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Abu Dhabi Certification Scheme for

Pool Lifeguard

Assessment and Surveillance Plan for Pool Lifeguard

Issue: 1.0
Date: 01/09/2015
Total Number of Pages: 12
Table of Contents










I. APPENDIX 1: Glossary of Terms

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Amendment Page

To ensure that each controlled copy of this ASP contains a complete record of
amendments, the Amendment Page is updated and issued with each set of revised/new
pages of the document. Details of the procedures for amending this document are given
in the foreword section of this document.

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1 01/09/2015 Full document - - 12 1.0

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About the Abu Dhabi Quality and Conformity Council

The Abu Dhabi Quality and Conformity Council (QCC) was established by law No. 3 of
2009, issued by His Highness Sheikh Khalifa Bin Zayed Al Nahyan, President of the UAE
and Ruler of Abu Dhabi.

QCC is responsible for the development of Abu Dhabi Emirate’s Quality Infrastructure,
which enables industry and regulators to ensure that products, systems and personnel
can be tested and certified to UAE and International Standards.

Certified personnel by QCC receive the Certificate of Conformity with the Abu Dhabi
Trustmark. The Trustmark of the QCC is designed to communicate that a person or
system conforms to various health, safety, performance and environmental standards
that are set by Abu Dhabi regulators.


The Pool Lifeguard Conformity Scheme was developed through consultation with
regulators and industry. It enables individuals and firms offering lifeguarding services to
obtain voluntary certification that meet the Abu Dhabi requirements.

The scheme has been specified for P.

QCC in its capacity as a conformity assessment body will provide third-party conformity
assessment to participants and objects.

For clarification of terms and definitions, please refer to APPENDIX 2

A Trustmark and license will be granted to persons that achieve certification. The
Trustmark may be used in conjunction with reference to the appropriate QCC information
to market the services of the object.

Certification is dependent on the successful completion of formal testing in accredited

centres that fulfil the mentioned requirements (item 4.2). The Certificate of Conformity
enables service providers to present evidence of meeting standards as specified for Abu
Dhabi's qualifications framework.

The Certificate of Conformity indicates that select objects’ skills meet standards as
specified by Abu Dhabi and the UAE. The inspectors of the relevant regulators actively
ensure that the integrity of the certificate is maintained through the inspection of work
completed by certified objects.

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2.1 UAE Technical Requirements

Technical requirements contain information on the skills required of applicants. The

knowledge of the applicants must cover the skills stated in the occupational terms
referred to below:

2.1.1 UAE Technical Requirement Training material/program must be approved by an awarding body that
is accredited by the International Life Saving Society (ILS), Royal Life
Saving Society (RLSS), Ellis and Associates International Lifeguard Training
Program, and equivalent.

2.1.2 First Aid Requirements HAAD first aid standard Ref: PHR/HRM/FA/0.9 - Issue date: December
2010 Titled: HAAD Standard for First Aid Training
%3D&tabid=819 First Aid course accredited by Dubai Corporation for Ambulance
Services (DCAS)

2.2 Codes of Practice

Codes of practice are derived from the Abu Dhabi EHSMS and contain specific healthy and
safety requirements as stated by the centre. General knowledge of the CoPs is
recommended when relevant.
The CoPs may be found at:

2.2.1 Relevant Codes of Practice CoP 11.0 Safety in Heat CoP 1.0 Hazardous Materials CoP 2.0 Personal Protective Equipment CoP 14.1 Manual Tasks Involving the Handling of People CoP 4.0 First Aid and Medical Treatment CoP 6.0 Emergency Management Requirements CoP 8.0 General Workplace Amenities CoP 45.0 Underwater Activities


3.1 General requirements

The general requirements are contained in the following QCC documents:

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3.1.1 Terms and conditions for general use of Trustmark
3.1.2 Terms and conditions for certification of personnel and licence of the logo

3.2 Test Requirements

In order to gain certification, the applicant shall pursue any of the options stated below to
participate in an occupational training and examination necessary to complete the
assessment plan:

3.2.1 International testing centres Testing centres certified by awarding bodies recognized by ADQCC Test material must cover the requirements outlined in
section 3 The test report submitted must not be older than 12 months
on the day of submission The assessor of the candidates must not be the same person
that performed the training Assessor certification must meet the requirements set out in
section, or in a course that is equivalent
or higher than the course being assessed The centre must have record of audits performed on it by
the certifying awarding body Must fulfil the requirements of ISO 9001 or show proof of an
effective quality management system

3.2.2 UAE testing centres Testing centres certified by awarding bodies recognized by ADQCC Test material must cover the requirements outlined
in section 3 The test report submitted must not be older than 12
months on the day of submission The assessor of the candidates must not be the same
person that performed the training Assessor certification must meet the requirements
set out in sections, or in a course that
is equivalent or higher than the course being assessed The centre must have record of audits performed on
it by the certifying awarding body Centre must be licensed by KHDA, ACTIVET of the
equivalent in other emirates if applicable

Page 6 of 12 Centre must have a UAE business license if the centre
functions in a commercial capacity Must fulfil the requirements of ISO 9001 or show
proof of an effective quality management system Independent Test Centres Recognized by ADQCC Centre must be licensed by KHDA, ACTVET of the
equivalent in other Emirates if applicable Centre must have a UAE business license if the centre
functions in a commercial capacity Must fulfil the requirements of ISO 9001 or show
proof of an effective quality management system Test material must cover the requirements outlined
in section 3 The test report submitted must not be older than 12
months on the day of submission The assessor of the candidates must not be the same
person that performed the training Assessor certification must meet the requirements
set out in sections, or in a course that
is equivalent or higher than the course being assessed A certified assessment (training & testing) centre, which is

recommended by the industry regulator as a primary provider for the
assessment material Centre must be licensed by KHDA, ACTVET of the
equivalent in other Emirates if applicable Centre must have a UAE business license if the centre
functions in a commercial capacity Must fulfil the requirements of ISO 9001 or show
proof of an effective quality management system Test material must cover the requirements outlined
in section 3 The test report submitted must not be older than 12
months on the day of submission The assessor of the candidates must not be the same
person that performed the training Assessor certification must meet the requirements
set out in sections, or in a course that
is equivalent or higher than the course being assessed
3.3 International Certification

International certification bodies certifying lifeguards in Abu Dhabi are exempt from the first aid
requirements as stated above

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3.3.1 First aid certification First aid courses must be recognized by the local government body of the
international certification centre or follow the state requirements for first
aid courses Individual centres will be assessed and the approval of said centres is
subject to QCC verification Instructors of first aid must be certified and/or registered as required by
the local governments of the certification bodies International centres that function in countries where no regulation exists
are subject to the UAE requirements
3.3.2 Skills certification Requirements for skills certification are set out in section 4.2.1 International certification bodies may choose to apply for the QCC to
waive certain requirements Waiver of requirements is subject to QCC approval and QCC has the right
to deny or approve waivers for centres individually
3.4 Special Cases

If a centre does not have ILS, RLSS, Ellis & Associates recognition or certification by a body that is
have ILS, RLSS, Ellis & Associates recognized it may still apply for QCC recognition.

Centres that apply for ‘Special Recognition’ status must submit all documentation to the QCC and
are subject to QCC inspection.

Special Recognition is granted to centres on QCC discretion, any decision made on these grounds
cannot be challenged by the applicant. If an applicant is unsuccessful the applicant may reapply
immediately after rejection should the applicant provide evidence of change towards QCC


The assessment is based on the submitted documents (Individual application, complete

test results and identification documents), which are evaluated for compliance to
referenced standards as well as consistency, completeness and overall quality.

4.1 Successful certification is dependent on the successful completion of tests that meet
the requirements mentioned above.
4.2 Successful completion of tests that adhere to section 4.2 of the scheme is the primary
requirement of QCC certification


Identification is necessary for the verification of the identities of applicants and to ensure
effective service to applicants

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5.1 Within the UAE
5.1.1 Each person applying for certification must provide clear and legible copies of
government issued Emirates ID

5.2 International applicant

5.2.1 An application coming from international centres will only be processed once
applicants submit government issued identification. The government issued
identification in this case will be a passport copy
5.2.2 The certification of international applicants will be tentative pending the
submission of Emirates ID


Surveillance is in place to ensure that test centres and individuals comply with the test
criteria set out in section 4.2 of this document and the acceptable performance levels.

6.1 General—test centres

6.1.1 The surveillance and audit requirements listed under this section shall be
applied to the test centres or awarding bodies. The validity of a certificate may
be required to be demonstrated; this may include the validity of the
accreditation of the issuer.
6.1.2 Continued proof of certification is required for continued QCC acceptance

6.2 Quality Management System (QMS) Audits—test centres

6.2.1 Proof of continued compliance (certification) is to be presented to QCC when
required or 60 days after expiry of the submitted ISO 9001 certification
(whichever comes first).
6.3 Individuals
6.3.1 Inspection on the performance of individuals will be conducted by the relevant
regulatory/security authorities
6.3.2 Any incident during the service provided will open the driver to a performance
6.3.3 Driver may be held liable if inadequate performance or carelessness is
determined to cause harm to property or person


Punitive actions are taken against centres that break the requirements outlined by the

7.1 Declaration of Conformity

7.1.1 Breach of the signed declaration of compliance will result in a lifetime ban of
said testing centre from all QCC certification schemes present and future

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7.2 Certification requirements
7.2.1 Failure to meet the stated requirements will result in failure of application into
QCC certification schemes until said requirement is met
7.2.2 Failure to renew certification stated in section 4 will result in a temporary block
on acceptance until the required certification is once again met


Appeals may be made through direct contact of the QCC in any of the three cases stated

8.1 Application rejection

8.1.1 If an application is rejected, the reason for rejection will be submitted to the
concerned party.
8.1.2 If the concerned party wishes to object to the rejection, it should contact the
QCC with all supporting documentation. The appeal will be reviewed and the
rejection may be withdrawn if satisfactory.
8.1.3 The rejection will be on hold within the 12 month period of the certifications
should there be any missing documents. Once the missing documents are
submitted, the application will be processed again. If the material is handed
in after the 12 months stated period, the application will be rejected and the
applicant must re-apply

8.2 Centre recognition rejection

8.2.1 A centre may be rejected from the approved centres list if it does not meet
the criteria stated in this document
8.2.2 The reason for rejection will be made clear to the applying test centre
8.2.3 If a centre believes it is wrongfully rejected it may appeal the decision with
supporting documents

8.3 Punitive Action

8.3.1 A punitive action will only be taken for breaches of the requirements
8.3.2 The reason for punitive action will be made clear to the concerned body
8.3.3 If a centre believes it has been unfairly punished, it may appeal with
supporting documents
8.3.4 If the centre corrects the actions that has led to punitive action, it may
reapply for approval status with supporting documentation

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(All definitions are derived from ISO 17000 and ISO 17024. The final three are occupation

1. Object - a particular material, product, service, installation, process, system,

person or body in the context of conformity assessment
2. Body - refers to conformity assessment bodies or accreditation bodies. Otherwise,
the term “organization” is used in its general meaning, as in the ISO 9000
3. Conformity assessment - demonstration that specified requirements relating to a
product, process, system, person or body are fulfilled
4. First-party conformity assessment - conformity assessment activity that is
performed by the person or organization that provides the object
5. Second-party conformity assessment - conformity assessment activity that is
performed by a person or organization that has a user interest in the object
6. Third-party conformity assessment - conformity assessment activity that is
performed by a person or body that is independent of the person or organization
that provides the object, and of user interests in that object
7. Conformity assessment body - body that performs conformity assessment
services (an accreditation body is not a conformity assessment body)
8. Accreditation body - authoritative body that performs accreditation
9. conformity assessment system - rules, procedures and management for carrying
out conformity assessment
10. Conformity assessment scheme/program - conformity assessment system related
to specified objects of conformity assessment, to which the same specified
requirements, specific rules and procedures apply
11. Participant - body that operates under the applicable rules without having the
opportunity to take part in the management of the system or scheme
12. Review - verification of the suitability, adequacy and effectiveness of selection
and determination activities, and the results of these activities, with regard to
fulfilment of specified requirements by an object of conformity assessment
13. Attestation - issue of a statement, based on a decision following review, that
fulfilment of specified requirements has been demonstrated. The resulting
statement is a “statement of conformity,” it conveys the assurance that the
specified requirements have been fulfilled. Such an assurance does not, of itself,
afford contractual or other legal guarantees.
14. Certification - third-party attestation related to products, processes, systems or

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15. Accreditation - third-party attestation related to a conformity assessment body
conveying formal demonstration of its competence to carry out specific
conformity assessment tasks
16. Suspension - temporary invalidation of the statement of conformity for all or part
of the specified scope of attestation
17. Withdrawal - revocation cancellation of the statement of conformity
18. Appeal - request by the provider of the object of conformity assessment to the
conformity assessment body or accreditation body for reconsideration by that
body of a decision it has made relating to that object
19. Equivalence - equivalence of conformity assessment results sufficiency of
different conformity assessment results to provide the same level of assurance of
conformity with regard to the same specified requirement

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