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Komodo dragons or Varanus Komodoensis has local names "Ora". This giant lizard
according to the story first published in 1912 in the national daily Indies. Peter A.
Ouwens, director of the Zoological Museum in Bogor is one who has introduced
the Komodo to the world through his paper. Since then, expeditions and research
on this rare species continue to be done, even rumored to have inspired the
KingKong Film in 1933. Recognizing the need for protection against Komodo in the
midst of human activity in its natural habitat, in 1915 the Dutch Government
issued a ban on hunting and killing dragons. According to one research on
tourism, Komodo Island is included in one of the seven best attractions in the
world. Komodo Island is the only place where komodo live and breed well. Until
August 2009, there are about 1300 dragons on this island alongside with other
islands, such as Rinca Island and Gili Motang Island which then the accumulation
of these animals is 2500. Approximately 100 Komodo dragons are in Wae Wuul
Nature Reserve on the mainland of Flores Island which is not included in Komodo
National Park.

In addition, Komodo island also keeps the exotic floras such as Sepang tree that
the local people use it as a medicine and clothing coloring materials. There is also
Nitak tree (Sterculia oblongata) that is believed to be useful as medicine and
delicious fruit as peas. Komodo Island is a very impressive tourist attraction and
exotic to explore, to dive into the blue of the sea, and to bathe in the sunlight
while looking at the traces of preserved past lives will always be part of the
beauty of Indonesia.

Komodo Island entered 28 finalists selected by a panel of experts from 77

nominations. Previously there were 261 locations in the world that were
nominated to be one of the seven wonders of the world. Komodo Island, which
became the mainstay of Indonesia in the event New7Wonders of Nature have
advantages compared to other locations, especially if not komodo, rare animals
believed to be 'the last dinosaur on earth'. The campaign is expected to increase
knowledge about nature, not only in our environment but also around the world.
As well as dedicated to future generations.

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