2079-12-8 Chemistry

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Bridge Course Progress Exam (Practice Questions)

Subject: Chemistry
Faculty: BCE

1. Define electrolytic and galvanic cell. What are the differences between electrolytic and galvanic cell.
2. From the given electrode potential values answer the followings:
a. Write the electrode reaction.
b. Write cell notation.
c. Calculate the emf of the cell at 298K when both the electrodes are coupled together.
E0Zn+2/Zn = -0.76V
E0Cu+2/Cu = 0.34V
[Zn+2] = 0.1M
[Cu+2] = 1.75M
3. Consider the following reaction at 250 C
Cd+2 + 2e- → Cd
Zn+2 + 2e- → Zn
What will be the potential of the cell, when the concentration of Zn +2and Cd+2 ions are 0.05 M and 0.1
M respectively.
4. The standard reduction potential of Cu+2/Cu and Ag+/Ag electrodes are 0.34 V and 0.80 V
respectively. Construct the galvanic cell using these electrodes so that its standard emf is positive. For
what [Ag+] concentration the emf of cell at 250C be zero if [Cu+2] is 0.01 M.
5. Calculate the emf of the cell :
Cr/Cr+3 (0.1M)//Fe+2(0.01M)/Fe
EoCr+3/Cr = -0.75 V and EoFe+2/Fe = -0.44 V.
6. A galvanic cell consist of a metallic zinc plate immersed in 0.1 M Zn(NO 3)2 solution and metallic
plate of lead in 0.02 M Pb(NO3)2 Solution. Calculate the emf of the cell if E0 Pb/Pb+2 = 0.13 V and
E0Zn/Zn+2 = 0.76 V.
7. Calculate the emf of the cell at 250C when both the electrodes are coupled together.
E0Zn+2/Zn = -0.76V
E0Ag+/Ag = 0.80V
[Zn+2] = 0.01 M
[Ag+] = 0.1 M
8. Define pollution and pollutants. Mention the different types of pollutants.
9. What are the sources of major water pollutants? Show your acquaintance with green house effect.
10. Define acid rain. Write its chemical reactions. What are the effects of acid rain?
11. What is buffer solution?
12. Write the types of buffer solution with examples.
13. Calculate the pH of a buffer solution of 0.3 m acetic acid & 0.2 M sodium acetate. [ka=1.8×10-5]
14. Write short notes.
a. Addition reaction
b. Rearrangement reaction
15. Show your acquaintance on elimination reaction.
16. What is substitution reaction? Write with example.
17. What do you mean by isomers & isomerism?
18. What is configuration?
19. What is polymerization? Give one example of polymer.
20. What is the difference between structural & stereo isomers?

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