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Formative Assessment 4

Instruction [Individual]: Read and analyze the case provided and complete case questions

1. What is Eatigo's Value proposition? What pain points does it solve? What benefits do
customers gain?
2. Draw Eatigo’s Value proposition canvas
3. How different is Eatigo from conventional restaurant booking? How different is Eatigo
from other restaurant reservation platforms such as Chope and OpenTable? How
different is Eatigo from social buying sites such as Groupon/Fave?
4. If you were in Judy's position, what would be your analysis of this situation and what
decision action(s) would you take? Why?
5. Create Eatigo’s Customer Persona by providing the 10 points discussed on the lectures

[Per Group]
1. Create your start up’s Customer persona by providing the 10 points discussed on the
2. State your start up’s Value proposition
3. Draw your start up’s Value proposition canvas

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