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Mikylla Jane Marbella BSBA Microfinance 1-A

Understanding the Self

The philosopher that piqued my interest the most is St. Augustine.

St. Augustine was a philosopher and theologian who lived in the fourth and fifth centuries AD. He wrote
extensively on the concept of the self, arguing that every person has an inner life that is distinct from the
external world. According to Augustine, the self is not just a physical body or a collection of thoughts and
feelings, but rather a complex and multifaceted entity that includes both the body and the soul.

One way in which Augustine's ideas on the self could shape a person is by encouraging them to reflect
on their inner life and cultivate a deeper understanding of themselves. By recognizing the complexity of
their own being, individuals may be more likely to approach challenges and decisions with greater self-
awareness and insight.

Additionally, Augustine's concept of the self emphasizes the importance of personal responsibility and
accountability. According to Augustine, individuals are responsible for their own actions and must seek
to live virtuous life in order to achieve happiness and fulfillment. This recognition of personal
responsibility may encourage individuals to take ownership of their choices and strive for personal
growth and development.

Overall, I believe that the concepts explored by St. Augustine can certainly help individuals to better
understand themselves and to cultivate a sense of personal responsibility and accountability.

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