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Project Proposal




Summarize the problem or opportunity you or your group proposes to address. Briefly describe why this is a
problem or opportunity concerning the purpose of your study. Write with a focus on the problem or opportunity to be
addressed, not on the solution to be developed.

Metro Manila has been considered one of the business capitals of the Philippines, wherein the number of vehicles is
gradually increasing to fulfill the daily transportation needs of Filipino individuals. Every day many MMDA/HPG Traffic
Officers encounter countless cars/motorcycles in their designated area, which deal with enormous number plates. The
primary purpose of number plates is to determine the vehicle’s registration and ownership details.

Average daily traffic volume in Metro Manila in the Philippines in 2021, by vehicle type (in 1,000s)
Some of the plate numbers are fake plate numbers that can be used for a crime; one deadly example is the encounter of a
Highway Patrol Group (HPG) team leader with an unregistered vehicle in Cavite City that resulted in his death in the year
2020; another example is the countless riding-in-tandem crime that causes fear of their safety for the Filipinos.

According to new research, LTO estimates unregistered motorcycles in PH to reach 47,866. The LTO stated that a total of
10,223,623 new motorcycle stocks were reported between 2016 and 2020 during its presentation before the Senate Blue
Ribbon Committee hearing on the execution of Republic Act No. 11235, also known as the Motorcycle Crime Prevention
Act. However, there were only 10,175,757 new motorcycle registrations from the same period. (Gonzales, 2021).

With the aid of artificial intelligence, this initiative will enable our highway/traffic officers, LTO, and LTFRB to address the
number of unregistered vehicles/motorcycles. This proposal can also act as a support to our Police investigations into
traffic crimes and also a preventive instrument from the cause of riding-in-tandem, carnap vehicles/motorcycles. Supporting
evidence from hit-and-run incidents and other traffic-related offenses.

This section defines the intended outcome or result of the project that will give it purpose and direction. State the
outcome/result of the solution you or your group wants to develop to address the problems or opportunities identified
within your research.

This project shall be delivered with the use of Artificial Intelligence; our highway officers can assess if the
vehicle/motorcycle is registered, the traffic violations of the vehicle, and the owner of the car/motorcycle to prevent or
subdue an organized crime. The project can also lessen the number of unregistered motorcycles or vehicles using
Automated Number-Plate Analysis Legend (ANAL), wherein traffic enforcers can assess with their convenience of using
the AI on their designated position on the road whether the vehicle/motorcycle has already been registered to the LTO.

With the analytical identifiers using AI of the proposed project, it can also identify colorum vehicles operating without proper
franchise registration. And with the overlapping number of emitted gas pollution, the number of unregistered
vehicles/motorcycles that are mobilizing and emitting gas pollution shall lessen parallelly with the use of Automated
Number-Plate Analysis Legend (ANAL).
Statement (Goals):

Project aims to become a pioneering program that can deliver a better and safer road and community for Filipinos. In
research from Gonzales, "Over the past few years, tandem riding has caused more than 30,000 victims in this nation.
Additionally, Senator Gordon stated that "people [were] slain, people's bags have been stolen, our highways are
hazardous, and our homes are endangered." (2021). Thus, creating this Project can become a foundation of a structured
traffic system in the upcoming development of the Philippines.

Objectives/Deliverables are the specific, measurable, and time-bound outputs of the project in terms of the solutions that
agency staff and stakeholders will experience.
1. To build a program that can aid our government agencies track and record of different vehicles going in and out in
the highways of our country.
2. To apply the use of artificial intelligence tracking the flow of traffic and notify any violators to the authorities.
3. To help ease the works of our highway officers as the AI will automatically track and compile the data they got
and immediately upload it to the system so that the highway officers can easily check any violators on the road.
4. To track and detect colorum vehicles on the road and notify the authorities about it.
5. To coordinate with the government in creating this program and apply it to everyday use.


 A systematic, effective, and timely data reporting management is the project's product. Highway officers are
guaranteed to conduct investigations as quickly as feasible since an AI handles all reported data. As a result, no
one will be required to manage these types of data going forward because the government will be responsible for
taking the appropriate actions with regard to the information gathered by the program.


We suggest a cascade framework that employs various CNN classifiers for various tasks. To start a 4-layer 37-class CNN
with 10 numbers, 26 capital letters, and a negative non-character category. The classification process uses a sliding-
window approach over the entire image to look for any text and create a map of text saliency. Text-looking areas
based on the clustering characteristics of the characters. Another 4-layer plate/non-plate CNN to follow. To eliminate false
positives and separate license plates from other text, a classifier is used. Due to this our system is capable of recognizing
license plates in strong recall and accurate backdrops with complexity. Additionally, it can be used to identify licenses.
plates with varying designs (e.g., from different countries), regardless of different plate colors, fonts or sizes.

Machine Learning Pipeline:

With the most current developments in intelligent transportation systems, automatic car license plate detection and
recognition (LPDR) has sparked a lot of attention among researchers. There are several possible uses for it, including in
traffic and security. LPDR has been the subject of a lot of research. A whole LPDR system is often broken down into the
next two elements are detection and recognition. Detecting plates involves locating the license plate and while generating
appropriate bounding boxes, plate recognition attempts to pinpoint the persons shown in the box boundaries.
Project Proposal

Link to Strategic Planning and Agency Operational Goals

How is this problem/opportunity related to current agency strategic and operational/business goals? Identify the
strategy and goals and how the project will help achieve them.

The primary goal of this AI was to create a way for our traffic enforcers detect and monitor the different
vehicles that is circulating in the streets of our country and check for any illegal vehicles and easily track them. In
utilizing this AI, we aim for a time in which we can clean our streets from any illegal vehicles circulating it and to help
our government employees monitor and track any vehicles so that in case of an emergency, they easily act and
respond on it. This AI tracks and notifies or enforcers with the use of different high-definition cameras in our street and
also take note of every detail of the plate numbers of every vehicle to monitor them and prevent disasters.

List project activities/tasks, including start and end dates.

1-2 MONTHS PROJECT LAYOUT - Project Layout - This entails preparing for the
project's tasks, what the planning for the smart fit's target
audience, the technique for developing what the software’s,
projects, and the smart fit are, how the smart fit will be presented,
and resources to be used are.
2-4 Months Flow diagram of the Code: This is where the code is written,
describing what will be done augmented reality will be made, how
it will be made, and how it will be used incorporating machine deep
learning methods and artificial intelligence applications. Look as
well, provides model systems and scripts that you may include into
your own.
6 months – 1 year The basis of the software lies in the system's coding shown, which
will illustrate how the program functions, is implemented, and will
Data processing, data acquisition, and what algorithms will be
demonstrated in this time frame will be used, and this will involve
the code structure's initial testing.

Gathering of Materials: During this stage, the tools, materials, and

sample phones and other materials will be obtained for the coding.
Examining the code in a particular device, as well as the
compatibility of the device and the codes are operational and will
resemble the phase of trial and error.

1 year and 2 months Device Verification - If the project is effective in terms of

compatibility with the

Now is the moment to review the code and the system for errors
and defects improve the project before presenting it to the
1 year and 6 months Project proposal

 Philippine Disaster Risk Reduction and Management (PDDRM)

 Department of Interior and Local Government (DILG)
Project Sponsors & Stakeholders:  National Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Council
 Philippine National Police (PNP)
 Metropolitan Manila Development Authority (MMDA)

Cite at least 10 scientific references:

AUTOMATIC NUMBER PLATE RECOGNITION. (n.d.). Retrieved February 2, 2023, from

Diaz, C., Sanchez, G., Avalos, J.-G., Sanchez, G., Sanchez, J.-C., & Perez, H. (2017). Spike-
based compact digital neuromorphic architecture for efficient implementation of high
order FIR filters. Neurocomputing, 251, 90–98.

Kodwani, L. (n.d.). Automatic Vehicle Detection, Tracking and Recognition of License Plate
in Real Time Videos. Retrieved February 2, 2023, from

‌Liaqat, A. (2011). Mobile Real-Time License Plate Recognition. https://www.diva-

Adak, R., Kumbhar, A., Pathare, R., Gowda, S., & Somaiya, K. (n.d.). Automatic Number
Plate Recognition (ANPR) with YOLOv3-CNN. Retrieved February 2, 2023, from

Puri, R., & Kaur, H. (2022). Automatic Number Plate Detection System. 10, 2320–2882.]



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