Theoretical Frameworks and Chapter One Study Questions

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Main Theoretical Frameworks and Chapter 1 Study Questions

(Remember to choose the MOST correct Answer)

1) Which of the following is NOT one of the five main theoretical frameworks of

A) Cognitivism
B) Behaviourism
C) Psycho-introspection
D) Functionalism

C) Psycho-introspection

2) Who is credited as being the founder of functionalism?

A) Charles Darwin
B) William James
C) John B. Watson
D) Alfred Binet

B) William James

3) Which of the following theories focuses on internal psychological processes, especially

impulses, thoughts, and memories of which we are unaware?

A) Psychoanalysis
B) Psychosocial
C) Psychodynamic
D) Psychobehaviourism

A) Psychoanalysis

4) Which of the following theories involves the concept of “Black Box” psychology?

A) Psychoanalysis
B) Cognitivism
C) Functionalism
D) Behaviourism

D) Behaviourism
5)Which psychological framework would ask you to picture and describe the feeling,
colour, and other aspects of a playing card in order to observe conscious experience?

A) Behaviourism
B) Structuralism
C) Cognitivism
D) Psychoanalysis

B) Structuralism

6) Which founder of a main psychological framework is well known for conducting the
“Little Albert” experiment?

A) Jean Piaget
B) Sigmund Freud
C) John B. Watson
D) E. B. Titchener

C) John B. Watson

7) Which main theoretical framework attempted to map the elements of consciousness?

A) Cognitivism
B) Structuralism
C) Psychoanalysis
D) Functionalism

B) Structuralism

8) Which main theoretical framework would examine how a person interprets information
in a given situation to understand their behaviour?

A) Cognitivism
B) Functionalism
C) Psychoanalysis
D) Behaviourism

A) Cognitivism

9) What psychological term would be used to describe a student who accidentally referred
to a professor as “mom” when referring to her?

A) Cognitive Error
B) Thought-language Error
C) Freudian Slip
D) Determinate Language Slip
C) Freudian Slip

10) What is the main critique of psychoanalysis?

A) It is overly reliant on anecdotes

B) It is not easy to study
C) It’s hard to determine the correlation between two different unconscious traits
D) It is difficult or impossible to falsify

D) It is difficult or impossible to falsify

11) Which theoretical framework’s goal is to “uncover the general principles of learning
that explain all behaviours”?

A) Behaviourism
B) Cognitivism
C) Structuralism
D) Psychoanalysis

A) Behaviourism

12) What theoretical framework aimed to understand the adaptive purpose of

psychological characteristics?

A) Functionalism
B) Structuralism
C) Behaviourism
D) Cognitivism

A) Functionalism

13) Which theoretical framework would mainly focus on looking back at a persons early
childhood to determine why they exhibit certain behaviours as an adult?

A) Structuralism
B) Cognitivism
C) Psychoanalysis
D) Behaviourism

C) Psychoanalysis
14) Giving a dog a treat when it exhibits certain behaviour is best related to which
theoretical framework?

A) Functionalism
B) Structuralism
C) Behaviourism
D) Cognitivism

C) Behaviourism

15) A person has a dream where they are drowning in an inescapable pool. Which
framework would say that this person has a fear of parenthood or birth?

A) Cognitivism
B) Behaviourism
C) Structuralism
D) Psychoanalysis

D) Psychoanalysis

16) The tendency for people to stick to their initial beliefs when presented with
contradictory evidence is referred to as:

A) Belief Perseverance
B) Blind Faith
C) Prideful Determinism
D) Cognitive Certainly

A) Belief Perseverance

17) The tendency for people to be more receptive and seek out evidence that supports their
beliefs while dismissing evidence that contradicts them is referred to as:

A) Prideful Determinism
B) Subject Perseverance Bias
C) Confirmation Bias
D) One-Minded Cognitivism

C) Confirmation Bias
18) If a particular study claims that ghosts exist but are impossible to observe in any way
we would say that study has low:

A) Replicability
B) Falsifiability
C) Correlation-Causation
D) Reliability

B) Falsifiability

19) What term refers to the approach of evaluating all claims with an open mind but
insisting on persuasive evidence before believing them?

A) Scientific Skepticism
B) Logical Reasoning
C) Critical Thinking
D) Cautious Beliefs

A) Scientific Skepticism

20) If a study’s findings are able to be duplicated by independent investigators it is said to

have high:

A) Evidence
B) Correlation
C) Replicability
D) Repetition

C) Replicability

21) Pseudoscience is...

A) Scientific data that has since been proven false

B) Scientific journals that are published exclusively in magazines
C) A set of claims that seems scientific but isn’t
D) Claims that are mostly correct but not entirely

C) A set of claims that seems scientific but isn’t

22) The belief that we see the world precisely as it is referred to as:

A) Perception Bias
B) Naive Realism
C) Determinant Perception
D) Scientific Skepticism
B) Naive Realism

23) Which of the following is an example of pseudoscience?

A) A peer reviewed article published in a scientific journal

B) Someone telling you a personal fact about themselves
C) A magazine article claiming 98% of women lost over 20 pounds on a high protein diet over the course
of 2 weeks
D) A scientific study that is no longer as relevant as it once was when it was published 30 years ago

C) A magazine article claiming 98% of women lost over 20 pounds on a high protein diet over the course
of 2 weeks

24) If a person continuously tries to dismiss the findings of a scientific experiment that does
not reflect their personal beliefs while instantly accepting the results of an experiment that
reaffirms their beliefs they are demonstrating:

A) Scientific Skepticism
B) Confirmation Bias
C) Perception Bias
D) A Lack of Critical Thinking

B) Confirmation Bias

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