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A) Whole Body Picture (Colored)

B) Accomplished Application Form / Resume with 2x2 ID picture
C) Original Copy NSO Birth Certificate with Official Receipt
D) Original Copy NSO Marriage Contract of Parents with Official
E) High School diploma with dry seal (Original Copy)
F) Transcript of record with dry seal (Original Copy)
G) Vocational Course / College diploma with dry seal (Original Copy)
H) AFPSAT Result with dry seal (If possible attach number code)
I) PME Result (Authenticated and sign by the CO, ASH)
J) PFT Result (Authenticated and sign by the PFT Officer)
K) Drug Test Result
L) HEPA Test Result
M) Local Clearances (Shall be from the place of residence for at least
five (5) years.
N) Certificate of legal beneficiaries (Notarized)
O) Affidavit of Being Single (Notarized)
P) BIR Tax Identification Number- (Optional)
Q) PhilHealth Membership/Identification ID
R) CENOMAR (NSO Certified) with OR, must be current and within 3
months before validation period

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