkward for a while.
"Miss, the sea breeze is cool at night, it's time to rest!" Wu Yan appeared behind the two at some
point, and he reminded Wei Zhiyao.
"Okay..." Wei Zhiyao looked back at Ye Chen reluctantly, and finally disappeared on the deck.
For the girl who is just beginning to fall in love, tonight is destined to be another sleepless night.
"This Huaxia has not been peaceful recently!"
Wu Yan stood beside Ye Chen and whispered softly.
"Five years ago, from the moment I left, the immature child of the earth was completely exposed
to the eyes of the world."
"Countless butcher knives are swung at him, I have to block them one by one!"
Ye Chen's eyes were deep. "You and her are not from the same world!"
The old man sighed, why couldn't he see Wei Zhiyao's affection for Ye Chen?
"As soon as I land on the shore tomorrow, I'll leave, this girl will leave you in the future!" Ye Chen
shrugged his shoulders and chuckled.
"This is my destiny, no matter how chaotic the world is, I will split a piece of pure land and keep
her safe!"
Although the old man's words did not reveal too deep emotions, or even his tone was flat, Ye
Chen did not doubt his determination at all.
"You take this thing!" Ye Chen threw a pendant to Wu Yan.
The old man took it and wondered, "What is this Xuanwu pendant?"
"Xuanwu, one of the Four Holy Beasts, if you encounter a problem that even you can't solve,
crush it and you will be safe."
"After all, it took a lot of effort to subdue this guy. Once it comes out, you can tell it for me
afterwards, and you can leave on your own and return it to freedom!"
Ye Chen wrote lightly.
"I can't take such a precious thing." A dignified look flashed in the old man's eyes.
"It's not for you, I'm not here in the future, it can also protect Zhiyao!" Ye Chen was very grateful
for the little girl who saved him.
As for other relationships, he didn't want to talk about it, he owed a lot of love debts, and he still
had to leave this world after all.
Instead of living up to it, it's better to never start.
"I understand!" The old man put away the pendant. "After tomorrow, I will hand over this pendant
to Zhiyao."
The sea breeze continued to blow on Ye Chen's face, and the slightest moisture moistened
between his brows, and only then did he lower his brows and return to his heart with that worry.
"Di Shitian has been unable to make waves in this world, and the arrangement behind is the
reincarnation monument, but the little girl that this reincarnation monument transformed into is
haunted, where is she now..."
The sunrise was red like fire, and before you knew it, it was the beginning of the sky.
Today is the day when the cruise ship Skywalk ended its maiden voyage, which also means that
Ye Chen is about to land.
Looking at the far and near shore pier, the tourists on the deck are also gathering more and more.
Some carry luggage, some look across the sea.
"Have your father's arrangements been made?" Wei Rudong was wearing a pair of large
sunshade mirrors, so she couldn't see the expression underneath.
Hearing this, Wei Hanqing said softly, "Father has already contacted almost all the ancient martial
families that can be contacted that night. No matter which family Ye Chen is from, landing today is
the time of his death!"
"That old man, too!"
Wei Rudong finally felt that the bad breath that had been suppressed in his heart for the past few
days would dissipate. After all this, get rid of Wei Zhiyao.
They are still the biggest winners!
Chapter 6280 The Price
"It's coming to shore!" "This trip is truly unforgettable..."
"Hey, look, why is the coastline so crowded?" "Anyone else in uniform?"
The tourists on the deck obviously also saw the endless crowds of people on both sides of the
pier that has extended to the coastline.
The turbulent momentum almost drowned the end of the sight, nearly a thousand people, all
watching the return of Tianxing!
"This family head Wei has such a good face? Even those people are dispatched to escort them?"
"But what are those mysterious people in tunic suits doing?"
There was a heated discussion among the crowd.
At this moment, Wei Xiong slowly came to the deck, and everyone consciously gave up a wide
road. "Patriarch Wei!" "Patriarch Wei!"
Everyone greeted the middle-aged man in unison. Seeing their father's arrival, Wei Rudong and
Wei Hanqing also restrained their arrogant expressions and turned into two good babies standing
beside Wei Xiong.
Wei Xiong glanced at the other side, frowned, and said in his heart, "No, the ancient martial family
that I have contacted can never come out like this. What is the origin of the people on the shore?"
A hundred questions lingered in his mind.
But in the hearts of unknown spectators, all this is his Wei Xiong's face!
"Humph, Marven Ye, it's better to die today if you want to live!"
Wei Xiong glanced at Ye Chen, who was also on the deck, thinking about how to deal with Ye
It seemed that he felt something, and Ye Chen also looked back at Wei Xiong at this moment.
It was only a startling glance, but he turned his head back again. The indifference in his eyes was
deeply remembered by Wei Xiong.
"Damn it!" Wei Xiong clenched his fists, his teeth trembling with hatred.
"Om!" With the roar of the cruise ship, it was getting closer and closer to the shore, and the people
on the shore were all looking forward and waiting quietly!
The figure of Wei Xiong appeared at the front. He was the organizer of the cruise on the Skywalk
and the head of the Wei family consortium.
Now, it is natural to be in the forefront and step down!
There was no warm applause as imagined, and no flower salute as imagined.
The team and nearly a thousand people on the shore had a cold attitude towards Wei Xiong, and
they didn't even open their eyes to look at him.
"Uh..." Now it was his turn to be a little embarrassed.
Fortunately, an old man from the ancient martial family who he contacted a few days ago said to
him, "Patriarch Wei, please let me go!"
Wei Xiong just wanted to greet him with a smile, thinking that there was someone who finally
spoke to him, and he just went down the stairs, after all, so many people were watching.
He hurriedly greeted him with a smile, but was waiting for the old man to say "Let me go!"
This caused a flush of blush on his face.
"That, Patriarch Wang, what I told you on the phone a few days ago..."
The old man at the head seemed to have thought of something, and said casually: "Remember,
people can't escape on the boat. When we finish picking up people, we will kill them for you!"
Hearing this, Wei Xiong didn't care about being annoyed, and thought to himself, could there be
someone more prominent than himself on this ship?
After so many days of travel, no one has mentioned it!
"Forget it, it's enough to crush Ye Chen to death, everything else is not important!"
Wei Xiong could only comfort himself like this.
Seeing that everyone disembarked one by one in order, Lu Lingfeng, who was standing at the
front, felt a little nervous.
"It won't really happen, will it?" He paced back and forth, standing tall and straight in the scene of
thousands of people standing still, which is particularly eye-catching.
"Which big man is this?" Wei Xiong muttered softly, leaning next to the head of the ancient Wu
Wang family.
Obviously, everyone was waiting silently, only this man with a murderous look between his brows
was pacing back and forth.
"Shh..." The Wang family hurriedly made a silent gesture, motioning Wei Xiong not to say more,
and then leaned into his ear and said softly, "He is the agent of the Huaxia Dark Hall, and he
came here to serve him. Come here to meet a big man!” "We're just a foil!"
Wei Xiong was shocked. Compared with others, he was simply a scorpion fighting for glory with
But in a flash, he secretly rejoiced, fortunately he didn't have a conflict with the other party just
now, otherwise, he wouldn't know how he died at this moment.
But then again, these characters are actually waiting for others? Still on your own Skyline?
What kind of graceful and supreme existence is that? Wei Xiong began to fantasize about whether
he had dealt with this person on the boat and formed a good relationship.
But think about those big people, they are all very low-key.
Wei Rudong and Wei Hanqing, who were behind them, probably knew a bit of the inside story with
Wei Xiong's instruction and whispered explanation after they disembarked.
Can't help but smack, there is such a powerful person on his own ship?
If you can flatter yourself with beauty, isn't it... Wei Rudong began to fantasize wildly.
"Strange, we're almost gone. Could it be that the information is wrong?" Lu Lingfeng was really
Just when Lu Lingfeng and others were in a daze, Wei Zhiyao walked slowly towards the boat,
and behind her was the old man Wu Yan.
As for what's next, it's... Ye Chen!
In Lu Lingfeng's eyes, a look of ecstasy flashed, the palace master he was looking forward to is
Step by step, Ye Chen walked slowly behind Wei Zhiyao.
There was a commotion in the crowd. Many people had never seen Ye Chen in person, but some
people had some dealings with Ye Chen because of the past. Naturally, that face would not be
Hearing the voices gradually rising from the crowd, Wei Xiong was also a little surprised. Could it
be that the person they were waiting for was Wei Zhiyao? own daughter?
As soon as the idea came to his mind, he was instantly rejected.
No way, Wei Zhiyao is just an ordinary person.
As for the old man Wu Yan, he had long since ignored him. What kind of status can a dying old
man have?
He was followed by Ye Chen. The moment he saw Ye Chen's figure, anger burst out from Wei
Xiong's eyes!
"Shuzi Ye Chen, hurry up and die! Today, I will let you understand the horror of my Wei family!"
Wei Xiong shouted sternly, that gesture, how powerful and powerful it is!
"Marven Ye, don't think that you are a child of the ancient Wu family. Our Wei family is afraid of
you. Today's battles are all here to support my Wei family!"
"Your death is here!"
Wei Rudong's almost frantic roar spread throughout the audience, but surprisingly, no one
supported him.
At this time, Wei Xiong noticed that the eyes of the thousands of people were all stunned, and
then looked at the father and daughter three with pity.
"This is..." Wei Xiong didn't understand what happened, only to see a ghostly figure flashed by
among the thousand people, and slapped Wei Rudong, who was still talking nonsense, on the
"Pfft!" A mouthful of blood spurted out, Wei Rudong's figure flew upside down like a kite with a
broken string, and slammed heavily on the reefs on the coast.
Chapter 6281 A Man Like God
The figure didn't look back, all that was left for everyone was the back, and an indifferent voice in
his mouth: "Dare to be disrespectful to the hall master, courting death!"
The owner of that voice was the former Dark Hall old subordinate, Liu Qi, who was also Uncle Liu
in Han Qianmin's mouth.
"Even this guy's strength is so unfathomable, I didn't even see the action of that blow just now!"
The head of the Wang family let out a long sigh. After all, he was still old, and it was time to retire
from the stage of history.
Previously under the control of Yuan Daofeng, the big families who had encircled and suppressed
the Dark Hall were also blushing. Although they were forced, they did make a move!
At this moment, Ye Chen was standing in front of him, his old team took action in public, and
everyone didn't dare to say a word, not to mention whether it was Liu Qi's opponent or not, they
were all in a hurry .
At this moment, Wei Xiong seemed to understand something, and a storm surged in his heart!
Marven Ye, he obviously can't afford to offend.
He, Ye Chen, is the big man everyone is waiting for!
At this moment, Wei Xiong didn't care about his daughter's life or death at all, all he cared about
was the future of the Wei family.
Just as he was about to step forward, Wei Xiong wanted to do something.
I saw that Lu Lingfeng's figure was already one step ahead, knelt down on one knee, and said
loudly, "My subordinate Lu Lingfeng, see the hall master!"
Immediately after that, thousands of people shouted in unison, all of them kneeling or bowing:
"Palace Master Ye!"
The sound is deafening, and it pierces the sky!
Ye Chen's figure walked down quickly, and he helped Lu Lingfeng up first, and whispered, "What
the hell are you doing, why are there so many people?"
Ye Chen has always acted in a low-key manner when he came to Huaxia, and tried his best to be
less showy in front of outsiders. Never expected that Lu Lingfeng would come with such a trick!
Only then did Lu Lingfeng understand, and he explained to Ye Chen in a low voice. It turned out
that in order to unite the entire ancient martial arts force, everyone unanimously elected Ye Chen
as the supreme leader and led all the forces to fight against the aura mutation.
And Ye Chen represents the official Huaxia and the dark hall, and is naturally called the master of
the palace by everyone!
"I've been waiting here for a long time, all the heads of the ancient Chinese martial arts world, see
Hall Master Ye!" An old man with white hair and beard walked out slowly and said solemnly.
Ye Chen's eyes narrowed and he said, "It's better to call me Ye Chen, or Mr. Ye."
Following the old man's voice, all the ancient martial arts chain cultivators in Zhongshan suits
knelt down on one knee and shouted in unison, "See Mr. Ye!"
The patriarch of Guwuwang, who had been condescending to Wei Xiong before, also knelt down
directly under the leadership of the old man. Worship Ye Chen!
Only Wei Xiong was dumbfounded. "It's over... it's over, my Wei family is dead!"
The moment Liu Qi shot Wei Rudong, he knew that he had completely kicked the iron plate.
Originally, he relied on the ancient martial arts forces who could save money and avoid disasters
by spending more money, and he could protect himself, and at most apologize and admit his
But now, the only thing he can rely on is in front of his enemy, kneeling on one knee, how humble
and humble. Wei Xiong knew that the Wei family was helpless!
He stared blankly and sat on the ground.
The eldest daughter Wei Hanqing on the side has long been dumbfounded. She has no eyeballs,
and now it is too late to regret.
Ye Chen listened to Lu Lingfeng's whispers, and everyone present kneeled down and dared not
stand up, quietly waiting for Ye Chen to speak.
The breeze from the coast blew a strand of broken hair between Wei Xiong's brows, and his eyes
were still blank at this moment.
"Okay, I understand!" Ye Chen lightly patted Lu Lingfeng on the shoulder, turned around and
realized that everyone was still kneeling and waiting for him.
Ye Chen couldn't help blushing, "Cough cough..."
"Well, everyone, get up, there's no need to be so polite, I, Ye Chen, don't like to be the master of
these ceremonies!"
After everyone heard the words, they got up slowly, stood still and waited for further instructions
from Ye Chen. " there the head of the Guwu Wu family?" Ye Chen said softly.
A middle-aged man with thick eyebrows and big eyes answered loudly, "Mr. Ye, Wu Kang is
The middle-aged man was originally in the back, and his figure was covered by everyone. At this
moment, he heard Ye Chen's call and hurried forward.
"Mr. Ye, you..." Wu Kang just saw Ye Chen, but before he could speak, his eyes extended to Wu
Yan, the old man of the Wu family behind Ye Chen. "Father, why are you here?"
Wu Kang couldn't calm down for a while, and was stunned on the spot.
"Don't blame Mr. Ye, the dog is a little dull..." The old man Wu Yan stepped forward and smiled at
Ye Chen.
Ye Chen also shook his head and chuckled: "I still trust Mr. Wu's family style."
"It's inappropriate to say that I lead the entire ancient martial arts world, because sometimes I
don't quite understand the doorway, and I can be said to be a layman."
"From now on, the Wu family and Lu Lingfeng, the dark palace, will represent me and preside
over all the daily affairs of the ancient martial arts sect. If I have a special situation, I will give a
special notice." "That way I have more time to investigate the situation over there..."
Ye Chen mentioned this, his brows furrowed, and it seemed that he had encountered a difficult
situation, and everyone was a little dumbfounded for a while.
Inexplicably, the Wu family has grown steadily?
Just because the old man of the Wu family had a fate with Ye Chen on the boat?
It has to be said that luck is also a part of strength in many cases.
Many people regret that they didn't appear on the Skywalk cruise ship. Of course, this is all for
"Zhi Yao, come here!" Ye Chen called softly.
Wei Zhiyao's body trembled, obviously she hadn't come out of the shock that Ye Chen brought
"Ah?" Hearing Ye Chen calling her, she felt that everyone's eyes were instantly focused on her,
making herself a little embarrassed.
"Thank you for saving me, but starting today, I have to do my own business, and we may rarely
see each other." Ye Chen is saying goodbye to the little girl.
Hearing the news that Ye Chen was leaving, she felt inexplicably sad for some reason.
"However, I will visit you when I have time!"
Ye Chen smiled softly. What he didn't know was that his casual promise had been haunting
another person's heart for half his life. Of course, that's something else.
"Really?" Wei Zhiyao looked at Ye Chen expectantly, as if to prove something.
Seeing this, Ye Chen nodded lightly and agreed to Wei Zhiyao.
"Patriarch Wei!" Ye Chen couldn't bear to look at the girl's hopeful gaze, he turned to look at Wei
Xiong, who was slumped on the ground.
Wei Xiong sighed in his heart, and the trial finally came to him.
"It's the same sentence, I and the Wei family have no enmity or enmity."
With that alone, Wei Xiong's eyes suddenly changed, what does it mean?
Not going to pursue it?
Tears flickered in his old eyes, only to hear Ye Chen continue: "The previous series of
contradictions were just to protect Zhi Yao, and the same is true for Mr. Wu."
"Today, I just need a promise from you that Wei Zhiyao will not be hurt in the slightest in the Wei
Chapter 6282 The Land of Mutation
Wei Zhiyao on the side was quite shaken when she heard Ye Chen arguing for herself and her
father like this.
"Mr. Ye, I can guarantee it!" Wei Xiong hurriedly stood up, and he didn't even have time to slap
the dust on his body, so he pointed at the heaven and the earth to swear.
After passing the guarantee, Wei Xiong made a gesture to kneel to Ye Chen.
Ye Chen seemed to have expected his actions a long time ago. Before the kneeling knees fell to
the ground, Wei Xiong only felt an indescribable force supporting his knees, but he couldn't kneel
"There's gold under the man's knees, Master Wei, I'm younger than you, and I can't afford such a
big gift!" Ye Chen said softly, speaking of this, a cyan streamer lighted up in his hand, turning into
a ball of light that slowly floated towards the previous Wei Rudong was knocked down by Liu Qi.
Wei Rudong's body was wrapped in green light, and after a while, Wei Rudong's eyes, whose
bones were completely broken, and whose vitality was almost extinct, blinked lightly.
"I... I'm still alive?" Wei Rudong got up and looked at himself in disbelief. After all, the heart-
piercing pain just now was real.
"This... can people be resurrected from the dead?"
"This is against heaven!"
There were endless exclamations in the crowd, Ye Chen's method was almost bewitching in the
eyes of everyone!
Except for the soldiers who experienced the rain of bullets, all the soldiers who were present were
ancient martial arts chain repairers. In their opinion, Wei Rudong, with a mortal body, resisted Liu
Qi with a single palm, and Liu Qi was merciful without being killed on the spot. .
If you want to be saved, it is impossible!
"Thank you, Mr. Ye, for your kindness and great virtue!" Wei Xiong burst into tears with
excitement, and Ye Chen's move gave the Wei family enough face.
He Wei Xiong even got Ye Chen's support out of a blessing in disguise, he really can be called
"Wei Rudong, your life was given by Wei Zhiyao. From now on, you will be Wei Zhiyao's servant,
serving you forever!"
Ye Chen is very sure that Wei Rudong will never do anything to Wei Zhiyao from now on after
such a commotion.
More importantly, Wei Zhiyao has a simple mind, and it's not a bad thing to have Wei Rudong
"It's over, everyone leave!" With Ye Chen's order, the thousands of people at the scene turned
around and disappeared.
At this moment, Lu Lingfeng handed Ye Chen a new mobile phone, on which was the information
from Captain Dragon Soul, Jin Lengyan:
"Instructor, in the southeast of China, an unknown reaction was found. The detection team went
deep, but no one survived. After testing, the content of the oxygen in the oxygen is consistent with
the inexplicable energy found in Jiulong Mountain before, but the concentration has only
increased. The situation is critical, please help!”
Ye Chen frowned and said solemnly, "Go to the southeast area immediately and meet with Jin
Soon, Ye Chen came to an area in the southeast.
"Instructor, this is the specific situation that Dragon Soul knows so far!"
Jin Lengyan and Ye Chen are standing side by side at this moment, looking at the dense leaves
that are covered by the rich spiritual energy not far ahead, and the vitality is full of life, the trees
and grass are lush, and in a green paradise, there is no trace of living creatures. .
"The members of the Dragon Soul Squad who went to investigate before are already some
powerful experts. Although they were wearing protective clothing that can isolate spiritual power,
they lost contact with them a day ago..."
Jin Lengyan had a worried look in his eyes, after all, these are brothers who died with him. They
were still laughing and joking a few days ago, but now their life and death are uncertain.
Ye Chen frowned, and at this moment, he was also a little overwhelmed.
"I'm going to save people first, you stay farther away, I can feel that the concentration of spiritual
power here is still increasing!"
"I have to find the root of everything behind this!"
Ye Chen sighed lightly, and at the moment he had no clue. Di Shitian's demon clone died, and the
network behind him, which was inextricably linked with him, was wiped out.
For now, we can only take a step by step.
"Instructor, be careful!" Jin Lengyan said solemnly.
The current situation, only the man in front of him has the ability to solve, he is the only support in
everyone's heart.
Just as Jin Lengyan was sighing, Ye Chen's figure had jumped out like a cheetah and
disappeared as far as she could see.
"This kind of rich spiritual power, even if I go in, it will be difficult to move..."
Jin Lengyan shook her head and smiled bitterly, the back figure who had been chasing, no matter
how hard she tried, she still pushed herself farther and farther, until she couldn't see it in the
Ye Chen stepped on the soft ground among the dense leaves, and the ground trembled lightly, as
if it was alive, and it hurt a little when Ye Chen stepped on it!
After several struggles, the surrounding grass finally broke out of the ground, grew wildly at a
speed visible to the naked eye, and turned into innumerable strands entwining towards Ye Chen.
But for a moment, Ye Chen's legs were already firmly entangled.
The grasses all exerted their strength, and the vines full of legs seemed to tear Ye Chen apart.
"Has it reached this level?" Even the grass and trees have gradually given birth to spiritual
consciousness. Once outsiders step in, they will be strangled!
With a rustling sound, the towering trees beside Ye Chen trembled, and thousands of fallen
leaves turned into sharp knives, rushing towards Ye Chen!
The innumerable strands under his feet were still tightly entangled in Ye Chen's legs, making him
unable to move.
In an instant, the murderous intent was revealed!
"Humph!" Ye Chen snorted coldly, the laws of spiritual power all over his body worked, a faint
radiance lingered around his body, and the thousands of strands above his legs instantly ignited a
firefly, which actually shrank back again. !
The thousands of fallen leaves were already in front of Ye Chen's eyes, and the spiritual power of
the stars was condensed on the sharp blade, which greatly increased its power.
Countless sharp blades stabbed Ye Chen's skin, splashing a little spark, but did not cause any
damage to Ye Chen.
"With such power, once the people of the martial arts of the earth intervene, they will die!" Ye
Chen felt an inexplicable discomfort in his heart. He had already vaguely thought that the
members of the Dragon Soul Advance Team might have already. ..
"With their strength, they shouldn't be able to go deep, but in this periphery, there is not the
slightest sign of fighting, and there is no trace of anyone..."
"No message, maybe the best message!"
Ye Chen waved his hand, and the sturdy towering tree instantly turned into dust.
The surrounding flowers and plants trembled for a while, and they slowly dispersed.
"Now you can't hurt anyone anymore!"
Ye Chen lightly patted the dust splashing on his sleeve, and suddenly, found something, and said
lightly, "Huh? There is an inexplicable energy reaction in the depths over there!"
At the moment when the big tree fell, an inexplicable energy reaction was captured by Ye Chen's
keen spiritual sense!
Ye Chen's figure disappeared in a few breaths, and not long after he left, the trunk of the big tree
that fell to the ground began to wriggle slowly!
There was a trace of blue-black energy attached to the wound that was cut by Ye Chen's palm,
and it looked like he had come back to life!
Everything that happened after that, Ye Chen never knew.
Chapter 6283 What is it?
At the same time, deep in dense leaves.
"it is as expected!"
Looking at the Spirit Gathering Array similar to the Nine Dragons Mountain Great Array, Ye Chen
clenched his fists slightly.
Can't go wrong, same or even worse feeling.
Beneath the lush aura of life, there is still the endless killing aura!
"Previously, it was the half-grip beast claws that guarded the spirit formation!"
When Ye Chen thought of this, he flew up and looked down across the sky. Sure enough, it was
bigger than the animal's claw...
Half body!
Yes, headless bust!
And the position that was supposed to be the head of the beast was also dug up by life.
Ye Chen's figure slowly descended from above the void.
"The spirits here were still taken away, Yuan Daofeng and the emperor behind him were all
destroyed. Who the hell is still making trouble?"
"No matter what, let's destroy it!"
The majestic spiritual power spewed out, and the flames with the aura of destruction began to
spread in circles around Ye Chen. In a few breaths, the dense leaves with a radius of dozens of
kilometers were shrouded in black and golden fire rings.
"Jin Lengyan, retreat!"
Ye Chen's voice spread almost all over the southeastern region, and his shouts echoed
everywhere in the dense leaves!
Under the coverage of powerful perception, Ye Chen has determined that there is no life around
except for Jin Lengyan!
The advance team members of Dragon Soul... I am afraid they have fallen.
The Jin Lengyan who was on duty on the outside heard Ye Chen's shouting, she retreated
decisively, and pulled away, she knew that the instructor was about to take action!
Jin Lengyan, who had just retreated to the top of the mountain, didn't have time to take a breath,
only a few tens of kilometers in front of the center, a blazing star flickered, followed by a circle of
fire as if from the distant sky, falling from the sky, like the water of the Yellow River.
The black-gold flame seems to be connecting the whole world, and for a time, the terrifying
residual temperature can't even hold Jin Lengyan dozens of kilometers away!
On the skin, little blisters protrude!
"What kind of means is this!" Jin Lengyan hurriedly continued to retreat, and if he stayed any
longer, the residual temperature alone would probably roast him to death.
The black and golden flames that covered the sky were ruthlessly raging, and everything in the
mountains and forests was evaporating, including the extremely rich aura!
That terrifying flame actually evaporated even the rich spiritual energy that had been transformed
into liquid in the air!
"Is this the power of an instructor?" Jin Lengyan stared dumbfounded at what was happening in
the dense leaves in the distance. Seeing Ye Chen's methods at such a close distance, the visual
shock from the bottom of his heart was unparalleled.
"Is this really a level that humans can achieve?" Jin Lengyan, who had retreated to a distance of
dozens of kilometers, couldn't help but sigh, it would be great if he could reach this level one day.
"Leng Yan, what are you thinking about?" A familiar question came from his ear, Jin Lengyan
turned around, it was Ye Chen.
"This..." She looked back at the flames that were still raging, turning the world into discoloration,
and then looked back at Ye Chen, who was standing in front of her and waving and greeting, and
she was a little stunned for a while.
At this moment, Ye Chen seems to be an understatement, but in fact, he has spent a lot of
spiritual power. This time, Wan Dao Burning Heaven has evaporated the spiritual power in the
entire dense leaf, which shows that its power is terrifying!
Ye Chen's expression was solemn, his lips lightly parted, "This place is too close to the city. If we
don't solve it as soon as possible, within a year, the spiritual energy will definitely spread to the
"At that time, a large-scale infectious disease will break out in the crowd, and life will be
Ye Chen's voice was also a little heavy.
"Is this aura so domineering?" Jin Lengyan was a little puzzled. Logically speaking, the infiltration
of spiritual energy into the body is a great blessing for cultivators.
I managed to nurture a trace of original spiritual power in my body!
"I know what you're thinking. As far as cultivators are concerned, it is indeed a lot of gain, but for
ordinary people on earth, the veins can't bear the scouring of spiritual power after the spiritual
energy enters the body! "
"Fortunately, another root cause has been solved today."
Ye Chen smiled lightly, which made him feel a little more balanced, and it should be fine when all
these spirit gathering formations are removed one by one.
"Well, I'm going to investigate now! There shouldn't be many Spirit Gathering Arrays in China!" Jin
Lengyan nod hurriedly.
"Beep beep!"
At this moment, the voice of the mobile phone rang, and Jin Lengyan received this message:
"The vicinity of Jiulong Mountain has changed again, and the mutated spiritual energy has
condensed again, and it has the potential to explode. Lu Lingfeng, the dark hall, once led an order
to investigate, but he was persuaded to retreat before he set foot in the depths!"
Hearing this, Ye Chen groaned in his heart, on the top of Nine Dragons Mountain, he had
obviously devoured all the spiritual energy in the vicinity, and even the spirits of the array had
been refined, there is no reason for such a situation.
"and many more..."
"If the Nine Dragons Mountain has changed again, then here..."
A bad premonition flashed in Ye Chen's heart, and his figure disappeared in place.
Deep in the dense leaves, in front of the gathering spirit formation.
Ye Chen looked around attentively, and he confirmed that the formation here has been uprooted,
and there is no reason for resurrection.
"Could it be... the strangulation of the power of destruction?" I saw Ye Chen waved his hand, and
the flames attached to the lit grass and trees slowly dissipated.
Under the action of the power of destruction, it can indeed cut off all life.
Now that this power is dissipated, Ye Chen's eyes are closed, and he feels everything that
happens in the dense leaves with his heart.
A few breaths passed, no abnormality was seen.
It's been a while, and it's still the same.
Until the evening, when the sun was setting in the west, Jin Lengyan's figure was slowly
approaching Ye Chen, sitting on the big rock beside him and quietly watching his back.
At this moment, what did Ye Chen's spiritual sense discover!
He suddenly opened his eyes, "It really is!"
"What?" Jin Lengyan was confused by Ye Chen's self-talk. Seeing Ye Chen walking in another
direction, she quickly followed!
"The vitality of this place is reborn!" Just as Ye Chen's words fell, under the scorched black soil in
front of Jin Lengyan exuding the smell of scorching flames, small grasses sprang up like bamboo
shoots after a rain.
" is this possible?" Jin Lengyan stared at this scene in disbelief. This is really against
the common sense of heaven.
"The Spirit Gathering Array has been removed, but the spiritual energy here will still grow again.
Could it be that the mutation of this spiritual energy cannot be stopped?" Ye Chen suddenly felt
bad, and things were more complicated than he thought.
I saw a flash of black light on his fingertips, and the patch of grass quickly withered away, never to
be seen again.
"The power of destruction can last for a period of time. Once I leave too far and lose the blessing
of spiritual power, even the power of rules cannot last for a long time. What is the support of the
spiritual power here?"
Chapter 6284 The Chinese reincarnation
Ye Chen seemed to have caught the life-saving straw, and turned on his spiritual sense to scan
frantically. After a survey, he still found nothing. Now that Jiulong Mountain has changed again,
that is to say, everything Ye Chen did before was just delaying time, and did not achieve any
substantive results! "Chong!" Just when Ye Chen had no clue, a faint light flashed, it was the four
beasts that Ye Chen had conquered before, and only the pendant transformed by the only white
tiger remained! The Xuanwu pendant was given to Wei Zhiyao by Ye Chen. Now, only this white
tiger pendant is left on his body. At this moment, it is sending out a signal!
"Does it sense?" Ye Chen thought to himself. Before this thing was in his hands, it was for
Emperor Shitian's avatar to drive. Although Emperor Shitian's avatar is now dead, this thing may
be the only key to unlocking this place. Clues up!
"Is it over there?" Ye Chen looked at the white tiger pendant in his hand, which was becoming
more and more radiant. He was sure that he had not gone in the wrong direction!
But when Ye Chen got closer, Ye Chen found that his reincarnation blood was boiling.
It's as if I've met something that attracts each other!
Jin Lengyan also followed Ye Chen. Suddenly, she discovered something: "Hey, there is a secret
cave here!" Ye Chen was overjoyed, just as he was about to step in, the void suddenly tore apart.
Ye Chen looked startled, there are still people in Huaxia who can tear the void at will? Who is this!
Jin Lengyan on the side was also completely stunned.
At this moment, a figure walked out of it. To everyone's surprise, it turned out to be a little girl!
A childish little girl! When Ye Chen saw this little girl, his pupils instantly!
This little girl is the same little girl from Yunhu Villa many years ago!
Without this little girl, the Ye family would not have been wiped out.
Without this little girl, I would not have fallen into Dongqian Lake.
Without this little girl, I might not be able to get the reincarnation cemetery.
The layout of all this started from this little girl.
When Ye Chen became more and more clear about the game of chess, he also found that the
little girl was not an ordinary girl at all. Instead, it was transformed into a reincarnation monument!
It is also the most critical piece in this game of chess!
The little girl looked at Ye Chen and smiled slightly: "Long time no see."
"Marven Ye, after so many years, we should meet for the first time."
"Ever since Yunhu Villa, I really miss you a little bit."
Ye Chen looked condensed and said, "Why are you here?"
"Also, since you are the Reincarnation Profound Monument, shouldn't you return to my body?"
"The blood of reincarnation cannot be completed. This is probably something you don't want to
see." The little girl was suspended in the void, and a throne appeared at some point.
Sitting on the throne, with Erlang's legs crossed, he said, "The Mysterious Reincarnation
Monument has its own mission. Who said it must be used to activate the blood of reincarnation for
you." "But judging from the aura on your body, many reincarnation monuments have been
upgraded to consummation, which is not bad." "It seems that you are just a few blocks away from
the Profound Reincarnation Monument." "Don't say it, I really want to help you, but I still have
some things to do." Ye Chen's eyes narrowed, and he said lightly, "I know that there are tests on
the reincarnation monument, and I don't force you to choose me."
"Right now, both Yuan Daofeng and Di Shitian's clones have disappeared, and the aura change is
a big deal." "Also, you haven't answered me yet, why are you here?"
Right now, while it's uncertain what the little girl is going to do, at least it's an ally.
The little girl stretched and said, "Marven Ye, you are so rude, why don't you ask my name?"
Ye Chen looked solemn and could only say, "What's your name?"
" name is Ling'er." The little girl said, "I know you have many questions in your mind. First,
the mutation of Huaxia Aura is indeed related to Di Shitian's avatar, but the only part that
accelerates the mutation is Di Shi. Caused by the gods, Di Shitian wants to speed up the change
of spiritual energy, so as to control you with inner demons." "In other words, the aura mutation has
existed from the beginning." "And his existence is actually only related to one guy."
Ye Chen was stunned, there is still a backhand for the aura mutation?
Just as Ye Chen wanted to continue asking, a voice interrupted Ye Chen's thoughts.
"Jie Jie Jie! It's really a quiet scene, I can't bear to disturb you!" A strange evil laughter entered his
ears, and Ye Chen was suddenly shocked.
Looking up, I don't know when, above the big branches in the distance, a blood-red crow stared at
them. "It's just in vain, Ye Chen, I planned to kill you directly, but now that I think about it, I think
it's better to let you live than to die!"
"Aura changes, you can't do anything. Watching your relatives and friends leave you one by one
is what I like to see!" "Hahahahaha!" The sound of manic laughter croaked through the mouth of
the blood-colored crow. "Who are you!" Ye Chen shouted, his fingertips moved, just as he was
about to shoot, only to see the blood crow exploded on its own with a "bang". The flesh and blood
fell along with the feathers, and the last voice came into Ye Chen's ears: "This game of chess will
end soon, if you can't find me, you will lose completely!" "It's him again..." Ling'er looked solemn,
gritted her teeth, and only three words popped out of the corner of her mouth. After a long time,
she shook her head helplessly.
"Who is he?" Ye Chen asked hurriedly. Ling'er smiled sadly: "This guy, even Di Shitian's clone
can't help him. Although I am a reincarnation monument, I am powerful in some aspects, but I was
not born to fight. I fought with him before and was injured ..."
At this time, Ye Chen noticed that Linger's figure was already a little vain, as if a gust of wind blew,
and it was about to dissipate. "Didn't you want to ask that guy before? I can tell you!" Ling'er took
the initiative to speak at this time. "I had a battle with him before, and in that battle, I was seriously
injured by Di Shitian's clone and that guy!" "But I also succeeded in stopping their plan. You killed
Di Shitian, half of my credit!" Linger seemed to be taking credit and said proudly.
"The mysterious man who uttered wild words just now is not a simple guy, he is a monster from
outside the realm, the Yin Demon Tianshi!" "Outside the territory? Is it a stone?" Ye Chen asked.
"Don't underestimate this stone, it is the dream of evil cultivators."
"The mutation of Huaxia's spiritual energy is closely related to the extremely strong yin and evil
energy and demonic aura emanating from the Yin Demon Heavenly Stone. Therefore, the earth's
veins and spiritual energy have been changed. I am afraid that this formation of spiritual energy is
just a trick, and it will be too late when we discover it!" Linger explained.
Ye Chen on the side heard this, and his face was gloomy.
"Is it feasible to get rid of this cloudy magic stone?" Ye Chen asked suddenly.
Chapter 6285 It's hard to fly with wings!
Ling'er held her cheeks and thought for a while: "Theoretically, it is feasible, but it is unknown how
it will be done!" "How can I find the Yin Demon Heavenly Stone? Is it okay to cover it with spiritual
knowledge?" This is the question that Ye Chen is most concerned about at this moment. Only
when this guy is found, can all this be redeemed!
"How can it be so simple, the Yin Demon Heavenly Stone has already possessed spiritual wisdom
like me, walking in the world, no one knows what kind of appearance it will appear tomorrow, even
if your spiritual consciousness covers the entire earth, you may not be able to perceive it. Here."
Ling'er also spread out her hands, expressing difficulty. Ye Chen also had a gloomy face and said
nothing. "However, I have something in my hand!" Ling'er took out a small black mottled stone
from the pocket of her light blue dress.
Looking at Ye Chen's suspicious eyes, Ling'er explained: "This is not an ordinary stone, in that
battle, the only thing I took from the Yin Demon Tianshi, I have refined it, as long as it appears
nearby , this stone will feel something!" Ling'er smiled and walked from the channel.
When Ye Chen heard this, his eyes lit up first, and then he shook his head gently: "Just relying on
this stone is not enough to verify, in the world, it is easier said than done to find someone
aimlessly!" "And he's a good camouflage guy!"
"You've been outside the realm for so long, shouldn't it be bad to make alchemy with the formation
method?" Ling'er gave a quirky and sly smile, as if she knew Ye Chen very well.
"You seem to be helping me..." Ye Chen looked directly at Ling'er, the little girl looked at Ye Chen
with a little dodge, but there was a hint of closeness.
"I can teach you a method. The breath on this stone can be refined and distributed to others, so
that the chances of finding it will be higher." Ling'er's eyes flashed, and she said softly.
"Be attentive, I'll pass on your spell!" Linger obviously didn't want to tangle with Ye Chen on this
issue, and hurriedly changed the subject.
A dark and jerky spell drifted through Ye Chen's heart, "Peace and focus, digest the spell!"
When Ye Chen heard this, he didn't care about anything else, and hurriedly sat cross-legged.
"Concentrate on feeling this dark breath, and copy it according to the spell I passed on you!"
Ling'er's voice sounded again, and a string of spell marks floated across Ye Chen's mind.
"boom!" After a loud bang, Ye Chen sighed: "Failed..." "It's not bad to be able to do this for the first
time, just keep practicing!" Linger spoke comfortably.
"Shrink it down, make it into a pendant and send it to the members of the Dark Hall and Dragon
Soul..." Ye Chen already had his own thoughts in mind. As for the next time, how to master this
spell mark well , he had to find a quiet place to retreat .
"Jin Lengyan, I'm going to retreat here for a period of time, you can follow it and see if there is any
information about this Yin Demon Tianshi..." Although Ye Chen didn't expect this, things still had
to be done. "Okay!" Jin Lengyan lightly, turned and disappeared into the moonlight.
Ye Chen took out his mobile phone and was about to turn it off. Retreat requires complete silence.
Just as he took out his hand, the sound of "Di Di Di" came from the mobile phone.
"Finally got through! Marven Ye, I'm Zheng Nianlei, do you have time recently?" A surprised voice
came from the other end. "Zheng Nianlei? What's wrong, is there something wrong?" Ye Chen
whispered across the phone. Zheng Nianlei's surprised and gentle voice was still on the other end
of the phone: "It's like this, everyone organized a party, so recently they have been contacting old
classmates, sitting and chatting together, and contacting feelings." "Are you free? Ye Chen?"
Zheng Nianlei asked in a hopeful tone.
There was no response from Ye Chen's phone, and after a long while, he said solemnly, "Don't go
now, there are a lot of things at hand to deal with recently, and I'm a little tired of being able to do
it, next time!" After thinking about it, Ye Chen still refused.
The Yin Demon Tianshi has now become a big stone in Ye Chen's heart. If it is not solved, it will
be difficult to sleep and eat! "Oh..." The slightly disappointed voice came from the other end of the
phone, and Ye Chen had to bite the bullet and said, "I'm really sorry, you know, I can't get rid of
the things on my side." Although Zheng Nianlei doesn't know Ye Chen's specific identity, from his
previous experience and past, he obviously has an official background, and there must be
important things that he needs to deal with.
"Okay, then you're busy first, we'll contact you at any time!" Zheng Nianlei whispered.
After finishing the call, Ye Chen stretched his waist, his eyes became firm again: "Now start
retreating!" The spell that Linger imparted to herself must be mastered as soon as possible.
"Marven Ye, I have already taught you the curse mark. I have some things to deal with. By the
way, I helped you today, and you have to repay your love. If there is any medicine to nourish the
soul, remember to pay attention to it for me!" Ling'er The tender voice echoed in Ye Chen's mind.
Just as Ye Chen was about to answer, the void tore apart again.
The throne and Ling'er had completely disappeared from the world.
Ye Chen was a little shocked. The means of controlling space in this way was simply incredible.
Linger, as a reincarnation monument, is not a product of China, why can it be so arbitrary?
Or, is this the attribute of this reincarnation monument?
Ye Chen sat cross-legged and realized the talisman and spell seal that Linger gave him.
Ye Chen has been repairing the chain so far. His talent is amazing, and he has the blood of
reincarnation. Logically, he can learn everything quickly.
But what Linger taught herself was extremely obscure, more like a product of the world of the
Supreme Being. This is enough to explain the amazing origin of the reincarnation monument and
the blood of reincarnation!
"This spell mark is not difficult, but every outline of the stroke requires 100% concentration of the
soul!" Ye Chen was thoughtful, held his breath again, and sat cross-legged. "This obscure
symbol..." "boom!" A blast came out. "Failed again..." "Come again!" "boom!" "Come again!"
A day later, in a cave in the depths of the jungle, a figure in ragged clothes with a gray face
quickly emerged! He was full of anticipation, raised the small gravel above his right hand, and
looked left and right in the sunlight. Under the contrast of the scorching sun, a blood-red light
flashed away. "It's been a day, and it's finally a success!"
The excited figure is Ye Chen. At this moment, he is looking at the small stone engraved in his
hand, but the corners of his dry and white mouth are curved.
"It is indeed that breath, this spell seal, should be able to reproduce all spiritual objects!"
A bright color flashed in Ye Chen's eyes, but in an instant, he gave up again.
Re-engraving such a stone contaminated with breath has already tossed himself enough.
However, the more re-engraving, the more proficient you will master it, and the faster the speed
will be. "In one go, refine some more and distribute it to everyone in the Dark Hall and Dragon
Soul, that Yin Demon Heavenly Stone will be hard to fly!"
Chapter 6286 Donglan
Just as Ye Chen was about to continue refining, at this moment, the sound of the phone in Ye
Chen's clothes pocket rang, Ye Chen frowned, and an uncomfortable feeling came to his heart.
"Is there a message from Yin Demon Tianshi?" Ye Chen asked immediately as soon as he
Jin Lengyan's voice came from the other end of the phone, "No, but recently, something has
happened to the Wei family!"
"Wei family?" Ye Chen never thought that it was the Wei family that had an accident!
"Yes, there has been an inexplicable force near the Wei family recently, but it hasn't done
anything unusual. This is exactly what we suspect. Maybe the Wei family has something to do
with it!"
Jin Lengyan analyzed.
"It shouldn't be..." Ye Chen narrowed his eyes, this Wei family is just a chaebol family in the
secular world, except for some money, other core secrets will never be involved.
Otherwise, on the Tianxing cruise ship, he, Wei Xiong, would not have been at a loss to seek help
from the ancient martial forces.
If it is said that the Wei family has something to do with the Huaxia aura mutation or even the
cloudy magic stone, Ye Chen is more or less skeptical.
"I'll go to Wei's house to see!"
Ye Chen finished the call, looked at the inconspicuous dark black stone in his hand, and fell into
deep thought.
"I hope it's not you..."
He put the small stone in his pocket and looked solemn.
At the same time, in a villa.
"What's the matter, Lei Lei? Look at your soul!"
In Zheng Nianlei's villa, the girl sitting on the side of the sofa asked Zheng Nianlei who was in a
daze for a while.
"What are you in a daze?" Seeing that Zheng Nianlei didn't respond, the girl waved her hand in
front of her, "What are you thinking? Just ignore me!"
It was the classmates who spoke with Zheng Nianlei, Ye Chen and others.
At the beginning, the Ye family was considered a wealthy family, and they were not defeated, so
the school they went to was naturally a noble school.
Most of the classmates in that class did well.
"Ah! I'm thinking about tonight's class reunion." Zheng Nianlei then recovered and whispered.
"Isn't it your fault? Why does it seem like you, the host, looks so unhappy..." The girl named Lin
Xue rolled her eyes and asked.
Zheng Nianlei shook her head and said, "No, it's just that we haven't seen you for a long time, and
I don't know what it's like!"
"Cut... still pretending to be here for me, isn't it because Ye Chen didn't give you face, as for no,
there are many good men in the world, do you have to hang on a tree with a crooked neck?"
"Besides, if I remember correctly, the Ye family in Jiangcheng was gone many years ago... It is
said that a major incident happened in Yunhu Villa, I thought Ye Chen was dead, but I didn't
expect that he was still alive, I see you like this , I'm in love with this guy."
Lin Xue looked at Zheng Nianlei and joked.
As soon as he heard Ye Chen, Zheng Nianlei's face slammed, and half turned red: "It's... it's not!"
Then, she pretended to be nothing.
"Then why are you blushing?" Lin Xueying smiled and asked back with her white legs crossed.
"I..." Zheng Nianlei was speechless for a while.
Lin Xue on the side couldn't help laughing, "Okay, okay, I won't tease you, but then again, what is
this Marven Ye's identity now? Listening to you, it seems to have an official background."
"He's so young, tsk tsk tsk..."
Lin Xue was also very curious about Ye Chen's identity. Obviously, Zheng Nianlei told Lin Xue all
the experiences and past of Jiulong Mountain that day.
When Zheng Nianlei heard the words, she seemed to hesitate.
"Forget it, forget it, people won't come anyway, why are we gossiping here!"
"By the way, where is the hotel you booked tonight?"
Lin Xue asked.
Lin Xue only heard the first two words, and her eyes lit up: "What did you say? Donglan Hotel?"
"That super-luxury five-star hotel of the Wei Consortium?"
"Yeah Nianlei nod." Zheng Nianlei lightly.
Lin Xue smacked her lips and said excitedly, "My darling, ordinary people can't even enter that
place. I heard that the business is very good, and the contacts are all celebrities and nobles. The
seats must be reserved in advance, and there is no strength. , even the waiter won't take care of
"It's actually Donglan? You're too powerful!" Lin Xue's eyes lit up, "Tonight, no matter if it's good or
not, I'll order what you want!"
"Eat you poor!"
Lin Xue, who was showing her teeth and dancing claws, caused Zheng Nianlei, who was sullen,
to laugh out loud.
"Hey, have you heard that the Wei family was about to finish the game, but for some reason, all of
a sudden, they came to the backing mountain, and the tide rose all of a sudden."
"I heard that the third lady of the Wei family is the credit. Now she is a popular figure in the Wei
family, because the Wei family has no males. If anyone can catch up with the third lady, the
wealth of the Wei family group will not be easily available?"
"So, there has been an endless stream of young talents coming and going at the Donglan Hotel
"It's all to see the real face of the third Miss Wei family, I heard that she is still a great beauty!"
Lin Xue didn't know where she heard the gossip, but it was here that she told Zheng Nianlei with
"So, what does this have to do with you?" Zheng Nianlei smiled lightly, her long eyelashes
blinking, quite agile.
"There's a handsome guy, my sister, I'm single from the mother's womb, maybe I'll be able to find
a good man tonight!" Lin Xue's mouth twitched with a smile, "Just take care of your Ye Chen, don
't rob me of other men! "
Lin Xue stared directly at Zheng Nianlei: "Although I am quite confident in my appearance, after
all, you were the school girl when you were in college. When you compete, there is still pressure."
After the words fell, Lin Xue looked down at her chest and then at Zheng Nianlei's.
"You, the melon seeds in your head don't have a straight shape every day!" Zheng Nianlei said
This Lin Xue is really her pistachio.
"Stop making trouble, go and contact other students." Zheng Nianlei really didn't want to get
involved with Lin Xue on the topic of men.
Huaxia, inside the Dragon Soul Base.
"Instructor, you seem to have something on your mind?" Jin Lengyan looked at Ye Chen with a
smile on her face.
"Go and prepare a set of clothes for me, I have to watch the Wei family!" Ye Chen didn't answer,
but instead ordered Jin Lengyan, and then took out a small piece of gravel from the pocket of the
clothes and threw it to Jin Lengyan.
"What is this?" She took it and looked at it carefully.
Ye Chen said angrily, "I look like this because of it!"
"Take it with you. If this thing reacts abnormally, be careful and contact me as soon as possible."
Ye Chen's eyes narrowed and he said solemnly.
Jin Lengyan nodded, she also heard a little bit of what the little girl Linger said to Ye Chen that
Chapter 6287 Never Let Go
"Go get ready!" Ye Chen instructed.
"Sports clothes? Suits?" Jin Lengyan looked at Ye Chen with interest.
"You girl, dare to make fun of me?" Ye Chen's eyes narrowed, Jin Lengyan felt that something
was wrong, and she was about to retreat, but she couldn't match Ye Chen's speed.
"Ah!" A coquettish shout came, and the two guards on duty outside looked at each other and
lowered their heads.
There is no doubt that Jin Lengyan faced the same situation as Lu Lingfeng last time.
At this moment, Jin Lengyan's spiritual power is emerging...
After a stick of incense.
"Well, it's a reward for you!" Jin Lengyan looked at Ye Chen in a suit and tie, and smiled lightly.
"Okay, won't it be too conspicuous when you wear it out!" Ye Chen looked at himself in the mirror
carefully, still not used to it.
"These are very common in a gentleman's wardrobe. Suits are the only way to elegance and the
cornerstone of men's fashion. Those clothes you wear all day are really ugly. If it weren't for your
good figure and temperament, I'm afraid I would have wanted to complain." Jin Lengyan explained
"Go to Wei's house, how to dress decently! Hey, it is made of top French fabrics, which are made
of ultra-light carbon nanotube fibers. After special treatment, they can prevent dust and water
stains generated in nature. Waterproof." Jin Lengyan looked at Ye Chen and explained.
"I didn't plan to show my face, I just took a look in secret!" Ye Chen still felt the appearance of the
suit and leather shoes, which made him very uncomfortable.
"Okay, I also have a purpose in preparing this outfit for you. Wei Zhiyao is now a popular person
in the Wei family, and she takes care of the Donglan Hotel. If you don't change your outfit, I'm
afraid the door will not let you in." Jin Lengyan Bad breath.
"And this statement?" Ye Chen shook his head helplessly, "Let's go, go and see!"
At the same time, in the CEO's office of Donglan Hotel
"Grandpa Wu, you can just look at these things on the books."
Wearing a long lavender dress, Wei Zhiyao, with her hair tied behind her head, spoke to the old
man behind her.
"This time, it's been hard work, Grandpa Wu!"
After a long time, Wei Zhiyao was the first to speak, and the icy color in the words was scattered a
"These entertainments are so annoying."
The old man chuckled and shook his head: "Miss, there is no one in the world who can compare
with Mr. Ye!"
Hearing this, Wei Zhiyao had a look of disappointment in her eyes. Her back who was looking out
the window turned around and looked at the old man Wu Yan. Between the snow-white neck, a
basalt pendant hung with a golden thread quietly crouched down. on.
"He said he would come to see me!"
At this moment, Wei Zhiyao revealed affirmation in her words. Her eyes looked directly at Wu
Yan, firm and gentle.
The old man heard the words but said nothing.
But his eyes are also at this moment, looking at his young lady, a stream of light blooms in the
vicissitudes of the eyes, but he can't see the thoughts of the hunched old man in front of him.
The voice has fallen, and the office is silent.
The appearance of Ye Chen satisfies all the yearning for love of a young girl who is just beginning
to love. He is like the protagonist in that movie, flawless!
The impact on this girl is unprecedented.
After all, Ye Chen's demeanor is the best in the world!
But in Marven Ye's world, Wei Zhiyao is just a passer-by in his life. No matter how nice it sounds,
he is just a friend. After all, he does not belong to this world.
I don't know what happened, and the two are in a dilemma.
Seeing through is worse than telling it through. Wu Yan was silent for a while, then sighed: "He is
not an ordinary person! The difference between you and you is like a mortal and a god."
This sigh, the point is Wei Zhiyao.
Worth the wait?
How could Mr. Ye wait for a mortal?
If Wei Zhiyao goes on like this, he will only harm himself as a widow for the rest of his life.
"I..." Wei Zhiyao didn't know how to answer for a while, hesitating between words and muttering.
"Forget it, I don't want to ask more about your women's thoughts..." Wu Yan chuckled, after all, he
was very respectful to Ye Chen.
Such a man, if it were any young girl, would fall in love, without exception!
"There's still some business to take care of outside. If you're tired, I'll turn off the entertainment
tonight for you, and have a good rest!" Wu Yan just left a sentence and left with a hunched back.
"Thank you, Grandpa Wu!" Wei Zhiyao smiled sweetly and looked out the window again.
Donglan Hotel.
"Sir, do you have an appointment?" The waiter walked straight past, but the crowded hall was
unbelievably quiet.
"I just took a look, I didn't make an appointment with anyone!" The handsome and indifferent man
whispered, but his eyes were still looking around. After a few breaths, he stared at the ceiling in a
The person who came was Ye Chen. At this moment, he was using his spiritual sense to scan
Wei Zhiyao's position. There was no other reason. The moment he just set foot in the Donglan
Hotel, the original stone that Linger gave him to monitor the Yin Demon Heavenly Stone was sent
out. Faint light!
Ye Chen knows very well what this means, and it is likely to be dangerous!
The Yin Demon Heavenly Stone is nearby, or in other words, there is his faint breath left here!
He wants to ensure the safety of Wei Zhiyao and everyone present, and try not to let the other
party find out.
"Sir, we can't come in without an appointment..." The waiter looked at the indifferent man's
strange behavior, looked him up and down, and still said with a smile.
The reason for laughing is because of the expensive limited-edition suit on Ye Chen's body,
people who come here are either rich or expensive, but if they don't have any strength, they will
be invited out!
"I have an appointment with your Miss Wei family, please let me know!" Ye Chen could only
respond with a smile.
The waiter was not surprised, because there are many young talents who come here every day to
pursue Wei Zhiyao, and this Ye Chen just has a good skin.
"Sir, I'm really sorry. Today, the young lady is sick and no longer sees customers. If you don't
have any other appointments, you can leave..." Still smiling, the waiter humbly ordered to evict
Several people present saw Ye Chen's side and began to whisper:
"It seems to be exactly what it was rumored to be."
"The forces behind this Donglan Hotel are astonishingly large, and they are not afraid of causing
trouble at all. Even a waiter dares to act like this. If there is no support behind it, he would never
dare to treat guests like this!"
"This can't be blamed on others. After all, Miss Wei is the goddess that many people pursue. If
you don't have any strength, you don't have to be ashamed. This waiter will give you a lot of face
Ye Chen was a little helpless, and they didn't do anything rude, at most, you were chasing after
my lady, and the lady didn't see you!
"what's the situation?"
Just as Ye Chen was about to leave calmly, there was a vicissitudes of inquiry in the crowd. This
kind of situation could happen at any time, but it was the first time he had encountered him. The
old man is coming!
"Mr. Ye?"
When the old man saw Ye Chen, he was a little overwhelmed with excitement, hurried forward,
and made a gesture to bow.
It's really evil. I just talked to the young lady about Ye Chen, and this deity arrived. The young lady
knows, I don't know how happy it will be!
"Uncle Wu, I'm sorry to disturb you!"
Ye Chen smiled and greeted Wu Yan, but the old man's move instantly ignited a crowd of
Ye Chen shrugged, indicating that this was not the place to talk, the old man nodded and led Ye
Chen to the VIP area upstairs.
"The steward of Donglan Hotel is so respectful to this man, he..."
"Which son is that?"
Among the crowd, people echo what they say.
Not far away, Lin Xue said to Zheng Nianlei, "It's so lively over there, let's go take a look?"
Zheng Nianlei rolled her eyes at Lin Xue, "You want to join in any gossip, hurry up, we are the
hosts, order food first, and then wait for someone to come!"
Involuntarily, he pulled Lin Xue to the box of the Donglan Hotel.
The screen turns around.
"Mr. Ye, Miss is in the office, you can go in by yourself, I won't disturb you!" Wu Yan smiled and
led Ye Chen to Wei Zhiyao's room, then turned and left.
"Dong dong dong!" came a knock on the door.
"Come in!" followed by a terrific voice.
Ye Chen opened the door and walked straight in. He originally wanted to investigate secretly, but
unexpectedly, a trace of abnormal fluctuations flashed across the tracking stone, which made him
a little worried, and Wu Yan led him all the way, but the fluctuations gradually become stronger.
In the end, Ye Chen confirmed that the source was in Wei Zhiyao's room!
At a glance, there was no one in the huge office except Wei Zhiyao!
"Brother Ye?" Wei Zhiyao was stunned when he saw that the person who came in was Ye Chen,
then got up abruptly, and rubbed his eyes hastily, for fear of dazzling his eyes!
Undoubtedly, she rushed forward and hugged Ye Chen.
"I knew you would come to see me!"
The moment the softness in the chest was close to Ye Chen, he tracked Shi Yimang's flashing
Although Ye Chen didn't know the specific situation, he pretended to be calm on the surface.
"You came to see me specifically?" Wei Zhiyao hurriedly stroked the hair between her temples
and looked at Ye Chen with joy in her eyes.
Ye Chen smiled and could only nod lightly.
It can't be said that it is the pursuit of Tianmo Yinshi, and it came to you, right?
Now I have to go down the steps of Wei Zhiyao.
At this moment, countless thoughts flashed in Wei Zhiyao's mind.
Since Ye Chen is here, he proves that he cares about himself.
But this time, can we meet again next time?
If there are some words, if you don't say it clearly, it may really become a regret in her life.
"Brother Ye, I have something to tell you."
Wei Zhiyao said suddenly.
Ye Chen seemed to have guessed something, sighed and nodded.
"Actually... Brother Ye, I think... I seem to be in love with you!" Wei Zhiyao finally summoned up
the courage to confess to Ye Chen at this moment, she completely misunderstood Ye Chen's
intention for coming here.
During the few days of getting along on the cruise ship, Ye Chen's figure was already engraved in
the heart of this girl who was just in love.
Later, with one block and one hundred, her unparalleled demeanor made her even more admired.
Even his father, Wei Xiong, who was admired by thousands of people, was bleak in front of him,
and even everything he had at the moment was brought by Ye Chen.
How can Wei Zhiyao not be moved by this series of intersecting experiences?
Now that Ye Chen took the initiative to find him? Never miss that opportunity!
Chapter 6288 Must be resolved as soon as
Wei Zhiyao continued to speak, "I have no other intentions to confess to you. Brother Ye, Grandpa
Wu also said that you are not an ordinary person, and I can see that."
"I just want to tell you, my intention, you don't need to have a psychological burden, because
confession is something I make up for myself. If you accept it, of course it is the most perfect."
"If you refuse, it's just two flowers blooming, each on a different side!"
"I'm just here to express my feelings, not for relationships!"
At this moment, Wei Zhiyao finished the call, her cheeks flushed half of the sky, Ye Chen looked
at Wei Zhiyao, who lowered her head again with her index fingers crossed and kept going around.
This girl completely misunderstood her intention of coming here.
"If you promise to be with me, I will not bind you in the name of love. You can do whatever you
want. I just hope you can think of such a girl in the future!"
"I hope you don't blame me, Brother Ye!"
After Wei Zhiyao finished speaking, he didn't dare to look up at Ye Chen.
Ye Chen turned his head and walked to the window, with his hands on his back and looked out,
hoping that the bustling high-rise building and the hustle and bustle of people below would dilute
the past that flashed before him.
"Why do I blame you?"
"Going out of the mortal world, I don't know the sufferings of the world, and when I look back, I'm
already a person in suffering!"
Ye Chen muttered to himself.
"I understand what you mean, but I can't promise you now, because I still have too many things to
He sighed softly, but still rejected the girl.
Ye Chen's road is lonely. If it can't be solved, everyone will die, including himself.
So he can't make any promises to anyone.
"It's okay, Brother Ye, you can come and see me often, that's fine!" A smile appeared on Wei
Zhiyao's face, she had already expressed her thoughts, and from today onwards, she will no
longer have any psychological burden. .
But the sense of loss in those eyes can be seen by anyone.
Maybe it's because of Wei Zhiyao's character, but this makes Ye Chen quite impressed.
"Okay, let's not mention this, I am the host, and I have to invite you to a dinner unique to
Donglan!" Wei Zhiyao got up and made a phone call to the front desk.
Ye Chen has been in seclusion for the past few days. Today, he received a message from Jin
Lengyan and rushed over again. After tossing for a few days, he did have some appetite, so he
did not refuse!
It just so happened that there were still some questions to prove Wei Zhiyao.
There are secrets on her body!
The restlessness of the tracking stone was not accidental.
"I don't know why, but I always feel very tired recently!" Wei Zhiyao smiled softly at Ye Chen, "I'm
probably too tired, I just started to take over the affairs of the Wei family, and I need to do it myself
for many unclear areas! "
When Ye Chen heard the words, there was a slight tremor in his body, and his expression
became more and more solemn.
Of course, these details were not noticed by Wei Zhiyao, whose emotional point was still on Ye
"It's not just because of this..."
The dark aura of the Yin Demon Tianshi was eroding her, but fortunately, she already knew it, and
she suppressed it.
But these words can't be said clearly to Wei Zhiyao, so it's something else.
Marven Ye whispered, "The Wei family didn't embarrass you, did they?"
He turned his head again and looked at Wei Zhiyao.
"Big sister and second sister seem to have changed to me..." Wei Zhiyao immediately became
interested when he heard Ye Chen cared about him, and told Ye Chen all the events of these
Ye Chen's pace was unsteady, pacing back and forth in the office, the sound of clattering leather
shoes blended with Wei Zhiyao's eloquent story.
It's a pity that Wei Zhiyao didn't come into contact with any abnormal people from this period of
time, it can only be before...
After a long time, Ye Chen said, "Since you are in the Wei family, there is a project in the southern
area, I hope you will do it!"
"Ah? Me?" Wei Zhiyao was stunned on the spot for a while, not knowing why Ye Chen made this
"Recently public bidding for a resort project?" Wei Zhiyao heard a little.
Before that, Ye Chen had calculated that Jiulong Mountain and the dense forest would reappear
without the power blessing of the rules of destruction!
Now, only by continuing to apply and maintain the power of the rules can there be a way to delay
And the only thing that continues the power of the rules of destruction is popularity!
The core of the formation buries the power of destruction and mines its vicinity into a resort. As
long as there are people, the power of the rules can be continued!
The protection of the Qin family once made Ye Chen think of a way. Although it is a temporary
solution, it can buy more time!
"Yes, the two resort projects, I hope you will take the lead. The official side, I have already said
hello! The bidding is just a passing scene!" Ye Chen said lightly.
With such financial resources and appropriateness, only the Wei family!
"I just took this cake not long after I was in Wei's house. Will it cause many people's
dissatisfaction?" Wei Zhiyao said bluntly.
"No confidence?" Ye Chen asked in a rising tone.
Wei Zhiyao raised her head and said seriously, "I have, but I took over this project when I first
came here, and it is still under your authorization. I am worried that I will make enemies for you... I
don't want to implicate you..."
Ye Chen's expression at the moment is very subtle and indescribable.
"I know all this!" Ye Chen's unquestionable tone was a little gentle.
"The core area of the Wei family's industry is also in the southern district, so it's perfect for you to
lead this project!"
Ye Chen spoke very slowly, and said carefully.
"But..." Wei Zhiyao thought of this and wanted to explain something, but Ye Chen interrupted her
with a wave of his hand.
"This is not only an economic project, but the core is that the spiritual energy of the area has
changed. There are not many people I can trust. Now I am like an ordinary adult, but I am facing
children with knives."
"It seems that the winning ticket is in hand, but in fact it is a wrong step, and it is doomed." Ye
Chen stretched out five fingers and gently pressed them on the transparent glass of the floor-to-
ceiling window, leaving five finger prints.
"Even Huaxia no longer exists!"
He murmured to himself that Wei Zhiyao was in a fog, but she knew that Ye Chen was very
"Perfect people don't exist. Even if there is criticism, it has nothing to do with the overall situation.
When things are done, no one will care about these details."
"Like these five fingerprints, if you look at them from a distance, they will not affect the luster of the
entire glass. Or, one day, perhaps because you pressed these five fingerprints, the price of the
entire glass will increase. Not sure!”
Ye Chen turned his head again, looked directly at Wei Zhiyao with deep eyes, and there was a
trace of tiredness in his weathered voice.
"I trust you!"
Simple four words, but directly hit Wei Zhiyao's soul.
"He needs me!"
With just four words, the corners of Wei Zhiyao's eyes quickly heated up, and hot tears were
about to burst out of her eyes, but she was stopped.
"You can't be so useless."
Wei Zhiyao gave herself a psychological suggestion.
At this moment, 18,000 reasons can't stop her determination to help him!
Her eyes were about to turn red, but Wei Zhiyao turned her back to Ye Chen: "I see, I'll prepare all
the materials."
The trembling voice finished and left quickly.
With this series of subtle changes in her expression, Ye Chen had a panoramic view even if she
didn't look at it. Then she looked out of the window and looked at the bustling city in front of her.
Her mood was a little complicated : "I didn't expect that, I owe it again, a debt of love..."
If the Yin Demon Heavenly Stone is not removed for a day, this Huaxia aura mutation cannot be
resolved, and now it can be covered up by a resort.
But if it cannot be resolved for a long time, what awaits mankind will be a devastating blow!
"Mr. Ye, the dinner is ready..."
It was Wu Yan who came and asked Ye Chen to come for dinner.
"Uncle Wu, I'm sorry." Ye Chen turned around and nodded slightly.
The old man Wu Yan laughed and said, "Mr. Ye, this old man is just doing the best of the
landlord's friendship. If you really want to talk about it, our Wu family still owes you a huge favor
that we can't repay!"
Ye Chen was no more polite, followed the old man out of the office, and while walking, Ye Chen
also talked about the Nine Dragons Mountain.
After all, this matter still needs Wu Yan's help by Wei Zhiyao's side.
"Oh? What else?" Wu Yan frowned. He later learned about the Qin family's guarding formation.
"This aura mutation must be resolved as soon as possible!"
"Mr. Ye's layout, there must be places where we need help. As long as you speak, you will die!"
The old man Wu Yan's face was solemn, and what Ye Chen said was of great importance to earth
"So so..."
Ye Chen explained his plans to Wu Yan in detail, and the old man explained slowly after listening,
"I'll start now, just in case."
The two discussed as they walked and were not afraid of being heard by others.
There are only a few boxes in this VIP area, and the corridor is extremely quiet.
Ye Chen was going to the imperial box of the Donglan Hotel.
The atrium of the imperial box in Donglan is golden, and the most luxurious 780-square-meter
presidential suite is gorgeous, with gold-plated furniture, a cinema, two bedrooms, two living
rooms, and a dining room, and there is a special elevator for access.
In Donglan Hotel, the area of each box ranges from 170 square meters to 780 square meters, and
the functions are also different.
This imperial box of Ye Chen is as the name suggests.
"Where's Zhiyao?" Only then did Ye Chen notice that in the huge box, there were only two of him.
The old man Wu Yan said with a smile: "Miss just said that she needs to prepare some materials,
and told me to come later and let Mr. Ye have dinner first, without waiting for her."
Ye Chen shook his head with a wry smile, the girl was probably crying silently.
Chapter 6289 Accident or Yin Demon
At the same time, Donglan Hotel is another place.
"Lin Xue, why do you have to pull me out..."
Zheng Nianlei looked at Lin Xue who was pulling her arm and walking out on her own.
Lin Xue looked back at Zheng Nianlei, and immediately gave her a wink, "Don't you understand?"
"What's the matter?" Zheng Nianlei was still at a loss.
"Oh, the atmosphere inside is almost unbearable, I just want you to accompany me out for a
walk!" Lin Xue said angrily.
"That's why people like you, that's why!" Zheng Nianlei immediately understood something and
"I said this morning that I was looking for a more handsome little brother, but now someone has
taken the initiative to give him a hug, and you dislike them, it's really a double standard!"
Zheng Nianlei showed no mercy to her best friend, her secret words, so it was.
Lin Xue scoffed at this, and said lightly, "Hmph, you haven't seen those swollen faces and fat
people. You know a few people, and if you have a few connections, you'll float to the sky!"
"Everyone used to be classmates, but now it's mixed with the word "social", and feelings are no
longer pure!" Lin Xue shook her head. She was quite disappointed by this gathering.
"You are also a writer, a well-known talented woman, shouldn't those who pursue you show their
strength?" Zheng Nianlei asked with a slight smile, her eyes twinkling.
"..." Lin Xue rolled her eyes, good guy, the advantage of the day has been taken back.
Inside the luxurious bathroom.
Zheng Nianlei and Lin Xue stared at the mirror in a daze. For a while, the two of them were silent,
except for the trickle of the tap.
The atmosphere fell silent for a while.
"Hey, what are you thinking?" After a long time, Lin Xue was the first to break the silence, wiped
her hands, and asked.
"No...nothing!" Zheng Nianlei shook her head, wondering why she suddenly thought of Ye Chen?
Perhaps this alumni reunion is just an excuse for wanting to meet Ye Chen.
Unfortunately, the other party ruthlessly refused.
Lin Xue, who was on the side, guessed something, and asked jokingly, "Are you thinking about
how good it would be for Ye Chen to be here?"
"Ah?" Zheng Nianlei was asked by Lin Xue, her face blushing and she jumped up again. Although
she didn't answer, Lin Xue understood the thoughts of her best friend.
"Actually, I was thinking just now, if the Ye Chen you are thinking of was here, would it be like
those men, like those men..." Lin Xue said thoughtfully, for Ye Chen, at that time when the
bachelor was only limited to Knowing, friendship is not deep, and I don't know what kind of
demeanor is now.
In the eyes of a lover, there is Xishi, and Zheng Nianlei's description cannot be trusted.
After all, what Zheng Nianlei said was somewhat mythical about Ye Chen, but when Lin Xue saw
Ye Chen's deity in person, she was surprised to find that what Zheng Nianlei said was true.
Of course, this is something.
The emperor's box at the moment, in the emperor's palace of Donglan Hotel.
"By the way, Uncle Wu, there are still some things. I want you to tell the Wu family and the entire
ancient martial arts world." Ye Chen seemed to have thought of something, but the back of
stepping into the emperor's palace was solemn.
Now there are only Wu Yan and Ye Chen in this huge imperial palace, and the old man doesn't
care about any modern rules and etiquette.
The capable person is respected, and the old man kneels down on one knee, clasping his fists
with both hands, and said solemnly: "But according to Mr. Ye's instructions!"
"Actually, Huaxia's aura change is related to one thing..." Ye Chen carefully considered his words,
and told all the plans and details, and urged him to wait for the signal before taking action!
I saw a figure at the end of the corridor wandering around and stumbling. When he saw the scene
in the Emperor's Palace, he was slightly startled and said in surprise, "Then... that's Donglan's
deacon? Master Wu?"
"Why did he get down on his knees?"
The man was a little surprised, his eyes widened, but his eyes were full of incredulity. He wiped
his eyes again, and was about to look at the back, only to find that the gate of the Emperor's
Palace was tightly closed.
The two quaint and stylish doors were tightly stitched together, as if they had never been opened.
"Did I drink too much? I'm confused? I have to hurry up and find Lin Xue and the others!!"
The man hiccupped while talking to himself, and walked away on his own.
"It should be an alcoholic who entered by mistake. In order to prevent the overall situation, should
I obliterate him?" The old man Wu Yan made a gesture of wiping his neck. .
The whereabouts are mysterious and elusive, and the breath is no different from ordinary people.
If it were him, it would be more than worth the loss.
Marven Ye smiled lightly: "It's just an ordinary person, Uncle Wu, I'll leave this matter to you."
The old man said solemnly: "Don't worry, Mr. Ye, even if the old man throws this skin bag away,
he will definitely complete the task!"
"Thank you!" Ye Chen was not hypocritical this time, he did not block, including the old man's
sincere bow!
This aura change is deeply involved, fighting to the end and sacrifice is inevitable, so Ye Chen
has already prepared for the worst while deploying the plan!
"Everything is ready, let's wait for the east wind!"
To be honest, although the layout was laid out, Ye Chen had no idea whether it would work.
Of course, he can only tell himself that he is the spiritual support of everyone, and he must be
"Let's sit, Mr. Ye, I'll take a look at the lady. I've waited all night and haven't eaten a bite yet!"
At this moment, the old man regained his smiling, ho-ho look.
"Don't worry, don't rush her for now, it's rare that this girl is so dedicated to her work." Ye Chen
narrowed his eyes, smiled lightly, and expressed his thoughts.
The old man was also stunned for a moment, and immediately laughed: "Mr. Ye is only a few
years older than Zhiyao, but your words seem to be more vicissitudes than the old man!"
"Experience makes people grow!" Ye Chen smiled lightly.
He spent a lot of time in some secret realms and special spaces outside the domain.
If you really want to say age, I am afraid it is long live.
Coupled with part of the memory of the Lord of Reincarnation, for ordinary people, it is enough to
be called a monster.
"I'll go out and have a look too, Uncle Wu, get busy first!" Ye Chen whispered to the old man, Wu
Yan nodded, his hunched body slowly turned away.
"Drunk?" Ye Chen's eyes flickered, and his consciousness had never left since the moment the
mysterious man appeared.
Including his arrival, until his departure, Ye Chen knew all about it.
Although Ye Chen stopped Wu Yan's murderous intention at that time, the old man's move was
common sense.
Linger told him that the Yin Demon Tianshi was good at disguising, even if he himself couldn't
detect it.
Regardless, everything has to be done with care.
"I want to see if you really passed by, or did it intentionally!" After whispering, Ye Chen adjusted
his shirt and tie, and the buttons on the cuffs were slightly rotated by him, and he stepped out.
Chapter 6290 Rejection
At the same time, the Wei family.
"Father, I heard from the Donglan Hotel. Today, there is a distinguished guest from Donglan!" Wei
Hanqing, dressed in a white sports suit, came to his father Wei Xiong's open-door study.
Before the person arrives, the sound will pass first.
"Oh, what's so strange about this, since your sister took over Donglan, there are countless young
talents and business tycoons who have come and gone, aren't they all trying to climb up my Wei
family's high branch?"
Wei Xiong held a business newspaper, crossed Erlang's legs, and from time to time he took the
coffee cup in his hand to taste it, and then put it down immediately, going back and forth like this.
"Don't drink coffee at night, it will affect your sleep!" Wei Hanqing, the eldest daughter, came
closer, squeezed her father's shoulder lightly, and instructed.
"Since you transferred your sister Rudong to the north to take charge of the business, there is no
one in the family to supervise your work and rest, so is this housekeeper!" Wei Hanqing looked at
Wei Xiong, who was still unmoved, and when he got angry, he wanted to call the housekeeper. !
"Hey!" Wei Xiong sighed when his eldest daughter mentioned Wei Rudong, put down the
newspaper in his hand, pointed to the sofa opposite and said softly to Wei Hanqing, "Sit down,
talk to you for my father."
Wei Hanqing nodded lightly and sat on the sofa opposite his father, only to see Wei Xiong
reaching out to pick up the coffee cup on the crystal coffee table, but unexpectedly, the eldest
daughter took it away first: "After all, coffee can't be drunk! "
Wei Hanqing's understatement made Wei Xiong helpless, but he couldn't scold him because the
daughter was in front of him now.
"This Ye Chen is also a noble of my Wei family!"
Wei Xiong said, "If it hadn't been for the abrupt move of the Wei family on the cruise ship, the
status of the Wei family would have risen even higher!"
Hearing this, Wei Hanqing lowered his head: "Father, if my sister and I could take a long-term
view, my Wei family would already be among the top five financial groups in the world, right?"
"Your sister, Rudong, is a life that was rescued. This Ye Chen is far from extraordinary!" Wei
Xiong's eyes were bright, how disappointed he was to lose his daughter at an old age. The feeling
of heartache that no one can replace.
These days, he has also figured it out clearly, and is no longer obsessed with Wei's financial
power, so he handed over the southern industry to his third daughter Wei Zhiyao, and the
northern business to his second daughter Wei Rudong. what you want.
Secondly, Wei Rudong offended Ye Chen and let her disappear in front of Ye Chen's eyes, which
was also the best decision.
As for the eldest daughter, she will coordinate the north and the south, and gradually replace her
own position.
Ye Chen's level is not something they can reach. In the eyes of ordinary people, chain repairers in
the ancient martial arts world are already powerful people who have turned the world over!
However, thousands of people knelt on Ye Chen together, and he would never forget that scene
until he died.
Bringing the dead back to life, this method is worthy of a god!
"By the way, you said that a VIP came to the Donglan Hotel just now, who?" Wei Xiong was
obviously not very interested in these business dealings. He just asked casually when his
daughter said it casually.
"Ye Chen!"
Wei Hanqing considered the words carefully and said.
As soon as Wei Xiong heard the word Ye Chen, he jumped up.
"Yes, Ye Chen, according to the report from the following people, it was said that Mr. Wu Yan
personally received him, and the person who came was called: Mr. Ye!" Wei Hanqing said softly.
"Is it here to look for Zhiyao?" Wei Xiong's face showed a happy expression, and the close
relationship between her daughter and Ye Chen was a great thing for the Wei family!
"Father, do you know that the two most recent government bidding projects in the south?" The
Wei family's power is now in the hands of the eldest daughter Wei Hanqing.
This made Wei Xiong very gratified. Although he had no children, his two daughters stood in the
south and defended the north.
"Is that the resort's project?" Wei Xiong mentioned that this is a bit of a headache. Although the
government is openly bidding and seeking a strong consortium to take over, it is still very difficult.
"Although the core of my Wei family's industry is located in the south, it is a new consortium after
all. Compared with those old guys, the technical means are still a bit inferior. Although the funds
can be eaten, people may not choose us !"
Although Wei Xiong is confident that the Wei family will be prosperous in the future, but everything
has to have a process, eating into a fat man in one bite, this thing only exists in fairy tales!
The reality is cruel, without that diamond, it is impossible to do this porcelain work.
"I've been having a headache recently. Once I win it, my Wei family will definitely rise, and no one
can stop it!"
Wei Hanqing's eyes were firm, and his eyes were as sharp as knives.
When it comes to doing business, she has never been afraid of anyone, not even those old guys
who are about to die in the old-fashioned consortium.
"I'm afraid I'll have to come forward in person for this tender. The top consortiums in China are
also those who are half buried. You go with me, and the follow-up matters will gradually take
Wei Xiong's eyes flashed, even if there was only a slight chance, he had to give it a try. Once
successful, the Wei family would definitely take off!
"Beep beep!"
At this moment, Wei Hanqing's cell phone rang, and her firm gaze softened when she looked at
the note.
Since the cruise ship incident, the Wei family has become a monolithic and harmonious family.
Wei Hanqing and Wei Rudong have also got what they want. Naturally, they are also very caring
for their sister who helps the Wei family to be the icing on the cake.
"Yes Zhiyao!" She said to her father, Wei Xiong, and turned on the loudspeaker key.
"Sister, I have encountered something in the contract and need your help!" Wei Zhiyao's anxious
voice came, Wei Xiong and Wei Hanqing looked at each other, this little daughter was not
interested in doing business at all, and all matters were connected with each other. Wu Yan and
Wei Hanqing fought, how did they change today?
"Contract? Don't worry, speak slowly!" Wei Hanqing said softly.
Wei Xiong on the side listened quietly!
I just heard the other end of the phone continue: "That's it, Brother Ye came to see me tonight, I
hope I will lead the project for two resorts!"
"Sister, are you still there? Strange, isn't the signal bad?"
"Ahem, I'm here, I'm listening." Wei Hanqing and Wei Xiong looked at each other, but the
enthusiasm in their eyes rose uncontrollably!
"Is Mr. Ye still at the Donglan Hotel?" Wei Hanqing asked.
"It's still there!" Wei Zhiyao was talking, and the sound of rummaging through boxes and cabinets
came from the office, jingling bells.
"My father and I are rushing over now, let's not worry about the contract, I'll go to help you
prepare!" After speaking in one breath, Wei Hanqing hurriedly ended the call.
"Sister, you..." Wei Zhiyao wanted to say something, but the phone had already ended the call.
"Qing'er, get your clothes, now go to meet Mr. Ye!" Wei Xiong got up and instructed his eldest
daughter Wei Hanqing, his eyes couldn't hide his excitement. !
Wei Hanqing was also excited, changing the image of a cold female entrepreneur in the past, and
hurriedly responded: "I'm going to prepare a private jet now!"
Of course, everything that happened in Wei's house is inseparable from the theme of two words,
Ye Chen.
At this moment, Ye Chen didn't know that he had already gone out, quietly following the drunk
man, swaying around the huge stairwell.
This fellow seems to have drank a lot, but he has lost his way.
"Where have you seen this person?" Ye Chen in the dark felt a little familiar with this person, but
he couldn't remember exactly how.
"It's getting late, we've been out for a while, we have to go back quickly, don't ruin the fun of the
class reunion!" Lin Xue's voice came.
The drunk man who was going around seemed to have heard a familiar voice and stumbled
towards the source of the voice, and Ye Chen quickly followed.
"Let me tell you..." As soon as they turned the corner, the man who approached grabbed Lin
Xue's hand before he could say anything, startling the two of them.
"I'm going, it's Fang Guodong!" Lin Xue was obviously frightened by the sudden grip, but when he
looked closely, it was his classmate Fang Guodong.
"I found you guys!" The man called Fang Guodong sighed, "This is the first time I came here, it's
too big, I can't find the way!"
Just as Lin Xue and Fang Guodong were in a trance, a familiar figure also came into Ye Chen's
"Oops!" Ye Chen sighed, unable to escape.
The figure obviously saw him, and a surprised and slightly puzzled voice sounded: "Ye Chen?
Why are you here?"
It was Zheng Nianlei who came to the class reunion with Lin Xue who made this inquiry.
Ye Chen was actually able to discover Zheng Nianlei, just because of the weirdness of the Yin
Demon Tianshi. When he suspected this man, he chose not to use any spiritual consciousness
and spiritual power to follow him, because the Yin Demon Tianshi would be extremely sensitive to
all this.
However, after rejecting others before, and now being hit head-on, even Ye Chen was a little
overwhelmed for a while.
"I... have some things to deal with here!" Ye Chen, who had calmed down, spoke slowly. At this
time, he thought, no wonder he was familiar with this person, he used to be a classmate! It's just
that the face has changed so much that he can't remember it for a while.
"Huh? Ye Chen?" Lin Xue's tone rose, looking from left to right to look at this former classmate,
looked carefully, and after a long time said, "Okay, it's a good time!"
It was only then that Ye Chen remembered himself, it was indeed a suit and leather shoes and it
was expensive.
And the temperament he has tempered in the acquired killing is enough to support the charm of a
top-level son.
No wonder he was misunderstood by old classmate Lin Xue!
"Lin Xue, long time no see!" Ye Chen said lightly.
"Are you gathering here today?" Ye Chen was preconceived and asked Zheng Nianlei. This would
be questioned by the other party, and it was inevitable to explain it.
"Yes, I forgot to tell you before, what a coincidence, I didn't expect to meet you here!" Zheng
Nianlei's face was slightly red, and her voice was much lower than usual.
Seeing her best friend's appearance, Lin Xue secretly smiled and pulled Fang Guodong's arm:
"Ye Chen, since we met, why don't we sit together?"
Chapter 6291 Shocking Identity
Ye Chen knew that this time, he would definitely not be able to shirk it. Anyway, Wei Zhiyao
couldn't finish his work for a while, so he simply nod. He hadn't seen his old classmates for a long
time. Sitting together to connect with each other was just to kill time!
"Okay, just in time, let's go together!" Ye Chen chuckled and made a gesture of invitation, asking
the other party to lead the way first!
"Marven Ye, you look good, boy."
The drunk Fang Guodong also knew Ye Chen, and he kept talking along the way, which added a
bit of firework to this magnificent heaven and earth.
After a while, several people followed Lin Xue and Zheng Nianlei to the box.
As soon as the door opened, the crowd was full of joy. After all, when Ye Chen came, it was
already over thirty.
"Guess everyone, Leilei and I just went out, who did we meet?" As soon as Lin Xue exited, the
audience fell silent.
In the huge box, about twenty young men and women all stared at Ye Chen. After a while, an
oval-faced girl exclaimed, "Isn't this Ye Chen from the Ye family in Jiangcheng?"
As soon as these words came out, Ye Chen's voice and face in the past appeared in everyone's
"It really is!"
Several boys recognized Ye Chen. After all, they hadn't seen each other for so many years, and it
was reasonable that they dared not recognize each other at first glance.
A few people got up in a hurry and pulled Ye Chen to the seat: "Come on, tell everyone, how have
you been all these years, and don't talk about contact!"
Everyone is warm and kind, and Ye Chen feels helpless. How can I explain it? I can't say it. In
recent years, I have been awakening the blood of reincarnation outside the realm, and planning to
fight against the ancient emperor Yu Huang?
That should not be regarded as a lunatic by everyone.
"Hey, I can't help myself. I joined the army before graduating, and I just came back recently!"
Ye Chen can only explain in this way.
"Hahaha, it's good to be a soldier!"
A few people are also inquiring about the cold, and everyone chats!
After drinking in his sixties, Ye Chen undoubtedly became the focus of the banquet. It goes
without saying that his dusty temperament is enough to win everyone's attention.
You must know that most of the classmates here belong to the middle class. The reason why they
can come is entirely because of Zheng Nianlei.
To be precise, it was Zheng Nianlei's father, who had some business dealings with the Wei family,
and only then had the opportunity to book a table.
And Ye Chen, but he came in by himself, the meaning of this is self-evident.
Everyone was pulling Ye Chen to ask questions, and after half an hour, Zheng Nianlei didn't catch
a word, and was eating with her head down.
Lin Xue on the side can't stand it anymore, Ye Chen is a sweet pastry, it can be seen from the
eyes of everyone, she must fight for her best friend!
"Cough! That... Ye Chen." As soon as Lin Xue opened her mouth, everyone in the audience
stopped talking. After all, Zheng Nianlei and Lin Xue were the most famous in their class.
When I was in school, I was a goddess who belonged to the school beauty level, and everyone
gave some face to her.
Ye Chen's eyes turned to this side.
"I heard that you joined the army? Don't lie to us. That little retirement allowance is not enough for
even a single button on your body!"
When he said that, it caused everyone to boo, although it was a joke, but it was reasonable.
"You said this?" Ye Chen pointed to his outfit, "This is just a gift from a friend, and today is the first
time I've come here."
Ye Chen was full of the truth, the suit Jin Lengyan sent was just to facilitate his investigation of the
Yin Demon Tianshi.
Ye Chen's words made Lin Xue look at him with admiration. The men he met before would not
hesitate to smash their own signs, but also slap their faces and make them fat to raise themselves
up. Now, Ye Chen, who is being touted by everyone, is dismantling himself.
On the contrary, Lin Xue couldn't be rectified.
Zheng Nianlei smiled softly, she knew that Ye Chen would not lie: "So it is!"
The people present did not say much after hearing the words, but the reality is like this. After the
truth, it is all hypocrisy.
Everyone is no longer overly boasting about Ye Chen, and everyone starts talking about life and
"I'm running out of wine, I'll order some more!" Fang Guodong, as a qualified wine commander,
was always watching over the romance in the audience's cup!
After a while, he brought the wine list!
"Let Ye Chen come, he's late, he hasn't punished himself for three cups yet!" the crowd cheered.
Ye Chen also got up with a smile and echoed. He hadn't felt so relaxed for a long time. The
scenes from the past came to his mind, and his fingers, turning over the wine list, stopped in one
"This is..."
"Waiter, that's all!" Ye Chen pointed to the location on the wine list, and everyone was still happy
until the waiter called out the name of the wine: "Screaming Eagle Cabernet Sauvignon Dry Red
In a word, the whole world is like a burial mound at midnight.
This wine is a new product launched by Miss Wei Jiasan after taking charge of Donglan Hotel. I
don't know how to get through the channels. Such a precious wine can be mass-produced.
The price also made everyone stunned. The price of a bottle of several hundred thousand is
prohibitive. Only the real rich children or business tycoons will order it when they are playing
Ye Chen's move undoubtedly pushed everyone to the forefront. You must know that parties are
usually AA.
"This..." Zheng Nianlei on the side pulled Ye Chen's sleeve and whispered a few words.
Ye Chen looked suddenly realized: "I tasted this wine with my friends on a cruise ship before, and
I think it's not bad. Drink it with confidence."
"The hotel will give us a free bill, there are friends I know here!"
Ye Chen explained.
Everyone still looked at Ye Chen suspiciously, what kind of friends can be exempted from orders?
Or a list of hundreds of thousands?
Seeing that everyone didn't believe it, Zheng Nianlei came out to smooth things out: "Marven Ye
said, don't worry, everyone can drink tonight!"
Seeing that the daughter of the Zheng family spoke up, everyone was relieved.
Anyway, if Marven Ye couldn't afford it, Zheng Nianlei just came.
"I've never tasted this kind of wine, I'll have to try it tonight!"
Fang Guodong smacked his lips a few times. For the senior Jiu Mengzi, hundreds of thousands of
fine wines are immortal brews!
"Marven Ye, do you have any plans after retiring?" Fang Guodong was still taking care of
everyone after several decades of drinking, "My friend is still recruiting people, and the treatment
is not bad. Your image must be the highest salary!"
Fang Guodong patted his chest and assured.
Zheng Nianlei on the side smirked, if he knew that the man in front of him had met those powerful
people, and he didn't know what Fang Guodong's expression would be.
"Don't think about it, recently..." Ye Chen wanted to explain, when there was a knock on the door,
it was not a waiter, but a rickety old man in fancy clothes.
Anyone who can come here knows the identity of this old man by heart, and he is a member of
the Wei Consortium!
The person who came was Wu Yan, and I saw him respectfully saying: "Mr. Ye, the lady is almost
done, ask me to invite you to the Emperor's Palace for dinner!"
As soon as this statement came out, there was an uproar!
As for the identity of the old man, that is the existence that countless top giants also want to cling
to, but now they are very respectful to Ye Chen.
Miss? Isn't that so?
Miss Wei family, Wei Zhiyao?
Chapter 6292 Attitude
Everyone seemed to think of something, and they all gulped.
"I know Uncle Wu, I will go over by myself later, I happen to meet my classmates, sit down with
everyone, Zhiyao's side, I will go over when she is done!"
Ye Chen responded with a smile.
"Mr. Laoye is here!" The old man still smiled and humbly, bowed and left.
Lin Xue was the first to utter foul language: "Damn, Ye Chen, you...!"
"Aren't you a soldier?"
"How did you meet Wei Zhiyao from the Donglan Hotel?"
Everyone asked in a row.
Zheng Nianlei on the side was disappointed when she heard the three words Wei Zhiyao.
Although she claimed to be outstanding in appearance, she was compared with Wei Zhiyao.
Her Zheng family was just a small fight. Ye Chen had such a friend, and Zheng Nianlei felt an
inexplicable sense of loss in her heart.
"I helped a little by chance!" Ye Chen took a sip of the bright red in the cup and said slowly.
Then he edited and edited the previous story of the Tianxing cruise ship.
"I didn't expect you and Miss Wei family to have such a fate. No wonder you can get away with
the bill without taking a breath!" Lin Xue suddenly realized after hearing the story.
"Then don't have a few more bottles!" Fang Guodong hiccupped, before taking a sip, "Waiter,
what brand of red wine, three more bottles!"
Everyone was amused and laughed.
Just then, the door was suddenly pushed open.
"Brother Ye, on the contract side, my sister said she would come to help me with it later, let's go to
Wei Zhiyao pushed open the door of the box, and her graceful figure was particularly moving
under the light in the hall!
A voice like the sound of nature came into the box, and the person who came was the third Miss
Wei family, Wei Zhiyao.
"Brother Ye, are these your friends?" Wei Zhiyao's smart eyes blinked. After looking around, he
asked with a light smile.
"Grandpa Wu just said that you have classmates here, so I'll come and see. I hope everyone,
Haihan, will pay for all the consumption today. Thank you for your visit!"
Wei Zhiyao was still smiling, and everyone present could see that the relationship between Ye
Chen and the daughter of the Wei family was by no means ordinary.
According to rumors, this Wei family's three thousand gold Wei Zhiyao is the goddess of the
iceberg, and the number of young talents who came to visit was turned away, countless.
Despite this, the Donglan Hotel is still full of people every day, just to see the beauty of the
prosperous age.
"Brother Ye, why don't you ask everyone to go to the Emperor's Palace with me, we're all ready
anyway, and it's fun to go together!"
Wei Zhiyao kindly invited, after all, Ye Chen's friend, that is her friend, aside from personal
feelings, Ye Chen has already taken care of the Wei family in every possible way!
Fang Guodong, who was on the side, saw the doorway, blinked a few times, and his eyes rolled
around: "Miss Wei, thank you for your kind invitation, we will not go there, I heard you talked about
the contract just now, you must have something with Ye Chen. We need to talk about business
matters, so we won’t bother!”
"Drinking here, the same thing, Donglan's wine is really a fairy brew!"
Fang Guodong hiccupped and said with a flushed face.
This sentence is not only a tactful rejection of Wei Zhiyao's kindness, but also a full face of the
other side. The private banquet for the two of them was already prepared.
Encountering a class reunion was purely an accident. Wei Zhiyao's invitation seemed to be just a
Everyone also agrees with each other, smiling and refusing.
"Ah...this..." Wei Zhiyao, who was completely unfamiliar with business routines, really just invited
her kindly and didn't expect so much. Seeing everyone declining, she felt a little overwhelmed for
a while.
"Miss Wei, you don't have to be so polite, we are all old classmates we haven't seen for a long
time, thinking that today is just a get together, just chat, you and Ye Chen have important things to
discuss , we will definitely not disturb. "
The chopsticks in Lin Xue's hand picked up the delicacies on the plate in front of her, put them to
her lips and took them out, and said.
Looking at this Miss Wei's attitude towards Ye Chen, Lin Xue naturally wants to stand aside with
her best friend Zheng Nianlei. Zheng Nianlei has a gentle personality, so she can only take on the
heavy responsibility. Although it may not be comparable, she can 't lose in momentum!
Ye Chen was naturally aware of all the reactions of the people present, and just as he was about
to speak, a figure appeared in front of the door.
That iconic rickety body was the old man Wu Yan.
"Miss, the master and the eldest lady are here, and they said they want to meet Mr. Ye in person!"
Wu Yan threw another blockbuster!
The classmates present glanced at me and looked back at each other, what is this Ye Chen
identity? Didn't he say he was just a soldier?
How is it so majestic? Even the head of the Wei family came to thank him in person?
You know, the Wei family, that is China's powerful consortium, and the existence of a wealthy
country! So polite to Ye Chen, an ordinary man?
Lin Xue on the side was also dumbfounded, looking back at Zheng Nianlei, the meaning of those
eyes was self-evident. "I know your Marven Ye is not easy, but what's going on?"
"I don't know either, Ye Chen didn't tell me!"
The two are using eye contact to communicate seamlessly.
Originally, I just thought that the rivalry between the juniors was jealous, but how could even the
giants be pulled out all of a sudden! "Father?"
Wei Zhiyao was also a little stunned, her eyes widened. She, who has always been insensitive to
business, had no idea how important the two projects mentioned by Ye Chen would be to the Wei
family! That was the project that Wei Xiong and Wei Hanqing tried their best to win, but now it was
given to Wei Zhiyao by Ye Chen with two words.
"Did you tell your father?" Ye Chen also looked at Wei Zhiyao with a puzzled expression.
"No, I was just preparing the materials, and I called the eldest sister to ask about something I
didn't understand. She said she came over to help me get it in person!" Wei Zhiyao explained the
cause and effect to Ye Chen .
Ye Chen chuckled: "That's no wonder, Wei Hanqing should have told your father!"
Looking at Wei Zhiyao's calm expression, Ye Chen knew in her heart that she would never know
the importance of this project!
Otherwise, it wouldn't be so bland. The reason why Wei Zhiyao is anxious is entirely because of
the individual and has nothing to do with the project itself!
As for the arrival of Wei Xiong and Wei Hanqing, it was because of the value of the project itself
that they had to thank Ye Chen in person!
In Ye Chen's eyes, he needs someone he trusts to manage this project, not for anything else, but
only for the formation behind this project and the recovery of the aura to curb it!
It is said that the three families are also fate, and this is how they come together!
"Dong Dong Dong!" There was a rapid sound of leather shoes, accompanied by the sound of
high-heeled shoes clapping. It was obvious that the person came to run.
"call!" In front of the unclosed door of the box, another figure was blocking it.
At the age of about fifty or sixty years old, because of maintenance reasons, there is no white silk
on the temples, the heroic spirit between the eyebrows is unabated, and the bright hair is combed
back to the back of the head, it is Wei Xiong himself.
Behind him is the eldest Miss Wei family, Wei Hanqing!
At this moment, Wei Hanqing was also dressed up to attend, her lavender high heels set off her
slender figure, and a capable short suit showed her professional demeanor.
Between the snow-white neck, the pendant worth tens of millions flickered, flashing the eyes of
everyone in the box. "This……" Everyone envy for a while, that is a Chinese man who can only be
seen in the newspapers, the real economic giant, the ruler of the Wei family, Wei Xiong!
"Finally caught up."
Wei Xiong grabbed a pack of tissues on the table, took a few sheets to wipe the sweat dripping
from his forehead, and stepped forward to hold Ye Chen's hands, tears filled his eyes.
"Mr. Ye, great kindness and great virtue, I, Mrs. Wei, can't repay you!" Ignoring my manners in
front of everyone, I had to get down on my knees!
"Mr. Wei, such a great gift has ruined Ye Chen!" Ye Chen hurriedly supported Wei Xiong. This
was the second time Wei Xiong knelt down.
The first time was on the coast, when Ye Chen used his means to rescue Wei Rudong, it was to
protect the Wei family!
Now this worship comes from the heart!
"I have eyes but don't know Mount Tai. I have offended many times in the past. I hope Mr. Ye will
not blame him. In the future, I will use my Wei family's place. Just speak up, my Wei family will
never give up!" Wei Hanqing also burst into tears. Bow deeply to Ye Chen!
Chapter 6293 Sleepless night!
"Let the past go with the wind!"
Marven Ye sighed, the original fate with the Wei family was entirely an act of kindness by Wei
Zhiyao on the cruise ship.
Ye Chen was forced to intervene in the Wei clan dispute, and the reason was just an accidental
The conflict with the Wei family was all for Wei Zhiyao, repaying her kindness for saving her.
Ye Chen and the Wei family have no bitter fate, so how can they fight?
Now that the Wei family is taking the lead in this resort project of Jiulong Mountain and the dense
forest, it has helped Ye Chen a lot.
The purpose of this project was to cover up the existence that was difficult for ordinary people to
understand, so he had already greeted the senior management of Huaxia beforehand.
Wei Zhiyao is someone Ye Chen trusts and has economic strength!
Ye Chen did this naturally because he had his intentions. If he changed to another family, he was
still somewhat uneasy. Only the Wei family and Wu Yan would help, and the entire ancient martial
arts world would be willing to do their part.
"I've already told Zhiyao that this girl is not good at doing business, and I hope Patriarch Wei and
Miss Wei can help you a lot!" Ye Chen chuckled and instructed.
"It's natural, Zhiyao's business is our family's business!" Wei Hanqing took the lead in expressing
his position. Now Wei Xiong is gradually taking a back seat. If it weren't for these two major
projects being of great importance, even he would not show up. .
"Mr. Ye, thank you for your kindness!" Wei Xiong also bowed deeply. In his eyes, Ye Chen made
the Wei family.
Everyone present was petrified. What kind of identity is this Ye Chen...?
Soldier? Could it be said that he is the official high-level?
For a time, this question shrouded everyone's mind. It was obvious that he was a classmate who
wore a pair of pants at the beginning, and the white horse passed through the gap and became a
state official?
"You can prepare everything in advance!"
"After winning the bidding, you can start the business as scheduled. If you encounter problems
that cannot be solved, just contact Lu Lingfeng as soon as possible!"
Ye Chen's remarks meant something else in his words that could not be solved, implying an
extraordinary situation.
But where can Wei Xiong hear Ye Chen's implication?
He nodded again and again, and hurriedly ordered Wei Hanqing to go down and prepare the
materials, Wei Hanqing also gave his sister a wink, "But..."
Wei Zhiyao was still thinking about the dinner with Ye Chen.
Wei Hanqing naturally had a good guess about this younger sister who was just beginning to love.
She whispered a few words in her ear: "Finish the business first, and there will be more
opportunities to have dinner with Mr. Ye in the future..."
Of course, no one could hear this whisper except the extraordinary Ye Chen.
Wei Zhiyao's face turned red, and she lowered her head and said to Ye Chen, "Brother Ye, I..."
Marven Ye naturally smiled knowingly, "Zhi Yao, you are busy with eldest sister first, and in two
days, I will invite you to dinner. After all, there are still many places that need your help in the
future, supervise each other!"
Hearing this, Wei Zhiyao raised her head, her eyes undisguised: "Well, it's a word!"
After speaking, Wei Hanqing took Wei Zhiyao's little hand, and they both left.
"Mr. Wei, there are some things that are inconvenient to talk about in person. I have asked Mr. Wu
Yan to tell him. Later, you will call him to the study, and you will know when you ask. It is very
important. Be careful! Keep it secret!"
Wei Xiong listened, and Ye Chen whispered in his ear.
Hearing this, Wei Xiong solemnly: "Mr. Ye's words must be kept in mind by Wei Mou!"
"If there is nothing else, I will not disturb Mr. Ye's party!"
When the family winked enough, they took away the space for her daughter to give Ye Chen a
"Okay, Mr. Wei is here!" Ye Chen nodded lightly, watching Wei Xiong's back go away, and the box
door was closed again!
For a long time, be silent!
Fang Guodong dozed off a few times, then suddenly stood up, everyone was staring at him, and
Ye Chen was also full of smiles.
I haven't had such a relaxing party in a long time.
"Damn, I flinched before, now, that wine!" Fang Guodong narrowed his eyes, took off the small
satchel on his upper body, put it behind the chair, and immediately pointed his right index finger at
the expensive red wine.
"This, one person, one box, step on and drink, you won't go home if you don't get drunk!" he said
in a loud and impassioned voice.
"Ha ha ha ha!"
When everyone saw this appearance, they all laughed happily, and the atmosphere returned to
the right track for a while.
Everyone just talks and talks about life.
In a trance, I went back to my student days.
Before you know it, it's already three poles a month!
Everyone was drinking to the pinnacle of life, Ye Chen put each classmate into the car one by
one, and watched them go away.
We may never meet again in this lifetime!
At this moment, behind Ye Chen, only Lin Xue and Zheng Nianlei were left. The three of them
stared at each other with big eyes, and the two girls were also on their minds.
"Marven Ye, does Wei Zhiyao like you?" Lin Xue said bluntly with a blushing face, and out of the
corner of the eye looked at Zheng Nianlei, who was beside him with his head bowed and silent.
Ye Chen didn't know how to answer, and was speechless for a while.
"Zhi Yao, that girl, I refuse!" Ye Chen answered truthfully. As soon as he said this, Zheng Nianlei
raised his head and looked at Ye Chen's eyes, as if there was some hope!
Lin Xue was also at a loss, so the goddess confessed and refused?
Your brain isn't broken!
"Hey, I have a lot of things on my back right now. If I fail, I may die!"
As soon as these words came out, the two women looked at Ye Chen incredulously. They
believed in Ye Chen's words, and they had such a position at a young age.
The burden on his body is not something ordinary people can spy on.
"So, I can't give anyone any promises, thanks to everyone's love, but right now, the situation is
really not optimistic!" Ye Chen smiled lightly, but from his expression, the two girls could see deep
Even the squeezed smile was a bit far-fetched!
"Okay, I'll take you back, Lin Xue, are you living with Zheng Nianlei?" Ye Chen took the initiative to
speak, saying that, he didn't want the second daughter to ask any more questions.
Some things, ignorance is the best protection for them!
Then Ye Chen sent the people from the dark hall to drive a car, sent the two back to the villa, and
then left by himself.
Looking at Ye Chen's leaving back, Zheng Nianlei was speechless for a long time.
"Go away, go back!"
Lin Xue took a blanket from the room and put it on Zheng Nianlei's shoulder.
"He's like a god, I'm just a mortal!"
Lin Xue muttered to herself.
Zheng Nianlei looked back at her best friend beside her, and blinked at her: "Even a woman like
Wei Zhiyao is so fascinated by him!" Lin Xue smiled lightly: "We are not from the same world as
him!" "let it go!"
She patted Zheng Nianlei's shoulder lightly, said no more, turned and walked into the bedroom.
The beauty who left behind the afterimage of the lonely moon is sad, silent in the night!
This night is destined to be sleepless.
Chapter 6294 Dusty Memories
Silent all night. The fiery morning sun ripped apart the darkness of the earth. Ye Chen stood in
front of the window sill, stretched out his hand to open the tulle curtain that covered the sun, and
let the sun shine on his body. The mobile phone on the window sill flashed and vibrated
constantly. All were messages from Wei Zhiyao.
The progress of the project is reported all the time, as well as various data reports analyzing
hand-painted data, which shows the degree of intention.
Of course, the most important core content is unavoidable, such as asking for warmth and caring
for the body and mind.
Ye Chen's eyes narrowed, and he shook his head helplessly, flipping through the text messages
one by one, the black coffee in the cup in his left hand exuded a mellow fragrance, a wisp of
fragrance overflowing, and the surroundings were silent.
It is worth mentioning that after that day, the trace of change felt by the tracking stone on Wei
Zhiyao disappeared again. Only Ye Chen knew about this matter, and he didn't startle the snake.
He is waiting. The origin of the Yin Demon Heavenly Stone is estimated to be not bad compared
to the Reincarnation Profound Monument. The more existence of this level, the more careful his
handling methods will be. "Beep beep!"
A special text message caught Ye Chen's attention. Among the thousands of messages sent by
Wei Zhiyao, one message from Jin Lengyan caught Ye Chen's attention. "Today's tender is all
right!" "The Wei family finally succeeded in gaining the dominance of the project. Several other
consortiums have injustices, but the members of the Dark Hall have already intervened, and the
project has been carried out as scheduled."
"On the third Miss Zhiyao of the Wei family, the tracking stone flashed another change!"
The last sentence of the message once again attracted Ye Chen's attention. Is there any change?
This is the second time. It seems that the situation is not optimistic. We must investigate clearly
before we can continue the next action! "Hello, Zhiyao?" Ye Chen dialed Wei Zhiyao's mobile
phone, "Is the bidding going well today?" Wei Zhiyao's happy voice came, and he told Ye Chen
the cause and effect of the incident, but there were some small episodes, but the big difference
was in line with Jin Lengyan's report. Marven Ye decided to go straight to the point and said,
"Congratulations, I invited you to dinner after I said last time, so tonight! Are you free?" He had to
meet Wei Zhiyao himself and find out the truth with her. "Ah? Tonight?" Wei Zhiyao's voice was
obviously a little excited, "Yes, I have time!" "Okay, let's meet and talk about it tonight!"
Listening to the sound of beeping and no signal coming from the other end of the phone, Ye Chen
slowly put down his right hand holding the phone, and the "Chuan" character number above his
brows always indicates that something is going to happen!
"Continue to track the Yin Demon Tianshi and Wei Zhiyao's affairs. I will follow up personally. If
there is any danger, everyone will be evacuated as soon as possible!"
Ye Chen's last message replied to Jin Lengyan.
eight pm. Donglan Hotel, the Imperial Palace box! "Brother Ye, I'm really lacking in business.
During this time, thanks to the help of my eldest sister, I was lucky enough to survive!" Wei Zhiyao
got up and told all the waiters to close the door and retreat. She picked up the teapot at hand and
poured tea to Ye Chen herself. "It doesn't matter, you are still young, and you can learn these
things quickly. In addition to celebrating your achievements today, there are some things..."
Ye Chen went straight to the point, the chopsticks hadn't been picked up yet, and the atmosphere
in the emperor's palace had frozen a little.
"Before you met me, did you meet strange people or strange things?"
"Before I met you?" Wei Zhiyao held her cheeks in her hands, thinking about it, but she still had
no clue, "Nothing unusual happened. If there is danger, how could I meet you later?"
After several thoughts, Wei Zhiyao is still at a loss! "Come here!" Ye Chen motioned Wei Zhiyao
across the table to be closer to him. He was worried that Wei Zhiyao's memory had been
manipulated. It is very possible that once part of the memory is sealed, then the person concerned
will not remember a certain story that happened in the past, until the power of sealing the memory
disappears, or a specific scene, it is possible for the memory to reappear!
"Ah?" When Wei Zhiyao heard Ye Chen's words, she was inevitably a little nervous, and the little
footsteps approaching Ye Chen moved. "Come closer, and I won't eat you!" Wei Zhiyao's
demeanor made Ye Chen wonder whether to laugh or cry. "Brother Ye, isn't it too fast..."
Wei Zhiyao's face flushed, and she lowered her head shyly, not daring to face Ye Chen, smelling
the faint smell on Ye Chen's body, her ears were dyed red. "What are you thinking? Girl?" Only
then did Ye Chen notice Wei Zhiyao's expression, what kind of person does this girl think she is?
"Ah?" Wei Zhiyao knew that she would be wrong, and raised her head in a hurry. It happened that
Ye Chen's finger lightly touched her forehead, and a faint green light flashed across her fingertips,
Wei Zhiyao's red lips were light. Biting , the look on his face seems charming.
It was just a moment, Ye Chen released a finger, Wei Zhiyao recovered after a few breaths, her
expression was a bit complicated, obviously, she also saw the lost memory.
"Brother Ye, he..." Wei Zhiyao wanted to explain, but didn't know how to speak.
No one could accept it. All of a sudden, all kinds of things happened in my mind like a movie, and
when I turned around, I realized that the hero of the movie was me!
All the experiences are real, whether good or bad, they are all in hindsight.
Ye Chen understood what Wei Zhiyao was feeling at the moment, and saw a flash of green light
on his fingertips, little by little memories gradually faded away, "You are innocent, for you, now is
the best ending, the rest, give it to me!"
Ye Chen whispered, and Wei Zhiyao's figure shook several times: "Brother Ye, you..."
Looking at Xiao Nizi's blushing face again and her red ears, Ye Chen chuckled, what happened
just now is best to forget! "It's nothing, I probably already understand, let's eat, I didn't make it last
time, I'll make it up tonight!"
Ye Chen moved his chopsticks first and ate his food.
Seeing this, Wei Zhiyao also laughed and sat down beside Ye Chen to have a feast together.
During this period, some project matters were discussed, and nothing else.
After sending Wei Zhiyao back, Ye Chen returned to his residence, during which Jin Lengyan
came over and reported some related matters before leaving.
Ye Chen was lying on the bed at night, but he had no sleepiness with his eyes closed. The
memory was still replayed in his mind, which made him puzzled!
"It's a bit like what happened to me. It seems to erase everyone's memory."
The cruise ship is still in the picture, dating back to before meeting Ye Chen.A huge cruise ship
sails on a vast ocean. On the deck of the luxury cruise ship, there was the same girl in white
sportswear with a ponytail in her twenties, staring at the boundless sea in the distance, in a daze.
Chapter 6295 The Gamer
"Hey, why is it so lively over there?" I saw the crowd on the deck, many tourists gathered, and the
girl was also attracted by the crowd.
It was Wei Zhiyao, she whispered to Wu Yan beside her, "Grandpa Wu, let's go and see!"
On the deck, a pale middle-aged man stumbled and struggled, walking towards the end of the
deck, as if he wanted to plunge into the sea.
But his physical condition has made it difficult to support himself, and the onlookers on the side
have noticed that this person is not in a good condition, and they all pay attention, but no one
dares to step forward to help him, joking, and no one wants to take responsibility for his life!
"Damn!" The middle-aged man just roared and took the last step, but he couldn't take the second
step no matter what, and fell down on the deck!
"Who is this guy?"
"How did you get this sick ship on board? What a shame!"
You say everything in the crowd, but no one wants to come forward!
"Grandpa Wu, help him in!" The girl frowned when she saw this. No one on the boat knew the
identity of the middle-aged man, nor how he got on the boat.
"Miss Wei family is really a bodhisattva!"
"Yes, yes, the Wei family has this girl, it's amazing!"
"Humph! Third sister, I advise you not to meddle in your own business!" Wei Rudong stepped
forward, "Second sister, I still can't do anything that can't be saved, I must save this person. !"
"How to save a dying person?" Wei Rudong glanced at the dying middle-aged man. Anyone could
see that if he was sent to the doctor at this moment, there was still a chance of survival. On this
cruise ship, I' m afraid...
"Grandpa Wu, help!" The girl pointed to the old man beside her, and said softly to Wei Rudong,
"Grandpa Wu is an expert, and his cultivation is unpredictable. If he makes a move, he will
definitely save his life! "
The old man didn't speak, his hunched body gently picked up the stout middle-aged man and
walked into the cabin.
"Xiuwei..." Wei Rudong looked at Wei Zhiyao and the old man who were leaving, and whispered
softly, "Come to Qin Feng to discuss something!"
"Miss, sometimes your bodhisattva heart will offend many people!"
In Wei Zhiyao's cabin, the old man Wu Yan said softly.
"The Wei family's affairs have been accumulating for a long time. Take it slow. I believe that the
sisters are not evil people, but it's just a little hard to accept for a while!"
Wei Zhiyao looked out the window and muttered.
"How is he?"
"I'm fine, I'll wake up soon!"
"There is Grandpa Lao Wu!"
"Cough cough!"
But after a long time, the middle-aged man on the bed coughed a few times and spit out a
mouthful of black blood on the ground, giving off a thick stench.
Wu Yan frowned. He thought he was an ordinary person, but then he noticed that the middle-aged
man in front of him was absolutely extraordinary.
And the strength is unfathomable!
"Who are you?" The old man Wu Yan dodged, protecting Wei Zhiyao behind him, and asked
"Hahaha! Don't worry, although I'm not a good person, I won't kill those who are kind to me!"
The middle-aged man's face was still pale, and his right hand was covering his chest. After
laughing, he coughed a few times and spit out a few mouthfuls of black blood. He seemed to feel
"Who the hell are you!" Wu Yan already felt that something was wrong, spiritual power emerged in
his hands, and he was about to end the life of the middle-aged man with one palm.
"Hahahaha!" The seriously injured man laughed frantically, "I changed my mind!"
The middle-aged man's eyes flashed, his right hand clutching his chest did not move at all, his left
hand just waved lightly, and the old man Wu Yan's body flew straight out, hitting the ground
heavily, unconscious.
"What do you want to do?" Wei Zhiyao had never seen such a battle before, so she was naturally
nervous and her palms were sweating.
But she is also a smart person, begging for mercy at this moment will only make the enemy look
down on her!
"The character is also good!" The middle-aged man nods in admiration, "I will not hurt you, you
and I have a fate, and the fate is not over, we will meet again!"
I saw him wave his hand, and a ray of heaven descended on the Skywalk. The whole cruise ship
was covered with light and fog. The middle-aged man tore the space in front of him, and an abyss
crack appeared.
He leaped forward and disappeared.
"Strange, I always feel like something happened!" Wei Zhiyao shook her head, not taking it to
The screen flashed, and the time came to three days ago.
It was the Donglan Hotel, in Wei Zhiyao's office.
It was the mysterious man who set foot again.
"Who are you?" Wei Zhiyao was a little surprised, she should have never seen the man in front of
"You don't remember that I'm normal, but I came to you today. There is something you need to
make a decision, a decision that is enough to revitalize your Wei family!"
The middle-aged man is straight to the point, and the strong demand in his tone is
Wei Zhiyao felt the cold and gloomy aura on the mysterious man, and knew that the other party
was not well-intentioned: "Recently, my Wei family has a lot of business, and I just took over the
Wei family, and there are a lot of businesses that I can't manage for a while."
"I can wait for you, but the time is limited!" The middle-aged man directly interrupted Wei Zhiyao's
"Northern Yin Sea, there are some things there that you will definitely be interested in. I will give
you time to think about it."
The middle-aged man gave Wei Zhiyao a charming smile: "The transaction between us is limited
to you and me."
When he finished, he made a gesture of silence.
With a flicker of cold light on his fingertips, Wei Zhiyao's eyes became blurred.
When she came back to her senses, everything in the office was as usual, as if nothing had ever
Wei Zhiyao's face was calm, and no stories had happened.
Ye Chen suddenly opened his eyes, "Northern Region of Yin Sea?"
"He didn't attack Wei Zhiyao, is he sending a signal to me?"
"He obviously understands such means, and I will investigate!"
"You still gave me information..."
In any case, Ye Chen had to take it hard, the enemy was in the dark and he was in the light, this
was the only way.
Moreover, the Yin Demon Tianshi has already set his sights on Wei Zhiyao. If he does not follow
the other party's wishes, even Wei Zhiyao's life will be at risk.
"Yin Demon Tianshi... Huaxia Yinhai North Territory!" Ye Chen murmured to himself, what awaited
him in front of him was endless killing moves!
"There is also a possibility that this Yin Demon Heavenly Stone is indeed begging for Wei Zhiyao,
so it has only been repeated over and over again. Even if I find traces, I still have to contact her..."
Thinking of this, Ye Chen decided to hide beside Wei Zhiyao for a few days, quietly waiting for Yin
Demon Tianshi's next plan.
It may be the best way so far.
Sure enough, at dusk three days later.
Wei Zhiyao in the office turned off the computer, full of the progress of the project, she picked up
the handbag beside her, and was about to leave while thinking about something.
A gust of wind blew and the door opened.
Chapter 6296 Going to an appointment
Wei Zhiyao looked around the door, but there was no one there. Just as she was about to lock the
door in doubt, a man's voice came from the sofa behind her:
"Miss Wei, we meet again!"
There was a hint of laziness in that voice, and the cynical look was extremely uncomfortable.
Wei Zhiyao was obviously taken aback by the sound, and turned to look. On the leather sofa in
front of his computer desk, at some point, a man in black was already staring at him with Erlang's
legs and cheeks crossed!
Wei Zhiyao looked a little flustered, and said solemnly, "Who the hell are you?"
After seeing Ye Chen's methods, Wei Zhiyao slowly understood and accepted that there are
always some people in this world who transcend the existence that ordinary people understand!
But she didn't know the person in front of her!
What Wei Zhiyao didn't know was that her memory had been manipulated before.
"Hahaha, we are old friends, but you don't remember me being normal, I just want to tell you, stay
away from Ye Chen!"
"That project, it's best for your Wei family not to get involved, otherwise it will lead to death!"
As soon as Yin Mo Tianshi said this, the temperature in the room seemed to drop by a few
notches. In the silent office, there was only Wei Zhiyao's slight breathing.
Yin Demon Tianshi could feel that Wei Zhiyao was very nervous at this moment.
"You and I are old friends, I don't need to lie to you, you helped me, and I need you too, the Yinbei
Sea Area! The Wei family will go to the top from here!"
The Yin Demon Tianshi on the sofa folded his hands and chuckled, as if he had infinite confidence
in his plan.
At this moment, Wei Zhiyao's eyes narrowed and she said, "Why do you say that you can make
the Wei family rise? With just a few words, you want me to do things for you with all my heart?
You must think too highly of yourself, right? "
Wei Zhiyao's words are very firm, Ye Chen's project can make her Wei family make money, and
you, only one sentence!
"Well, three days later, you come to the Yinbei Sea Area to make an appointment, and I will tell
you why!"
Yin Mo Tianshi stood up straight and looked at Wei Zhiyao with sincerity in his eyes, he moved his
steps to Wei Zhiyao, his face was close to her hair, and he gently sniffed: "It really fascinates me,
three days. See you later !"
After speaking, the figure of the Yin Demon Tianshi slowly disappeared in place, as if it had never
appeared before.
Wei Zhiyao let out a sigh of relief. Dealing with such a guy is really dangerous. If someone
accidentally finds out his flaws, I am afraid that with this guy's cunning, he will immediately
escape, and it will be even more difficult to find his whereabouts!
at the same time.
There is still a lot of traffic in front of the Donglan Hotel, and during the rush hour in the evening,
the flow of people is congested.
The traffic light intersection is crowded with people.
A man in a black hoodie stood in the crowd, silent.
Looking at the high-end building with dozens of floors not far away, he muttered to himself, "Wei
Zhiyao, do you think I don't know your plan with Ye Chen? After three days, you'd better come
alone, if... "
The traffic light turned from red to green, the figure disappeared into the vast sea of people, and
the torrent on the road drowned the evidence of the existence of time.
The screen turns around, Donglan Hotel, in Wei Zhiyao's office.
"Brother Ye, do you think there was anything wrong with our performance just now?" Wei Zhiyao
asked Ye Chen.
"I can't tell you either. This guy is really cunning. He has met you three times, with three different
faces! Moreover, his ability to control the rules of China is far beyond my understanding. Although
his strength is not as good as mine, in China, he It's like a tiger with wings." Ye Chen also had a
wry smile on his face, not sure.
Wei Zhiyao's face was full of shock: "Three times?"
Why doesn't she have any impression of herself?
"Your memory has been manipulated. To a certain extent, this is also a kind of protection for you."
Ye Chen seemed to know what Wei Zhiyao wanted to ask, and interrupted her first.
"However, from now on, you have to join in, that guy won't give up easily!" Ye Chen had a solemn
look on his face, but even though he had changed three faces, Ye Chen still felt that the people
who came did not It's not the deity, or Ye Chen will suppress it right away!
Ye Chen was listening to the conversation between Yin Demon Tianshi and Wei Zhiyao just now,
and he could be sure that the other party did not perceive his existence!
"I don't know why this guy is also injured. I'm afraid it has something to do with Ling'er. He doesn't
dare to show his true face. This may be an opportunity for us!"
Ye Chen guessed.
After all, from the memory of Wei Zhiyao before, you can spy, this guy must be injured, and it is
impossible to recover in a short period of time!
But why the Yin Demon Tianshi was eyeing Wei Zhiyao, or the Wei family, made him puzzled.
"Three days later, I will go with you to the Yinbei Sea Area!"
Ye Chen said softly.
Wei Zhiyao also knew the seriousness of the matter, what's more, as long as she was with Ye
Chen, she would do whatever she wanted.
"Okay, three days later, let's make an appointment together!"
Ye Chen also informed Lu Lingfeng of the Dark Hall, Jin Lengyan of the Dragon Soul, and others
of everything in the Donglan Hotel.
They do not have to participate in these actions, but they must be informed.
This may play a key role in their subsequent planning.
It can even revive the whole situation.
Of course, this is something.
Three days later, the Skyline cruise ship!
Now the most luxurious cruise ship in China is about to set sail again, and this time, there are only
three passengers on the huge cruise ship.
The old man Wu Yan, Ye Chen and Wei Zhiyao, who are also bodyguards and helmsman.
This appointment, I don't know what the situation is ahead. Once you bring someone else, it may
be dangerous, so only three people know about this trip.
"Mr. Ye, we're about to approach the North Yin Sea!" Wu Yan, the old man, looked at the dark
clouds in front of him. For some reason, he always felt a sense of palpitations!
Ye Chen was silent, his sharp eyes looked into the distance through the glass of the cab!
"Turn on the autopilot mode!" Ye Chen said suddenly, "Let's go meet this old friend for a while!"
After speaking, Ye Chen turned around and walked towards the deck first: "Zhi Yao, I'm going to
trouble you again, I'm secretly keeping you safe!"
Wei Zhiyao nodded heavily, for some reason, as long as he was with Ye Chen, even if the road
ahead was unknown, he would always feel at ease.
On the deck at this moment, the old man Wu Yan and Wei Zhiyao stood quietly.
One old and one young, holding umbrellas silently, waiting with peace of mind.
In an instant, the wind whistled, the sea swelled, and the huge waves seemed to want to swallow
this extremely luxurious cruise ship.
The old man Wu Yan snorted coldly, and then lifted his right foot and stepped on it gently, and the
originally inclined giant wheel actually stopped the trace of overturning.
With a gentle stomping, the originally roaring sea returned to calm.
Chapter 6297: The first time to eat deflated
A strong black wind blew across the surface of the boat, and three or five strands of black breeze
merged into a figure, standing quietly not far from the two of them.
"Miss Wei, you are here!"
Wei Zhiyao was a little surprised in her heart, but she had a raw face again. Unlike when they met
in the office three days ago, this person has changed her appearance again.
On the other hand, the old man Wu Yan let out a strange sigh: "It's you!"
Although Wu Yan's memory has also been cleared, he has a certain cultivation base after all, and
now he is still on the same deck on this ship.
He remembered everything in the past.
"Damn it, it turns out that my memory has been manipulated!" Wu Yan's eyes flashed with
murderous intent.
This trace of killing intent was cleverly captured by the Yin Demon Tianshi.
Yin Mo Tianshi just smiled lightly: "It seems that the old man still remembers it, it's really good!"
Today's Yin Demon Tianshi met the two, using the appearance of the middle-aged man when they
first met!
"However, this can't be the capital of your wanton arbitrariness!" Between the lines, Yin Demon
Tianshi's tone became cold, just staring at it, the figure of the old man Wu Yan was like a heavy
A mouthful of blood spurted out, and he collapsed to the ground with a sluggish breath.
"With your cultivation level, you can indeed stand out from the crowd on Earth, but in the eyes of
this king, you are not even as good as ants!" A smile rises.
Wei Zhiyao stood in front of the old man and said solemnly to the Yin Demon Tianshi: "I now obey
the agreement and come to the appointment, you can tell me your plan!"
There was determination in her eyes, looking directly at the middle-aged man!
Yin Demon Tianshi looked at Wei Zhiyao with interest, and then shook his head gently: "Miss Wei,
should I say you are smart? Or should I say you are smart?"
As soon as these words came out, a panicked look flashed in Wei Zhiyao's eyes, but this scene
was cleverly captured by the Yin Demon Tianshi!
This time, his thoughts were confirmed.
"Plan? I asked you to come alone, but you didn't fully abide by our promise!"
The Yin Demon Tianshi smiled evilly, as if he had anticipated something, and said softly into the
void, "Ye Chen, come here, it's not your style to be a tortoise! The existence of Ling Xiao's martial
As soon as these words came out, Wei Zhiyao sighed inwardly, and she still revealed her flaws
after all!
"You really are smart!"
Above the deck, a blast of thunder flashed, and at some point, Ye Chen's figure was already
standing proudly in the void.
A trace of thunder seemed to slip past Ye Chen, adding a dazzling feeling to this indifferent man!
In fact, Ye Chen was a little surprised. He had never used Martial Ancestor Dao Xin and Ling Xiao
Wu Intent in Huaxia, and even his Martial Dao was downgraded, and he no longer used
extraterritorial Martial Dao, but the other party could see through his origin?
Really unusual.
Yin Demon Tianshi looked at Ye Chen in the void, and his smile became even more reckless: "Do
you think that if you hide your whereabouts in the void, I won't be able to find you? It's still too
tender, this girl's abnormal behavior, early You will be betrayed!"
Ye Chen was silent, looking at the middle-aged man who was almost crazy below. In his eyes, the
killing intent was undisguised.
In any case, kill this beast here today!
This guy is the core of Huaxia's aura mutation!
"Three days ago, I already knew that you were here!" The Yin Demon Tianshi was still the same
as Mount Tai collapsed in front of him, and he said carefully.
"What?" As soon as the Yin Demon Tianshi said this, Ye Chen felt a bad feeling in his heart.
"You're just a guy that I play with and applaud. As an appetizer for this game of chess, you still
suit my appetite!"
Yin Mo Tianshi glanced at Ye Chen disdainfully: "It's you little girl, I kindly bless you, but you are
taking me for a fool, I will make you understand sooner or later and offend me!"
He licked his lips: "You can't live, you can't die!"
The wanton smile made the thunder and lightning raging in the sky even more violent, Yin Demon
Tianshi looked back at Ye Chen: "The next time we meet, it will be your death!"
"But before that, I took this little girl's life!"
With a thunderous strike from the Yin Demon Heavenly Stone, he was about to shoot at Wei
"My Ye Chen's people, you are not qualified to move!"
When Ye Chen thought about it, spiritual power and laws were activated, and in an instant, the
figures of Ye Chen and Wei Zhiyao had changed positions.
Ye Chen appeared on the deck attacked by the Yin Demon Tianshi, and smashed the attack of
the Yin Demon Tianshi with one punch!
Shocking war, imminent!
Yin Demon Tianshi smiled evilly: "When I have time, I will take your life!"
It was still the same expression that Mount Tai collapsed in front of him without changing his color.
Between the words, Ye Chen's left arm was already punched on the body of Yin Demon Tianshi.
The main gate of the Yin Demon Tianshi, who did not do any resistance, took a punch from Ye
An endless punch!
The body shattered with a bang, turning into a little black light that dissipated and vanished.
"Hahahahaha!" Above the void, the body reorganized again, looking at Ye Chen regretfully, "It's a
good method, but unfortunately, my clone is still weaker!"
At this moment, Ye Chen stopped and stopped making unnecessary attacks. He knew that the Yin
Demon Heavenly Stone in front of him was not the deity!
Since he dared to let the clone come to fight here, then the deity should be in this sea area. Ye
Chen put away his fists, stood in front of Wei Zhiyao, and opened his spiritual sense!
"Why, do you still want to find my real body?"
"You came from outside the territory, and you want to protect China. In this land of China, I have
mastered many rules. I am no weaker than you. I will definitely fulfill that promise first!" The
middle-aged man above the void licked Licking her lips, she stared straight at Wei Zhiyao.
"Looking forward to the next game with you!"
The figure slowly dissipated, Ye Chen's eyes suddenly opened, and the light in his eyes shot out,
instantly dispelling the gloomy wind and dark clouds over the entire sea area.
Even the raging thunder disappeared, and in an instant, the sky was bright and the sun was
scorching hot.
Ye Chen's figure exploded and galloped away into the distance. He locked the position of the Yin
Demon Tianshi. If he didn't kill it today, it would be difficult to find its trace again!
"Uncle Wu, be optimistic about Zhiyao, I'll go back when I go!" Ye Chen, who dropped a pill, flew
into the distance.
"Mr. Ye is really like a god in the dust!" The old man swallowed the elixir, looked at Ye Chen's
back in the distance, and couldn't help sighing.
After a stick of incense.
Deep in the sea, in the ruins of a cave.
Ye Chen stood here, but his face was solemn.
On the huge stone, there is a word engraved, "The game continues!"
"Still escaped by him!"
Ye Chen's face was a little ugly. This was the first time he had been deflated and escaped since
he returned to Earth!
Chapter 6298: Iceberg Beauty
This guy's strength has not recovered, so he dare not fight Ye Chen head-on, but he has the pride
of being a supreme powerhouse and will never allow others to trample on him.
That being the case...
Ye Chen's plan suddenly came to his mind.
On the deck of the Tianxing cruise ship, the wind is sunny.
"Grandpa Wu, why hasn't Big Brother Ye returned yet, will something happen!" Wei Zhiyao kept
pacing, looking very anxious.
The old man Wu Yan gently instructed: "Miss, if you care, you will be confused. With Mr. Ye's
strength, you can go anywhere on the earth."
"In other words, even if he has an accident, we can't do anything about it!" After seeing Ye Chen's
method of fighting the Yin Demon Tianshi, the old man Wu Yan felt a deep sense of
powerlessness in his heart.
Is this the difference between God and man?
After all, the picture of Ye Chen floating in the void gave Wu Yan too much psychological impact.
Hearing this, Wei Zhiyao bit her thin lips lightly, and seemed a little unwilling, but she was
Just as the two were thinking about each other, Ye Chen's figure flashed and he returned to the
deck again.
"Brother Ye, then..." Seeing that Ye Chen was safe, Wei Zhiyao was overjoyed at first, and then
asked about the situation of the Yin Demon Tianshi.
Ye Chen's face was solemn, and he shook his head gently: "This devil is very cunning, he
Hearing this, the old man Wu Yan also frowned into the shape of Sichuan. After all, before the Yin
Demon Tianshi left, he also heard what Wei Zhiyao said.
Now the devil has escaped...
"He can't escape this sea area, I have other plans, these few days, you are by my side, you can't
leave, this guy is everywhere!"
Ye Chen said in a deep voice.
"Yeah! By the way, Brother Ye, near this sea area is Haibei City, a coastal city. I have a friend
here. We can find her and stay for a while, and stay by this sea area!"
Wei Zhiyao only heard that she was asked to follow Ye Chen without leaving an inch, and she
was naturally overjoyed. She didn't care about Yin Demon Tianshi's words at all. With Ye Chen
around, she could always give her an endless sense of security!
"Uncle Wu, I need you to do something else. For the past few days, I will be by Zhiyao's side until
I capture the Yin Demon Heavenly Stone!"
Ye Chen instructed, the old man nod lightly, and Ye Chen personally guarded it, which was much
stronger than his old bones!
The old man Wu Yan was about to turn around, but when he saw Ye Chen's meaningful eyes, he
seemed to understand something.
"Mr. Ye must do the things of the old man himself!" After speaking, he bowed to Ye Chen and
walked away.
At the same time, a wisp of black breeze blew across the surface of the boat and left.
"Let's go, Zhiyao, go see your friend, go see this Haibei City!" Ye Chen rolled his eyes and took a
long breath, as if a stone in his heart had temporarily fallen to the ground.
Wei Zhiyao asked, "Can you sail? Brother Ye?"
Ye Chen twitched the corners of his mouth, and said from the passage: "Uncle Wu is going back,
you come with me!"
He went straight forward, took Wei Zhiyao's hand, and the two slowly floated into the void: "I'll take
you across this sea!"
That night, Haibei Port.
"Mr. Jiang, happy cooperation!"
A middle-aged man looked at the young woman in front of him. He had long hair and a shawl. He
had a stunning and frosty face. He was wearing tight jeans, which outlined the full buttocks. The
top was an unusual white coat.
But the middle of the white coat bulges slightly, showing how terrifying the capital is!
This woman is like a rose with thorns, making countless people try to get close, but her true
identity is the leader of Haibei City, the vice president of the Jiang Group!
"Mr. Wang has praised it, since that's the case, please sign it!" Jiang Lengxi's expression was
calm, and there was not the slightest hint of flattery in her words, and even a hint of icy coldness. I
feel pity for such an iceberg beauty!
"Okay, as expected of the famous iceberg beauty in Haibei City!" The middle-aged man laughed,
took out his pen and danced, but the corner of his eyes never left the beauty's chest.
"In that case, happy cooperation!" Jiang Lengxi said lightly, looking at the signed contract, she got
up and was about to leave.
"Mr. Jiang, it's not safe at night, I'll take you back!" The middle-aged man called President Wang
said with a beer belly.
Jiang Lengxi looked around, the shouting continued in this busy city.
"I signed the contract and chose to be in the downtown area because you made me feel the most
unsafe!" As soon as these words came out, Mr. Wang looked extremely unnatural. Just as he was
about to explain, Jiang Lengxi's figure had already disappeared and disappeared. At the end of
the corner alley.
"Hmph, you pretend to be arrogant stinky bitch!" Mr. Wang made a few gestures, and several
tattooed men at the other table hurriedly got up, pressed close to the middle-aged man, and
listened to the whispers.
"Hey hey...don't worry, boss, it will be done!" After listening to the boss's instructions, the men with
tattoos quickly chased after the alley where Jiang Lengxi had left...
Jiang Lengxi, who was walking in the alley with her hands in her pockets, suddenly heard the
sound of her cell phone. She glanced at the caller ID, a little surprised, and said, "Oh? You've
come to Haibei City? Why are you still at the dock? I'll pick you up."
After a few words, Jiang Lengxi, who had finished the phone call, was about to turn around, but
she bumped into five burly men!
"Yo ho, is my sister lost?" The big man at the head looked at Jiang Lengxi with a sullen look, and
a younger brother behind him whispered, "Big brother, it's this girl!"
The big man raised his brows and smiled even more wanton.
"Sister, follow me..." Before the big man could say a word, Jiang Lengxi's figure was already
walking forward, grabbing the pointing right index finger of the big man in one hand, and gently
pushing it back!
"Ah!" The voice of the macho man weeping came from the alley.
After a while, looking at the five people lying on the ground and mourning, Jiang Lengxi took out a
white silk scarf and wiped her hands, then raised her hand and looked at her watch, it was getting
late, she quickly walked out.
Her friend is still waiting to be picked up!
After a few minutes.
A hotel presidential suite.
A fat man is wearing a bathrobe with a heavy look.
Mr. Wang listened to the report of his subordinates in shock, his face full of disbelief: "Trash, five
people, can't even hold a little girl?" The middle-aged man was furious, with an angry look on his
face, his pants were taken off, tell me Did anyone bring it?
"Boss, that bitch, there are two times, the brothers tried their best, but they couldn't deal with it.
However, the opponent's strength is not strong, and two more people can take her down!" The big
man with blue nose and swollen face in the lead said aggrieved. .
President Wang's face was gloomy and uncertain. He never expected Jiang Lengxi to be a trainer.
Meanwhile, the coast.
"Zhi Yao, friend, when are you coming?"
Ye Chen put his hands behind his back, stood on the edge of the coast, withdrew his gaze at the
distant sea, turned to look at Wei Zhiyao, and asked softly.
Chapter 6299 Is it more serious?
Wei Zhiyao also smiled: "She's a very busy person, maybe she was delayed for some reason, she
should be here soon!"
"It's already night, I'm afraid you will catch a cold. The sea breeze at night is not covered!" Ye
Chen threw his jacket to Wei Zhiyao.
Wei Zhiyao, who was about to say something, turned around subconsciously when she heard the
roar of the motor.
A bright, deep black Mercedes-Benz G came from afar, and the headlights flickered.
"Say Cao Cao, Cao Cao is here!" Wei Zhiyao smiled sweetly at Ye Chen, then turned to wave to
the Mercedes in the distance!
Ye Chen looked at the vehicle that was far and near, and also got up and walked over slowly.
"Zhi Yao, I heard you've had a good time recently!" When the car door rang, a young girl with long
hair and a shawl came into Ye Chen's eyes.
No one could have imagined that this is the owner of the Mercedes-Benz G.
Of course, what attracted Ye Chen's attention the most about this girl was the footprints on her
white coat around her waist.
Judging from the situation, it was obvious that there was a conflict before the arrival.
This girl, did you fight before coming here?
When his thoughts were flying, Wei Zhiyao stepped forward and put his arms around the girl's
waist, and made a gesture to hug, but was gently pushed away by the girl.
Wei Zhiyao didn't take it seriously, after all, he was a friend for many years, and Jiang Lengxi was
originally the kind of character that was cold on the outside and hot on the inside.
"Brother Ye, this is my best friend Jiang Lengxi, the beautiful president of Jiangshi Group in Haibei
City!" Wei Zhiyao smiled lightly and introduced Jiang Lengxi to Ye Chen.
"Leng Xi, this is Brother Ye Chen, he is amazing, he has saved me several times..." Wei Zhiyao
dragged Jiang Lengxi to chat, but kept three words from Ye Chen.
This drew Jiang Lengxi's eyes a little, what is the identity of this Ye Chen, and can make Wei
Zhiyao so concerned?
She looked at Ye Chen subconsciously, and saw that Ye Chen's eyes were also looking back at
Their eyes met, but Jiang Lengxi sneered in his heart: "It turns out that he is also a sex ruffian!"
"This girl, it's quite interesting!" Ye Chen's eyes narrowed, he found something, and thought.
"We've said it for so long, let's go back to your house Leng Xi, there's no place to stay tonight!"
Wei Zhiyao and her good best friend didn't see anything at all, and hurriedly urged.
"Okay!" Jiang Lengxi didn't say much, just responded lightly, glanced at Ye Chen, and got into the
car by himself.
"Brother Ye, don't mind, Leng Xi has this kind of character since she was a child, she is actually
very warm-hearted!" Wei Zhiyao explained.
Ye Chen smiled lightly without saying much, and got into the car with Wei Zhiyao.
Soon, the three arrived at a luxurious villa area, Ye Chen was placed in a guest room, and then
Wei Zhiyao took his sister to chat.
Silent all night, Ye Chen lay on the bed, still thinking about the strategy against the Yin Demon
Where did the Yin Demon Sky Stone come from?
Why choose Huaxia?
What is the relationship between him and the avatar of Di Shitian?
How was his injury caused?
Early the next morning, a ray of dawn ripped apart the silent earth.
Ye Chen, who had been sleepless all night, opened the curtains and looked out from the window
sill on the second floor. A figure was practicing in the garden in the morning.
One move and one style, quite the style of the ancient martial arts family.
After a few sets of actions, the girl began to sit cross-legged, concentrating on her energy!
Ye Chen's consciousness probed, feeling the rhythm above the heaven and the earth, he
suddenly opened his eyes!
"This is?" Looking at the girl's movements and the way of breathing, Ye Chen was a little
He got up and walked out, but met Wei Zhiyao who happened to go to the bathroom in pajamas.
"Brother Ye, are you so early?" Wei Zhiyao asked, rubbing her sleepy eyes.
"Zhi Yao, that friend of yours, still knows how to repair the chain?" Ye Chen asked, Jiang Lengxi's
method of repairing the chain was obviously wrong, and he was still a novice.
"She's just an ordinary businessman, how does she know how to practice?" Wei Zhiyao was also
at a loss. She still knew a little bit about how to practice. After all, Wu Yan was always teaching
Girls need to learn some simple self-defense techniques, but Wei Zhiyao never takes it to heart.
After all, the elder Wu family in the ancient martial arts world has always been by his side, and
she does not need her to take action in person, so the old man can control her temperament.
After all, there is also a pendant given by Ye Chen for self-defense. Generally, demons can't get
close to her.
"I see, sleep a little longer, it's still early, I'll go shopping!" After Ye Chen finished speaking, he
turned and left.
Wei Zhiyao didn't say much, after all, she was still sleepy at the moment.
Besides, what Ye Chen has to do, she can't help.
In the garden, Jiang Lengxi was still cross-legged.
Ye Chen's figure was a few meters away, staring at her quietly without disturbing her. After all,
repairing the chain is the most taboo thing.
Going crazy is not just talking.
A few weeks later, Jiang Lengxi opened his eyes and coughed.
"Cough cough..."
"Do you know the way of the heart?" Ye Chen asked straight to the point.
Jiang Lengxi said nothing, but looked at Ye Chen vigilantly.
"The practice method of the ancient martial arts world is not suitable for secular people. If you
want to repair the chain, there will be problems. Moreover, your mental method is mottled and
mixed, it should..." Ye Chen thought about it and wanted to give some pointers. Girl, if you let it go
like this, something big will happen sooner or later!
"I heard Zhiyao say something about you, don't think that after a few years of being a soldier, you
are qualified to point fingers at me, you know, there are days outside the sky!"
Jiang Lengxi got up and looked directly at Ye Chen.
"The ancient martial arts also have many drawbacks. You try to gather your breath in your
dantian, and use your dantian luck to warm and nourish the heavens!"
"In this way, your injury will also improve!" Ye Chen kindly reminded.
Hearing this, Jiang Lengxi turned around and left without any response.
"Jianghu liar, still use you to guide me how to practice?" This is Jiang Lengxi's first intuitive
impression of Ye Chen.
She always felt that Wei Zhiyao was also deceived by this fellow.
Jiang Lengxi, who returned to the room, was a little confused. She glanced at the bruises on her
abdomen in the mirror. This was the accident she accidentally injured by the big man last night.
"Strange, I've been running my breath for a few weeks according to my heart, why does the injury
feel more serious?"
Jiang Lengxi was a little surprised. It stands to reason that the advice of an expert can't be wrong!
"Try what that guy said!"
I suddenly recalled Ye Chen's words that the old god was there. Although I didn't think it was
reasonable, it was harmless to give it a try.
"how come?……"
After a while, Jiang Lengxi in front of the mirror screamed in shock.
"Huh? Does it really work?" Jiang Lengxi looked at the bruise in front of the mirror, which was
much better than before, and couldn't help but be a little surprised. Who is this Ye Chen?
Chapter 6300 Ye Chen's layout!
"Anyway, he must be an inexperienced guy. He has only been a soldier for a few years. How can
he master the real ancient martial arts cultivator?
Jiang Lengxi took a shower, put on her clothes, and returned to the capable side of an urban
strong woman. At eight o'clock, Ye Chen and Wei Zhiyao were already having breakfast in the
hall, and Jiang Lengxi was the same.
"Brother Ye, do people who practice martial arts need to practice from an early age?"
During breakfast, everyone was chatting about everything, Wei Zhiyao asked.
In fact, she asked this question entirely because the battle between Ye Chen and the Yin Demon
Tianshi on the Tianxing account yesterday was too shocking!
Has gone beyond the understanding of ordinary people, no matter male or female, everyone
dreams of becoming a martial arts master.
Ye Chen didn't know why Wei Zhiyao suddenly asked such a question, but he answered patiently:
"Practicing martial arts is about talent and hard work, but more importantly, persistence, training
since childhood is just to lay a solid foundation for one's own body. , there are also many people
who are late bloomers!"
"So, since I was a child, I practiced, this statement is not absolute!"
Ye Chen explained with a light smile.
"Is that so, I originally thought that Grandpa Wu was already very powerful, but now I found out
that there are people outside of people, and there are heavens outside of heaven!"
Wei Zhiyao's eyes looking at Ye Chen were full of worship.
Jiang Lengxi lowered her head and ate breakfast without saying a word.
"Uncle Wu's strength is considered to be a super strong man on earth!" Ye Chen also praised him
He was telling the truth, Wu Yan did have the capital to look down on many ancient warriors. From
the stomping of his feet to calm the waves yesterday, plus precipitation, sooner or later, he will be
able to transform his spiritual power into the Tao and break through the shackles.
Even Lu Lingfeng, who is currently the most powerful in the Dark Hall, is a little worse than Wu
Their only advantage is their youth, and with time, they will surely surpass them.
The speaker has no intention, but the listener has a heart.
"Super strong? How many strong people have you seen before you dare to go to Haikou?" Jiang
Lengxi frowned when he heard Ye Chen commenting on the martial arts of today's earth, and was
quite displeased.
Seeing this, Wei Zhiyao, who was on the side, looked sideways at his girlfriend, and said softly,
"Leng Xi, do you know martial arts too?"
When Jiang Lengxi heard the words, she just smiled bitterly: "I'm not like some people who dare
to assert that Huaxia martial arts is just a glimpse of the door, and it's far from understanding!"
After saying that, she raised the milk in her right cup and drank it, and out of the corner of the eye
did not forget to glance at Ye Chen: "I don't dare to talk about earth martial arts!"
"You haven't seen it before, Leng Xi, Brother Ye and Grandpa Wu, they are both very powerful!"
Wei Zhiyao's bright eyes flashed, and she made up the scene when the two were fighting.
Jiang Lengxi tilted her head and glanced at Ye Chen. Looking at it, there is nothing out of the
ordinary, right?
Even the breath is maintained at the stage of ordinary people, and even the breath of a martial
arts expert has never flashed on him.
Ye Chen was first excluded by him.
"Grandpa Wu? Is that the old man who was with you?" Jiang Lengxi asked. He had some
impression of this old man. He had seen him once in his early years, but now that he thinks about
it carefully, he doesn't t remember his appearance.
"Yes, he is amazing. No matter how many ordinary people come, he is no match for him. Hehe, of
course, except for Big Brother Ye!"
Wei Zhiyao gestured while eating breakfast, but he still couldn't change his old problem, and he
stayed with Ye Chen for three words.
"You, that's the real martial arts sect that has never seen Huaxia!" Jiang Lengxi just shook his
head gently, this girl is still too simple, and she has never seen anything in the world, so she feels
like a soldier with a hairy head and a Great old guy.
Of course, before she had seen the ancient martial arts world, she also felt that those fighting
Sanda champions were already the ceiling of combat power.
Until later, I inadvertently came into contact with the ancient martial arts world...
Jiang Lengxi looked at Wei Zhiyao as if she had seen her former self, when she was young and
"You, you still haven't seen the world, there is an event tonight, and you are lucky, you caught up,
I will take you to open your eyes!"
Jiang Lengxi picked up the tissue in front of the table and wiped his lips lightly, then said to Wei
When Ye Chen heard this, he was still eating half of the toast in his hand without any reaction.
"Hmph, pretend I can't hear you now!" Jiang Lengxi glanced at Ye Chen who was quietly eating
breakfast, and muttered to himself, pretending to be a ghost.
"Ah? Can you see a master who is more powerful than Grandpa Wu?" Wei Zhiyao asked, eyes lit
In her cognition, there will also be experts who are slightly more powerful than Wu Yan. As for
those who are stronger than Ye Chen?
She thought about Ye Chen, who was omnipotent in the sky, but let it go. There is no one who is
stronger than Brother Ye.
"Of course it's true. When I come to Haibei City, I'll show you the real peak of Chinese martial
Jiang Lengxi replied confidently, she was convinced of this.
After all, I spent a lot of money and resources in order to get in touch with this circle!
"Oh? There is still such an event?" Ye Chen was also interested when he heard Jiang Lengxi's
chest and wanted to take a look. After all, he also wanted to know if there are really high-level
people in the Chinese people today .
"You don't have to think about it, those places are not for ordinary people to set foot on!" Jiang
Lengxi responded lightly, interrupting Ye Chen's fantasy mercilessly.
Ye Chen touched his nose, but instead smiled lightly: "Then go, I just have other arrangements
Just kidding, the whereabouts of the Yin Demon Tianshi are still unknown. How could Ye Chen
leave Wei Zhiyao half a step at this time?
Saying this is just to give Jiang Lengxi a face, and he can follow in secret.
He still didn't believe there was anything in this world that could stop him.
Although Jiang Lengxi is cold, he has a kind heart, which Ye Chen can feel.
As for why this girl admires the ancient martial arts faction so much, Ye Chen is also puzzled by
"Okay, when I get off work at night, I will take you there in person to experience the real charm of
Huaxia martial arts!"
Only when Jiang Lengxi is facing Wei Zhiyao will there be a slight smile on his face.
After breakfast, Jiang Lengxi went to work in the group, leaving Wei Zhiyao and Ye Chen doing
nothing in the villa.
"Zhi Yao, I have a plan!"
Ye Chen found Wei Zhiyao and got straight to the point.
"Plan?" Wei Zhiyao was a little puzzled, "It's about that guy..."
Ye Chen nodded lightly: "Yes, I need to let you know in advance this time, it's like this..."
After hearing this, Wei Zhiyao nods again and again, and said with admiration, "As expected of
Brother Ye Chen, in this way, the Yin Demon Tianshi Bao may not really take the bait!"
There was a smile on the corner of Ye Chen's mouth. Judging from the brief contact, it was Ye
Chen's understanding of the Yin Demon Tianshi.
He will never let Wei Zhiyao go!

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