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University of Languages and International Studies

Vietnam National University, Hanoi




1. Bùi Châu Anh - 18061189
2. Nguyễn Thiên Hạnh Trang - 18050609

Hanoi, 13th August 2022.

UNIT 4: TELLING STORIES....................................................................................3
1. The transcript of conversation (written by students) with phonological mark.....3
UNIT 5: NATURE’S BEST.........................................................................................5
1. The transcript of conversation (written by students) with phonological mark.....5
UNIT 6: BREAKING CODES....................................................................................7
1. The transcript of conversation (written by students) with phonological mark.....7
UNIT 7: THE NEW SUPERPOWER........................................................................9
1. The transcript of conversation (written by students) with phonological mark.....9
1. The transcript of conversation (written by students) with phonological

Chau Anh: What’s your favorite holiday of the year?

Trang: Well, it’s not really a national holiday but the 1st of April, which is April
Fools’ Day, is my favorite. I love telling jokes so I can really unleash my creativity in
a hilarious way

Chau Anh: I think April Fools is fun too. But because I’m quite a gullible person, I
get tricked easily.

Trang: Yes, I can imagine. What’s the one prank that you remembered the most?

Chau Anh: Well, there’s this one time when my friend tricked me into going to school
on a day-off.

Trang: Really, how come?

Chau Anh: I was sleeping then suddenly my phone got bombarded with non-stop
calls and text messages from my friend telling me that I need to go to school as soon as
possible, or I would miss my examination.

Trang: You must’ve been so surprised. I’d freak out too.

Chau Anh: Yeah, I was scared stiff because if I miss that exam, I’d have to retake the
whole course. Usually, it took me forever to get ready for school but on that day, I
only needed 10 minutes.

Trang: And what happened when you got there?

Chau Anh: I rushed to the classroom and to my surprise, no one had shown up yet. At
first, I thought I was early but after I had been sitting there for 10 minutes, I called my
friend to ask what happened and she said: Happy April Fools Day!

Trang: Well, I guess you were pretty mad at your friend when you realized everything
turned out to be a joke?
Chau Anh: Of course, I yelled at her, but instead of apologizing, she said I should
chill out. We didn't speak to each other for 2 weeks after that, then I received a gift
and an apology letter written by her so we made up now.

- New York is an exciting place : sentence stress.

Vocabulary - Phrasal verbs: turned out

- Connecting words: because, instead of
- Ways of exaggerating: I was scared stiff, it took me

Grammar - Narrative verb forms: remembered, tricked, thought,...

- Past perfect continuous: I had been sitting
- Defining relative clauses: which, when
- Reduced relative clauses: written by her
- Real world: Well, Yes, I can imagine

1. The transcript of conversation (written by students) with phonological


Chau Anh: Have /v/ you come /m/ up with /th/ any ideas for /r/ our presentation? We
will be talking /ng/ about the environment.

Trang: Um, let me think. How /w/ about ways to save the environment?

Chau Anh: Ok. So we will divide the solutions /s/ into 2 categories: government /t/
and /d/ individuals.

Trang: That sounds good. We should focus /s/ on the government since they play a
vital role /l/ in protecting the environment, such /ch/ as giving punishments to /t/ any
companies /s/ or /r/ individuals that have /v/ illegal /l/ and /d/ unethical /l/ actions
towards the environment.

Chau Anh: True, only governments have the authority to compel them to implement
reasonable pollution control measures.

Trang: Not /t/ only that, to raise knowledge /dʒ/ about /t/ environmental protection,
the government can /n/ add /d/ a lesson /n/ on /n/ environmental protection to the
school curriculum.

Chau Anh: Yes, but then /n/ again /n/ individuals can also make /k/ a big difference.
For /r/ example, the biggest contributor /r/ of global warming, greenhouse gasses,
mostly come from human /n/ activities.

Trang: What solutions for /r/ individuals should we talk /k/ about? There /r/ are so
many ways /s/ and we don’t have time to talk /k/ about /t/ all /l/ of them

Chau Anh: Well, we should focus /s/ on the most /t/ effective ways. Such /ch/ as
disposing /g/ of garbage appropriately

Trang: Ok, so I think we should start doing /g/our project now /w/ or we won’t
have /v/ enough time.

Chau Anh: Yes,/s/ I agree.

Trang: I will do the part /t/ about the government, yours /s/ is the individual's part.

- What /t/ is /s/ it /t/ about?: Linking sounds.

Vocabulary - plants and gardens: greenhouse

- back referencing: they, them
- adj for giving opinions: illegal,
unethical, sustainable
Grammar - ways of comparing: a big
- future verb forms: will
- future continuous: will be talking
- Real world: Um, let me think;
Yes, but then again
1. The transcript of conversation (written by students) with phonological

Chau Anh: Sorry to disturb you. I was wondering if I could see you for a moment.

Trang: No problem. I am happy to help. What's going on?

Chau Anh: It doesn't take a long time. I want to take some advice from you about my

Trang: Please go ahead!

Chau Anh: I need to improve my English fast. I need to have C2 level English for my
new job and I don't know what to do.

Trang: So in my opinion, one of your main problem areas is listening comprehension.

You should spend time watching films and TV series only in English, and listen to
podcasts too.

Chau Anh: That's a great idea. I often watch movies in English but I have never
listened to a podcast.

Trang: Hm, Your pronunciation is good, but you are still a bit self- conscious when
you are speaking. How about practicing more? I dare say you will be sure to be more
open-minded, and your English will be better.

Chau Anh: Okay I will do that, What other problems do I have?

Trang: No, that's all. and don't forget. You must speak English at all times during
class, and you will have to study hard if you want to reach C2 level but you shouldn't
worry. I dare say you can do it.

Chau Anh: I hope so. Thank you so much.

Trang: You are welcome.

- New York is an exciting place : sentence stress.

Vocabulary - Compound adjectives describing character: self-

conscious, open- minded.
- Phrase verb with take: take a long time, take some

Grammar - Uses of verb+ ing: listening comprehension, spend

time watching films and TV series only in English,
practicing more.
- Modal verb: should, shouldn't.
- Levels of certainty about the future:
+ I dare say you will be sure to be more open-
minded, and your English will be better.
+ I dare say you can do it.
- Real world: Polite interruption.
1. The transcript of conversation (written by students) with phonological mark

Chau Anh: Hello Trang, where are / ə/ you now? I think we agreed to /tə /meet at /ət/
8 o'clock at /ət/ the / ðə/ cinema to /tə/ buy tickets for our favorite movie.

Trang: I'm /əm/ on my way there. My place is just a / ə/ few blocks from you.

Chau Anh: Hurry up! You know I really like this movie and /ənd/ I've been waiting
for /fə/ a /ə/ year. So I don't want to /tə/ miss this time.

Trang: Don't worry! I have booked 2 movie tickets online for us. We won't have to
/tə/ wait in line to /tə/ buy tickets anymore, just arrive on time and /ənd/ watch the /ðə/

Chau Anh: How did you pre-order our tickets through the /ðə/ Internet?

Trang: Well, I logged into the /ðə/ official website, selected the /ðə/ movie we want to
/tə/ watch, then selected the /ðə/ appropriate seat row and /ənd/ time. Finally, I
proceeded to /tə/ pay online and /ənd/ that's it.

Chau Anh: So we don't need to /tə/ queue to /tə/ buy tickets anymore, we can use the
Internet to /tə/ book movie tickets in advance.

Trang: Yeah. The Internet makes life so much easier. Since you're /ə/ early, can you
buy some popcorn?

Chau Anh: Sorry. I did not get any of that. It's a /ə/ bad line.

Trang: I said you should buy popcorn first, and /ənd/ wait for/ fə/ me inside the
cinema. I am coming.

Chau Anh: I keep losing you. Would you like me to / tə/ phone you back?

Trang: That'd be great.


- /frəm/: weak form.

- New York is an exciting place : sentence stress

Vocabulary - The internet: online, through the Internet, logged

into, official website.
- Prefixes: pre-ordered.

Grammar - Single and continuous aspects:

+ I've been waiting for a year.
+ I have booked 2 movie tickets online for us.
- State verb:
+ You know I really like this movie.
+ So I don't want to miss this time.
- Real world: Problems on the phone.

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