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6 Complete the sentences with can or can’t and the adverb form of the adjectives in brackets.

(6 points)
1. Pam run (quick). She’s a running champion.
2. you jump (high)?
3. This mountain is very high. I climb it (easy).
4. I hear him (good). He’s speaking quietly.
5. Joe’s swimming across the English Channel. He swim very (far).
6. I cycle (fast) on this bike. It’s too small for me.

7 Complete the sentences with can, can’t, should or shouldn’t. (3 points)

1. What I wear for the tennis competition? Are a T-shirt and shorts OK?
2. Lee is very slow. He run fast.
3. You learn karate. It’s important to know how to defend yourself.
4. you play football today or are you busy?
5. The boys go to bed late. They’ve got a game tomorrow.
6. I jump high. Watch me!

8 Choose the correct answer. (4 points)

1. Can / Should / Can’t we take our coats? Is it cold outside?
2. You mustn’t / should / shouldn’t ride your bike here. It’s prohibited.
3. Someone took my bike! Now I can / should / must walk home.
4. Should / Can / Shouldn’t you get our ball, please? It’s in your garden.
5. I can’t / shouldn’t / must enter the swimming competition. I don’t know how to swim.
6. Max has got a busy day tomorrow. He mustn’t / shouldn’t / can’t go to bed late.
7. You should / can / mustn’t have a good meal. You need energy.
8. Ray’s an amazing swimmer. He should / must / can swim very fast.

9 Choose the correct answer. (4 points)

Should / Can / Can’t clothes, food or routines bring people luck? Everyone
knows athletes 2. must / can / should practise intensively to do well. But
according to some athletes, lucky routines 3. must / should / can help them
perform better. In fact, they believe that they 4. can’t / mustn’t / shouldn’t win
a game without them! For example, tennis player Serena Williams believes that
she 5. shouldn’t / can / can’t change her socks during a tournament. So, she
wears the same socks for all the games. She also believes she 6. should / can /
mustn’t forget to bring her lucky shower sandals to each game. But the most
superstitious athlete is probably basketball player Jason Terry. Terry believes
he 7. shouldn’t / should / can play a game without all his lucky routines. He
believes he 8. should / shouldn’t / can always eat chicken before a game and
he sleeps in his opponents’ basketball shorts!

10 Complete the dialogues with the correct modals. There are more modals than you need. (8 points)
can • should • can’t • shouldn’t
A: I buy skis before we go skiing?
B: No, it isn’t necessary. You 2. use my friend’s skis.
shouldn’t • can • must • can’t
A: you tell me the rules for the rollerblading
competition, please?
B: Of course. The last day for registering is 9th May.
You 4. register after that date.
All competitors prepare a three-minute routine.
should • must • can • mustn’t
A: Do players always wear white clothing at the Wimbledon tennis
B: Yes, players 6. wear white at Wimbledon. Also, they
wear dark underwear, only white! In other big
tournaments, players 8. wear different colours.

11 Rewrite the sentences with can’t, must, mustn’t, should or shouldn’t. Do not change
the meaning of the original sentences. (5 points)
1. It isn’t a good idea to wear sandals.

2. It’s necessary to read the instructions.

3. Our advice to athletes is to drink often.

4. Bob doesn’t know how to play tennis.

5. Don’t talk during the competition.

A Web Page
1 Read the web page. Then tick (✓) the sentences T (true),
F (false) or the DS (the text doesn’t say). (10 points)
2 The Jungle Ultra
The Jungle Ultra is an extreme five-day running event in the Amazon. It is one of the most difficult ultra-marathons in the
Athletes start the race in Cloud Forest in Peru. They run through the forest in temperatures of 40°C, and they also climb over
hills. There is often heavy rain, so the ground can be wet. In some places it’s very dark, and it’s difficult for the athletes to
see the dangerous animals, such as snakes and spiders, around them. Worst of all, athletes must cross 70 rivers along the
route. Man-eating reptiles live in some of these rivers, so the journey across is very dangerous.
Participants must maintain their energy during the race. They should eat well, but they can’t carry large quantities of food.
What do the runners eat during the race? Rice, bananas and oranges can give the runners energy. Energy bars are also a
good idea and are easy to carry. The runners must carry a bottle of water, and they should drink often.
The Jungle Ultra is an amazing experience, but most people can’t imagine participating in this very difficult and dangerous

1. The athletes complete the race in a week.
2. The athletes run in very dry conditions.
3. The runners can’t always see animals.
4. The athletes can find fruit in the jungle.
5. They must carry their food.

2 Complete the sentences. (10 points)

1. The race begins in .
2. The temperature in the forest is .
3. It sometimes during the race.
4. In some places, there are in the water.
5. The athletes get energy from .

5 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs or adjectives in brackets. Use the Present Simple,
Present Continuous, comparative adjectives, superlative adjectives, (not) as … as or adverbs. (5 points)
1. A sweater is (warm) a T-shirt.
2. We usually (eat) eggs for breakfast.
3. I love this restaurant. They’ve got (good) food in town.
4. The girls (go) swimming now.
5. I think volleyball is boring. It’s (exciting) basketball.
6. What programme you (watch) now?
7. Hal (not want) any dinner.
8. The pie and the cake are the same size. The cake is (big) the pie.
9. you (do) judo every day?
10. I must run (quick) to school. I’m late.

6 Correct the mistakes. (5 points)

1. They haven’t got some sugar.

2. There are some rice in the cupboard.

3. Kim has got any trainers.

4. Jim doesn’t having lunch now.

5. You shouldn’t to wear those trousers.

6. The boys often play football?

7. The sports centre aren’t far from here.

8. Is there any tomatoes in the fridge?

9. You can swim far?

10. Those is a beautiful skirt

7 Rewrite the sentences with the correct form of the words in brackets. (5 points)
1. The sandals are smaller than the trainers. (not as … as)

2. I don’t know how to swim. (can)

3. Tim is a very good football player. (play, good)

4. Climbing here is prohibited. (must)

5. It’s not a good idea to go swimming here. (should)

6. Kate is a fast runner. (can, quick)

7. The skirt isn’t as beautiful as the dress. (more)

8. We haven’t got any potatoes. (there are)

9. The athletes need eight hours sleep. (should)

10. It is necessary for competitors to register online. (must)

8 Complete the sentences. Write one or two words in each space. (5 points)
1. There is juice on the table.
2. You ride your bike here! It’s dangerous!
3. They don’t want Ron in their basketball team. He plays really .
4. You don’t need a shirt and jacket at this restaurant. You wear your T-shirt.
5. We doing sport at the moment. We’re at the shopping centre.
6. What do you think? I wear the blue or the black skirt?
7. Jake prefer hamburgers or hot dogs?
8. I got any sandals. I only wear trainers.
9. Liz always wears black shirts, but shoes are red.
10. any football shorts in this shop?

9 Choose the correct answers to complete the text. (10 points)

your lucky shoes at the moment? According to some athletes, lucky
routines help 2. perform better in competitions. In fact, they believe that they
win a game without them! For example, tennis player Serena Williams
believes that she 4. change her socks during a tournament. So, she wears the
same socks for all the games. She also believes she 5. forget to bring her
lucky shower sandals to each game. But basketball player Jason Terry has got
the 6. routine of all. The night before a game, he 7. in the basketball shorts
of his opponents! He always eats chicken before a game, too. Terry plays
9. 10.
very . So, maybe routines really are lucky!

1. a. Are you wearing b. You wear c. Do you wear

2. a. their b. it c. them
3. a. should b. must c. can’t
4. a. can b. should c. shouldn’t
5. a. can b. mustn’t c. should
6. a. more unusual b. as usual as c. most unusual
7. a. sleep b. sleeps c. is sleeping
8. a. some b. any c. an
9. a. good b. well c. best
10. a. its b. him c. his

5 Complete the sentences about animals with can or can’t.
1. A fish swim.
2. Rabbits fly.
3. A frog jump.
4. Birds make their homes in high places.
5. Whales live on land.
6. Snakes haven’t got legs, so they walk.

6 Complete the sentences with the adverb form of the adjectives below.
happy • easy • bad • high • far • quick
1. Joe is a slow runner. He can’t run .
2. The boys love karate. They go to karate lessons twice a week.
3. I travel 30 kilometres a day on my bike, so I can ride 20 kilometres .
4. I’m a terrible football player. I play really .
5. Our dog jumps over a two-metre wall. He can jump very .
6. Pam sometimes walks 45 kilometres to the coast. She can walk .

7 Write questions with the words below. Use can and the adverb form of the adjectives.
Then answer the questions about yourself.
1. play / basketball / good

2. catch / a ball / easy

3. swim / fast

4. throw / a ball / far

5. dance / beautiful

4 Read the rules for a fashion competition. Then complete the sentences with must, mustn’t and the verbs in brackets.

1. Participants (make) a dress or skirt.

2. Participants (use) plastic bags.
3. Participants (send) their forms after
15th August.
4. Participants (include) a picture with
their forms.
5. Participants (copy) other people’s

5 Complete the sentences with should or shouldn’t.

1. You wear a hat on your head in the sun.
2. You go running in those sandals! Wear your trainers.
3. You bring a sweater. The weather is cool.
4. It’s very cold in the mountains, so you take warm clothes.
5. Kay enter that dress in the competition. It isn’t as nice as the black dress.
6. We go into the restaurant in our swimsuits. Let’s change clothes.

6 Complete the text with the phrases below.

must wear • must be • should try • mustn’t let • shouldn’t enter • mustn’t fall
Athletes 1. competitions before learning the rules of their
sport, but some athletes don’t know them all.
Here are examples of some rules:
• Runners 2. shirts during races. A runner without a shirt
loses the race.
• Gymnasts 3. people see their underwear. It
the same colour as their clothes.
• In tennis competitions, players can wear a hat, but it 5.
off their head.
Athletes can lose competitions because they don’t know the rules, so they
to learn them.

5 Choose the correct answer.
1. Can’t / Can / Should I have a hamburger, please?
2. Rob is allergic to tomatoes, so he should / must / mustn’t eat them.
3. You should / can / mustn’t wash your hands before you prepare food.
4. They can’t / shouldn’t / mustn’t eat cake now. It’s almost time for dinner.
5. You can’t / shouldn’t / mustn’t bring pets into the restaurant. It’s prohibited.
6. We can / mustn’t / should try the new Italian restaurant. It’s got great reviews.

6 Complete the dialogue with can, can’t, must, mustn’t, should or shouldn’t.
Ross: Hi, Tina. 1. I have your lemon cake recipe, please?
Tina: I find it.
Ross: Oh, no! You 3. keep your recipes in a safe place.
I make a cake for a competition at school and
I need a good recipe.
Tina: You 5. look for a recipe on the Internet. You
have a problem finding one.
Ross: I haven’t got time to try a new recipe. Your lemon cake is the best.
Tina: Well, you 7. try my chocolate cake. It’s amazing.
Ross: According to the rules, we use any chocolate.
The recipe have fruit.
Tina: I see. I’ve got a great recipe for an orange cake. Do you want it?
Ross: Oh yes, please. 10. I come and get it now?
Tina: That isn’t necessary. I send it to you.

7 Complete the text with can, can’t, must, should or shouldn’t. Use each modal once.
All students 1. learn maths at school because it’s very important
in our lives. In fact, we measure, use money or design things
without it. On 14th March, there’s a special day, Pi Day, to celebrate maths. It’s
fun to organise a Pi Day celebration. You 3. play many types
of games, but all the games have a connection to maths or
to formulas with Pi. Some people aren’t good at maths, so the game
be too difficult.

3 Complete the sentences with the affirmative or negative form of was or were.
1. The 2010 earthquake in Haiti . a terrible disaster. About two million
people without homes.
2. Kate in Sri Lanka during the tsunami of 2004. Luckily, she and her
family near the beach, so Kate in danger.
3. The worst drought of the 21st century in 2011 in the Horn of Africa.
It possible to water vegetables or feed farm animals. So, millions of
people without food.
4. In 2008, the temperature in Afghanistan -30°C. There were snowstorms
around the country and thousands of homes under snow.

4 Look at the picture of a flood. Complete the sentences about the disaster with
the affirmative or negative form of there was or there were.
2. mountains in the area.
3. a shopping centre.
4. some trees in the area.
5. water in the streets.
6. animals in the area.

1. a flood.

5 Complete the questions with the correct form of was, were, there was or there were.
Then answer the questions about the disaster in Exercise 4.
1. the houses near a forest?
2. any cars in the water?

3. it daytime?

4. a church near the homes?

5. the man inside the house?

7 A celebrity is talking about his life. Complete the dialogue with the correct form of was or were. (3 points)
Interviewer: you a happy child?
Celebrity: No, I 2. . My brother and I 3. very young when our
mother died. I 4. only three! After that, we went to live with our aunt
and uncle.
Interviewer: Where 5. your father?
Celebrity: Our father 6. at home very often because he worked very hard.

8 Complete the sentences with the correct form of there was or there were. (3 points)
1. any rain last year.
2. some people in the house. We tried to save them.
3. a flood two years ago?
4. any trees after the fire.
5. How many avalanches last year?
6. a small boy in the car.

9 Complete the text with the correct form of was, were, there was or there were. (5 points)
Fifteen-year-old Pemba Tamang 1. at work in a hotel
in Katmandu. Suddenly, an earthquake. Tamang
3. 4.
in a small hole and any people in the
5. 6.
area to help him. water to drink and
some very small pieces of bread to eat. 7. some rescue
workers in the area, but they near Tamang’s hole. His calls
for help loud enough for them to hear. When they
discovered him five days later, they 10. amazed to see
him alive.

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